using System.Text.Json; using Bit.Core.Auth.Enums; using Bit.Core.Auth.Models; using Bit.Core.Entities; using Bit.Test.Common.Helpers; using Xunit; namespace Bit.Core.Test.Entities; public class UserTests { // KB MB GB public const long Multiplier = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; [Fact] public void StorageBytesRemaining_HasMax_DoesNotHaveStorage_ReturnsMaxAsBytes() { short maxStorageGb = 1; var user = new User { MaxStorageGb = maxStorageGb, Storage = null, }; var bytesRemaining = user.StorageBytesRemaining(); Assert.Equal(bytesRemaining, maxStorageGb * Multiplier); } [Theory] [InlineData(2, 1 * Multiplier, 1 * Multiplier)] public void StorageBytesRemaining_HasMax_HasStorage_ReturnRemainingStorage(short maxStorageGb, long storageBytes, long expectedRemainingBytes) { var user = new User { MaxStorageGb = maxStorageGb, Storage = storageBytes, }; var bytesRemaining = user.StorageBytesRemaining(); Assert.Equal(expectedRemainingBytes, bytesRemaining); } private static readonly Dictionary _testTwoFactorConfig = new Dictionary { [TwoFactorProviderType.WebAuthn] = new TwoFactorProvider { Enabled = true, MetaData = new Dictionary { ["Item"] = "thing", }, }, [TwoFactorProviderType.Email] = new TwoFactorProvider { Enabled = false, MetaData = new Dictionary { ["Email"] = "", }, }, }; [Fact] public void SetTwoFactorProviders_Success() { var user = new User(); user.SetTwoFactorProviders(_testTwoFactorConfig); using var jsonDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(user.TwoFactorProviders); var root = jsonDocument.RootElement; var webAuthn = AssertHelper.AssertJsonProperty(root, "7", JsonValueKind.Object); AssertHelper.AssertJsonProperty(webAuthn, "Enabled", JsonValueKind.True); var webMetaData = AssertHelper.AssertJsonProperty(webAuthn, "MetaData", JsonValueKind.Object); AssertHelper.AssertJsonProperty(webMetaData, "Item", JsonValueKind.String); var email = AssertHelper.AssertJsonProperty(root, "1", JsonValueKind.Object); AssertHelper.AssertJsonProperty(email, "Enabled", JsonValueKind.False); var emailMetaData = AssertHelper.AssertJsonProperty(email, "MetaData", JsonValueKind.Object); AssertHelper.AssertJsonProperty(emailMetaData, "Email", JsonValueKind.String); } [Fact] public void GetTwoFactorProviders_Success() { // This is to get rid of the cached dictionary the SetTwoFactorProviders keeps so we can fully test the JSON reading // It intent is to mimic a storing of the entity in the database and it being read later var tempUser = new User(); tempUser.SetTwoFactorProviders(_testTwoFactorConfig); var user = new User { TwoFactorProviders = tempUser.TwoFactorProviders, }; var twoFactorProviders = user.GetTwoFactorProviders(); var webAuthn = Assert.Contains(TwoFactorProviderType.WebAuthn, (IDictionary)twoFactorProviders); Assert.True(webAuthn.Enabled); Assert.NotNull(webAuthn.MetaData); var webAuthnMetaDataItem = Assert.Contains("Item", (IDictionary)webAuthn.MetaData); Assert.Equal("thing", webAuthnMetaDataItem); var email = Assert.Contains(TwoFactorProviderType.Email, (IDictionary)twoFactorProviders); Assert.False(email.Enabled); Assert.NotNull(email.MetaData); var emailMetaDataEmail = Assert.Contains("Email", (IDictionary)email.MetaData); Assert.Equal("", emailMetaDataEmail); } [Fact] public void GetTwoFactorProviders_SavedWithName_Success() { var user = new User(); // This should save items with the string name of the enum and we will validate that we can read // from that just incase some users have it saved that way. user.TwoFactorProviders = JsonSerializer.Serialize(_testTwoFactorConfig); // Preliminary Asserts to make sure we are testing what we want to be testing using var jsonDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(user.TwoFactorProviders); var root = jsonDocument.RootElement; // This means it saved the enum as its string name AssertHelper.AssertJsonProperty(root, "WebAuthn", JsonValueKind.Object); AssertHelper.AssertJsonProperty(root, "Email", JsonValueKind.Object); // Actual checks var twoFactorProviders = user.GetTwoFactorProviders(); var webAuthn = Assert.Contains(TwoFactorProviderType.WebAuthn, (IDictionary)twoFactorProviders); Assert.True(webAuthn.Enabled); Assert.NotNull(webAuthn.MetaData); var webAuthnMetaDataItem = Assert.Contains("Item", (IDictionary)webAuthn.MetaData); Assert.Equal("thing", webAuthnMetaDataItem); var email = Assert.Contains(TwoFactorProviderType.Email, (IDictionary)twoFactorProviders); Assert.False(email.Enabled); Assert.NotNull(email.MetaData); var emailMetaDataEmail = Assert.Contains("Email", (IDictionary)email.MetaData); Assert.Equal("", emailMetaDataEmail); } }