-- This script will enable collection enhancements for organizations that don't have Collection Enhancements enabled. -- Step 1: Create a temporary table to store the Organizations with FlexibleCollections = 0 SELECT [Id] AS [OrganizationId] INTO #TempOrg FROM [dbo].[Organization] WHERE [FlexibleCollections] = 0 -- Step 2: Execute the stored procedure for each OrganizationId DECLARE @OrganizationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER; DECLARE OrgCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT [OrganizationId] FROM #TempOrg; OPEN OrgCursor; FETCH NEXT FROM OrgCursor INTO @OrganizationId; WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN -- Execute the stored procedure for the current OrganizationId EXEC [dbo].[Organization_EnableCollectionEnhancements] @OrganizationId; -- Update the Organization to set FlexibleCollections = 1 UPDATE [dbo].[Organization] SET [FlexibleCollections] = 1 WHERE [Id] = @OrganizationId; FETCH NEXT FROM OrgCursor INTO @OrganizationId; END; CLOSE OrgCursor; DEALLOCATE OrgCursor; -- Step 3: Drop the temporary table DROP TABLE #TempOrg;