using Bit.Migrator; using CommandDotNet; internal class Program { private static int Main(string[] args) { return new AppRunner().Run(args); } [DefaultCommand] public int Execute( [Operand(Description = "Database connection string")] string databaseConnectionString, [Option('r', "repeatable", Description = "Mark scripts as repeatable")] bool repeatable = false, [Option('f', "folder", Description = "Folder name of database scripts")] string folderName = MigratorConstants.DefaultMigrationsFolderName, [Option('d', "dry-run", Description = "Print the scripts that will be applied without actually executing them")] bool dryRun = false, [Option("no-transaction", Description = "Run without adding transaction per script or all scripts")] bool noTransactionMigration = false ) { return MigrateDatabase(databaseConnectionString, repeatable, folderName, dryRun, noTransactionMigration) ? 0 : -1; } private static bool MigrateDatabase(string databaseConnectionString, bool repeatable = false, string folderName = "", bool dryRun = false, bool noTransactionMigration = false) { var migrator = new DbMigrator(databaseConnectionString, noTransactionMigration: noTransactionMigration); bool success; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(folderName)) { success = migrator.MigrateMsSqlDatabaseWithRetries(true, repeatable, folderName, dryRun: dryRun); } else { success = migrator.MigrateMsSqlDatabaseWithRetries(true, repeatable, dryRun: dryRun); } return success; } }