using DbUp; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Net.Http; using System.Reflection; using System.IO; namespace Bit.Setup { public class Program { private static string[] _args = null; private static IDictionary _parameters = null; private static Guid? _installationId = null; private static string _installationKey = null; private static string _hostOs = "win"; private static string _coreVersion = "latest"; private static string _webVersion = "latest"; public static void Main(string[] args) { _args = args; _parameters = ParseParameters(); if(_parameters.ContainsKey("os")) { _hostOs = _parameters["os"]; } if(_parameters.ContainsKey("corev")) { _coreVersion = _parameters["corev"]; } if(_parameters.ContainsKey("webv")) { _webVersion = _parameters["webv"]; } if(_parameters.ContainsKey("install")) { Install(); } else if(_parameters.ContainsKey("update")) { Update(); } else if(_parameters.ContainsKey("printenv")) { PrintEnvironment(); } else { Console.WriteLine("No top-level command detected. Exiting..."); } } private static void Install() { var outputDir = _parameters.ContainsKey("out") ? _parameters["out"].ToLowerInvariant() : "/etc/bitwarden"; var domain = _parameters.ContainsKey("domain") ? _parameters["domain"].ToLowerInvariant() : "localhost"; var letsEncrypt = _parameters.ContainsKey("letsencrypt") ? _parameters["letsencrypt"].ToLowerInvariant() == "y" : false; if(!ValidateInstallation()) { return; } var ssl = letsEncrypt; if(!letsEncrypt) { Console.Write("(!) Do you have a SSL certificate to use? (y/n): "); ssl = Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant() == "y"; if(ssl) { Directory.CreateDirectory($"/bitwarden/ssl/{domain}/"); Console.WriteLine("Make sure 'certificate.crt' and 'private.key' are provided in the " + "appropriate directory (see docs for info)."); } } var identityCertPassword = Helpers.SecureRandomString(32, alpha: true, numeric: true); var certBuilder = new CertBuilder(domain, identityCertPassword, letsEncrypt, ssl); var selfSignedSsl = certBuilder.BuildForInstall(); ssl = certBuilder.Ssl; // Ssl prop can get flipped during the build var url = ssl ? $"https://{domain}" : $"http://{domain}"; Console.Write("(!) Do you want to use the default ports for HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443)? (y/n): "); var defaultPorts = Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant() == "y"; int httpPort = default(int), httpsPort = default(int); if(!defaultPorts) { Console.Write("(!) HTTP port: "); if(int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant().Trim(), out httpPort)) { if(ssl) { Console.Write("(!) HTTPS port: "); if(int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant().Trim(), out httpsPort)) { if(httpsPort != 443) { url += (":" + httpsPort); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid HTTPS port."); httpPort = httpsPort = default(int); } } else if(httpPort != 80) { url += (":" + httpPort); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid HTTP port."); } } Console.Write("(!) Is your installation behind a reverse proxy? (y/n): "); var reverseProxy = Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant() == "y"; if(reverseProxy) { Console.Write("(!) Do you use the default ports on your reverse proxy (80/443)? (y/n): "); var proxyDefaultPorts = Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant() == "y"; if(proxyDefaultPorts) { url = ssl ? $"https://{domain}" : $"http://{domain}"; } else { int httpReversePort = default(int), httpsReversePort = default(int); Console.Write("(!) Proxy HTTP port: "); if(int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant().Trim(), out httpReversePort)) { if(ssl) { Console.Write("(!) Proxy HTTPS port: "); if(int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant().Trim(), out httpsReversePort)) { if(httpsReversePort != 443) { url += (":" + httpsReversePort); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid proxy HTTPS port."); httpReversePort = httpsReversePort = default(int); } } else if(httpReversePort != 80) { url += (":" + httpReversePort); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid proxy HTTP port."); } } } Console.Write("(!) Do you want to use push notifications? (y/n): "); var push = Console.ReadLine().ToLowerInvariant() == "y"; var nginxBuilder = new NginxConfigBuilder(domain, url, ssl, selfSignedSsl, letsEncrypt); nginxBuilder.BuildForInstaller(); var environmentFileBuilder = new EnvironmentFileBuilder { DatabasePassword = Helpers.SecureRandomString(32), Domain = domain, IdentityCertPassword = identityCertPassword, InstallationId = _installationId, InstallationKey = _installationKey, OutputDirectory = outputDir, Push = push, Url = url }; environmentFileBuilder.BuildForInstaller(); var appSettingsBuilder = new AppSettingsBuilder(); appSettingsBuilder.Build(); var appIdBuilder = new AppIdBuilder(url); appIdBuilder.Build(); var dockerComposeBuilder = new DockerComposeBuilder(_hostOs, _webVersion, _coreVersion); dockerComposeBuilder.BuildForInstaller(httpPort, httpsPort); } private static void Update() { if(_parameters.ContainsKey("db")) { MigrateDatabase(); } else { RebuildConfigs(); } } private static void PrintEnvironment() { var vaultUrl = Helpers.GetValueFronEnvFile("global", "globalSettings__baseServiceUri__vault"); Console.WriteLine("\nBitwarden is up and running!"); Console.WriteLine("==================================================="); Console.WriteLine("\nvisit {0}", vaultUrl); Console.Write("to update, run "); if(_hostOs == "win") { Console.Write("'.\\bitwarden.ps1 -updateself' and then '.\\bitwarden.ps1 -update'"); } else { Console.Write("'./ updateself' and then './ update'"); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); } private static void MigrateDatabase() { Console.WriteLine("Migrating database."); var dbPass = Helpers.GetValueFronEnvFile("mssql", "SA_PASSWORD"); var masterConnectionString = Helpers.MakeSqlConnectionString( "mssql", "master", "sa", dbPass ?? string.Empty); var vaultConnectionString = Helpers.MakeSqlConnectionString( "mssql", "vault", "sa", dbPass ?? string.Empty); using(var connection = new SqlConnection(masterConnectionString)) { var command = new SqlCommand( "IF ((SELECT COUNT(1) FROM sys.databases WHERE [name] = 'vault') = 0) CREATE DATABASE [vault];", connection); command.Connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } var upgrader = DeployChanges.To .SqlDatabase(vaultConnectionString) .JournalToSqlTable("dbo", "Migration") .WithScriptsAndCodeEmbeddedInAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), s => s.Contains($".DbScripts.") && !s.Contains(".Archive.")) .WithTransaction() .WithExecutionTimeout(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0)) .LogToConsole() .Build(); var result = upgrader.PerformUpgrade(); if(result.Successful) { Console.WriteLine("Migration successful."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Migration failed."); } } private static bool ValidateInstallation() { Console.Write("(!) Enter your installation id (get it at "); var installationId = Console.ReadLine(); Guid installationidGuid; if(!Guid.TryParse(installationId.Trim(), out installationidGuid)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid installation id."); return false; } _installationId = installationidGuid; Console.Write("(!) Enter your installation key: "); _installationKey = Console.ReadLine(); try { var response = new HttpClient().GetAsync("" + _installationId) .GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if(!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { if(response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid installation id."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Unable to validate installation id."); } return false; } var resultString = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(resultString); if(!(bool)result.Enabled) { Console.WriteLine("Installation id has been disabled."); return false; } return true; } catch { Console.WriteLine("Unable to validate installation id. Problem contacting Bitwarden server."); return false; } } private static void RebuildConfigs() { var environmentFileBuilder = new EnvironmentFileBuilder(); environmentFileBuilder.BuildForUpdater(); var url = Helpers.GetValueFronEnvFile("global", "globalSettings__baseServiceUri__vault"); if(!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri uri)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to determine existing installation url."); return; } var domain = uri.Host; var nginxBuilder = new NginxConfigBuilder(domain, url); nginxBuilder.BuildForUpdater(); var appSettingsBuilder = new AppSettingsBuilder(); appSettingsBuilder.Build(); var appIdBuilder = new AppIdBuilder(url); appIdBuilder.Build(); var dockerComposeBuilder = new DockerComposeBuilder(_hostOs, _webVersion, _coreVersion); dockerComposeBuilder.BuildForUpdater(); } private static IDictionary ParseParameters() { var dict = new Dictionary(); for(var i = 0; i < _args.Length; i = i + 2) { if(!_args[i].StartsWith("-")) { continue; } dict.Add(_args[i].Substring(1), _args[i + 1]); } return dict; } } }