IF COL_LENGTH('[dbo].[Organization]', 'UseEvents') IS NULL BEGIN ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Organization] ADD [UseEvents] BIT NULL END GO UPDATE [dbo].[Organization] SET [UseEvents] = (CASE WHEN [PlanType] = 5 OR [PlanType] = 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) WHERE [UseEvents] IS NULL GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Organization] ALTER COLUMN [UseEvents] BIT NOT NULL GO IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Organization_Create]') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Organization_Create] END GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Organization_Create] @Id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @Name NVARCHAR(50), @BusinessName NVARCHAR(50), @BusinessAddress1 NVARCHAR(50), @BusinessAddress2 NVARCHAR(50), @BusinessAddress3 NVARCHAR(50), @BusinessCountry VARCHAR(2), @BusinessTaxNumber NVARCHAR(30), @BillingEmail NVARCHAR(50), @Plan NVARCHAR(50), @PlanType TINYINT, @Seats SMALLINT, @MaxCollections SMALLINT, @UseGroups BIT, @UseDirectory BIT, @UseEvents BIT, @UseTotp BIT, @SelfHost BIT, @UsersGetPremium BIT, @Storage BIGINT, @MaxStorageGb SMALLINT, @Gateway TINYINT, @GatewayCustomerId VARCHAR(50), @GatewaySubscriptionId VARCHAR(50), @Enabled BIT, @LicenseKey VARCHAR(100), @ExpirationDate DATETIME2(7), @CreationDate DATETIME2(7), @RevisionDate DATETIME2(7) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON INSERT INTO [dbo].[Organization] ( [Id], [Name], [BusinessName], [BusinessAddress1], [BusinessAddress2], [BusinessAddress3], [BusinessCountry], [BusinessTaxNumber], [BillingEmail], [Plan], [PlanType], [Seats], [MaxCollections], [UseGroups], [UseDirectory], [UseEvents], [UseTotp], [SelfHost], [UsersGetPremium], [Storage], [MaxStorageGb], [Gateway], [GatewayCustomerId], [GatewaySubscriptionId], [Enabled], [LicenseKey], [ExpirationDate], [CreationDate], [RevisionDate] ) VALUES ( @Id, @Name, @BusinessName, @BusinessAddress1, @BusinessAddress2, @BusinessAddress3, @BusinessCountry, @BusinessTaxNumber, @BillingEmail, @Plan, @PlanType, @Seats, @MaxCollections, @UseGroups, @UseDirectory, @UseEvents, @UseTotp, @SelfHost, @UsersGetPremium, @Storage, @MaxStorageGb, @Gateway, @GatewayCustomerId, @GatewaySubscriptionId, @Enabled, @LicenseKey, @ExpirationDate, @CreationDate, @RevisionDate ) END GO IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Organization_Update]') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Organization_Update] END GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Organization_Update] @Id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @Name NVARCHAR(50), @BusinessName NVARCHAR(50), @BusinessAddress1 NVARCHAR(50), @BusinessAddress2 NVARCHAR(50), @BusinessAddress3 NVARCHAR(50), @BusinessCountry VARCHAR(2), @BusinessTaxNumber NVARCHAR(30), @BillingEmail NVARCHAR(50), @Plan NVARCHAR(50), @PlanType TINYINT, @Seats SMALLINT, @MaxCollections SMALLINT, @UseGroups BIT, @UseDirectory BIT, @UseEvents BIT, @UseTotp BIT, @SelfHost BIT, @UsersGetPremium BIT, @Storage BIGINT, @MaxStorageGb SMALLINT, @Gateway TINYINT, @GatewayCustomerId VARCHAR(50), @GatewaySubscriptionId VARCHAR(50), @Enabled BIT, @LicenseKey VARCHAR(100), @ExpirationDate DATETIME2(7), @CreationDate DATETIME2(7), @RevisionDate DATETIME2(7) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON UPDATE [dbo].[Organization] SET [Name] = @Name, [BusinessName] = @BusinessName, [BusinessAddress1] = @BusinessAddress1, [BusinessAddress2] = @BusinessAddress2, [BusinessAddress3] = @BusinessAddress3, [BusinessCountry] = @BusinessCountry, [BusinessTaxNumber] = @BusinessTaxNumber, [BillingEmail] = @BillingEmail, [Plan] = @Plan, [PlanType] = @PlanType, [Seats] = @Seats, [MaxCollections] = @MaxCollections, [UseGroups] = @UseGroups, [UseDirectory] = @UseDirectory, [UseEvents] = @UseEvents, [UseTotp] = @UseTotp, [SelfHost] = @SelfHost, [UsersGetPremium] = @UsersGetPremium, [Storage] = @Storage, [MaxStorageGb] = @MaxStorageGb, [Gateway] = @Gateway, [GatewayCustomerId] = @GatewayCustomerId, [GatewaySubscriptionId] = @GatewaySubscriptionId, [Enabled] = @Enabled, [LicenseKey] = @LicenseKey, [ExpirationDate] = @ExpirationDate, [CreationDate] = @CreationDate, [RevisionDate] = @RevisionDate WHERE [Id] = @Id END GO IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Organization_ReadAbilities]') IS NULL BEGIN EXEC('CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Organization_ReadAbilities] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; END') END GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Organization_ReadAbilities] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT [Id], [UseEvents], [Enabled] FROM [dbo].[Organization] END GO IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE [Name] = 'OrganizationView') BEGIN DROP VIEW [dbo].[OrganizationView] END GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[OrganizationView] AS SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Organization] GO IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE [Name] = 'OrganizationUserOrganizationDetailsView') BEGIN DROP VIEW [dbo].[OrganizationUserOrganizationDetailsView] END GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[OrganizationUserOrganizationDetailsView] AS SELECT OU.[UserId], OU.[OrganizationId], O.[Name], O.[Enabled], O.[UseGroups], O.[UseDirectory], O.[UseEvents], O.[UseTotp], O.[SelfHost], O.[UsersGetPremium], O.[Seats], O.[MaxCollections], O.[MaxStorageGb], OU.[Key], OU.[Status], OU.[Type] FROM [dbo].[OrganizationUser] OU INNER JOIN [dbo].[Organization] O ON O.[Id] = OU.[OrganizationId] GO IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Event]') IS NULL BEGIN CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Event] ( [Id] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [Type] INT NOT NULL, [UserId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [OrganizationId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [CipherId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [CollectionId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [GroupId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [OrganizationUserId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [ActingUserId] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, [DeviceType] SMALLINT NULL, [IpAddress] VARCHAR(50) NULL, [Date] DATETIME2 (7) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Event] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Event_DateOrganizationIdUserId] ON [dbo].[Event]([Date] DESC, [OrganizationId] ASC, [ActingUserId] ASC, [CipherId] ASC); END GO IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Event_Create]') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Event_Create] END GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Event_Create] @Id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @Type INT, @UserId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @OrganizationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @CipherId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @CollectionId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @GroupId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @OrganizationUserId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @ActingUserId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @DeviceType SMALLINT, @IpAddress VARCHAR(50), @Date DATETIME2(7) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON INSERT INTO [dbo].[Event] ( [Id], [Type], [UserId], [OrganizationId], [CipherId], [CollectionId], [GroupId], [OrganizationUserId], [ActingUserId], [DeviceType], [IpAddress], [Date] ) VALUES ( @Id, @Type, @UserId, @OrganizationId, @CipherId, @CollectionId, @GroupId, @OrganizationUserId, @ActingUserId, @DeviceType, @IpAddress, @Date ) END GO IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Event_ReadPageByCipherId]') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Event_ReadPageByCipherId] END GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Event_ReadPageByCipherId] @OrganizationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @UserId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @CipherId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @StartDate DATETIME2(7), @EndDate DATETIME2(7), @BeforeDate DATETIME2(7), @PageSize INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT * FROM [dbo].[EventView] WHERE [Date] >= @StartDate AND (@BeforeDate IS NOT NULL OR [Date] <= @EndDate) AND (@BeforeDate IS NULL OR [Date] < @BeforeDate) AND ( (@OrganizationId IS NULL AND [OrganizationId] IS NULL) OR (@OrganizationId IS NOT NULL AND [OrganizationId] = @OrganizationId) ) AND ( (@UserId IS NULL AND [UserId] IS NULL) OR (@UserId IS NOT NULL AND [UserId] = @UserId) ) AND [CipherId] = @CipherId ORDER BY [Date] DESC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY END GO IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Event_ReadPageByOrganizationId]') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Event_ReadPageByOrganizationId] END GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Event_ReadPageByOrganizationId] @OrganizationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @StartDate DATETIME2(7), @EndDate DATETIME2(7), @BeforeDate DATETIME2(7), @PageSize INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT * FROM [dbo].[EventView] WHERE [Date] >= @StartDate AND (@BeforeDate IS NOT NULL OR [Date] <= @EndDate) AND (@BeforeDate IS NULL OR [Date] < @BeforeDate) AND [OrganizationId] = @OrganizationId ORDER BY [Date] DESC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY END GO IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Event_ReadPageByOrganizationIdActingUserId]') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Event_ReadPageByOrganizationIdActingUserId] END GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Event_ReadPageByOrganizationIdActingUserId] @OrganizationId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @ActingUserId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @StartDate DATETIME2(7), @EndDate DATETIME2(7), @BeforeDate DATETIME2(7), @PageSize INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT * FROM [dbo].[EventView] WHERE [Date] >= @StartDate AND (@BeforeDate IS NOT NULL OR [Date] <= @EndDate) AND (@BeforeDate IS NULL OR [Date] < @BeforeDate) AND [OrganizationId] = @OrganizationId AND [ActingUserId] = @ActingUserId ORDER BY [Date] DESC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY END GO IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[Event_ReadPageByUserId]') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Event_ReadPageByUserId] END GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Event_ReadPageByUserId] @UserId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @StartDate DATETIME2(7), @EndDate DATETIME2(7), @BeforeDate DATETIME2(7), @PageSize INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT * FROM [dbo].[EventView] WHERE [Date] >= @StartDate AND (@BeforeDate IS NOT NULL OR [Date] <= @EndDate) AND (@BeforeDate IS NULL OR [Date] < @BeforeDate) AND [OrganizationId] IS NULL AND [ActingUserId] = @UserId ORDER BY [Date] DESC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY END GO IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE [Name] = 'EventView') BEGIN DROP VIEW [dbo].[EventView] END GO CREATE VIEW [dbo].[EventView] AS SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Event] GO