#!/usr/bin/env bash export DEV_DIR=/workspace/dev export CONTAINER_CONFIG=/workspace/.devcontainer/internal_dev git config --global --add safe.directory /workspace get_installation_id_and_key() { pushd ./dev >/dev/null || exit echo "Please enter your installation id and key from https://bitwarden.com/host:" read -r -p "Installation id: " INSTALLATION_ID read -r -p "Installation key: " INSTALLATION_KEY jq ".globalSettings.installation.id = \"$INSTALLATION_ID\" | .globalSettings.installation.key = \"$INSTALLATION_KEY\"" \ secrets.json.example >secrets.json # create/overwrite secrets.json popd >/dev/null || exit } remove_comments() { # jq will not parse files with comments file="$1" if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then sed -e '/^\/\//d' -e 's@[[:blank:]]\{1,\}//.*@@' "$file" >"$file.tmp" mv "$file.tmp" "$file" fi } configure_other_vars() { pushd ./dev >/dev/null || exit cp secrets.json .secrets.json.tmp # set DB_PASSWORD equal to .services.mssql.environment.MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD, accounting for quotes DB_PASSWORD="$(grep -oP 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=["'"'"']?\K[^"'"'"'\s]+' $DEV_DIR/.env)" SQL_CONNECTION_STRING="Server=localhost;Database=vault_dev;User Id=SA;Password=$DB_PASSWORD;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True" jq \ ".globalSettings.sqlServer.connectionString = \"$SQL_CONNECTION_STRING\" | .globalSettings.postgreSql.connectionString = \"Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=$DB_PASSWORD;Database=vault_dev;Include Error Detail=true\" | .globalSettings.mySql.connectionString = \"server=localhost;uid=root;pwd=$DB_PASSWORD;database=vault_dev\"" \ .secrets.json.tmp >secrets.json rm .secrets.json.tmp popd >/dev/null || exit } one_time_setup() { read -r -p \ "Would you like to configure your secrets and certificates for the first time? WARNING: This will overwrite any existing secrets.json and certificate files. Proceed? [y/N] " response if [[ "$response" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$ ]]; then echo "Running one-time setup script..." sleep 1 read -r -p \ "Place the secrets.json and dev.pfx files from our shared Collection in the ./dev directory. Press to continue." remove_comments ./dev/secrets.json configure_other_vars echo "Installing Az module. This will take ~a minute..." pwsh -Command "Install-Module -Name Az -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery -Force" pwsh ./dev/setup_azurite.ps1 dotnet tool install dotnet-certificate-tool -g >/dev/null read -r -s -p "Paste the \"Licensing Certificate - Dev\" password: " CERT_PASSWORD echo pushd ./dev >/dev/null || exit certificate-tool add --file ./dev.pfx --password "$CERT_PASSWORD" echo "Injecting dotnet secrets..." pwsh ./setup_secrets.ps1 || true popd >/dev/null || exit echo "Running migrations..." sleep 5 # wait for DB container to start dotnet run --project ./util/MsSqlMigratorUtility "$SQL_CONNECTION_STRING" fi read -r -p "Would you like to install the Stripe CLI? [y/N] " stripe_response if [[ "$stripe_response" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$ ]]; then install_stripe_cli fi } # Install Stripe CLI install_stripe_cli() { echo "Installing Stripe CLI..." # Add Stripe CLI GPG key so that apt can verify the packages authenticity. # If Stripe ever changes the key, we'll need to update this. Visit https://docs.stripe.com/stripe-cli?install-method=apt if so curl -s https://packages.stripe.dev/api/security/keypair/stripe-cli-gpg/public | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/stripe.gpg >/dev/null # Add Stripe CLI repository to apt sources echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/stripe.gpg] https://packages.stripe.dev/stripe-cli-debian-local stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stripe.list >/dev/null sudo apt update sudo apt install -y stripe } # main if [[ -z "${CODESPACES}" ]]; then one_time_setup else # Ignore interactive elements when running in codespaces since they are not supported there # TODO Write codespaces specific instructions and link here echo "Running in codespaces, follow instructions here: https://contributing.bitwarden.com/getting-started/server/guide/ to continue the setup" fi