#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # Setup CYAN='\033[0;36m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" OUTPUT_DIR=".." if [ $# -gt 1 ] then OUTPUT_DIR=$2 fi COREVERSION="latest" if [ $# -gt 2 ] then COREVERSION=$3 fi WEBVERSION="latest" if [ $# -gt 3 ] then WEBVERSION=$4 fi OS="lin" [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ] && OS="mac" ENV_DIR="$OUTPUT_DIR/env" DOCKER_DIR="$OUTPUT_DIR/docker" # Initialize UID/GID which will be used to run services from within containers if ! grep -q "^LOCAL_UID=" $ENV_DIR/uid.env 2>/dev/null || ! grep -q "^LOCAL_GID=" $ENV_DIR/uid.env 2>/dev/null then LUID="LOCAL_UID=`id -u $USER`" [ "$LUID" == "LOCAL_UID=0" ] && LUID="LOCAL_UID=65534" LGID="LOCAL_GID=`id -g $USER`" [ "$LGID" == "LOCAL_GID=0" ] && LGID="LOCAL_GID=65534" mkdir -p $ENV_DIR echo $LUID >$ENV_DIR/uid.env echo $LGID >>$ENV_DIR/uid.env fi # Backwards compat GID/UID for pre-1.20.0 installations if [[ "$COREVERSION" == *.*.* ]] && echo -e "1.19.0\n$COREVERSION" | sort -t '.' -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -n | awk 'END {if($0!="1.19.0") {exit 1}}' then LUID="LOCAL_UID=`id -u $USER`" LGID="LOCAL_GID=`awk -F: '$1=="docker" {print $3}' /etc/group`" if [ "$OS" == "mac" ] then LUID="LOCAL_UID=999" LGID="LOCAL_GID=999" fi echo $LUID >$ENV_DIR/uid.env echo $LGID >>$ENV_DIR/uid.env fi # Functions function install() { LETS_ENCRYPT="n" echo -e -n "${CYAN}(!)${NC} Enter the domain name for your Bitwarden instance (ex. bitwarden.company.com): " read DOMAIN echo "" if [ "$DOMAIN" == "" ] then DOMAIN="localhost" fi if [ "$DOMAIN" != "localhost" ] then echo -e -n "${CYAN}(!)${NC} Do you want to use Let's Encrypt to generate a free SSL certificate? (y/n): " read LETS_ENCRYPT echo "" if [ "$LETS_ENCRYPT" == "y" ] then echo -e -n "${CYAN}(!)${NC} Enter your email address (Let's Encrypt will send you certificate expiration reminders): " read EMAIL echo "" mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR/letsencrypt docker pull certbot/certbot docker run -it --rm --name certbot -p 80:80 -v $OUTPUT_DIR/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt/ certbot/certbot \ certonly --standalone --noninteractive --agree-tos --preferred-challenges http \ --email $EMAIL -d $DOMAIN --logs-dir /etc/letsencrypt/logs fi fi pullSetup docker run -it --rm --name setup -v $OUTPUT_DIR:/bitwarden \ --env-file $ENV_DIR/uid.env bitwarden/setup:$COREVERSION \ dotnet Setup.dll -install 1 -domain $DOMAIN -letsencrypt $LETS_ENCRYPT -os $OS \ -corev $COREVERSION -webv $WEBVERSION echo "" echo "Setup complete" echo "" } function dockerComposeUp() { if [ -f "${DOCKER_DIR}/docker-compose.override.yml" ] then docker-compose -f $DOCKER_DIR/docker-compose.yml -f $DOCKER_DIR/docker-compose.override.yml up -d else docker-compose -f $DOCKER_DIR/docker-compose.yml up -d fi } function dockerComposeDown() { if [ -f "${DOCKER_DIR}/docker-compose.override.yml" ] then docker-compose -f $DOCKER_DIR/docker-compose.yml -f $DOCKER_DIR/docker-compose.override.yml down else docker-compose -f $DOCKER_DIR/docker-compose.yml down fi } function dockerComposePull() { if [ -f "${DOCKER_DIR}/docker-compose.override.yml" ] then docker-compose -f $DOCKER_DIR/docker-compose.yml -f $DOCKER_DIR/docker-compose.override.yml pull else docker-compose -f $DOCKER_DIR/docker-compose.yml pull fi } function dockerPrune() { docker image prune -f --filter="label=com.bitwarden.product=bitwarden" } function updateLetsEncrypt() { if [ -d "${OUTPUT_DIR}/letsencrypt/live" ] then docker pull certbot/certbot docker run -i --rm --name certbot -p 443:443 -p 80:80 \ -v $OUTPUT_DIR/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt/ certbot/certbot \ renew --logs-dir /etc/letsencrypt/logs fi } function updateDatabase() { pullSetup docker run -i --rm --name setup --network container:bitwarden-mssql \ -v $OUTPUT_DIR:/bitwarden --env-file $ENV_DIR/uid.env bitwarden/setup:$COREVERSION \ dotnet Setup.dll -update 1 -db 1 -os $OS -corev $COREVERSION -webv $WEBVERSION echo "Database update complete" } function update() { pullSetup docker run -i --rm --name setup -v $OUTPUT_DIR:/bitwarden \ --env-file $ENV_DIR/uid.env bitwarden/setup:$COREVERSION \ dotnet Setup.dll -update 1 -os $OS -corev $COREVERSION -webv $WEBVERSION } function printEnvironment() { pullSetup docker run -i --rm --name setup -v $OUTPUT_DIR:/bitwarden \ --env-file $ENV_DIR/uid.env bitwarden/setup:$COREVERSION \ dotnet Setup.dll -printenv 1 -os $OS -corev $COREVERSION -webv $WEBVERSION } function restart() { dockerComposeDown dockerComposePull updateLetsEncrypt dockerComposeUp dockerPrune printEnvironment } function pullSetup() { docker pull bitwarden/setup:$COREVERSION } # Commands if [ "$1" == "install" ] then install elif [ "$1" == "start" -o "$1" == "restart" ] then restart elif [ "$1" == "pull" ] then dockerComposePull elif [ "$1" == "stop" ] then dockerComposeDown elif [ "$1" == "updatedb" ] then updateDatabase elif [ "$1" == "update" ] then dockerComposeDown update restart echo "Pausing 60 seconds for database to come online. Please wait..." sleep 60 updateDatabase fi