using System; using System.IO; namespace Bit.Setup { public class CertBuilder { private readonly Context _context; public CertBuilder(Context context) { _context = context; } public void BuildForInstall() { if (_context.Stub) { _context.Config.Ssl = true; _context.Install.Trusted = true; _context.Install.SelfSignedCert = false; _context.Install.DiffieHellman = false; _context.Install.IdentityCertPassword = "IDENTITY_CERT_PASSWORD"; return; } _context.Config.Ssl = _context.Config.SslManagedLetsEncrypt; if (!_context.Config.Ssl) { var skipSSL = _context.Parameters.ContainsKey("skip-ssl") && (_context.Parameters["skip-ssl"] == "true" || _context.Parameters["skip-ssl"] == "1"); if (!skipSSL) { _context.Config.Ssl = Helpers.ReadQuestion("Do you have a SSL certificate to use?"); if (_context.Config.Ssl) { Directory.CreateDirectory($"/bitwarden/ssl/{_context.Install.Domain}/"); var message = "Make sure 'certificate.crt' and 'private.key' are provided in the \n" + "appropriate directory before running 'start' (see docs for info)."; Helpers.ShowBanner(_context, "NOTE", message); } else if (Helpers.ReadQuestion("Do you want to generate a self-signed SSL certificate?")) { Directory.CreateDirectory($"/bitwarden/ssl/self/{_context.Install.Domain}/"); Helpers.WriteLine(_context, "Generating self signed SSL certificate."); _context.Config.Ssl = true; _context.Install.Trusted = false; _context.Install.SelfSignedCert = true; Helpers.Exec("openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -days 36500 " + $"-keyout /bitwarden/ssl/self/{_context.Install.Domain}/private.key " + $"-out /bitwarden/ssl/self/{_context.Install.Domain}/certificate.crt " + $"-reqexts SAN -extensions SAN " + $"-config <(cat /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf <(printf '[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=DNS:{_context.Install.Domain}\nbasicConstraints=CA:true')) " + $"-subj \"/C=US/ST=California/L=Santa Barbara/O=Bitwarden Inc./OU=Bitwarden/CN={_context.Install.Domain}\""); } } } if (_context.Config.SslManagedLetsEncrypt) { _context.Install.Trusted = true; _context.Install.DiffieHellman = true; Directory.CreateDirectory($"/bitwarden/letsencrypt/live/{_context.Install.Domain}/"); Helpers.Exec($"openssl dhparam -out " + $"/bitwarden/letsencrypt/live/{_context.Install.Domain}/dhparam.pem 2048"); } else if (_context.Config.Ssl && !_context.Install.SelfSignedCert) { _context.Install.Trusted = Helpers.ReadQuestion("Is this a trusted SSL certificate " + "(requires ca.crt, see docs)?"); } Helpers.WriteLine(_context, "Generating key for IdentityServer."); _context.Install.IdentityCertPassword = Helpers.SecureRandomString(32, alpha: true, numeric: true); Directory.CreateDirectory("/bitwarden/identity/"); Helpers.Exec("openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -keyout identity.key " + "-out identity.crt -subj \"/CN=Bitwarden IdentityServer\" -days 36500"); Helpers.Exec("openssl pkcs12 -export -out /bitwarden/identity/identity.pfx -inkey identity.key " + $"-in identity.crt -passout pass:{_context.Install.IdentityCertPassword}"); Helpers.WriteLine(_context); if (!_context.Config.Ssl) { var message = "You are not using a SSL certificate. Bitwarden requires HTTPS to operate. \n" + "You must front your installation with a HTTPS proxy or the web vault (and \n" + "other Bitwarden apps) will not work properly."; Helpers.ShowBanner(_context, "WARNING", message, ConsoleColor.Yellow); } else if (_context.Config.Ssl && !_context.Install.Trusted) { var message = "You are using an untrusted SSL certificate. This certificate will not be \n" + "trusted by Bitwarden client applications. You must add this certificate to \n" + "the trusted store on each device or else you will receive errors when trying \n" + "to connect to your installation."; Helpers.ShowBanner(_context, "WARNING", message, ConsoleColor.Yellow); } } } }