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synced 2025-03-10 13:09:12 +01:00
* Add Collections Tests * Update CollectionRepository Implementation * Test Adding And Deleting Through Replace * Format * Fix Most Test Warnings * Format
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using Bit.Core.Auth.Entities;
using Bit.Core.Auth.Enums;
using Bit.Core.Entities;
using Bit.Core.Repositories;
using Xunit;
namespace Bit.Infrastructure.IntegrationTest.Auth.Repositories;
public class AuthRequestRepositoryTests
private readonly static TimeSpan _userRequestExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15);
private readonly static TimeSpan _adminRequestExpiration = TimeSpan.FromDays(6);
private readonly static TimeSpan _afterAdminApprovalExpiration = TimeSpan.FromHours(12);
[DatabaseTheory, DatabaseData]
public async Task DeleteExpiredAsync_Works(
IAuthRequestRepository authRequestRepository,
IUserRepository userRepository)
var user = await userRepository.CreateAsync(new User
Name = "Test User",
Email = $"test+{Guid.NewGuid()}@email.com",
ApiKey = "TEST",
SecurityStamp = "stamp",
// A user auth request type that has passed it's expiration time, should be deleted.
var userExpiredAuthRequest = await authRequestRepository.CreateAsync(
CreateAuthRequest(user.Id, AuthRequestType.AuthenticateAndUnlock, CreateExpiredDate(_userRequestExpiration)));
// An AdminApproval request that hasn't had any action taken on it and has passed it's expiration time, should be deleted.
var adminApprovalExpiredAuthRequest = await authRequestRepository.CreateAsync(
CreateAuthRequest(user.Id, AuthRequestType.AdminApproval, CreateExpiredDate(_adminRequestExpiration)));
// An AdminApproval request that was approved before it expired but the user has been approved for too long, should be deleted.
var adminApprovedExpiredAuthRequest = await authRequestRepository.CreateAsync(
CreateAuthRequest(user.Id, AuthRequestType.AdminApproval, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-6), true, CreateExpiredDate(_afterAdminApprovalExpiration)));
// An AdminApproval request that was rejected within it's allowed lifetime but has no gone past it's expiration time, should be deleted.
var adminRejectedExpiredAuthRequest = await authRequestRepository.CreateAsync(
CreateAuthRequest(user.Id, AuthRequestType.AdminApproval, CreateExpiredDate(_adminRequestExpiration), false, DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1)));
// A User AuthRequest that was created just a minute ago.
var notExpiredUserAuthRequest = await authRequestRepository.CreateAsync(
CreateAuthRequest(user.Id, AuthRequestType.Unlock, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1)));
// An AdminApproval AuthRequest that was create 6 days 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds ago which is right on the edge of still being valid
var notExpiredAdminApprovalRequest = await authRequestRepository.CreateAsync(
CreateAuthRequest(user.Id, AuthRequestType.AdminApproval, DateTime.UtcNow.Add(new TimeSpan(days: 6, hours: 23, minutes: 59, seconds: 59))));
// An AdminApproval AuthRequest that was created a week ago but just approved 11 hours ago.
var notExpiredApprovedAdminApprovalRequest = await authRequestRepository.CreateAsync(
CreateAuthRequest(user.Id, AuthRequestType.AdminApproval, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7), true, DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(11)));
var numberOfDeleted = await authRequestRepository.DeleteExpiredAsync(_userRequestExpiration, _adminRequestExpiration, _afterAdminApprovalExpiration);
// Ensure all the AuthRequests that should have been deleted, have been deleted.
Assert.Null(await authRequestRepository.GetByIdAsync(userExpiredAuthRequest.Id));
Assert.Null(await authRequestRepository.GetByIdAsync(adminApprovalExpiredAuthRequest.Id));
Assert.Null(await authRequestRepository.GetByIdAsync(adminApprovedExpiredAuthRequest.Id));
Assert.Null(await authRequestRepository.GetByIdAsync(adminRejectedExpiredAuthRequest.Id));
// Ensure that all the AuthRequests that should have been left alone, were.
Assert.NotNull(await authRequestRepository.GetByIdAsync(notExpiredUserAuthRequest.Id));
Assert.NotNull(await authRequestRepository.GetByIdAsync(notExpiredAdminApprovalRequest.Id));
Assert.NotNull(await authRequestRepository.GetByIdAsync(notExpiredApprovedAdminApprovalRequest.Id));
// Ensure the repository responds with the amount of items it deleted and it deleted the right amount.
// NOTE: On local development this might fail on it's first run because the developer could have expired AuthRequests
// on their machine but aren't running the job that would delete them. The second run of this test should succeed.
Assert.Equal(4, numberOfDeleted);
[DatabaseTheory, DatabaseData]
public async Task UpdateManyAsync_Works(
IAuthRequestRepository authRequestRepository,
IUserRepository userRepository)
// Create two distinct real users for foreign key requirements
var user1 = await userRepository.CreateAsync(new User
Name = "First Test User",
Email = $"test+{Guid.NewGuid()}@email.com",
ApiKey = "TEST",
SecurityStamp = "stamp",
var user2 = await userRepository.CreateAsync(new User
Name = "Second Test User",
Email = $"test+{Guid.NewGuid()}@email.com",
ApiKey = "TEST",
SecurityStamp = "stamp",
var user3 = await userRepository.CreateAsync(new User
Name = "Third Test User",
Email = $"test+{Guid.NewGuid()}@email.com",
ApiKey = "TEST",
SecurityStamp = "stamp",
// Create two different and still valid (not expired or responded to) auth requests
var authRequests = new List<AuthRequest>
await authRequestRepository.CreateAsync(CreateAuthRequest(user1.Id, AuthRequestType.AdminApproval, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-5))),
await authRequestRepository.CreateAsync(CreateAuthRequest(user3.Id, AuthRequestType.AdminApproval, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-7))),
await authRequestRepository.CreateAsync(CreateAuthRequest(user2.Id, AuthRequestType.AdminApproval, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-10))),
// This last auth request is not created manually, and will be
// used to make sure entity framework's `UpdateRange` method
// doesn't create requests too.
CreateAuthRequest(user2.Id, AuthRequestType.AdminApproval, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-11))
// Update some properties on two auth request, but leave the other one
// alone to be a control value
var authRequestToBeUpdated1 = authRequests[0];
var authRequestToBeUpdated2 = authRequests[1];
var authRequestNotToBeUpdated = authRequests[2];
authRequests[0].Approved = true;
authRequests[0].ResponseDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-1);
authRequests[0].Key = "UPDATED_KEY_1";
authRequests[0].MasterPasswordHash = "UPDATED_MASTERPASSWORDHASH_1";
authRequests[1].Approved = false;
authRequests[1].ResponseDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-2);
// Run the method being tested
await authRequestRepository.UpdateManyAsync(authRequests);
// Define what "Equality" really means in this context
// This includes stripping milliseconds off of dates, because we can't
// reliably compare that deep
static DateTime? TrimMilliseconds(DateTime? dt)
if (!dt.HasValue)
return null;
return new DateTime(dt.Value.Year, dt.Value.Month, dt.Value.Day, dt.Value.Hour, dt.Value.Minute, dt.Value.Second, 0, dt.Value.Kind);
bool AuthRequestEquals(AuthRequest x, AuthRequest y)
x.Id == y.Id &&
x.UserId == y.UserId &&
x.Type == y.Type &&
x.RequestDeviceIdentifier == y.RequestDeviceIdentifier &&
x.RequestDeviceType == y.RequestDeviceType &&
x.RequestIpAddress == y.RequestIpAddress &&
x.ResponseDeviceId == y.ResponseDeviceId &&
x.AccessCode == y.AccessCode &&
x.PublicKey == y.PublicKey &&
x.Key == y.Key &&
x.MasterPasswordHash == y.MasterPasswordHash &&
x.Approved == y.Approved &&
TrimMilliseconds(x.CreationDate) == TrimMilliseconds(y.CreationDate) &&
TrimMilliseconds(x.ResponseDate) == TrimMilliseconds(y.ResponseDate) &&
TrimMilliseconds(x.AuthenticationDate) == TrimMilliseconds(y.AuthenticationDate) &&
x.OrganizationId == y.OrganizationId;
// Assert that the unchanged auth request is still unchanged
var skippedAuthRequest = await authRequestRepository.GetByIdAsync(authRequestNotToBeUpdated.Id);
Assert.True(AuthRequestEquals(skippedAuthRequest, authRequestNotToBeUpdated));
// Assert that the values updated on the changed auth requests were updated, and no others
var updatedAuthRequest1 = await authRequestRepository.GetByIdAsync(authRequestToBeUpdated1.Id);
Assert.True(AuthRequestEquals(authRequestToBeUpdated1, updatedAuthRequest1));
var updatedAuthRequest2 = await authRequestRepository.GetByIdAsync(authRequestToBeUpdated2.Id);
Assert.True(AuthRequestEquals(authRequestToBeUpdated2, updatedAuthRequest2));
// Assert that the auth request we never created is not created by
// the update method.
var uncreatedAuthRequest = await authRequestRepository.GetByIdAsync(authRequests[3].Id);
private static AuthRequest CreateAuthRequest(Guid userId, AuthRequestType authRequestType, DateTime creationDate, bool? approved = null, DateTime? responseDate = null)
return new AuthRequest
UserId = userId,
Type = authRequestType,
Approved = approved,
RequestDeviceIdentifier = "something", // TODO: EF Doesn't enforce this as not null
RequestIpAddress = "", // TODO: EF Doesn't enforce this as not null
AccessCode = "test_access_code", // TODO: EF Doesn't enforce this as not null
PublicKey = "test_public_key", // TODO: EF Doesn't enforce this as not null
CreationDate = creationDate,
ResponseDate = responseDate,
private static DateTime CreateExpiredDate(TimeSpan expirationPeriod)
var exp = expirationPeriod + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
return DateTime.UtcNow.Add(exp.Negate());