name: boosCooldowns main: cz.boosik.boosCooldown.BoosCoolDown version: 3.14.5 authors: [LordBoos (boosik)] softdepend: [Vault, PlayerPoints] description: > Shortcuts commands: booscooldowns: description: Reload command. usage: §6[boosCooldowns] §eInvalid command or access denied! aliases: bcd permissions: booscooldowns.exception: description: Player wont be affected by plugin at all (no warmups, no cooldowns, no prices, no limits, no aliases). default: false booscooldowns.norestriction: description: Player wont be affected by restrictions but will be affected by aliases(no warmups, no cooldowns, no prices, no limits). default: false children: booscooldowns.noprice: true booscooldowns.nocooldown: true booscooldowns.nowarmup: true booscooldowns.nolimit: true booscooldowns.noitemcost: true booscooldowns.noxpcost: true booscooldowns.nocancel.move: description: Players warmups will not be canceled by moving, even if it's turned on. default: false booscooldowns.nocancel.damage: description: Players warmups will not be canceled by damage, even if it's turned on. default: false booscooldowns.nocancel.sneak: description: Players warmups will not be canceled by sneaking, even if it's turned on. default: false booscooldowns.nocancel.sprint: description: Players warmups will not be canceled by sprinting, even if it's turned on. default: false booscooldowns.nocancel.gamemodechange: description: Players warmups will not be canceled by changing gamemode, even if it's turned on. default: false booscooldowns.dontblock.interact: description: Players interaction will not be blocked during warmup, even if it's turned on. default: false booscooldowns.noprice: description: Players commands will always be free of charge. default: false booscooldowns.noprice./command: description: Command "/command" will not be affected by price for users with this permission. default: false booscooldowns.noitemcost: description: Players commands will always be free of charge (items). default: false booscooldowns.noitemcost./command: description: Command "/command" will not be affected by item cost for users with this permission. default: false booscooldowns.noxpcost: description: Players commands will always be free of charge (XP). default: false booscooldowns.noxpcost./command: description: Command "/command" will not be affected by xp cost for users with this permission. default: false booscooldowns.noplayerpoints: description: Players commands will always be free of charge (PlayerPoints). default: false booscooldowns.noplayerpoints./command: description: Command "/command" will not be affected by price for users with this permission (PlayerPoints). default: false booscooldowns.nocooldown: description: Player wont be affected by cooldowns. default: false booscooldowns.nocooldown./command: description: Command "/command" will not be affected by cooldown for users with this permission. default: false booscooldowns.nowarmup: description: Player wont be affected by warmups. default: false booscooldowns.nowarmup./command: description: Command "/command" will not be affected by warmup for users with this permission. default: false booscooldowns.nolimit: description: Player wont be affected by limiting. default: false booscooldowns.start.cooldowns.death.exception: description: Player's cooldowns wont be started on death. default: false booscooldowns.nolimit./command: description: Command "/command" will not be affected by limits for users with this permission. default: false booscooldowns.reload: description: Player can use "/booscooldowns reload" to reload config file. default: op booscooldowns.clear.uses.death: description: Players uses (limit-uses=how many times playr can still use command) are cleared on death (must be enabled in config file too!). default: false booscooldowns.clear.cooldowns.death: description: Players cooldowns are cleared on death (must be enabled in config file too!). default: false booscooldowns.list.limits: description: Player can use "/booscooldowns limits" to see limits and how many times he can still use commands. default: true booscooldowns.set: description: Users with this can use "/booscooldowns set" command. default: op booscooldowns.signs.player.use: description: Player can use boosCooldowns signs (marked as player on second line). default: false booscooldowns.signs.server.use: description: Player can use boosCooldowns signs (marked as server on second line). default: false description: Player can place/create boosCooldowns signs (marked as player on second line). default: false description: Player can place/create boosCooldowns signs (marked as server on second line). !!WARNING!! With this permission, player can create sign with commands that are run as if used from console! default: false