
658 lines
22 KiB

package cz.boosik.boosCooldown.Managers;
import cz.boosik.boosCooldown.BoosCoolDown;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
public class BoosConfigManager {
private static YamlConfiguration conf;
private static YamlConfiguration confusers;
private static File confFile;
private static File confusersFile;
public BoosConfigManager(BoosCoolDown boosCoolDown) {
confFile = new File(boosCoolDown.getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
if (confFile.exists()) {
conf = new YamlConfiguration();
} else {
this.confFile = new File(boosCoolDown.getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
this.conf = new YamlConfiguration();
if (confFile.exists()) {
confusersFile = new File(boosCoolDown.getDataFolder(), "users.yml");
confusers = new YamlConfiguration();
if (confusersFile.exists()) {
} else {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
"[boosCooldowns] Could not save storage file!");
public static void clear() {
ConfigurationSection userSection = confusers
if (userSection == null)
for (String user : userSection.getKeys(false)) {
ConfigurationSection cooldown = confusers
.getConfigurationSection("users." + user + ".cooldown");
if (cooldown != null) {
for (String key : cooldown.getKeys(false)) {
confusers.set("users." + user + ".cooldown." + key, null);
confusers.set("users." + user + ".cooldown", null);
ConfigurationSection warmup = confusers
.getConfigurationSection("users." + user + ".warmup");
if (warmup != null) {
for (String key : warmup.getKeys(false)) {
confusers.set("users." + user + ".warmup." + key, null);
confusers.set("users." + user + ".warmup", null);
confusers.set("users." + user, null);
public static void clearSomething(String co, UUID uuid) {
ConfigurationSection userSection = confusers
.getConfigurationSection("users." + uuid + "." + co);
if (userSection == null)
confusers.set("users." + uuid + "." + co, null);
public static void clearSomething(String co, UUID uuid, String command) {
int pre2 = command.toLowerCase().hashCode();
confusers.set("users." + uuid + "." + co + "." + pre2, 0);
static String getAlias(String message) {
return conf.getString("commands.aliases." + message);
public static Set<String> getAliases() {
Set<String> aliases = null;
ConfigurationSection aliasesSection = conf
if (aliasesSection != null) {
aliases = conf.getConfigurationSection("commands.aliases").getKeys(
return aliases;
public static boolean getBlockInteractDuringWarmup() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.block_interact_during_warmup",
public static String getCancelWarmupByGameModeChangeMessage() {
return conf.getString(
"&6Warm-ups have been cancelled due to changing gamemode.&f");
public static boolean getCancelWarmUpOnDamage() {
return conf
.getBoolean("options.options.cancel_warmup_on_damage", false);
public static boolean getCancelWarmUpOnGameModeChange() {
return conf.getBoolean(
"options.options.cancel_warmup_on_gamemode_change", false);
public static boolean getCancelWarmupOnMove() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.cancel_warmup_on_move", false);
public static boolean getCancelWarmupOnSneak() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.cancel_warmup_on_sneak", false);
public static String getCancelWarmupOnSneakMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.warmup_cancelled_by_sneak",
"&6Warm-ups have been cancelled due to sneaking.&f");
public static boolean getCancelWarmupOnSprint() {
return conf
.getBoolean("options.options.cancel_warmup_on_sprint", false);
public static String getCancelWarmupOnSprintMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.warmup_cancelled_by_sprint",
"&6Warm-ups have been cancelled due to sprinting.&f");
public static String getCannotCreateSignMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.cannot_create_sign",
"&6You are not allowed to create this kind of signs!&f");
public static String getCannotUseSignMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.cannot_use_sign",
"&6You are not allowed to use this sign!&f");
public static boolean getCleanCooldownsOnDeath() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.clear_cooldowns_on_death",
public static boolean getCleanUsesOnDeath() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.clear_uses_on_death", false);
public static boolean getClearOnRestart() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.clear_on_restart", false);
static String getCommandBlockedMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.limit_achieved",
"&6You cannot use this command anymore!&f");
private static String getCommandGroup(Player player) {
String cmdGroup = "default";
Set<String> groups = getCommandGroups();
if (groups != null) {
for (String group : groups) {
if (player.hasPermission("booscooldowns." + group)) {
cmdGroup = group;
return cmdGroup;
private static Set<String> getCommandGroups() {
ConfigurationSection groupsSection = conf
Set<String> groups = null;
if (groupsSection != null) {
groups = groupsSection.getKeys(false);
return groups;
public static boolean getCommandLogging() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.command_logging", false);
public static Set<String> getCommands(Player player) {
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
Set<String> commands = null;
ConfigurationSection commandsSection = conf
.getConfigurationSection("commands.groups." + group);
if (commandsSection != null) {
commands = commandsSection.getKeys(false);
return commands;
public static YamlConfiguration getConfusers() {
return confusers;
public static int getCoolDown(String regexCommand, Player player) {
int coolDown;
String coolDownString = "";
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
coolDownString = conf.getString("commands.groups." + group + "."
+ regexCommand + ".cooldown", "0");
coolDown = parseTime(coolDownString);
return coolDown;
public static boolean getCooldownEnabled() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.cooldowns_enabled", true);
static String getCoolDownMessage() {
return conf
"&6Wait&e &seconds& seconds&6 before you can use command&e &command& &6again.&f");
static Set<String> getCooldowns(Player player) {
String cool = getCommandGroup(player);
return conf.getConfigurationSection(
"commands.groups." + cool).getKeys(false);
public static String getInsufficientFundsMessage() {
return conf
"&6You have insufficient funds!&e &command& &6costs &e%s &6but you only have &e%s");
public static String getInteractBlockedMessage() {
return conf.getString(
"&6You can't do this when command is warming-up!&f");
public static String getItemCostItem(String regexCommand, Player player) {
String item = "";
String temp;
String[] command;
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
temp = conf.getString("commands.groups." + group + "." + regexCommand
+ ".itemcost", "");
command = temp.split(",");
if (command.length == 2) {
item = command[0];
return item;
public static int getItemCostCount(String regexCommand, Player player) {
int count = 0;
String temp;
String[] command;
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
temp = conf.getString("commands.groups." + group + "." + regexCommand
+ ".itemcost", "");
command = temp.split(",");
if (command.length == 2) {
count = Integer.valueOf(command[1]);
return count;
public static int getLimit(String regexCommand, Player player) {
int limit;
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
limit = conf.getInt("commands.groups." + group + "." + regexCommand
+ ".limit", -1);
return limit;
public static boolean getLimitEnabled() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.limits_enabled", true);
static String getLimitListMessage() {
return conf
"&6Limit for command &e&command&&6 is &e&limit&&6. You can still use it &e&times&&6 times.&f");
static boolean getLimitsEnabled() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.limits_enabled", true);
static Set<String> getAllPlayers() {
ConfigurationSection users = confusers.getConfigurationSection("users");
return users.getKeys(false);
static List<String> getSharedCooldowns(String pre, Player player) {
List<String> sharedCooldowns;
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
sharedCooldowns = conf.getStringList("commands.groups." + group + "."
+ pre + ".shared_cooldown");
return sharedCooldowns;
public static List<String> getSharedLimits(String pre, Player player) {
List<String> sharedLimits;
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
sharedLimits = conf.getStringList("commands.groups." + group + "."
+ pre + ".shared_limit");
return sharedLimits;
public static String getMessage(String regexCommand, Player player) {
String message = "";
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
message = conf.getString("commands.groups." + group + "."
+ regexCommand + ".message", "");
return message;
static String getPaidErrorMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.paid_error",
"An error has occured: %s");
static String getPaidForCommandMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.paid_for_command",
"Price of &command& was %s and you now have %s");
static String getPotionEffect(String regexCommand, Player player) {
String effect = "";
String temp;
String[] command;
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
temp = conf.getString("commands.groups." + group + "." + regexCommand
+ ".potion", "");
command = temp.split(",");
if (command.length == 2) {
effect = command[0];
return effect;
static int getPotionEffectStrength(String regexCommand, Player player) {
int effect = 0;
String temp;
String[] command;
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
temp = conf.getString("commands.groups." + group + "." + regexCommand
+ ".potion", "");
command = temp.split(",");
if (command.length == 2) {
effect = Integer.valueOf(command[1]);
return effect;
public static double getPrice(String regexCommand, Player player) {
double price;
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
price = conf.getDouble("commands.groups." + group + "." + regexCommand
+ ".price", 0.0);
return price;
public static boolean getPriceEnabled() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.prices_enabled", true);
public static int getSaveInterval() {
return conf.getInt("options.options.save_interval_in_minutes", 15);
public static boolean getSignCommands() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.command_signs", false);
public static boolean getStartCooldownsOnDeath() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.start_cooldowns_on_death",
static String getUnitHoursMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.units.hours", "hours");
static String getUnitMinutesMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.units.minutes", "minutes");
static String getUnitSecondsMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.units.seconds", "seconds");
public static int getWarmUp(String regexCommand, Player player) {
int warmUp;
String warmUpString = "";
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
warmUpString = conf.getString("commands.groups." + group + "."
+ regexCommand + ".warmup", "0");
warmUp = parseTime(warmUpString);
return warmUp;
static String getWarmUpAlreadyStartedMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.warmup_already_started",
"&6Warm-Up process for&e &command& &6has already started.&f");
public static String getWarmUpCancelledByDamageMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.warmup_cancelled_by_damage",
"&6Warm-ups have been cancelled due to receiving damage.&f");
public static String getWarmUpCancelledByMoveMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.warmup_cancelled_by_move",
"&6Warm-ups have been cancelled due to moving.&f");
public static boolean getWarmupEnabled() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.warmups_enabled", true);
static String getWarmUpMessage() {
return conf
"&6Wait&e &seconds& seconds&6 before command&e &command& &6has warmed up.&f");
public static void load() {
try {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
"[boosCooldowns] Configuration file not found!");
} catch (IOException e) {
"[boosCooldowns] Could not read configuration file!");
} catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) {
"[boosCooldowns] Configuration file is invalid!");
public static void loadConfusers() {
try {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
"[boosCooldowns] Storage file not found!");
} catch (IOException e) {
"[boosCooldowns] Could not read storage file!");
} catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) {
"[boosCooldowns] Storage file is invalid!");
public static void reload() {
conf = new YamlConfiguration();
public static void saveConfusers() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
"[boosCooldowns] Could not save storage file!");
public static void setAddToConfigFile(String group, String command, String what,
String value) {
group = group.toLowerCase();
command = command.toLowerCase();
int value2;
try {
value2 = Integer.parseInt(value);
conf.set("commands.groups." + group + "." + command + "." + what,
} catch (NumberFormatException e1) {
conf.set("commands.groups." + group + "." + command + "." + what,
try {;
} catch (IOException e) {
"[boosCooldowns] Could not save configuration file!");
public static boolean getAutoSave() {
return conf.getBoolean(
"options.options.auto_save_enabled_CAN_CAUSE_BIG_LAGS", false);
static String getPaidItemsForCommandMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.paid_items_for_command",
"&6Price of&e &command& &6was &e%s");
public static String getInsufficientItemsMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.insufficient_items",
"&6You have not enough items!&e &command& &6needs &e%s");
public static boolean getItemCostEnabled() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.item_cost_enabled", true);
static String getPaidXPForCommandMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.paid_xp_for_command",
"&6Price of&e &command& &6was &e%s");
public static int getXpPrice(String regexCommand, Player player) {
int price;
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
price = conf.getInt("commands.groups." + group + "." + regexCommand
+ ".xpcost", 0);
return price;
public static boolean getXpPriceEnabled() {
return conf.getBoolean("options.options.xp_cost_enabled", true);
public static String getInsufficientXpMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.insufficient_xp",
"&6You have not enough XP!&e &command& &6needs &e%s");
public static String getInvalidCommandSyntaxMessage() {
return conf
"&6You are not allowed to use command syntax /<pluginname>:<command>!");
static long getLimitResetDelay(String regexCommand, Player player) {
long limitreset;
String limitResetString = "";
String group = getCommandGroup(player);
limitResetString = conf.getString("commands.groups." + group + "."
+ regexCommand + ".limit_reset_delay", "0");
limitreset = parseTime(limitResetString);
return limitreset;
static String getLimitResetMessage() {
return conf
"&6Wait&e &seconds& &unit&&6 before your limit for command&e &command& &6is reset.&f");
static void clearSomething2(String co, String uuid, int hashedCommand) {
confusers.set("users." + uuid + "." + co + "." + hashedCommand, 0);
public static long getLimitResetDelayGlobal(String command) {
long delay = 0;
String delayString = "";
delayString = conf.getString(
"global." + command + ".limit_reset_delay", "0");
delay = parseTime(delayString);
return delay;
static Set<String> getLimitResetCommandsGlobal() {
return conf.getConfigurationSection("global").getKeys(false);
private static int parseTime(String time) {
String[] timeString = time.split(" ", 2);
if (timeString[0].equals("cancel")) {
return -65535;
int timeNumber = Integer.valueOf(timeString[0]);
int timeMultiplier = 1;
if (timeString.length > 1) {
String timeUnit = timeString[1];
switch (timeUnit) {
case "minute":
case "minutes":
timeMultiplier = 60;
case "hour":
case "hours":
timeMultiplier = 60 * 60;
case "day":
case "days":
timeMultiplier = 60 * 60 * 24;
case "week":
case "weeks":
timeMultiplier = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
case "month":
case "months":
timeMultiplier = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30;
timeMultiplier = 1;
return timeNumber * timeMultiplier;
public static String getLimitResetNowMessage() {
return conf.getString("options.messages.limit_reset_now",
"&6Reseting limits for command&e &command& &6now.&f");