
249 lines
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#should warmups be enabled?
warmups_enabled: true
#should cooldowns be enabled?
cooldowns_enabled: true
#should prices be enabled?
prices_enabled: true
#should item costs be enabled?
item_cost_enabled: true
#should xp costs be enabled?
xp_cost_enabled: true
#should player points prices be enabled?
player_points_prices_enabled: true
#should limits be enabled?
limits_enabled: true
#do not ever use this if you like your server
auto_save_enabled_CAN_CAUSE_BIG_LAGS: false
#if you have enabled the forbidden option above, this is how often in minutes will your server lag
save_interval_in_minutes: 15
#should warmups be canceled when player takes damage?
cancel_warmup_on_damage: false
#should warmups be canceled when player moves?
cancel_warmup_on_move: false
#should warmups be canceled when player toggles sneak?
cancel_warmup_on_sneak: false
#should warmups be canceled when player starts sprinting?
cancel_warmup_on_sprint: false
#should warmups be canceled when player changes gamemode?
cancel_warmup_on_gamemode_change: false
#should container access be disable during warmups?
block_interact_during_warmup: false
#should cooldowns be cleared on server restart?
clear_on_restart: false
#should limits (counts of how many times player used limited command) be cleared on server restart?
clear_uses_on_death: false
#should cooldowns be cleared on players death?
clear_cooldowns_on_death: false
#should cooldowns be started on players death?
start_cooldowns_on_death: false
#should command usages be logged to console? (not needed as spigot logs it already)
command_logging: false
#should commands signs be enabled?
command_signs: false
#should syntax blocker (blocks usage of commands with syntax /pluginname:command) be enabled?
syntax_blocker_enabled: true
#should command confirmations (when command has price, xp price or itemcost) be enabled?
command_confirmation: true
#time unit for seconds that will be shown in messages
seconds: seconds
#time unit for minutes that will be shown in messages
minutes: minutes
#time unit for hours that will be shown in messages
hours: hours
warmup_cancelled_by_damage: '&6Warm-ups have been cancelled due to receiving damage.&f'
warmup_cancelled_by_move: '&6Warm-ups have been cancelled due to moving.&f'
warmup_cancelled_by_sprint: '&6Warm-ups have been cancelled due to sprinting.&f'
warmup_cancelled_by_sneak: '&6Warm-ups have been cancelled due to sneaking.&f'
warmup_cancelled_by_gamemode_change: '&6Warm-ups have been cancelled due to changing
cooling_down: '&6Wait&e &seconds& &unit&&6 before you can use command&e &command&
warming_up: '&6Wait&e &seconds& &unit&&6 before command&e &command& &6has warmed
warmup_already_started: '&6Warm-Up process for&e &command& &6has already started.&f'
paid_error: '&6An error has occured:&e %s'
insufficient_funds: '&6You have insufficient funds!&e &command& &6costs &e%s &6but
you only have &e%s'
paid_for_command: '&6Price of&e &command& &6was&e %s &6and you now have&e %s'
paid_items_for_command: '&6Price of&e &command& &6was &e%s'
paid_xp_for_command: '&6Price of&e &command& &6was &e%s levels'
paid_player_points_for_command: '&6Price of&e &command& &6was &e%s PlayerPoints &6and you now have&e %s PlayerPoints'
insufficient_items: '&6You have not enough items!&e &command& &6needs &e%s'
insufficient_xp: '&6You have not enough XP!&e &command& &6needs &e%s'
insufficient_xp_requirement: '&6Your level is too low to use this!&e &command& &6needs &e%s'
insufficient_player_points: '&6You have not enough PlayerPoints!&e &command& &6needs &e%s'
limit_achieved: '&6You cannot use this command anymore!&f'
limit_reset: '&6Wait&e &seconds& &unit&&6 before your limit for command&e &command&
&6is reset.&f'
limit_reset_now: '&6Reseting limits for command&e &command& &6now!&f'
limit_list: '&6Limit for command &e&command&&6 is &e&limit&&6. You can still use
it &e&times&&6 times.&f'
interact_blocked_during_warmup: '&6You can''t do this when command is warming-up!&f'
cannot_create_sign: '&6You are not allowed to create this kind of signs!&f'
cannot_use_sign: '&6You are not allowed to use this sign!&f'
invalid_command_syntax: '&6You are not allowed to use command syntax /<pluginname>:<command>!'
confirmation_message: '&6Would you like to use command&e &command& &6?'
confirmation_price_of_command: '&6its price is&e &price& &6and you now have &e&balance&'
confirmation_item_price_of_command: '&6its price is&e &itemprice& &itemname&'
confirmation_limit_of_command: '&6it is limited to&e &limit& &6uses and you can still use it&e &uses& &6times'
confirmation_xp_price_of_command: '&6its price is&e &xpprice& experience levels'
confirmation_player_points_price_of_command: '&6its price is&e &ppprice& PlayerPoints &6and you now have &e&ppbalance& PlayerPoints'
confirmation_confirm_command_execution: 'Yes'
confirmation_confirm_command_execution_hint: 'Click to confirm'
confirmation_cancel_command_execution: 'No'
confirmation_cancel_command_execution_hint: 'Click to cancel'
confirmation_command_cancelled: '&6Execution of command&e &command& &6was cancelled'
confirmation_toggle_disable: 'Confirmation messages are now disabled for you!'
confirmation_toggle_enable: 'Confirmation messages are now enabled for you!'
#plugin is disabled for OPs so keep that in mind while testing!
#this group will work for all players without any booscooldowns permission
#PlayerPoints required to use this command
playerpoints: 5
#permission required to use this command
permission: "nice.permission"
#message that is sent to players who does not have above permission and attepts to use this command
denied_message: '&cYou lack required permissions to use this command!'
#limited to 5 uses per player
limit: 5
#shared limit with /night_command, when player uses this command it will also reduce players limit for all shared_limit commands
- /night_command
#limited to 5 uses but not shared, so when used it will only reduce players limit for itself
limit: 5
#this will only put cooldown on exactly /command parameter
/command parameter:
cooldown: 2 hours
#this will put cooldown on /commandwithparameters with parameters only eg.:
# /commandwithparameters home
# /commandwithparameters warp spawn hell
# this will not be affected: /commandwithparameters
/commandwithparameters *:
cooldown: 5 seconds
#this will put cooldown on /commandnewparams and all its parameters and continuations eg.:
# /commandnewparams
# /commandnewparams home
# /commandnewparams warp spawn hell
# /commandnewparamsprettylong
# /commandnewparamsprettylong and cool
cooldown: 5 hours
cooldown: 2 minute
#5 second delay between sending the command to chat and actually executing it
warmup: 5
#price of 10 money
price: 10.0
limit: 5
#potion effect and its strength that will affect player for the warmup time (5 seconds here) has to be one from this list:
- SLOW,5
#message that is sent to player when he uses this command
message: You just used /test!
limit: 1
cooldown: 6 hours
#same as shared_limit except for cooldown, will start cooldown on itself and all commands listed below shared_cooldown
- /this_commands_cooldown_will_also_be_started
- /another_one
cooldown: 1 week
cooldown: 1 month
limit: 1
#limit will be automatically cleared after set time (you can set something like 5 uses per hour and so)
limit_reset_delay: 120
/original *:
cooldown: 5
warmup: 1
limit: 10
#price in items required to use this command
#item type (material) has to be one from this list:
item: STONE
#number of items required to use command
count: 5
#name of required item
name: "Super Stone"
#lore of required item (any number of lines)
- "first line of lore"
- "second line of lore"
#enchants of required item and enchant level enchant name has to be one from this list:
#item cost without enchants
item: STONE
count: 5
name: "Super"
- "1"
- "2"
#item cost without lore
item: STONE
count: 5
name: "Super"
#item cost without name
item: STONE
count: 5
- "1"
- "2"
#item cost without enchants, lore and name
item: STONE
count: 5
#this command costs 5 experience levels to be used
xpcost: 5
#this command needs player to have 30 experience levels to be used, but does not take experience levels from player
xprequirement: 30
#this group will only work for players that have permission (player can only have one group at a time and no inheritance is possible atm
/command *:
warmup: 5
#players can use /newcommand and it will execute /originalcommand instead
#/ja * works for parameters and executes /me firstParameter secondParameter remainingParameters worldPlayerIsIn playerName
/newcommand: /originalcommand
/ja *: /me $1 $2 $* $world $player
#this will clear limits of command for all players at the same time
#this delay can be started by /bcd startglobalreset
#delay is calculated from the time of command usage (using command on midnight with 1 day delay will reset limits every midnight)
#if the server is offline during limit reset time, it will reset limits as soon as the server starts again
#to cancel delays, delete command from config below and run the command /bcd startglobalreset
limit_reset_delay: 1 hour
/original *:
limit_reset_delay: 360 minutes