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Raw Normal View History

2018-08-12 07:27:15 +02:00
package org.dynmap.markers.impl;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.dynmap.ConfigurationNode;
import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld;
import org.dynmap.hdmap.HDPerspective;
import org.dynmap.markers.CircleMarker;
import org.dynmap.markers.MarkerSet;
import org.dynmap.markers.impl.MarkerAPIImpl.MarkerUpdate;
import org.dynmap.utils.Vector3D;
class CircleMarkerImpl implements CircleMarker {
private String markerid;
private String label;
private boolean markup;
private String desc;
private MarkerSetImpl markerset;
private String world;
private String normalized_world;
private boolean ispersistent;
private double x;
private double y;
private double z;
private double xr;
private double zr;
private int lineweight = 3;
private double lineopacity = 0.8;
private int linecolor = 0xFF0000;
private double fillopacity = 0.35;
private int fillcolor = 0xFF0000;
private boolean boostflag = false;
private int minzoom = -1;
private int maxzoom = -1;
private static class BoundingBox {
double xmin, xmax;
double ymin, ymax;
double xp[];
double yp[];
private Map<String, BoundingBox> bb_cache = null;
* Create circle marker
* @param id - marker ID
* @param lbl - label
* @param markup - if true, label is HTML markup
* @param world - world id
* @param x - x center
* @param y - y center
* @param z - z center
* @param xr - radius on X axis
* @param zr - radius on Z axis
* @param persistent - true if persistent
* @param set - marker set
CircleMarkerImpl(String id, String lbl, boolean markup, String world, double x, double y, double z, double xr, double zr, boolean persistent, MarkerSetImpl set) {
markerid = id;
if(lbl != null)
label = lbl;
label = id;
this.markup = markup;
this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z;
this.xr = xr; this.zr = zr;
this.world = world;
this.normalized_world = DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(world);
this.desc = null;
this.minzoom = -1;
this.maxzoom = -1;
ispersistent = persistent;
markerset = set;
* Make bare area marker - used for persistence load
* @param id - marker ID
* @param set - marker set
CircleMarkerImpl(String id, MarkerSetImpl set) {
markerid = id;
markerset = set;
label = id;
markup = false;
desc = null;
world = normalized_world = "world";
this.minzoom = -1;
this.maxzoom = -1;
x = z = 0;
y = 64;
xr = zr = 0;
* Load marker from configuration node
* @param node - configuration node
boolean loadPersistentData(ConfigurationNode node) {
label = node.getString("label", markerid);
markup = node.getBoolean("markup", false);
world = node.getString("world", "world");
normalized_world = DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(world);
x = node.getDouble("x", 0);
y = node.getDouble("y", 64);
z = node.getDouble("z", 0);
xr = node.getDouble("xr", 0);
zr = node.getDouble("zr", 0);
desc = node.getString("desc", null);
lineweight = node.getInteger("strokeWeight", -1);
if(lineweight == -1) { /* Handle typo-saved value */
lineweight = node.getInteger("stokeWeight", 3);
lineopacity = node.getDouble("strokeOpacity", 0.8);
linecolor = node.getInteger("strokeColor", 0xFF0000);
fillopacity = node.getDouble("fillOpacity", 0.35);
fillcolor = node.getInteger("fillColor", 0xFF0000);
boostflag = node.getBoolean("boostFlag", false);
minzoom = node.getInteger("minzoom", -1);
maxzoom = node.getInteger("maxzoom", -1);
ispersistent = true; /* Loaded from config, so must be */
return true;
void cleanup() {
markerset = null;
bb_cache = null;
public String getMarkerID() {
return markerid;
public MarkerSet getMarkerSet() {
return markerset;
public void deleteMarker() {
if(markerset == null) return;
markerset.removeCircleMarker(this); /* Remove from our marker set (notified by set) */
public boolean isPersistentMarker() {
return ispersistent;
public String getLabel() {
return label;
public void setLabel(String lbl) {
setLabel(lbl, false);
public void setLabel(String lbl, boolean markup) {
label = lbl;
this.markup = markup;
MarkerAPIImpl.circleMarkerUpdated(this, MarkerUpdate.UPDATED);
* Get configuration node to be saved
* @return node
Map<String, Object> getPersistentData() {
if(!ispersistent) /* Nothing if not persistent */
return null;
HashMap<String, Object> node = new HashMap<String, Object>();
node.put("label", label);
node.put("markup", markup);
node.put("x", x);
node.put("y", y);
node.put("z", z);
node.put("xr", xr);
node.put("zr", zr);
node.put("world", world);
if(desc != null)
node.put("desc", desc);
node.put("strokeWeight", lineweight);
node.put("strokeOpacity", lineopacity);
node.put("strokeColor", linecolor);
node.put("fillOpacity", fillopacity);
node.put("fillColor", fillcolor);
if(boostflag) {
node.put("boostFlag", true);
if (minzoom >= 0) {
node.put("minzoom", minzoom);
if (maxzoom >= 0) {
node.put("maxzoom", maxzoom);
return node;
public String getWorld() {
return world;
public String getNormalizedWorld() {
return normalized_world;
public boolean isLabelMarkup() {
return markup;
public void setDescription(String desc) {
if((this.desc == null) || (this.desc.equals(desc) == false)) {
this.desc = desc;
MarkerAPIImpl.circleMarkerUpdated(this, MarkerUpdate.UPDATED);
* Get marker description
* @return descrption
public String getDescription() {
return this.desc;
public void setLineStyle(int weight, double opacity, int color) {
if((weight != lineweight) || (opacity != lineopacity) || (color != linecolor)) {
lineweight = weight;
lineopacity = opacity;
linecolor = color;
MarkerAPIImpl.circleMarkerUpdated(this, MarkerUpdate.UPDATED);
public int getLineWeight() {
return lineweight;
public double getLineOpacity() {
return lineopacity;
public int getLineColor() {
return linecolor;
public void setFillStyle(double opacity, int color) {
if((opacity != fillopacity) || (color != fillcolor)) {
fillopacity = opacity;
fillcolor = color;
MarkerAPIImpl.circleMarkerUpdated(this, MarkerUpdate.UPDATED);
public double getFillOpacity() {
return fillopacity;
public int getFillColor() {
return fillcolor;
public double getCenterX() {
return x;
public double getCenterY() {
return y;
public double getCenterZ() {
return z;
public void setCenter(String worldid, double x, double y, double z) {
boolean updated = false;
if(!worldid.equals(world)) {
world = worldid;
normalized_world = DynmapWorld.normalizeWorldName(world);
updated = true;
if(this.x != x) {
this.x = x;
updated = true;
if(this.y != y) {
this.y = y;
updated = true;
if(this.z != z) {
this.z = z;
updated = true;
if(updated) {
MarkerAPIImpl.circleMarkerUpdated(this, MarkerUpdate.UPDATED);
bb_cache = null;
public double getRadiusX() {
return xr;
public double getRadiusZ() {
return zr;
public void setRadius(double xr, double zr) {
if((this.xr != xr) || (this.zr != zr)) {
this.xr = xr;
this.zr = zr;
MarkerAPIImpl.circleMarkerUpdated(this, MarkerUpdate.UPDATED);
bb_cache = null;
public void setMarkerSet(MarkerSet newset) {
if(markerset != null) {
markerset.removeCircleMarker(this); /* Remove from our marker set (notified by set) */
markerset = (MarkerSetImpl)newset;
public void setBoostFlag(boolean bflag) {
if (this.boostflag != bflag) {
this.boostflag = bflag;
if (markerset != null) {
public boolean getBoostFlag() {
return boostflag;
final boolean testTileForBoostMarkers(DynmapWorld w, HDPerspective perspective, double tile_x, double tile_y, double tile_dim) {
Map<String, BoundingBox> bbc = bb_cache;
if(bbc == null) {
bbc = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, BoundingBox>();
BoundingBox bb = bbc.get(perspective.getName());
if (bb == null) { // No cached bounding box, so generate it
bb = new BoundingBox();
Vector3D v = new Vector3D();
Vector3D v2 = new Vector3D();
bb.xmin = Double.MAX_VALUE;
bb.xmax = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
bb.ymin = Double.MAX_VALUE;
bb.ymax = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
int cnt = 16; // Just do 16 points for now
bb.xp = new double[cnt];
bb.yp = new double[cnt];
for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
v.x = this.x + (this.xr * Math.cos(2.0*Math.PI*i/cnt));
v.y = this.y;
v.z = this.z + (this.zr * Math.sin(2.0*Math.PI*i/cnt));
perspective.transformWorldToMapCoord(v, v2); // Transform to map coord
if(v2.x < bb.xmin) bb.xmin = v2.x;
if(v2.y < bb.ymin) bb.ymin = v2.y;
if(v2.x > bb.xmax) bb.xmax = v2.x;
if(v2.y > bb.ymax) bb.ymax = v2.y;
bb.xp[i] = v2.x;
bb.yp[i] = v2.y;
//System.out.println("x=" + bb.xmin + " - " + bb.xmax + ", y=" + bb.ymin + " - " + bb.ymax);
bbc.put(perspective.getName(), bb);
bb_cache = bbc;
final double tile_x2 = tile_x + tile_dim;
final double tile_y2 = tile_y + tile_dim;
if ((bb.xmin > tile_x2) || (bb.xmax < tile_x) || (bb.ymin > tile_y2) || (bb.ymax < tile_y)) {
//System.out.println("tile: " + tile_x + " / " + tile_y + " - miss");
return false;
final int cnt = bb.xp.length;
final double[] px = bb.xp;
final double[] py = bb.yp;
/* Now see if tile square intersects polygon - start with seeing if any point inside */
if(MarkerImpl.testPointInPolygon(tile_x, tile_y, px, py)) {
return true; // If tile corner inside, we intersect
if(MarkerImpl.testPointInPolygon(tile_x2, tile_y, px, py)) {
return true; // If tile corner inside, we intersect
if(MarkerImpl.testPointInPolygon(tile_x, tile_y2, px, py)) {
return true; // If tile corner inside, we intersect
if(MarkerImpl.testPointInPolygon(tile_x2, tile_y2, px, py)) {
return true; // If tile corner inside, we intersect
/* Test if any polygon corners are inside square */
for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
if((px[i] >= tile_x) && (px[i] <= tile_x2) && (py[i] >= tile_y) && (py[i] <= tile_y2)) {
return true; // If poly corner inside tile, we intersect
// Otherwise, only intersects if at least one edge crosses
//for (int i = 0, j = cnt-1; i < cnt; j = i++) {
// // Test for X=tile_x side
// if ((px[i] < tile_x) && (px[j] >= tile_x) && ()
// }
//System.out.println("tile: " + tile_x + " / " + tile_y + " - hit");
return false;
public int getMinZoom() {
return minzoom;
public void setMinZoom(int zoom) {
if (zoom < 0) zoom = -1;
if (this.minzoom == zoom) return;
this.minzoom = zoom;
MarkerAPIImpl.circleMarkerUpdated(this, MarkerUpdate.UPDATED);
public int getMaxZoom() {
return maxzoom;
public void setMaxZoom(int zoom) {
if (zoom < 0) zoom = -1;
if (this.maxzoom == zoom) return;
this.maxzoom = zoom;
MarkerAPIImpl.circleMarkerUpdated(this, MarkerUpdate.UPDATED);