mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 21:11:45 +01:00
Fix BiomeMap NPE, switch Fabric to GenericMapChunkCache
This commit is contained in:
@ -129,10 +129,10 @@ public class BiomeMap {
static {
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
BiomeMap bm = BiomeMap.byBiomeID(i);
for (int i = 0; i < biome_by_index.length; i++) {
BiomeMap bm = BiomeMap.byBiomeID(i-1);
if (bm == null) {
bm = new BiomeMap(i, "BIOME_" + i);
bm = new BiomeMap(i-1, "BIOME_" + (i-1));
bm.isDef = true;
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ public class BiomeMap {
biome_by_index = Arrays.copyOf(biome_by_index, idx * 3 / 2);
for (int i = oldlen; i < biome_by_index.length; i++) {
if (biome_by_index[i] == null) {
BiomeMap bm = new BiomeMap(i, "BIOME_" + i);
BiomeMap bm = new BiomeMap(i-1, "BIOME_" + (i-1));
bm.isDef = true;
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ public abstract class GenericMapChunkCache extends MapChunkCache {
if ((nchunkindex >= snapcnt) || (nchunkindex < 0)) {
return BiomeMap.NULL;
} else {
return snaparray[chunkindex].getBiome(nx, y, nz);
return snaparray[nchunkindex].getBiome(nx, y, nz);
@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
package org.dynmap.fabric_1_18;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtList;
import net.minecraft.util.collection.PackedIntegerArray;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.math.WordPackedArray;
import org.dynmap.Log;
import org.dynmap.common.BiomeMap;
import org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState;
import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.util.NbtType;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* Represents a static, thread-safe snapshot of chunk of blocks
* Purpose is to allow clean, efficient copy of a chunk data to be made, and then handed off for processing in another thread (e.g. map rendering)
public class ChunkSnapshot {
private static interface Section {
public DynmapBlockState getBlockType(int x, int y, int z);
public int getBlockSkyLight(int x, int y, int z);
public int getBlockEmittedLight(int x, int y, int z);
public boolean isEmpty();
public int getBiome(int x, int y, int z);
private final int x, z;
private final Section[] section;
private final int sectionOffset;
private final int[] hmap; // Height map
private final long captureFulltime;
private final int sectionCnt;
private final long inhabitedTicks;
private static final int BLOCKS_PER_SECTION = 16 * 16 * 16;
private static final int BIOMES_PER_SECTION = 4 * 4 * 4;
private static final int COLUMNS_PER_CHUNK = 16 * 16;
private static final byte[] emptyData = new byte[BLOCKS_PER_SECTION / 2];
private static final byte[] fullData = new byte[BLOCKS_PER_SECTION / 2];
static {
Arrays.fill(fullData, (byte) 0xFF);
private static class EmptySection implements Section {
public DynmapBlockState getBlockType(int x, int y, int z) {
return DynmapBlockState.AIR;
public int getBlockSkyLight(int x, int y, int z) {
return 15;
public int getBlockEmittedLight(int x, int y, int z) {
return 0;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return true;
public int getBiome(int x, int y, int z) {
return BiomeMap.PLAINS.getBiomeID();
private static final EmptySection empty_section = new EmptySection();
private static class StdSection implements Section {
DynmapBlockState[] states;
int[] biomes;
byte[] skylight;
byte[] emitlight;
public StdSection() {
states = new DynmapBlockState[BLOCKS_PER_SECTION];
biomes = new int[BIOMES_PER_SECTION];
Arrays.fill(biomes, BiomeMap.PLAINS.getBiomeID());
Arrays.fill(states, DynmapBlockState.AIR);
skylight = emptyData;
emitlight = emptyData;
public DynmapBlockState getBlockType(int x, int y, int z) {
return states[((y & 0xF) << 8) | (z << 4) | x];
public int getBlockSkyLight(int x, int y, int z) {
int off = ((y & 0xF) << 7) | (z << 3) | (x >> 1);
return (skylight[off] >> (4 * (x & 1))) & 0xF;
public int getBlockEmittedLight(int x, int y, int z) {
int off = ((y & 0xF) << 7) | (z << 3) | (x >> 1);
return (emitlight[off] >> (4 * (x & 1))) & 0xF;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return false;
public int getBiome(int x, int y, int z) {
int off = (((y & 0xF) >> 2) << 4) | ((z >> 2) << 2) | (x >> 2);
return biomes[off];
* Construct empty chunk snapshot
* @param x
* @param z
public ChunkSnapshot(int worldheight, int x, int z, long captime, long inhabitedTime) {
this.x = x;
this.z = z;
this.captureFulltime = captime;
this.sectionCnt = worldheight / 16;
/* Allocate arrays indexed by section */
this.section = new Section[this.sectionCnt + 1];
this.sectionOffset = 0;
/* Fill with empty data */
for (int i = 0; i <= this.sectionCnt; i++) {
this.section[i] = empty_section;
/* Create empty height map */
this.hmap = new int[COLUMNS_PER_CHUNK];
this.inhabitedTicks = inhabitedTime;
public static class StateListException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static boolean loggedOnce = false;
public StateListException(int x, int z, int actualLength, int expectedLength, int expectedLegacyLength) {
if (Log.verbose || !loggedOnce) {
loggedOnce = true;
Log.info("Skipping chunk at x=" + x + ",z=" + z + ". Expected statelist of length " + expectedLength + " or " + expectedLegacyLength + " but got " + actualLength + ". This can happen if the chunk was not yet converted to the 1.16 format which can be fixed by visiting the chunk.");
if (!Log.verbose) {
Log.info("You will only see this message once. Turn on verbose logging in the configuration to see all messages.");
public ChunkSnapshot(NbtCompound nbt, int worldheight) throws StateListException {
this.x = nbt.getInt("xPos");
this.z = nbt.getInt("zPos");
this.captureFulltime = 0;
this.sectionCnt = worldheight / 16;
if (nbt.contains("InhabitedTime")) {
this.inhabitedTicks = nbt.getLong("InhabitedTime");
} else {
this.inhabitedTicks = 0;
this.hmap = new int[COLUMNS_PER_CHUNK];
if (nbt.contains("Heightmaps")) {
NbtCompound hmaps = nbt.getCompound("Heightmaps");
long[] phmap = hmaps.getLongArray("WORLD_SURFACE");
PackedIntegerArray hmap = new PackedIntegerArray((phmap.length * 64) / COLUMNS_PER_CHUNK, COLUMNS_PER_CHUNK,
for (int i = 0; i < this.hmap.length; i++) {
this.hmap[i] = hmap.get(i);
/* Allocate arrays indexed by section */
LinkedList<Section> sections = new LinkedList<Section>();
int sectoff = 0; // Default to zero
int sectcnt = 0;
/* Fill with empty data */
for (int i = 0; i <= this.sectionCnt; i++) {
/* Get sections */
NbtList sect = nbt.getList("sections", 10);
for (int i = 0; i < sect.size(); i++) {
NbtCompound sec = sect.getCompound(i);
int secnum = sec.getByte("Y");
// Beyond end - extend up
while (secnum >= (sectcnt - sectoff)) {
sections.addLast(empty_section); // Pad with empty
// Negative - see if we need to extend sectionOffset
while ((secnum + sectoff) < 0) {
sections.addFirst(empty_section); // Pad with empty
//System.out.println("section(" + secnum + ")=" + sec.asString());
// Create normal section to initialize
StdSection cursect = new StdSection();
sections.set(secnum + sectoff, cursect);
DynmapBlockState[] states = cursect.states;
DynmapBlockState[] palette = null;
int[] biomes = cursect.biomes;
// If we've got palette and block states list, process non-empty section
if (sec.contains("block_states", NbtType.COMPOUND)) {
NbtCompound bstat = sec.getCompound("block_states");
NbtList plist = bstat.getList("palette", 10);
long[] statelist = bstat.getLongArray("data");
palette = new DynmapBlockState[plist.size()];
for (int pi = 0; pi < plist.size(); pi++) {
NbtCompound tc = plist.getCompound(pi);
String pname = tc.getString("Name");
if (tc.contains("Properties")) {
StringBuilder statestr = new StringBuilder();
NbtCompound prop = tc.getCompound("Properties");
for (String pid : prop.getKeys()) {
if (statestr.length() > 0) statestr.append(',');
palette[pi] = DynmapBlockState.getStateByNameAndState(pname, statestr.toString());
if (palette[pi] == null) {
palette[pi] = DynmapBlockState.getBaseStateByName(pname);
if (palette[pi] == null) {
palette[pi] = DynmapBlockState.AIR;
if (statelist.length > 0) {
PackedIntegerArray db = null;
WordPackedArray dbp = null;
int bitsperblock = (statelist.length * 64) / 4096;
int expectedStatelistLength = (4096 + (64 / bitsperblock) - 1) / (64 / bitsperblock);
if (statelist.length == expectedStatelistLength) {
db = new PackedIntegerArray(bitsperblock, 4096, statelist);
} else {
int expectedLegacyStatelistLength = MathHelper.roundUpToMultiple(bitsperblock * 4096, 64) / 64;
if (statelist.length == expectedLegacyStatelistLength) {
dbp = new WordPackedArray(bitsperblock, 4096, statelist);
} else {
throw new StateListException(x, z, statelist.length, expectedStatelistLength,
if (bitsperblock > 8) { // Not palette
for (int j = 0; j < 4096; j++) {
int v = db != null ? db.get(j) : dbp.get(j);
states[j] = DynmapBlockState.getStateByGlobalIndex(v);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < 4096; j++) {
int v = db != null ? db.get(j) : dbp.get(j);
states[j] = (v < palette.length) ? palette[v] : DynmapBlockState.AIR;
if (sec.contains("BlockLight")) {
cursect.emitlight = sec.getByteArray("BlockLight");
if (sec.contains("SkyLight")) {
cursect.skylight = sec.getByteArray("SkyLight");
if (sec.contains("biomes")) {
NbtCompound nbtbiomes = sec.getCompound("biomes");
long[] bdataPacked = nbtbiomes.getLongArray("data");
NbtList bpalette = nbtbiomes.getList("palette", NbtType.STRING);
PackedIntegerArray bdata = null;
if (bdataPacked.length > 0)
bdata = new PackedIntegerArray(bdataPacked.length, 64, bdataPacked);
for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
int b = bdata != null ? bdata.get(j) : 0;
biomes[j] = b < bpalette.size() ? BiomeMap.byBiomeResourceLocation(bpalette.getString(b)).getBiomeID() : -1;
// Finalize sections array
this.section = sections.toArray(new Section[sections.size()]);
this.sectionOffset = sectoff;
public int getX() {
return x;
public int getZ() {
return z;
public DynmapBlockState getBlockType(int x, int y, int z)
int idx = (y >> 4) + sectionOffset;
if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= section.length)) return DynmapBlockState.AIR;
return section[idx].getBlockType(x, y, z);
public int getBlockSkyLight(int x, int y, int z)
int idx = (y >> 4) + sectionOffset;
if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= section.length)) return 15;
return section[idx].getBlockSkyLight(x, y, z);
public int getBlockEmittedLight(int x, int y, int z)
int idx = (y >> 4) + sectionOffset;
if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= section.length)) return 0;
return section[idx].getBlockEmittedLight(x, y, z);
public int getHighestBlockYAt(int x, int z) {
return hmap[z << 4 | x];
public int getBiome(int x, int z) {
int y = getHighestBlockYAt(x, z);
final int idx = (y >> 4) + sectionOffset;
if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= section.length))
return 0;
return section[idx].getBiome(x % 16, y % 16, z % 16);
public final long getCaptureFullTime() {
return captureFulltime;
public boolean isSectionEmpty(int sy)
int idx = sy + sectionOffset;
if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= section.length)) return true;
return section[idx].isEmpty();
public long getInhabitedTicks() {
return inhabitedTicks;
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import org.dynmap.common.BiomeMap;
import org.dynmap.common.DynmapCommandSender;
import org.dynmap.common.DynmapListenerManager;
import org.dynmap.common.DynmapPlayer;
import org.dynmap.common.chunk.GenericChunkCache;
import org.dynmap.fabric_1_18.command.DmapCommand;
import org.dynmap.fabric_1_18.command.DmarkerCommand;
import org.dynmap.fabric_1_18.command.DynmapCommand;
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ public class DynmapPlugin {
DynmapCore core;
private PermissionProvider permissions;
private boolean core_enabled;
public SnapshotCache sscache;
public GenericChunkCache sscache;
public PlayerList playerList;
MapManager mapManager;
@ -505,7 +506,7 @@ public class DynmapPlugin {
playerList = core.playerList;
sscache = new SnapshotCache(core.getSnapShotCacheSize(), core.useSoftRefInSnapShotCache());
sscache = new GenericChunkCache(core.getSnapShotCacheSize(), core.useSoftRefInSnapShotCache());
/* Get map manager from core */
mapManager = core.getMapManager();
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
package org.dynmap.fabric_1_18;
import org.dynmap.utils.DynIntHashMap;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class SnapshotCache {
public static class SnapshotRec {
public ChunkSnapshot ss;
public DynIntHashMap tileData;
private CacheHashMap snapcache;
private ReferenceQueue<SnapshotRec> refqueue;
private long cache_attempts;
private long cache_success;
private boolean softref;
private static class CacheRec {
Reference<SnapshotRec> ref;
boolean hasbiome;
boolean hasrawbiome;
boolean hasblockdata;
boolean hashighesty;
public class CacheHashMap extends LinkedHashMap<String, CacheRec> {
private int limit;
private IdentityHashMap<Reference<SnapshotRec>, String> reverselookup;
public CacheHashMap(int lim) {
super(16, (float) 0.75, true);
limit = lim;
reverselookup = new IdentityHashMap<Reference<SnapshotRec>, String>();
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<String, CacheRec> last) {
boolean remove = (size() >= limit);
if (remove && (last != null) && (last.getValue() != null)) {
return remove;
* Create snapshot cache
public SnapshotCache(int max_size, boolean softref) {
snapcache = new CacheHashMap(max_size);
refqueue = new ReferenceQueue<SnapshotRec>();
this.softref = softref;
private String getKey(String w, int cx, int cz) {
return w + ":" + cx + ":" + cz;
* Invalidate cached snapshot, if in cache
public void invalidateSnapshot(String w, int x, int y, int z) {
String key = getKey(w, x >> 4, z >> 4);
synchronized (snapcache) {
CacheRec rec = snapcache.remove(key);
if (rec != null) {
* Invalidate cached snapshot, if in cache
public void invalidateSnapshot(String w, int x0, int y0, int z0, int x1, int y1, int z1) {
for (int xx = (x0 >> 4); xx <= (x1 >> 4); xx++) {
for (int zz = (z0 >> 4); zz <= (z1 >> 4); zz++) {
String key = getKey(w, xx, zz);
synchronized (snapcache) {
CacheRec rec = snapcache.remove(key);
if (rec != null) {
* Look for chunk snapshot in cache
public SnapshotRec getSnapshot(String w, int chunkx, int chunkz,
boolean blockdata, boolean biome, boolean biomeraw, boolean highesty) {
String key = getKey(w, chunkx, chunkz);
SnapshotRec ss = null;
CacheRec rec;
synchronized (snapcache) {
rec = snapcache.get(key);
if (rec != null) {
ss = rec.ref.get();
if (ss == null) {
if (ss != null) {
if ((blockdata && (!rec.hasblockdata)) ||
(biome && (!rec.hasbiome)) ||
(biomeraw && (!rec.hasrawbiome)) ||
(highesty && (!rec.hashighesty))) {
ss = null;
if (ss != null) cache_success++;
return ss;
* Add chunk snapshot to cache
public void putSnapshot(String w, int chunkx, int chunkz, SnapshotRec ss,
boolean blockdata, boolean biome, boolean biomeraw, boolean highesty) {
String key = getKey(w, chunkx, chunkz);
CacheRec rec = new CacheRec();
rec.hasblockdata = blockdata;
rec.hasbiome = biome;
rec.hasrawbiome = biomeraw;
rec.hashighesty = highesty;
if (softref)
rec.ref = new SoftReference<SnapshotRec>(ss, refqueue);
rec.ref = new WeakReference<SnapshotRec>(ss, refqueue);
synchronized (snapcache) {
CacheRec prevrec = snapcache.put(key, rec);
if (prevrec != null) {
snapcache.reverselookup.put(rec.ref, key);
* Process reference queue
private void processRefQueue() {
Reference<? extends SnapshotRec> ref;
while ((ref = refqueue.poll()) != null) {
synchronized (snapcache) {
String k = snapcache.reverselookup.remove(ref);
if (k != null) {
* Get hit rate (percent)
public double getHitRate() {
if (cache_attempts > 0) {
return (100.0 * cache_success) / (double) cache_attempts;
return 0.0;
* Reset cache stats
public void resetStats() {
cache_attempts = cache_success = 0;
* Cleanup
public void cleanup() {
if (snapcache != null) {
snapcache.reverselookup = null;
snapcache = null;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user