mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 10:41:29 +01:00
Add more performance measurements
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitScheduler;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ import org.dynmap.DynmapPlugin.CompassMode;
import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld.AutoGenerateOption;
import org.dynmap.debug.Debug;
import org.dynmap.hdmap.HDMapManager;
import org.dynmap.utils.LegacyMapChunkCache;
import org.dynmap.utils.MapChunkCache;
import org.dynmap.utils.NewMapChunkCache;
import org.dynmap.utils.SnapshotCache;
@ -58,7 +58,16 @@ public class MapManager {
private Object loadlock = new Object();
private int chunks_in_cur_tick = 0;
private long cur_tick;
/* Chunk load performance numbers */
AtomicInteger chunk_caches_created = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicInteger chunk_caches_attempted = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicLong total_chunk_cache_loadtime_ns = new AtomicLong(0);
AtomicInteger chunks_read = new AtomicInteger(0);;
AtomicInteger chunks_attempted = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicLong total_loadtime_ns = new AtomicLong(0L);
AtomicLong total_exceptions = new AtomicLong(0L);
/* Tile hash manager */
public TileHashManager hashman;
/* lock for our data structures */
@ -182,6 +191,8 @@ public class MapManager {
String rendertype;
boolean cancelled;
String mapname;
AtomicLong total_render_ns = new AtomicLong(0L);
AtomicInteger rendercalls = new AtomicInteger(0);
/* Full world, all maps render */
FullWorldRenderState(DynmapWorld dworld, Location l, CommandSender sender, String mapname) {
@ -342,17 +353,23 @@ public class MapManager {
if(renderQueue.isEmpty()) {
if(map_index >= 0) { /* Finished a map? */
double msecpertile = (double)timeaccum / (double)((rendercnt>0)?rendercnt:1)/(double)activemapcnt;
double rendtime = total_render_ns.doubleValue() * 0.000001 / rendercalls.get();
if(activemapcnt > 1)
sendMessage(rendertype + " of maps [" + activemaps + "] of '" +
world.world.getName() + "' completed - " + rendercnt + " tiles rendered each (" + String.format("%.2f", msecpertile) + " msec/map-tile).");
world.world.getName() + "' completed - " + rendercnt + " tiles rendered each (" + String.format("%.2f", msecpertile) + " msec/map-tile, "
+ rendtime +" msec per render)");
sendMessage(rendertype + " of map '" + activemaps + "' of '" +
world.world.getName() + "' completed - " + rendercnt + " tiles rendered (" + String.format("%.2f", msecpertile) + " msec/tile).");
world.world.getName() + "' completed - " + rendercnt + " tiles rendered (" + String.format("%.2f", msecpertile) + " msec/tile. "
+ rendtime +" msec per render)");
rendercnt = 0;
timeaccum = 0;
/* Advance to next unrendered map */
while(map_index < world.maps.size()) {
map_index++; /* Move to next one */
@ -507,12 +524,21 @@ public class MapManager {
if(!good) requiredChunks = Collections.emptyList();
/* Fetch chunk cache from server thread */
long clt0 = System.nanoTime();
MapChunkCache cache = createMapChunkCache(world, requiredChunks, tile.isBlockTypeDataNeeded(),
tile.isHightestBlockYDataNeeded(), tile.isBiomeDataNeeded(),
total_chunk_cache_loadtime_ns.addAndGet(System.nanoTime() - clt0);
if(cache == null) {
return false; /* Cancelled/aborted */
/* Update stats */
if(tile0 != null) { /* Single tile? */
if(cache.isEmpty() == false)
tile.render(cache, null);
@ -522,7 +548,10 @@ public class MapManager {
/* Switch to not checking if rendered tile is blank - breaks us on skylands, where tiles can be nominally blank - just work off chunk cache empty */
if (cache.isEmpty() == false) {
long rt0 = System.nanoTime();
tile.render(cache, mapname);
synchronized(lock) {
// found.setFlag(tile.tileOrdinalX(),tile.tileOrdinalY(),false);
rendered.setFlag(tile.tileOrdinalX(), tile.tileOrdinalY(), true);
@ -541,13 +570,16 @@ public class MapManager {
timeaccum += System.currentTimeMillis() - tstart;
if((rendercnt % progressinterval) == 0) {
double rendtime = total_render_ns.doubleValue() * 0.000001 / rendercalls.get();
double msecpertile = (double)timeaccum / (double)rendercnt / (double)activemapcnt;
if(activemapcnt > 1)
sendMessage(rendertype + " of maps [" + activemaps + "] of '" +
w.getName() + "' in progress - " + rendercnt + " tiles rendered each (" + String.format("%.2f", msecpertile) + " msec/map-tile).");
w.getName() + "' in progress - " + rendercnt + " tiles rendered each (" + String.format("%.2f", msecpertile) + " msec/map-tile, "
+ rendtime +" msec per render)");
sendMessage(rendertype + " of map '" + activemaps + "' of '" +
w.getName() + "' in progress - " + rendercnt + " tiles rendered (" + String.format("%.2f", msecpertile) + " msec/tile).");
w.getName() + "' in progress - " + rendercnt + " tiles rendered (" + String.format("%.2f", msecpertile) + " msec/tile. "
+ rendtime +" msec per render)");
@ -1066,15 +1098,7 @@ public class MapManager {
public MapChunkCache createMapChunkCache(DynmapWorld w, List<DynmapChunk> chunks,
boolean blockdata, boolean highesty, boolean biome, boolean rawbiome) {
MapChunkCache c = null;
try {
c = new NewMapChunkCache();
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe) {
use_legacy = true;
if(c == null)
c = new LegacyMapChunkCache();
MapChunkCache c = new NewMapChunkCache();
if(w.visibility_limits != null) {
for(MapChunkCache.VisibilityLimit limit: w.visibility_limits) {
@ -1173,12 +1197,26 @@ public class MapManager {
sender.sendMessage(" TOTALS: processed=" + tot.loggedcnt + ", rendered=" + tot.renderedcnt +
", updated=" + tot.updatedcnt + ", transparent=" + tot.transparentcnt);
sender.sendMessage(" Cache hit rate: " + sscache.getHitRate() + "%");
sender.sendMessage(" Triggered update queue size: " + tileQueue.size());
String act = "";
for(String wn : active_renders.keySet())
act += wn + " ";
sender.sendMessage(" Active render jobs: " + act);
/* Chunk load stats */
sender.sendMessage("Chunk Loading Statistics:");
sender.sendMessage(" Cache hit rate: " + sscache.getHitRate() + "%");
int setcnt = chunk_caches_attempted.get();
sender.sendMessage(" Chunk sets: created=" + chunk_caches_created.get() + ", attempted=" + chunk_caches_attempted.get());
int readcnt = chunks_read.get();
sender.sendMessage(" Chunk: loaded=" + readcnt + ", attempted=" + chunks_attempted.get());
double ns = total_loadtime_ns.doubleValue() * 0.000001; /* Convert to milliseconds */
double chunkloadns = total_chunk_cache_loadtime_ns.doubleValue() * 0.000001;
if(readcnt == 0) readcnt = 1;
if(setcnt == 0) setcnt = 1;
sender.sendMessage(" Chunk load times: " + ns + " msec (" + (ns / readcnt) + " msec/chunk)");
sender.sendMessage(" Chunk set load times: " + chunkloadns + " msec (" + (chunkloadns / setcnt) + " msec/set)");
sender.sendMessage(" Chunk set delay times: " + (chunkloadns-ns) + " msec (" + ((chunkloadns-ns) / setcnt) + " msec/set)");
sender.sendMessage(" Chunk set exceptions: " + total_exceptions.get());
* Print trigger statistics command
@ -1213,6 +1251,13 @@ public class MapManager {
ts.callswithtiles = 0;
ts.tilesqueued = 0;
sender.sendMessage("Tile Render Statistics reset");
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
package org.dynmap.utils;
* Represents a static, thread-safe snapshot of chunk of blocks
* Purpose is to allow clean, efficient copy of a chunk data to be made, and then handed off for processing in another thread (e.g. map rendering)
public class CraftChunkSnapshot implements LegacyChunkSnapshot {
private final int x, z;
private final byte[] buf; /* Flat buffer in uncompressed chunk file format */
private final byte[] hmap; /* Highest Y map */
private static final int BLOCKDATA_OFF = 32768;
private static final int BLOCKLIGHT_OFF = BLOCKDATA_OFF + 16384;
private static final int SKYLIGHT_OFF = BLOCKLIGHT_OFF + 16384;
* Constructor
CraftChunkSnapshot(int x, int z, byte[] buf, byte[] hmap) {
this.x = x;
this.z = z;
this.buf = buf;
this.hmap = hmap;
* Gets the X-coordinate of this chunk
* @return X-coordinate
public int getX() {
return x;
* Gets the Z-coordinate of this chunk
* @return Z-coordinate
public int getZ() {
return z;
* Get block type for block at corresponding coordinate in the chunk
* @param x 0-15
* @param y 0-127
* @param z 0-15
* @return 0-255
public int getBlockTypeId(int x, int y, int z) {
return buf[x << 11 | z << 7 | y] & 255;
* Get block data for block at corresponding coordinate in the chunk
* @param x 0-15
* @param y 0-127
* @param z 0-15
* @return 0-15
public int getBlockData(int x, int y, int z) {
int off = ((x << 10) | (z << 6) | (y >> 1)) + BLOCKDATA_OFF;
return ((y & 1) == 0) ? (buf[off] & 0xF) : ((buf[off] >> 4) & 0xF);
* Get sky light level for block at corresponding coordinate in the chunk
* @param x 0-15
* @param y 0-127
* @param z 0-15
* @return 0-15
public int getBlockSkyLight(int x, int y, int z) {
int off = ((x << 10) | (z << 6) | (y >> 1)) + SKYLIGHT_OFF;
return ((y & 1) == 0) ? (buf[off] & 0xF) : ((buf[off] >> 4) & 0xF);
* Get light level emitted by block at corresponding coordinate in the chunk
* @param x 0-15
* @param y 0-127
* @param z 0-15
* @return 0-15
public int getBlockEmittedLight(int x, int y, int z) {
int off = ((x << 10) | (z << 6) | (y >> 1)) + BLOCKLIGHT_OFF;
return ((y & 1) == 0) ? (buf[off] & 0xF) : ((buf[off] >> 4) & 0xF);
public int getHighestBlockYAt(int x, int z) {
return hmap[z << 4 | x] & 255;
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package org.dynmap.utils;
* Represents a static, thread-safe snapshot of chunk of blocks
* Purpose is to allow clean, efficient copy of a chunk data to be made, and then handed off for processing in another thread (e.g. map rendering)
public interface LegacyChunkSnapshot {
* Get block type for block at corresponding coordinate in the chunk
* @param x 0-15
* @param y 0-127
* @param z 0-15
* @return 0-255
public int getBlockTypeId(int x, int y, int z);
* Get block data for block at corresponding coordinate in the chunk
* @param x 0-15
* @param y 0-127
* @param z 0-15
* @return 0-15
public int getBlockData(int x, int y, int z);
* Get sky light level for block at corresponding coordinate in the chunk
* @param x 0-15
* @param y 0-127
* @param z 0-15
* @return 0-15
public int getBlockSkyLight(int x, int y, int z);
* Get light level emitted by block at corresponding coordinate in the chunk
* @param x 0-15
* @param y 0-127
* @param z 0-15
* @return 0-15
public int getBlockEmittedLight(int x, int y, int z);
public int getHighestBlockYAt(int x, int z);
@ -1,555 +0,0 @@
package org.dynmap.utils;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.block.Biome;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.dynmap.DynmapChunk;
import org.dynmap.DynmapPlugin;
import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld;
import org.dynmap.Log;
import org.dynmap.utils.MapIterator.BlockStep;
import java.util.List;
* Container for managing chunks - dependent upon using chunk snapshots, since rendering is off server thread
public class LegacyMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
private static Method getchunkdata = null;
private static Method gethandle = null;
private static Method poppreservedchunk = null;
private static Field heightmap = null;
private static boolean initialized = false;
private World w;
private List<DynmapChunk> chunks;
private ListIterator<DynmapChunk> iterator;
private DynmapWorld.AutoGenerateOption generateopt;
private boolean do_generate = false;
private boolean do_save = false;
private boolean isempty = true;
private int x_min, x_max, z_min, z_max;
private int x_dim;
private HiddenChunkStyle hidestyle = HiddenChunkStyle.FILL_AIR;
private List<VisibilityLimit> visible_limits = null;
private LegacyChunkSnapshot[] snaparray; /* Index = (x-x_min) + ((z-z_min)*x_dim) */
private static final BlockStep unstep[] = { BlockStep.X_MINUS, BlockStep.Y_MINUS, BlockStep.Z_MINUS,
BlockStep.X_PLUS, BlockStep.Y_PLUS, BlockStep.Z_PLUS };
* Iterator for traversing map chunk cache (base is for non-snapshot)
public class OurMapIterator implements MapIterator {
private int x, y, z;
private LegacyChunkSnapshot snap;
private BlockStep laststep;
private int typeid;
OurMapIterator(int x0, int y0, int z0) {
initialize(x0, y0, z0);
public final void initialize(int x0, int y0, int z0) {
this.x = x0;
this.y = y0;
this.z = z0;
try {
snap = snaparray[((x>>4) - x_min) + ((z>>4) - z_min) * x_dim];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx) {
snap = EMPTY;
laststep = BlockStep.Y_MINUS;
typeid = -1;
public final int getBlockTypeID() {
if(typeid < 0)
typeid = snap.getBlockTypeId(x & 0xF, y, z & 0xF);
return typeid;
public final int getBlockData() {
return snap.getBlockData(x & 0xF, y, z & 0xF);
public final int getHighestBlockYAt() {
return snap.getHighestBlockYAt(x & 0xF, z & 0xF);
public final int getBlockSkyLight() {
return snap.getBlockSkyLight(x & 0xF, y, z & 0xF);
public final int getBlockEmittedLight() {
return snap.getBlockEmittedLight(x & 0xF, y, z & 0xF);
public Biome getBiome() {
return null;
public double getRawBiomeTemperature() {
return 0.0;
public double getRawBiomeRainfall() {
return 0.0;
* Step current position in given direction
public final void stepPosition(BlockStep step) {
switch(step) {
case X_PLUS:
if((x & 0xF) == 0) { /* Next chunk? */
try {
snap = snaparray[((x>>4) - x_min) + ((z>>4) - z_min) * x_dim];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx) {
snap = EMPTY;
case X_MINUS:
if((x & 0xF) == 15) { /* Next chunk? */
try {
snap = snaparray[((x>>4) - x_min) + ((z>>4) - z_min) * x_dim];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx) {
snap = EMPTY;
case Y_PLUS:
case Y_MINUS:
case Z_PLUS:
if((z & 0xF) == 0) { /* Next chunk? */
try {
snap = snaparray[((x>>4) - x_min) + ((z>>4) - z_min) * x_dim];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx) {
snap = EMPTY;
case Z_MINUS:
if((z & 0xF) == 15) { /* Next chunk? */
try {
snap = snaparray[((x>>4) - x_min) + ((z>>4) - z_min) * x_dim];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx) {
snap = EMPTY;
laststep = step;
typeid = -1;
* Unstep current position to previous position
public BlockStep unstepPosition() {
BlockStep ls = laststep;
return ls;
* Unstep current position in oppisite director of given step
public void unstepPosition(BlockStep s) {
public final void setY(int y) {
if(y > this.y)
laststep = BlockStep.Y_PLUS;
laststep = BlockStep.Y_PLUS;
this.y = y;
typeid = -1;
public final int getX() {
return x;
public final int getY() {
return y;
public final int getZ() {
return z;
public final int getBlockTypeIDAt(BlockStep s) {
if(s == BlockStep.Y_MINUS) {
if(y > 0)
return snap.getBlockTypeId(x & 0xF, y-1, z & 0xF);
else if(s == BlockStep.Y_PLUS) {
if(y < 127)
return snap.getBlockTypeId(x & 0xF, y+1, z & 0xF);
else {
BlockStep ls = laststep;
int tid = snap.getBlockTypeId(x & 0xF, y, z & 0xF);
laststep = ls;
return tid;
return 0;
public BlockStep getLastStep() {
return laststep;
* Chunk cache for representing unloaded chunk (or air chunk)
private static class EmptyChunk implements LegacyChunkSnapshot {
public final int getBlockTypeId(int x, int y, int z) {
return 0;
public final int getBlockData(int x, int y, int z) {
return 0;
public final int getBlockSkyLight(int x, int y, int z) {
return 15;
public final int getBlockEmittedLight(int x, int y, int z) {
return 0;
public final int getHighestBlockYAt(int x, int z) {
return 0;
* Chunk cache for representing hidden chunk as stone
private static class PlainChunk implements LegacyChunkSnapshot {
private int fillid;
PlainChunk(int fillid) { this.fillid = fillid; }
public final int getBlockTypeId(int x, int y, int z) {
if(y < 64)
return fillid;
return 0;
public final int getBlockData(int x, int y, int z) {
return 0;
public final int getBlockSkyLight(int x, int y, int z) {
if(y < 64)
return 0;
return 15;
public final int getBlockEmittedLight(int x, int y, int z) {
return 0;
public final int getHighestBlockYAt(int x, int z) {
return 64;
private static final EmptyChunk EMPTY = new EmptyChunk();
private static final PlainChunk STONE = new PlainChunk(1);
private static final PlainChunk OCEAN = new PlainChunk(9);
* Construct empty cache
public LegacyMapChunkCache() {
* Set chunks to load, and world to load from
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void setChunks(World w, List<DynmapChunk> chunks) {
this.w = w;
this.chunks = chunks;
/* Compute range */
if(chunks.size() == 0) {
this.x_min = 0;
this.x_max = 0;
this.z_min = 0;
this.z_max = 0;
x_dim = 1;
else {
x_min = x_max = chunks.get(0).x;
z_min = z_max = chunks.get(0).z;
for(DynmapChunk c : chunks) {
if(c.x > x_max)
x_max = c.x;
if(c.x < x_min)
x_min = c.x;
if(c.z > z_max)
z_max = c.z;
if(c.z < z_min)
z_min = c.z;
x_dim = x_max - x_min + 1;
if(!initialized) {
try {
Class c = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server.Chunk");
getchunkdata = c.getDeclaredMethod("a", new Class[] { byte[].class, int.class,
int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class, int.class });
heightmap = c.getDeclaredField("h");
c = Class.forName("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftChunk");
gethandle = c.getDeclaredMethod("getHandle", new Class[0]);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmx) {
} catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfx) {
/* Get CraftWorld.popPreservedChunk(x,z) - reduces memory bloat from map traversals (optional) */
try {
Class c = Class.forName("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld");
poppreservedchunk = c.getDeclaredMethod("popPreservedChunk", new Class[] { int.class, int.class });
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmx) {
initialized = true;
if(gethandle == null) {
Log.severe("ERROR: Chunk snapshot support not found - rendering not functiona!l");
snaparray = new LegacyChunkSnapshot[x_dim * (z_max-z_min+1)];
public int loadChunks(int max_to_load) {
int cnt = 0;
if(iterator == null)
iterator = chunks.listIterator();
// Load the required chunks.
while((cnt < max_to_load) && iterator.hasNext()) {
DynmapChunk chunk = iterator.next();
if(gethandle != null) {
boolean vis = true;
if(visible_limits != null) {
vis = false;
for(VisibilityLimit limit : visible_limits) {
if((chunk.x >= limit.x0) && (chunk.x <= limit.x1) && (chunk.z >= limit.z0) && (chunk.z <= limit.z1)) {
vis = true;
boolean wasLoaded = w.isChunkLoaded(chunk.x, chunk.z);
boolean didload = w.loadChunk(chunk.x, chunk.z, false);
boolean didgenerate = false;
/* If we didn't load, and we're supposed to generate, do it */
if((!didload) && do_generate && vis)
didgenerate = didload = w.loadChunk(chunk.x, chunk.z, true);
/* If it did load, make cache of it */
if(didload) {
LegacyChunkSnapshot ss = null;
if(!vis) {
if(hidestyle == HiddenChunkStyle.FILL_STONE_PLAIN)
ss = STONE;
else if(hidestyle == HiddenChunkStyle.FILL_OCEAN)
ss = OCEAN;
ss = EMPTY;
else {
Chunk c = w.getChunkAt(chunk.x, chunk.z);
try {
Object cc = gethandle.invoke(c);
byte[] buf = new byte[32768 + 16384 + 16384 + 16384]; /* Get big enough buffer for whole chunk */
getchunkdata.invoke(cc, buf, 0, 0, 0, 16, 128, 16, 0);
byte[] h = (byte[])heightmap.get(cc);
byte[] hmap = new byte[256];
System.arraycopy(h, 0, hmap, 0, 256);
ss = new CraftChunkSnapshot(chunk.x, chunk.z, buf, hmap);
} catch (Exception x) {
snaparray[(chunk.x-x_min) + (chunk.z - z_min)*x_dim] = ss;
if ((!wasLoaded) && didload) {
/* It looks like bukkit "leaks" entities - they don't get removed from the world-level table
* when chunks are unloaded but not saved - removing them seems to do the trick */
if(!didgenerate) {
Chunk cc = w.getChunkAt(chunk.x, chunk.z);
if(cc != null) {
for(Entity e: cc.getEntities())
/* Since we only remember ones we loaded, and we're synchronous, no player has
* moved, so it must be safe (also prevent chunk leak, which appears to happen
* because isChunkInUse defined "in use" as being within 256 blocks of a player,
* while the actual in-use chunk area for a player where the chunks are managed
* by the MC base server is 21x21 (or about a 160 block radius).
* Also, if we did generate it, need to save it */
w.unloadChunk(chunk.x, chunk.z, didgenerate && do_save, false);
/* And pop preserved chunk - this is a bad leak in Bukkit for map traversals like us */
try {
if(poppreservedchunk != null)
poppreservedchunk.invoke(w, chunk.x, chunk.z);
} catch (Exception x) {
Log.severe("Cannot pop preserved chunk - " + x.toString());
/* If done, finish table */
if(iterator.hasNext() == false) {
isempty = true;
/* Fill missing chunks with empty dummy chunk */
for(int i = 0; i < snaparray.length; i++) {
if(snaparray[i] == null)
snaparray[i] = EMPTY;
else if(snaparray[i] != EMPTY)
isempty = false;
return cnt;
* Test if done loading
public boolean isDoneLoading() {
if(iterator != null)
return !iterator.hasNext();
return false;
* Test if all empty blocks
public boolean isEmpty() {
return isempty;
* Unload chunks
public void unloadChunks() {
if(snaparray != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < snaparray.length; i++) {
snaparray[i] = null;
snaparray = null;
* Get block ID at coordinates
public int getBlockTypeID(int x, int y, int z) {
LegacyChunkSnapshot ss = snaparray[((x>>4) - x_min) + ((z>>4) - z_min) * x_dim];
return ss.getBlockTypeId(x & 0xF, y, z & 0xF);
* Get block data at coordiates
public byte getBlockData(int x, int y, int z) {
LegacyChunkSnapshot ss = snaparray[((x>>4) - x_min) + ((z>>4) - z_min) * x_dim];
return (byte)ss.getBlockData(x & 0xF, y, z & 0xF);
/* Get highest block Y
public int getHighestBlockYAt(int x, int z) {
LegacyChunkSnapshot ss = snaparray[((x>>4) - x_min) + ((z>>4) - z_min) * x_dim];
return ss.getHighestBlockYAt(x & 0xF, z & 0xF);
/* Get sky light level
public int getBlockSkyLight(int x, int y, int z) {
LegacyChunkSnapshot ss = snaparray[((x>>4) - x_min) + ((z>>4) - z_min) * x_dim];
return ss.getBlockSkyLight(x & 0xF, y, z & 0xF);
/* Get emitted light level
public int getBlockEmittedLight(int x, int y, int z) {
LegacyChunkSnapshot ss = snaparray[((x>>4) - x_min) + ((z>>4) - z_min) * x_dim];
return ss.getBlockEmittedLight(x & 0xF, y, z & 0xF);
public Biome getBiome(int x, int z) {
return null;
public double getRawBiomeTemperature(int x, int z) {
return 0.0;
public double getRawBiomeRainfall(int x, int z) {
return 0.0;
* Get cache iterator
public MapIterator getIterator(int x, int y, int z) {
return new OurMapIterator(x, y, z);
* Set hidden chunk style (default is FILL_AIR)
public void setHiddenFillStyle(HiddenChunkStyle style) {
this.hidestyle = style;
* Add visible area limit - can be called more than once
* Needs to be set before chunks are loaded
* Coordinates are block coordinates
public void setVisibleRange(VisibilityLimit lim) {
VisibilityLimit limit = new VisibilityLimit();
if(lim.x0 > lim.x1) {
limit.x0 = (lim.x1 >> 4); limit.x1 = ((lim.x0+15) >> 4);
else {
limit.x0 = (lim.x0 >> 4); limit.x1 = ((lim.x1+15) >> 4);
if(lim.z0 > lim.z1) {
limit.z0 = (lim.z1 >> 4); limit.z1 = ((lim.z0+15) >> 4);
else {
limit.z0 = (lim.z0 >> 4); limit.z1 = ((lim.z1+15) >> 4);
if(visible_limits == null)
visible_limits = new ArrayList<VisibilityLimit>();
* Add hidden area limit - can be called more than once
* Needs to be set before chunks are loaded
* Coordinates are block coordinates
public void setHiddenRange(VisibilityLimit lim) {
Log.severe("LegacyMapChunkCache does not support hidden areas");
* Set autogenerate - must be done after at least one visible range has been set
public void setAutoGenerateVisbileRanges(DynmapWorld.AutoGenerateOption generateopt) {
if((generateopt != DynmapWorld.AutoGenerateOption.NONE) && ((visible_limits == null) || (visible_limits.size() == 0))) {
Log.severe("Cannot setAutoGenerateVisibleRanges() without visible ranges defined");
this.generateopt = generateopt;
this.do_generate = (generateopt != DynmapWorld.AutoGenerateOption.NONE);
this.do_save = (generateopt == DynmapWorld.AutoGenerateOption.PERMANENT);
public boolean setChunkDataTypes(boolean blockdata, boolean biome, boolean highestblocky, boolean rawbiome) {
if(biome || rawbiome) /* Legacy doesn't support these */
return false;
return true;
public World getWorld() {
return w;
@ -106,4 +106,21 @@ public interface MapChunkCache {
* Get world
public World getWorld();
* Get total chunks loaded
* @return
public int getChunksLoaded();
* Get total chunk loads attempted
* @return
public int getChunkLoadsAttempted();
* Get total run time processing chunks
* @return
public long getTotalRuntimeNanos();
public long getExceptionCount();
@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
private boolean isempty = true;
private ChunkSnapshot[] snaparray; /* Index = (x-x_min) + ((z-z_min)*x_dim) */
private int chunks_read; /* Number of chunks actually loaded */
private int chunks_attempted; /* Number of chunks attempted to load */
private long total_loadtime; /* Total time loading chunks, in nanoseconds */
private long exceptions;
private static final BlockStep unstep[] = { BlockStep.X_MINUS, BlockStep.Y_MINUS, BlockStep.Z_MINUS,
BlockStep.X_PLUS, BlockStep.Y_PLUS, BlockStep.Z_PLUS };
@ -78,6 +84,7 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
snap = snaparray[chunkindex];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx) {
snap = EMPTY;
laststep = BlockStep.Y_MINUS;
typeid = blkdata = -1;
@ -125,6 +132,7 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
snap = snaparray[chunkindex];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx) {
snap = EMPTY;
@ -141,6 +149,7 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
snap = snaparray[chunkindex];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx) {
snap = EMPTY;
@ -154,6 +163,7 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
snap = snaparray[chunkindex];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx) {
snap = EMPTY;
@ -170,6 +180,7 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
snap = snaparray[chunkindex];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioobx) {
snap = EMPTY;
@ -387,15 +398,6 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
public void setChunks(World w, List<DynmapChunk> chunks) {
this.w = w;
this.chunks = chunks;
if(poppreservedchunk == null) {
/* Get CraftWorld.popPreservedChunk(x,z) - reduces memory bloat from map traversals (optional) */
try {
Class c = Class.forName("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld");
poppreservedchunk = c.getDeclaredMethod("popPreservedChunk", new Class[] { int.class, int.class });
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmx) {
/* Compute range */
if(chunks.size() == 0) {
this.x_min = 0;
@ -424,6 +426,7 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
public int loadChunks(int max_to_load) {
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
int cnt = 0;
if(iterator == null)
iterator = chunks.listIterator();
@ -465,6 +468,7 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
snaparray[(chunk.x-x_min) + (chunk.z - z_min)*x_dim] = ss;
boolean wasLoaded = w.isChunkLoaded(chunk.x, chunk.z);
boolean didload = w.loadChunk(chunk.x, chunk.z, false);
boolean didgenerate = false;
@ -498,6 +502,7 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
snaparray[(chunk.x-x_min) + (chunk.z - z_min)*x_dim] = ss;
if ((!wasLoaded) && didload) {
/* It looks like bukkit "leaks" entities - they don't get removed from the world-level table
* when chunks are unloaded but not saved - removing them seems to do the trick */
if(!(didgenerate && do_save)) {
@ -551,6 +556,8 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
isempty = false;
total_loadtime += System.nanoTime() - t0;
return cnt;
@ -744,5 +751,20 @@ public class NewMapChunkCache implements MapChunkCache {
public World getWorld() {
return w;
public int getChunksLoaded() {
return chunks_read;
public int getChunkLoadsAttempted() {
return chunks_attempted;
public long getTotalRuntimeNanos() {
return total_loadtime;
public long getExceptionCount() {
return exceptions;
Reference in New Issue
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