mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 00:31:44 +01:00
Add support for MCPC-Plus
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,420 +15,91 @@ import org.dynmap.Log;
* Helper for isolation of bukkit version specific issues
public class BukkitVersionHelper {
private String obc_package; // Package used for org.bukkit.craftbukkit
private String nms_package; // Package used for net.minecraft.server
private static BukkitVersionHelper helper;
private boolean failed;
private static final Object[] nullargs = new Object[0];
private static final Map nullmap = Collections.emptyMap();
/** BiomeBase related helpers */
private Class<?> biomebase;
private Class<?> biomebasearray;
private Field biomebaselist;
private Field biomebasetemp;
private Field biomebasehumi;
private Field biomebaseidstring;
private Field biomebaseid;
/** CraftWorld */
private Class<?> craftworld;
private Method cw_gethandle;
/** n.m.s.World */
private Class<?> nmsworld;
private Class<?> chunkprovserver;
private Class<?> longhashset;
private Field nmsw_chunkproviderserver;
private Field cps_unloadqueue;
private Method lhs_containskey;
/** CraftChunkSnapshot */
private Class<?> craftchunksnapshot;
private Field ccss_biome;
/** CraftChunk */
private Class<?> craftchunk;
private Method cc_gethandle;
/** o.m.s.Chunk */
private Class<?> nmschunk;
private Method nmsc_removeentities;
private Field nmsc_tileentities;
/** nbt classes */
private Class<?> nbttagcompound;
private Class<?> nbttagbyte;
private Class<?> nbttagshort;
private Class<?> nbttagint;
private Class<?> nbttaglong;
private Class<?> nbttagfloat;
private Class<?> nbttagdouble;
private Class<?> nbttagbytearray;
private Class<?> nbttagstring;
private Class<?> nbttagintarray;
private Method compound_get;
private Field nbttagbyte_val;
private Field nbttagshort_val;
private Field nbttagint_val;
private Field nbttaglong_val;
private Field nbttagfloat_val;
private Field nbttagdouble_val;
private Field nbttagbytearray_val;
private Field nbttagstring_val;
private Field nbttagintarray_val;
/** Tile entity */
private Class<?> nms_tileentity;
private Method nmst_readnbt;
private Field nmst_x;
private Field nmst_y;
private Field nmst_z;
public abstract class BukkitVersionHelper {
private static BukkitVersionHelper helper = null;
public static final BukkitVersionHelper getHelper() {
if(helper == null) {
helper = new BukkitVersionHelper();
if(Bukkit.getServer().getVersion().contains("MCPC")) {
Log.info("Loader version helper for MCPC");
helper = new BukkitVersionHelperMCPC();
else {
helper = new BukkitVersionHelperCB();
return helper;
private BukkitVersionHelper() {
failed = false;
Server srv = Bukkit.getServer();
/* Look up base classname for bukkit server - tells us OBC package */
obc_package = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName();
/* Get getHandle() method */
try {
Method m = srv.getClass().getMethod("getHandle");
Object scm = m.invoke(srv); /* And use it to get SCM (nms object) */
nms_package = scm.getClass().getPackage().getName();
} catch (Exception x) {
Log.severe("Error finding net.minecraft.server packages");
nms_package = "net.minecraft.server" + obc_package.substring("org.bukkit.craftbukkit".length());
failed = true;
protected BukkitVersionHelper() {
/* Set up biomebase fields */
biomebase = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.BiomeBase");
biomebasearray = getNMSClass("[Lnet.minecraft.server.BiomeBase;");
biomebaselist = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "biomes" }, biomebasearray);
biomebasetemp = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "temperature", "F" }, float.class);
biomebasehumi = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "humidity", "G" }, float.class);
biomebaseidstring = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "y" }, String.class);
biomebaseid = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "id" }, int.class);
/* Craftworld fields */
craftworld = getOBCClass("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld");
cw_gethandle = getMethod(craftworld, new String[] { "getHandle" }, new Class[0]);
/* n.m.s.World */
nmsworld = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.WorldServer");
chunkprovserver = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer");
longhashset = getOBCClassNoFail("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.LongHashSet");
if(longhashset != null) {
lhs_containskey = getMethod(longhashset, new String[] { "contains" }, new Class[] { int.class, int.class });
else {
longhashset = getOBCClass("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.LongHashset");
lhs_containskey = getMethod(longhashset, new String[] { "containsKey" }, new Class[] { int.class, int.class });
nmsw_chunkproviderserver = getField(nmsworld, new String[] { "chunkProviderServer" }, chunkprovserver);
cps_unloadqueue = getFieldNoFail(chunkprovserver, new String[] { "unloadQueue" }, longhashset);
if(cps_unloadqueue == null) {
Log.info("Unload queue not found - default to unload all chunks");
/* CraftChunkSnapshot */
craftchunksnapshot = getOBCClass("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftChunkSnapshot");
ccss_biome = getPrivateField(craftchunksnapshot, new String[] { "biome" }, biomebasearray);
/** CraftChunk */
craftchunk = getOBCClass("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftChunk");
cc_gethandle = getMethod(craftchunk, new String[] { "getHandle" }, new Class[0]);
/** n.m.s.Chunk */
nmschunk = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.Chunk");
nmsc_removeentities = getMethod(nmschunk, new String[] { "removeEntities" }, new Class[0]);
nmsc_tileentities = getField(nmschunk, new String[] { "tileEntities" }, Map.class);
/** nbt classes */
nbttagcompound = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagCompound");
nbttagbyte = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagByte");
nbttagshort = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagShort");
nbttagint = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagInt");
nbttaglong = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagLong");
nbttagfloat = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagFloat");
nbttagdouble = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagDouble");
nbttagbytearray = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagByteArray");
nbttagstring = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagString");
nbttagintarray = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagIntArray");
compound_get = getMethod(nbttagcompound, new String[] { "get" }, new Class[] { String.class });
nbttagbyte_val = getField(nbttagbyte, new String[] { "data" }, byte.class);
nbttagshort_val = getField(nbttagshort, new String[] { "data" }, short.class);
nbttagint_val = getField(nbttagint, new String[] { "data" }, int.class);
nbttaglong_val = getField(nbttaglong, new String[] { "data" }, long.class);
nbttagfloat_val = getField(nbttagfloat, new String[] { "data" }, float.class);
nbttagdouble_val = getField(nbttagdouble, new String[] { "data" }, double.class);
nbttagbytearray_val = getField(nbttagbytearray, new String[] { "data" }, byte[].class);
nbttagstring_val = getField(nbttagstring, new String[] { "data" }, String.class);
nbttagintarray_val = getField(nbttagintarray, new String[] { "data" }, int[].class);
/** Tile entity */
nms_tileentity = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.TileEntity");
nmst_readnbt = getMethod(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "b" }, new Class[] { nbttagcompound });
nmst_x = getField(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "x" }, int.class);
nmst_y = getField(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "y" }, int.class);
nmst_z = getField(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "z" }, int.class);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error initializing dynmap - bukkit version incompatible!");
public Class<?> getOBCClass(String classname) {
return getClassByName(classname, "org.bukkit.craftbukkit", obc_package, false);
public Class<?> getOBCClassNoFail(String classname) {
return getClassByName(classname, "org.bukkit.craftbukkit", obc_package, true);
public Class<?> getNMSClass(String classname) {
return getClassByName(classname, "net.minecraft.server", nms_package, false);
public Class<?> getClassByName(String classname, String base, String mapping, boolean nofail) {
String n = classname;
int idx = classname.indexOf(base);
if(idx >= 0) {
n = classname.substring(0, idx) + mapping + classname.substring(idx + base.length());
try {
return Class.forName(n);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx) {
try {
return Class.forName(classname);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx2) {
if(!nofail) {
Log.severe("Cannot find " + classname);
failed = true;
return null;
* Get field
private Field getField(Class<?> cls, String[] ids, Class<?> type) {
return getField(cls, ids, type, false);
private Field getFieldNoFail(Class<?> cls, String[] ids, Class<?> type) {
return getField(cls, ids, type, true);
* Get field
private Field getField(Class<?> cls, String[] ids, Class<?> type, boolean nofail) {
if((cls == null) || (type == null)) return null;
for(String id : ids) {
try {
Field f = cls.getField(id);
if(f.getType().isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return f;
} catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfx) {
if(!nofail) {
Log.severe("Unable to find field " + ids[0] + " for " + cls.getName());
failed = true;
return null;
* Get private field
private Field getPrivateField(Class<?> cls, String[] ids, Class<?> type) {
if((cls == null) || (type == null)) return null;
for(String id : ids) {
try {
Field f = cls.getDeclaredField(id);
if(f.getType().isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return f;
} catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfx) {
Log.severe("Unable to find field " + ids[0] + " for " + cls.getName());
failed = true;
return null;
private Object getFieldValue(Object obj, Field field, Object def) {
if((obj != null) && (field != null)) {
try {
return field.get(obj);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
return def;
* Get method
private Method getMethod(Class<?> cls, String[] ids, Class[] args) {
if(cls == null) return null;
for(String id : ids) {
try {
return cls.getMethod(id, args);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
Log.severe("Unable to find method " + ids[0] + " for " + cls.getName());
failed = true;
return null;
private Object callMethod(Object obj, Method meth, Object[] args, Object def) {
if((obj == null) || (meth == null)) {
return def;
try {
return meth.invoke(obj, args);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
return def;
* Get list of defined biomebase objects
public Object[] getBiomeBaseList() {
return (Object[]) getFieldValue(biomebase, biomebaselist, new Object[0]);
/** Get temperature from biomebase */
public float getBiomeBaseTemperature(Object bb) {
return (Float) getFieldValue(bb, biomebasetemp, 0.5F);
/** Get humidity from biomebase */
public float getBiomeBaseHumidity(Object bb) {
return (Float) getFieldValue(bb, biomebasehumi, 0.5F);
/** Get ID string from biomebase */
public String getBiomeBaseIDString(Object bb) {
return (String) getFieldValue(bb, biomebaseidstring, null);
/** Get ID from biomebase */
public int getBiomeBaseID(Object bb) {
return (Integer) getFieldValue(bb, biomebaseid, -1);
/* Get net.minecraft.server.world for given world */
public Object getNMSWorld(World w) {
return callMethod(w, cw_gethandle, nullargs, null);
/* Get unload queue for given NMS world */
public Object getUnloadQueue(Object nmsworld) {
Object cps = getFieldValue(nmsworld, nmsw_chunkproviderserver, null); // Get chunkproviderserver
if(cps != null) {
return getFieldValue(cps, cps_unloadqueue, null);
return null;
/* For testing unload queue for presence of givne chunk */
public boolean isInUnloadQueue(Object unloadqueue, int x, int z) {
if(unloadqueue != null) {
return (Boolean)callMethod(unloadqueue, lhs_containskey, new Object[] { x, z }, true);
return true;
public Object[] getBiomeBaseFromSnapshot(ChunkSnapshot css) {
return (Object[])getFieldValue(css, ccss_biome, null);
public boolean isCraftChunkSnapshot(ChunkSnapshot css) {
if(craftchunksnapshot != null) {
return craftchunksnapshot.isAssignableFrom(css.getClass());
return false;
/** Remove entities from given chunk */
public void removeEntitiesFromChunk(Chunk c) {
Object omsc = callMethod(c, cc_gethandle, nullargs, null);
if(omsc != null) {
callMethod(omsc, nmsc_removeentities, nullargs, null);
/** Get tile entities map from chunk */
public Map getTileEntitiesForChunk(Chunk c) {
Object omsc = callMethod(c, cc_gethandle, nullargs, null);
if(omsc != null) {
return (Map)getFieldValue(omsc, nmsc_tileentities, nullmap);
return nullmap;
public abstract Object[] getBiomeBaseList();
* Get temperature from biomebase
public abstract float getBiomeBaseTemperature(Object bb);
* Get humidity from biomebase
public abstract float getBiomeBaseHumidity(Object bb);
* Get ID string from biomebase
public abstract String getBiomeBaseIDString(Object bb);
* Get ID from biomebase
public abstract int getBiomeBaseID(Object bb);
* Get net.minecraft.server.world for given world
public abstract Object getNMSWorld(World w);
* Get unload queue for given NMS world
public abstract Object getUnloadQueue(Object nmsworld);
* For testing unload queue for presence of givne chunk
public abstract boolean isInUnloadQueue(Object unloadqueue, int x, int z);
* Read raw biome ID from snapshot
public abstract Object[] getBiomeBaseFromSnapshot(ChunkSnapshot css);
* Test if normal chunk snapshot
public abstract boolean isCraftChunkSnapshot(ChunkSnapshot css);
* Remove entities from given chunk
public abstract void removeEntitiesFromChunk(Chunk c);
* Get tile entities map from chunk
public abstract Map getTileEntitiesForChunk(Chunk c);
* Get X coordinate of tile entity
public int getTileEntityX(Object te) {
return (Integer)getFieldValue(te, nmst_x, 0);
public abstract int getTileEntityX(Object te);
* Get Y coordinate of tile entity
public int getTileEntityY(Object te) {
return (Integer)getFieldValue(te, nmst_y, 0);
public abstract int getTileEntityY(Object te);
* Get Z coordinate of tile entity
public int getTileEntityZ(Object te) {
return (Integer)getFieldValue(te, nmst_z, 0);
public abstract int getTileEntityZ(Object te);
* Read tile entity NBT
public Object readTileEntityNBT(Object te) {
if(nbttagcompound == null) return null;
Object nbt = null;
try {
nbt = nbttagcompound.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
if(nbt != null) {
callMethod(te, nmst_readnbt, new Object[] { nbt }, null);
return nbt;
public abstract Object readTileEntityNBT(Object te);
* Get field value from NBT compound
public Object getFieldValue(Object nbt, String field) {
Object val = callMethod(nbt, compound_get, new Object[] { field }, null);
if(val == null) return null;
Class<?> valcls = val.getClass();
if(valcls.equals(nbttagbyte)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagbyte_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagshort)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagshort_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagint)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagint_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttaglong)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttaglong_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagfloat)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagfloat_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagdouble)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagdouble_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagbytearray)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagbytearray_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagstring)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagstring_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagintarray)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagintarray_val, null);
return null;
public abstract Object getFieldValue(Object nbt, String field);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package org.dynmap.bukkit;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.dynmap.Log;
* Helper for isolation of bukkit version specific issues
public class BukkitVersionHelperCB extends BukkitVersionHelperGeneric {
BukkitVersionHelperCB() {
protected String getNMSPackage() {
Server srv = Bukkit.getServer();
/* Get getHandle() method */
try {
Method m = srv.getClass().getMethod("getHandle");
Object scm = m.invoke(srv); /* And use it to get SCM (nms object) */
return scm.getClass().getPackage().getName();
} catch (Exception x) {
Log.severe("Error finding net.minecraft.server packages");
return null;
protected void loadNMS() {
/* Set up biomebase fields */
biomebase = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.BiomeBase");
biomebasearray = getNMSClass("[Lnet.minecraft.server.BiomeBase;");
biomebaselist = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "biomes" }, biomebasearray);
biomebasetemp = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "temperature", "F" }, float.class);
biomebasehumi = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "humidity", "G" }, float.class);
biomebaseidstring = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "y" }, String.class);
biomebaseid = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "id" }, int.class);
/* n.m.s.World */
nmsworld = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.WorldServer");
chunkprovserver = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer");
nmsw_chunkproviderserver = getField(nmsworld, new String[] { "chunkProviderServer" }, chunkprovserver);
cps_unloadqueue = getFieldNoFail(chunkprovserver, new String[] { "unloadQueue" }, longhashset);
if(cps_unloadqueue == null) {
Log.info("Unload queue not found - default to unload all chunks");
/** n.m.s.Chunk */
nmschunk = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.Chunk");
nmsc_removeentities = getMethod(nmschunk, new String[] { "removeEntities" }, new Class[0]);
nmsc_tileentities = getField(nmschunk, new String[] { "tileEntities" }, Map.class);
/** nbt classes */
nbttagcompound = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagCompound");
nbttagbyte = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagByte");
nbttagshort = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagShort");
nbttagint = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagInt");
nbttaglong = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagLong");
nbttagfloat = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagFloat");
nbttagdouble = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagDouble");
nbttagbytearray = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagByteArray");
nbttagstring = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagString");
nbttagintarray = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.NBTTagIntArray");
compound_get = getMethod(nbttagcompound, new String[] { "get" }, new Class[] { String.class });
nbttagbyte_val = getField(nbttagbyte, new String[] { "data" }, byte.class);
nbttagshort_val = getField(nbttagshort, new String[] { "data" }, short.class);
nbttagint_val = getField(nbttagint, new String[] { "data" }, int.class);
nbttaglong_val = getField(nbttaglong, new String[] { "data" }, long.class);
nbttagfloat_val = getField(nbttagfloat, new String[] { "data" }, float.class);
nbttagdouble_val = getField(nbttagdouble, new String[] { "data" }, double.class);
nbttagbytearray_val = getField(nbttagbytearray, new String[] { "data" }, byte[].class);
nbttagstring_val = getField(nbttagstring, new String[] { "data" }, String.class);
nbttagintarray_val = getField(nbttagintarray, new String[] { "data" }, int[].class);
/** Tile entity */
nms_tileentity = getNMSClass("net.minecraft.server.TileEntity");
nmst_readnbt = getMethod(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "b" }, new Class[] { nbttagcompound });
nmst_x = getField(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "x" }, int.class);
nmst_y = getField(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "y" }, int.class);
nmst_z = getField(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "z" }, int.class);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
package org.dynmap.bukkit;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.dynmap.Log;
* Helper for isolation of bukkit version specific issues
public abstract class BukkitVersionHelperGeneric extends BukkitVersionHelper {
private String obc_package; // Package used for org.bukkit.craftbukkit
protected String nms_package; // Package used for net.minecraft.server
private boolean failed;
private static final Object[] nullargs = new Object[0];
private static final Map nullmap = Collections.emptyMap();
/** CraftChunkSnapshot */
private Class<?> craftchunksnapshot;
private Field ccss_biome;
/** CraftChunk */
private Class<?> craftchunk;
private Method cc_gethandle;
/** CraftWorld */
private Class<?> craftworld;
private Method cw_gethandle;
/** BiomeBase related helpers */
protected Class<?> biomebase;
protected Class<?> biomebasearray;
protected Field biomebaselist;
protected Field biomebasetemp;
protected Field biomebasehumi;
protected Field biomebaseidstring;
protected Field biomebaseid;
/** n.m.s.World */
protected Class<?> nmsworld;
protected Class<?> chunkprovserver;
protected Class<?> longhashset;
protected Field nmsw_chunkproviderserver;
protected Field cps_unloadqueue;
protected Method lhs_containskey;
/** n.m.s.Chunk */
protected Class<?> nmschunk;
protected Method nmsc_removeentities;
protected Field nmsc_tileentities;
/** nbt classes */
protected Class<?> nbttagcompound;
protected Class<?> nbttagbyte;
protected Class<?> nbttagshort;
protected Class<?> nbttagint;
protected Class<?> nbttaglong;
protected Class<?> nbttagfloat;
protected Class<?> nbttagdouble;
protected Class<?> nbttagbytearray;
protected Class<?> nbttagstring;
protected Class<?> nbttagintarray;
protected Method compound_get;
protected Field nbttagbyte_val;
protected Field nbttagshort_val;
protected Field nbttagint_val;
protected Field nbttaglong_val;
protected Field nbttagfloat_val;
protected Field nbttagdouble_val;
protected Field nbttagbytearray_val;
protected Field nbttagstring_val;
protected Field nbttagintarray_val;
/** Tile entity */
protected Class<?> nms_tileentity;
protected Method nmst_readnbt;
protected Field nmst_x;
protected Field nmst_y;
protected Field nmst_z;
BukkitVersionHelperGeneric() {
failed = false;
Server srv = Bukkit.getServer();
/* Look up base classname for bukkit server - tells us OBC package */
obc_package = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName();
/* Get NMS package */
nms_package = getNMSPackage();
if(nms_package == null) {
failed = true;
/* Craftworld fields */
craftworld = getOBCClass("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld");
cw_gethandle = getMethod(craftworld, new String[] { "getHandle" }, new Class[0]);
longhashset = getOBCClassNoFail("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.LongHashSet");
if(longhashset != null) {
lhs_containskey = getMethod(longhashset, new String[] { "contains" }, new Class[] { int.class, int.class });
else {
longhashset = getOBCClass("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.util.LongHashset");
lhs_containskey = getMethod(longhashset, new String[] { "containsKey" }, new Class[] { int.class, int.class });
/* CraftChunkSnapshot */
craftchunksnapshot = getOBCClass("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftChunkSnapshot");
ccss_biome = getPrivateField(craftchunksnapshot, new String[] { "biome" }, biomebasearray);
/* CraftChunk */
craftchunk = getOBCClass("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftChunk");
cc_gethandle = getMethod(craftchunk, new String[] { "getHandle" }, new Class[0]);
/* Get NMS classes and fields */
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error initializing dynmap - bukkit version incompatible!");
protected abstract void loadNMS();
protected abstract String getNMSPackage();
protected Class<?> getOBCClass(String classname) {
return getClassByName(classname, "org.bukkit.craftbukkit", obc_package, false);
protected Class<?> getOBCClassNoFail(String classname) {
return getClassByName(classname, "org.bukkit.craftbukkit", obc_package, true);
protected Class<?> getNMSClass(String classname) {
return getClassByName(classname, "net.minecraft.server", nms_package, false);
protected Class<?> getClassByName(String classname, String base, String mapping, boolean nofail) {
String n = classname;
int idx = classname.indexOf(base);
if(idx >= 0) {
n = classname.substring(0, idx) + mapping + classname.substring(idx + base.length());
try {
return Class.forName(n);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx) {
try {
return Class.forName(classname);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx2) {
if(!nofail) {
Log.severe("Cannot find " + classname);
failed = true;
return null;
* Get field
protected Field getField(Class<?> cls, String[] ids, Class<?> type) {
return getField(cls, ids, type, false);
protected Field getFieldNoFail(Class<?> cls, String[] ids, Class<?> type) {
return getField(cls, ids, type, true);
* Get field
private Field getField(Class<?> cls, String[] ids, Class<?> type, boolean nofail) {
if((cls == null) || (type == null)) return null;
for(String id : ids) {
try {
Field f = cls.getField(id);
if(f.getType().isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return f;
} catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfx) {
if(!nofail) {
Log.severe("Unable to find field " + ids[0] + " for " + cls.getName());
failed = true;
return null;
* Get private field
private Field getPrivateField(Class<?> cls, String[] ids, Class<?> type) {
if((cls == null) || (type == null)) return null;
for(String id : ids) {
try {
Field f = cls.getDeclaredField(id);
if(f.getType().isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return f;
} catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfx) {
Log.severe("Unable to find field " + ids[0] + " for " + cls.getName());
failed = true;
return null;
private Object getFieldValue(Object obj, Field field, Object def) {
if((obj != null) && (field != null)) {
try {
return field.get(obj);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
return def;
* Get method
protected Method getMethod(Class<?> cls, String[] ids, Class[] args) {
if(cls == null) return null;
for(String id : ids) {
try {
return cls.getMethod(id, args);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
Log.severe("Unable to find method " + ids[0] + " for " + cls.getName());
failed = true;
return null;
private Object callMethod(Object obj, Method meth, Object[] args, Object def) {
if((obj == null) || (meth == null)) {
return def;
try {
return meth.invoke(obj, args);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iax) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
return def;
* Get list of defined biomebase objects
public Object[] getBiomeBaseList() {
return (Object[]) getFieldValue(biomebase, biomebaselist, new Object[0]);
/** Get temperature from biomebase */
public float getBiomeBaseTemperature(Object bb) {
return (Float) getFieldValue(bb, biomebasetemp, 0.5F);
/** Get humidity from biomebase */
public float getBiomeBaseHumidity(Object bb) {
return (Float) getFieldValue(bb, biomebasehumi, 0.5F);
/** Get ID string from biomebase */
public String getBiomeBaseIDString(Object bb) {
return (String) getFieldValue(bb, biomebaseidstring, null);
/** Get ID from biomebase */
public int getBiomeBaseID(Object bb) {
return (Integer) getFieldValue(bb, biomebaseid, -1);
/* Get net.minecraft.server.world for given world */
public Object getNMSWorld(World w) {
return callMethod(w, cw_gethandle, nullargs, null);
/* Get unload queue for given NMS world */
public Object getUnloadQueue(Object nmsworld) {
Object cps = getFieldValue(nmsworld, nmsw_chunkproviderserver, null); // Get chunkproviderserver
if(cps != null) {
return getFieldValue(cps, cps_unloadqueue, null);
return null;
/* For testing unload queue for presence of givne chunk */
public boolean isInUnloadQueue(Object unloadqueue, int x, int z) {
if(unloadqueue != null) {
return (Boolean)callMethod(unloadqueue, lhs_containskey, new Object[] { x, z }, true);
return true;
public Object[] getBiomeBaseFromSnapshot(ChunkSnapshot css) {
return (Object[])getFieldValue(css, ccss_biome, null);
public boolean isCraftChunkSnapshot(ChunkSnapshot css) {
if(craftchunksnapshot != null) {
return craftchunksnapshot.isAssignableFrom(css.getClass());
return false;
/** Remove entities from given chunk */
public void removeEntitiesFromChunk(Chunk c) {
Object omsc = callMethod(c, cc_gethandle, nullargs, null);
if(omsc != null) {
callMethod(omsc, nmsc_removeentities, nullargs, null);
/** Get tile entities map from chunk */
public Map getTileEntitiesForChunk(Chunk c) {
Object omsc = callMethod(c, cc_gethandle, nullargs, null);
if(omsc != null) {
return (Map)getFieldValue(omsc, nmsc_tileentities, nullmap);
return nullmap;
* Get X coordinate of tile entity
public int getTileEntityX(Object te) {
return (Integer)getFieldValue(te, nmst_x, 0);
* Get Y coordinate of tile entity
public int getTileEntityY(Object te) {
return (Integer)getFieldValue(te, nmst_y, 0);
* Get Z coordinate of tile entity
public int getTileEntityZ(Object te) {
return (Integer)getFieldValue(te, nmst_z, 0);
* Read tile entity NBT
public Object readTileEntityNBT(Object te) {
if(nbttagcompound == null) return null;
Object nbt = null;
try {
nbt = nbttagcompound.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
if(nbt != null) {
callMethod(te, nmst_readnbt, new Object[] { nbt }, null);
return nbt;
* Get field value from NBT compound
public Object getFieldValue(Object nbt, String field) {
Object val = callMethod(nbt, compound_get, new Object[] { field }, null);
if(val == null) return null;
Class<?> valcls = val.getClass();
if(valcls.equals(nbttagbyte)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagbyte_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagshort)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagshort_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagint)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagint_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttaglong)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttaglong_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagfloat)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagfloat_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagdouble)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagdouble_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagbytearray)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagbytearray_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagstring)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagstring_val, null);
else if(valcls.equals(nbttagintarray)) {
return getFieldValue(val, nbttagintarray_val, null);
return null;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
package org.dynmap.bukkit;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.ChunkSnapshot;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.dynmap.Log;
* Helper for isolation of bukkit version specific issues
public class BukkitVersionHelperMCPC extends BukkitVersionHelperGeneric {
BukkitVersionHelperMCPC() {
protected String getNMSPackage() {
return "";
protected void loadNMS() {
/* biomebase */
biomebase = getNMSClass("yy");
biomebasearray = getNMSClass("[Lyy;");
/* world */
nmsworld = getNMSClass("in");
/* chunk */
chunkprovserver = getNMSClass("im");
nmschunk = getNMSClass("zz");
/* nbt */
nbttagcompound = getNMSClass("bq");
nbttagbyte = getNMSClass("bp");
nbttagshort = getNMSClass("cb");
nbttagint = getNMSClass("bx");
nbttaglong = getNMSClass("bz");
nbttagfloat = getNMSClass("bv");
nbttagdouble = getNMSClass("bt");
nbttagbytearray = getNMSClass("bo");
nbttagstring = getNMSClass("cc");
nbttagintarray = getNMSClass("bw");
/* tileentity */
nms_tileentity = getNMSClass("any");
/** Set up NMS fields **/
/* biomebase */
biomebaselist = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "a" }, biomebasearray);
biomebasetemp = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "F" }, float.class);
biomebasehumi = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "G" }, float.class);
biomebaseidstring = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "y" }, String.class);
biomebaseid = getField(biomebase, new String[] { "N" }, int.class);
/* chunk */
nmsw_chunkproviderserver = getField(nmsworld, new String[] { "b" }, chunkprovserver);
cps_unloadqueue = getFieldNoFail(chunkprovserver, new String[] { "b" }, longhashset);
if(cps_unloadqueue == null) {
Log.info("Unload queue not found - default to unload all chunks");
nmsc_removeentities = getMethod(nmschunk, new String[] { "d" }, new Class[0]);
nmsc_tileentities = getField(nmschunk, new String[] { "i" }, Map.class);
/* nbt */
compound_get = getMethod(nbttagcompound, new String[] { "a" }, new Class[] { String.class });
nbttagbyte_val = getField(nbttagbyte, new String[] { "a" }, byte.class);
nbttagshort_val = getField(nbttagshort, new String[] { "a" }, short.class);
nbttagint_val = getField(nbttagint, new String[] { "a" }, int.class);
nbttaglong_val = getField(nbttaglong, new String[] { "a" }, long.class);
nbttagfloat_val = getField(nbttagfloat, new String[] { "a" }, float.class);
nbttagdouble_val = getField(nbttagdouble, new String[] { "a" }, double.class);
nbttagbytearray_val = getField(nbttagbytearray, new String[] { "a" }, byte[].class);
nbttagstring_val = getField(nbttagstring, new String[] { "a" }, String.class);
nbttagintarray_val = getField(nbttagintarray, new String[] { "a" }, int[].class);
/* tileentity */
nmst_readnbt = getMethod(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "b" }, new Class[] { nbttagcompound });
nmst_x = getField(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "l" }, int.class);
nmst_y = getField(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "m" }, int.class);
nmst_z = getField(nms_tileentity, new String[] { "n" }, int.class);
Reference in New Issue
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