mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 14:01:31 +01:00
First pass of new flowing fluid models
This commit is contained in:
@ -446,10 +446,10 @@ public class IsoHDPerspective implements HDPerspective {
/* Compute V using slope times inner product of direction and cross product */
double v = inv_det * direction.innerProduct(vS);
// Check constrains: v must be below line from (0, vmax) to (umax, vmaxatumax)
double urel = (u > pd.umin) ? ((pd.umax - pd.umin) / (u - pd.umin)) : 0.0;
// Check constrains: v must be below line from (umin, vmax) to (umax, vmaxatumax)
double urel = (u > pd.umin) ? ((u - pd.umin) / (pd.umax - pd.umin)) : 0.0;
double vmaxatu = pd.vmax + (pd.vmaxatumax - pd.vmax) * urel;
// Check constrains: v must be above line from (0, vmin) to (umax, vminatumax)
// Check constrains: v must be above line from (umin, vmin) to (umax, vminatumax)
double vminatu = pd.vmin + (pd.vminatumax - pd.vmin) * urel;
if ((v <= vminatu) || (v >= vmaxatu)) {
return hitcnt;
@ -4,23 +4,30 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Map;
import org.dynmap.Log;
import org.dynmap.renderer.CustomRenderer;
import org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState;
import org.dynmap.renderer.MapDataContext;
import org.dynmap.renderer.RenderPatch;
import org.dynmap.renderer.RenderPatchFactory;
import org.dynmap.renderer.RenderPatchFactory.SideVisible;
import org.dynmap.utils.DynIntHashMap;
* Renderer for vanilla fluids - will attempt to emulate vanilla rendering behavior, but still WIP
public class FluidStateRenderer extends CustomRenderer {
private RenderPatch[][] flat_meshes = new RenderPatch[10][]; // Meshes for each level from 0 (full) to 7 (most empty), no surface incline
private static final int PATCH_STILL = 0;
private static final int PATCH_FLOWING = 1;
private static RenderPatch bottom = null; // Common bottom patch
private static DynIntHashMap meshcache = new DynIntHashMap();
public boolean initializeRenderer(RenderPatchFactory rpf, String blkname, BitSet blockdatamask, Map<String,String> custparm) {
if(!super.initializeRenderer(rpf, blkname, blockdatamask, custparm))
@ -30,9 +37,11 @@ public class FluidStateRenderer extends CustomRenderer {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
CustomRenderer.addBox(rpf, list, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 - (i / 9.0), 0.0, 1.0, still_patches);
flat_meshes[i] = list.toArray(new RenderPatch[list.size()]);
putCachedModel(9 - i, 9 - i, 9 - i, 9 - i, list.toArray(new RenderPatch[list.size()]));
if (bottom == null) {
bottom = rpf.getPatch(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, SideVisible.TOP, PATCH_STILL);
return true;
@ -59,6 +68,21 @@ public class FluidStateRenderer extends CustomRenderer {
return (idx > 7) ? 1 : (idx + 1);
private static final int getIntKey(int h_1_1, int h_n1_1, int h_1_n1, int h_n1_n1) {
return (h_1_1) + (h_n1_1 << 4) + (h_1_n1 << 8) + (h_n1_n1 << 12);
// Get cached model
private static RenderPatch[] getCachedModel(int h_1_1, int h_n1_1, int h_1_n1, int h_n1_n1) {
return (RenderPatch[]) meshcache.get(getIntKey(h_1_1, h_n1_1, h_1_n1, h_n1_n1));
// Put cached model
private static void putCachedModel(int h_1_1, int h_n1_1, int h_1_n1, int h_n1_n1, RenderPatch[] model) {
meshcache.put(getIntKey(h_1_1, h_n1_1, h_1_n1, h_n1_n1), model);
// Return height in ninths (round to nearest - 0-9)
private int getCornerHeight(DynmapBlockState b0, DynmapBlockState b1, DynmapBlockState b2, DynmapBlockState b3,
DynmapBlockState u0, DynmapBlockState u1, DynmapBlockState u2, DynmapBlockState u3) {
@ -135,7 +159,7 @@ public class FluidStateRenderer extends CustomRenderer {
// Check above block - if matching fluid, block will be full
DynmapBlockState bs_0_1_0 = getFluidState(ctx, 0, 1, 0);
if (bs_0_1_0.matchingBaseState(bs_0_0_0)) {
return flat_meshes[0];
return getCachedModel(9, 9, 9, 9);
// Get other above blocks
DynmapBlockState bs_0_1_1 = getFluidState(ctx, 0, 1, 1);
@ -160,12 +184,77 @@ public class FluidStateRenderer extends CustomRenderer {
int bh_1_n1 = getCornerHeight(bs_0_0_0, bs_0_0_n1, bs_1_0_0, bs_1_0_n1, bs_0_1_0, bs_1_1_0, bs_0_1_n1, bs_1_1_n1);
int bh_n1_1 = getCornerHeight(bs_0_0_0, bs_0_0_1, bs_n1_0_0, bs_n1_0_1, bs_0_1_0, bs_n1_1_0, bs_0_1_1, bs_n1_1_1);
int bh_n1_n1 = getCornerHeight(bs_0_0_0, bs_0_0_n1, bs_n1_0_0, bs_n1_0_n1, bs_0_1_0, bs_n1_1_0, bs_0_1_n1, bs_n1_1_n1);
// If all same, use flat mesh
if ((bh_1_1 == bh_1_n1) && (bh_1_1 == bh_n1_1) && (bh_1_1 == bh_n1_n1)) {
return flat_meshes[9 - bh_1_1];
// Do cached lookup of model
RenderPatch[] mod = getCachedModel(bh_1_1, bh_n1_1, bh_1_n1, bh_n1_n1);
// If not found, create model
if (mod == null) {
RenderPatchFactory rpf = ctx.getPatchFactory();
ArrayList<RenderPatch> list = new ArrayList<RenderPatch>();
list.add(bottom); // All models have bottom patch
// Add side for each face
addSide(list, rpf, 0, 0, 0, 1, bh_n1_n1, bh_n1_1); // Xminus
addSide(list, rpf, 1, 1, 1, 0, bh_1_1, bh_1_n1); // Xplus
addSide(list, rpf, 1, 0, 0, 0, bh_1_n1, bh_n1_n1); // Zminus
addSide(list, rpf, 0, 1, 1, 1, bh_n1_1, bh_1_1); // Zplus
int edge_xm = bh_n1_n1 + bh_n1_1;
int edge_xp = bh_1_n1 + bh_1_1;
int edge_zm = bh_n1_n1 + bh_1_n1;
int edge_zp = bh_1_1 + bh_n1_1;
// See which edge is lowest
if ((edge_xp <= edge_xm) && (edge_xp <= edge_zm) && (edge_xp <= edge_zp)) { // bh_1_1 and bh_1_n1 (Xplus)
addTop(list, rpf, 1, 1, 1, 0, bh_1_1, bh_1_n1, bh_n1_1, bh_n1_n1);
else if ((edge_zp <= edge_zm) && (edge_zp <= edge_xm) && (edge_zp <= edge_xp)) {// bh_n1_1 and bh_1_1 (zPlus)
addTop(list, rpf, 0, 1, 1, 1, bh_n1_1, bh_1_1, bh_n1_n1, bh_1_n1);
else if ((edge_xm <= edge_xp) && (edge_xm <= edge_zm) && (edge_xm <= edge_zp)) { // bh_n1_n1 and bh_n1_1 (xMinus)
addTop(list, rpf, 0, 0, 0, 1, bh_n1_n1, bh_n1_1, bh_1_n1, bh_1_1);
else { // bh_1_n1 and bh_n1_n1 (zMinus)
addTop(list, rpf, 1, 0, 0, 0, bh_1_n1, bh_n1_n1, bh_1_1, bh_n1_1);
mod = list.toArray(new RenderPatch[list.size()]);
putCachedModel(bh_1_1, bh_n1_1, bh_1_n1, bh_n1_n1, mod);
//Log.info(String.format("%d:%d:%d::bh_1_1=%d,bh_1_n1=%d,bh_n1_1=%d,bh_n1_n1=%d", ctx.getX(), ctx.getY(), ctx.getZ(), bh_1_1, bh_1_n1, bh_n1_1, bh_n1_n1));
//for (RenderPatch rp : list) {
// Log.info(rp.toString());
return mod;
private void addSide(ArrayList<RenderPatch> list, RenderPatchFactory rpf, double x0, double z0, double x1, double z1, int h0, int h1) {
if ((h0 == 0) && (h1 == 0))
list.add(rpf.getPatch(x0, 0, z0, x1, 0, z1, x0, 1, z0, 0, 1, 0, 0, (double) h0 / 9.0, (double) h1 / 9.0, SideVisible.TOP, PATCH_FLOWING));
private void addTop(ArrayList<RenderPatch> list, RenderPatchFactory rpf, double x0, double z0, double x1, double z1, int h0, int h1, int h2, int h3) {
int h0_upper = h1 + h2 - h3;
if (x0 == x1) { // edge is Z+/-
if (h0_upper == h0) { // If single surface
list.add(rpf.getPatch(x0, (double) h0 / 9.0, z0, x1, (double) h1 / 9.0, z1, 1-x0, (double) h2 / 9.0, z0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, SideVisible.TOP, PATCH_FLOWING));
else {
// Lower triangle
list.add(rpf.getPatch(x0, (double) h0 / 9.0, z0, x1, (double) h1 / 9.0, z1, 1-x0, (double) h2 / 9.0, z0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, SideVisible.TOP, PATCH_FLOWING));
// Upper triangle
list.add(rpf.getPatch(x0, (double) h0_upper / 9.0, z0, x1, (double) h1 / 9.0, z1, 1-x0, (double) h2 / 9.0, z0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, SideVisible.TOP, PATCH_FLOWING));
else {
if (h0_upper == h0) { // If single surface
list.add(rpf.getPatch(x0, (double) h0 / 9.0, z0, x1, (double) h1 / 9.0, z1, x0, (double) h2 / 9.0, 1 - z0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, SideVisible.TOP, PATCH_FLOWING));
else {
// Lower triangle
list.add(rpf.getPatch(x0, (double) h0 / 9.0, z0, x1, (double) h1 / 9.0, z1, x0, (double) h2 / 9.0, 1 - z0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, SideVisible.TOP, PATCH_FLOWING));
// Upper triangle
list.add(rpf.getPatch(x0, (double) h0_upper / 9.0, z0, x1, (double) h1 / 9.0, z1, x0, (double) h2 / 9.0, 1 - z0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, SideVisible.TOP, PATCH_FLOWING));
else { // Return average flat mesh, for now
return flat_meshes[9 - ((bh_1_1 + bh_1_n1 + bh_n1_1 + bh_n1_n1) / 4)];
@ -272,4 +272,9 @@ public class PatchDefinition implements RenderPatch {
public int getTextureIndex() {
return textureindex;
public String toString() {
return String.format("xyz0=%f/%f/%f,xyzU=%f/%f/%f,xyzV=%f/%f/%f,minU=%f,maxU=%f,vMin=%f/%f,vmax=%f/%f,side=%s,txtidx=%d",
x0, y0, z0, xu, yu, zu, xv, yv, zv, umin, umax, vmin, vminatumax, vmax, vmaxatumax, sidevis, textureindex);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user