package org.dynmap.forge_1_18; import java.util.List; import org.dynmap.DynmapChunk; import org.dynmap.Log; import org.dynmap.common.chunk.GenericChunk; import org.dynmap.common.chunk.GenericChunkCache; import org.dynmap.common.chunk.GenericMapChunkCache; import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag; import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerChunkCache; import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel; import; import; import; import; /** * Container for managing chunks - dependent upon using chunk snapshots, since * rendering is off server thread */ public class ForgeMapChunkCache extends GenericMapChunkCache { private ServerLevel w; private ServerChunkCache cps; /** * Construct empty cache */ public ForgeMapChunkCache(GenericChunkCache cc) { super(cc); } // Load generic chunk from existing and already loaded chunk protected GenericChunk getLoadedChunk(DynmapChunk chunk) { GenericChunk gc = null; ChunkAccess ch = cps.getChunk(chunk.x, chunk.z, ChunkStatus.FULL, false); if (ch != null) { CompoundTag nbt = ChunkSerializer.write(w, ch); if (nbt != null) { gc = parseChunkFromNBT(new NBT.NBTCompound(nbt)); } } return gc; } // Load generic chunk from unloaded chunk protected GenericChunk loadChunk(DynmapChunk chunk) { GenericChunk gc = null; CompoundTag nbt = readChunk(chunk.x, chunk.z); // If read was good if (nbt != null) { gc = parseChunkFromNBT(new NBT.NBTCompound(nbt)); } return gc; } public void setChunks(ForgeWorld dw, List chunks) { this.w = dw.getWorld(); if (dw.isLoaded()) { /* Check if world's provider is ServerChunkProvider */ cps = this.w.getChunkSource(); } super.setChunks(dw, chunks); } private CompoundTag readChunk(int x, int z) { try { CompoundTag rslt = cps.chunkMap.readChunk(new ChunkPos(x, z)); if (rslt != null) { if (rslt.contains("Level")) { rslt = rslt.getCompound("Level"); } // Don't load uncooked chunks String stat = rslt.getString("Status"); ChunkStatus cs = ChunkStatus.byName(stat); if ((stat == null) || // Needs to be at least lighted (!cs.isOrAfter(ChunkStatus.LIGHT))) { rslt = null; } } //"loadChunk(%d,%d)=%s", x, z, (rslt != null) ? // rslt.toString() : "null")); return rslt; } catch (Exception exc) { Log.severe(String.format("Error reading chunk: %s,%d,%d", dw.getName(), x, z), exc); return null; } } }