# All paths in this configuration file are relative to Dynmap's data-folder: minecraft_server/plugins/dynmap/ # Treat hiddenplayers.txt as a whitelist for players to be shown on the map? (Default false) display-whitelist: false # How often a tile gets rendered (in seconds). renderinterval: 1 # Do render on main thread - may generate more server load, but safer and fixes broken tiles renderonsync: true render-triggers: # - chunkloaded # - playermove # - playerjoin - blockplaced - blockbreak # The path where the tile-files are placed. tilespath: web/tiles # The path where the web-files are located. webpath: web # The network-interface the webserver will bind to ( for all interfaces, for only local access). webserver-bindaddress: # The TCP-port the webserver will listen on. webserver-port: 8123 # Disables Webserver portion of Dynmap (Advanced users only) disable-webserver: false # Writes JSON to file in the webpath jsonfile: false # How often the json file gets written to(in seconds) jsonfile-interval: 1 # Output player health for web usage health-in-json: false # Use timesliced fullrender - takes a bit longer, but much more polite for server timeslicerender: true # Period between tile renders for timesliced fullrender, in seconds timesliceinterval: 0.5 # The maptypes Dynmap will use to render. worlds: - name: world maps: - class: org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap prefix: flat colorscheme: default - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap renderers: - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer prefix: t maximumheight: 127 colorscheme: default #- class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.HighlightTileRenderer # prefix: ht # maximumheight: 127 # colorscheme: default # highlight: # For highlighting multiple block-types. # - 56 # Highlight diamond-ore # - 66 # Highlight minecart track # highlight: 56 # For highlighting a single block-type. - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.CaveTileRenderer prefix: ct maximumheight: 127 - name: nether maps: - class: org.dynmap.flat.FlatMap prefix: flat colorscheme: default - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap renderers: - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer prefix: nt maximumheight: 127 colorscheme: default web: # Handles the clientside updates differently only enable if using jsonfile jsonfile: false # Interval the browser should poll for updates. updaterate: 2000 allowchat: true allowwebchat: true webchat-interval: 5 # Set to true to enable HeroChat support enableherochat: false # Control which HeroChat channel messages from web are directed to herochatwebchannel: Global # Control which channels are monitored and reported to the web herochatchannels: - Global #- Trade #- Haggle showplayerfacesinmenu: true joinmessage: "%playername% joined" quitmessage: "%playername% quit" spammessage: "You may only chat once every %interval% seconds." components: - type: chat - type: chatballoon focuschatballoons: false - type: chatbox showplayerfaces: true messagettl: 5 - type: playermarkers showplayerfaces: true showplayerhealth: false #- type: digitalclock - type: timeofdayclock showdigitalclock: true #showweather: true #- type: regions # name: WorldGuard # useworldpath: true # filename: regions.yml # basenode: regions # use3dregions: true # infowindow: '
%regionname% - %priority% (%parent%)
Owners %playerowners% %groupowners%
Members %playermembers% %groupmembers%
' # regionstyle: # strokeColor: "#FF0000" # strokeOpacity: 0.8 # strokeWeight: 3 # fillColor: "#FF0000" # fillOpacity: 0.35 defaultzoom: 0 defaultworld: world worlds: - title: World name: world center: x: 0 y: 64 z: 0 maps: - type: FlatMapType title: Flat name: flat prefix: flat - type: KzedMapType title: Surface name: surface prefix: t #- type: KzedMapType # title: Highlighted Map # name: highlight # prefix: ht - type: KzedMapType title: Cave name: cave prefix: ct - title: Nether name: nether center: x: 0 y: 64 z: 0 maps: - type: FlatMapType title: Flat name: flat prefix: flat - type: KzedMapType title: Surface name: nether prefix: nt # Example: #- title: Other World # With what name the world is displayed. # name: world_other # The actual name of the world (equal to your directory-name). # maps: # - type: KzedMapType # The type (or perspective) of the map. At the moment, there are no others than KzedMapType. # title: Surface # The name of the map that will be displayed. # name: surface # The actual name of the map (should be unique for this world). # prefix: t # The prefix of the tile-files that are generated. # icon: images/block_other.png # Sets a custom icon for the map. (optional) # - type: KzedMapType # title: Cave # name: cave # prefix: ct # Enables debugging. #debuggers: # - class: org.dynmap.debug.LogDebugger