function KzedProjection() {} KzedProjection.prototype = { fromLatLngToPoint: function(latLng) { var x = (latLng.lng() * config.tileWidth)|0; var y = ( * config.tileHeight)|0; return new google.maps.Point(x, y); }, fromPointToLatLng: function(point) { var lng = point.x / config.tileWidth; var lat = point.y / config.tileHeight; return new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); }, fromWorldToLatLng: function(x, y, z) { var dx = +x; var dy = +y - 127; var dz = +z; var px = dx + dz; var py = dx - dz - dy; var lng = -px / config.tileWidth / 2 + 0.5; var lat = py / config.tileHeight / 2; return new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); } }; KzedMapType.prototype = new DynMapType(); function KzedMapType() {} KzedMapType.prototype = { constructor: KzedMapType, projection: new KzedProjection(), tileSize: new google.maps.Size(128, 128), minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 3, prefix: null, getTile: function(coord, zoom, doc) { var tileDebugText = null; var tileSize = 128; var tileName; var imgSize; var offset = {x: 0, y: 0}; var debugred; var debugblue; if (zoom == 0) { // Most zoomed out tiles. tileSize = 128; imgSize = tileSize; tileName = 'z' + this.prefix + '_' + (-coord.x * tileSize*2) + '_' + (coord.y * tileSize*2); } else { // Other zoom levels. tileSize = 128; // Helper functions. var floor = Math.floor; var div = function(x,y){return floor(x/y);} var mod = function(x,y){return ((x%y)+y)%y;}; // Split the image up in ... segments (1*1 for zoom 1, 2*2 for zoom 2, 4*4 for zoom 3, etc). var segments = Math.pow(2,zoom-1); imgSize = segments*tileSize; // Calculate the location relative to the world of this segment. var mapcoord = {x: div(coord.x,segments)*tileSize, y: div(coord.y,segments)*tileSize}; // Calculate the location relative to the image of this segment. offset = {x: mod(coord.x,segments)*-tileSize, y: mod(coord.y,segments)*-tileSize}; // The next couple of lines are somewhat of a hack, but makes it faster to render zoomed in tiles: /*tileSize = imgSize; if (offset.x == 0 && offset.y == 0) { tileName = this.prefix + '_' + (-mapcoord.x) + '_' + mapcoord.y; } offset = {x: 0, y: 0};*/ // The next line is not: tileName = this.prefix + '_' + (-mapcoord.x) + '_' + mapcoord.y; } var img; var tile = $('
') .addClass('tile') .css({ overflow: 'hidden', width: tileSize + 'px', height: tileSize + 'px' }); if (tileDebugText) { $('') .text(tileDebugText) .css({ position: 'absolute', color: 'red' }) .appendTo(tile); } if (tileName) { img = $('