componentconstructors['timeofdayclock'] = function(dynmap, configuration) { var me = this; var timeout = null; var element = $('
') .addClass('largeclock') .addClass('timeofday') .appendTo(dynmap.options.container); var sun = $('
') .height(60) .addClass('timeofday') .addClass('sun') .css('background-position', (-150) + 'px ' + (-150) + 'px') .appendTo(element); var moon = $('
') .height(60) .addClass('timeofday') .addClass('moon') .css('background-position', (-150) + 'px ' + (-150) + 'px') .appendTo(sun); if (configuration.showdigitalclock) { var clock = $('
') .addClass('timeofday') .addClass('digitalclock') .appendTo(element); var formatTime = function(time) { var formatDigits = function(n, digits) { var s = n.toString(); while (s.length < digits) { s = '0' + s; } return s; } return formatDigits(time.hours, 2) + ':' + formatDigits(time.minutes, 2); }; var setTime = function(servertime) { if (timeout != null) { window.clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } var time = getMinecraftTime(servertime); clock .addClass( ? 'day' : 'night') .removeClass(time.night ? 'day' : 'night') .text(formatTime(time)); if (timeout == null) { timeout = window.setTimeout(function() { timeout = null; setTime(time.servertime+(1000/60)); }, 700); } }; $(dynmap).bind('worldupdated', function(event, update) { setTime(update.servertime); }); } if(configuration.showweather) { var weather = $('
') .addClass('weather') .appendTo(element); var thunder = $('
') .addClass('thunder') .css('display','none') .appendTo(weather); var setWeather = function(hasStorm, isThundering) { weather .addClass(hasStorm ? 'stormy' : 'sunny') .removeClass(hasStorm ? 'sunny' : 'stormy'); thunder.css('display',isThundering ? 'block' : 'none'); }; $(dynmap).bind('worldupdated', function(event, update) { setWeather(update.hasStorm, update.isThundering); }); } $(dynmap).bind('worldupdated', function(event, update) { var sunangle; var time = update.servertime; if(time > 23100 || time < 12900) { //day mode var movedtime = time + 900; movedtime = (movedtime >= 24000) ? movedtime - 24000 : movedtime; //Now we have 0 -> 13800 for the day period //Divide by 13800*2=27600 instead of 24000 to compress day sunangle = ((movedtime)/27600 * 2 * Math.PI); } else { //night mode var movedtime = time - 12900; //Now we have 0 -> 10200 for the night period //Divide by 10200*2=20400 instead of 24000 to expand night sunangle = Math.PI + ((movedtime)/20400 * 2 * Math.PI); } var moonangle = sunangle + Math.PI; sun.css('background-position', (-50 * Math.cos(sunangle)) + 'px ' + (-50 * Math.sin(sunangle)) + 'px'); moon.css('background-position', (-50 * Math.cos(moonangle)) + 'px ' + (-50 * Math.sin(moonangle)) + 'px'); }); };