package; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.dynmap.DynmapCore; import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld; import org.dynmap.Log; import org.dynmap.MapType; import org.dynmap.WebAuthManager; import org.dynmap.MapType.ImageVariant; import org.dynmap.PlayerFaces.FaceType; import; import; import; import; import; import org.dynmap.utils.BufferInputStream; import org.dynmap.utils.BufferOutputStream; public class MySQLMapStorage extends MapStorage { private String userid; private String password; protected String database; protected String hostname; private String prefix = ""; protected String flags; private String tableTiles; private String tableMaps; private String tableFaces; private String tableMarkerIcons; private String tableMarkerFiles; private String tableStandaloneFiles; private String tableSchemaVersion; protected int port; private static final int POOLSIZE = 5; private Connection[] cpool = new Connection[POOLSIZE]; private long[] cpoolLastUseTS = new long[POOLSIZE]; // Time when last returned to pool private static final long IDLE_TIMEOUT = 60000; // Use 60 second timeout private int cpoolCount = 0; private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); public class StorageTile extends MapStorageTile { private Integer mapkey; private String uri; protected StorageTile(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, int x, int y, int zoom, ImageVariant var) { super(world, map, x, y, zoom, var); mapkey = getMapKey(world, map, var); if (zoom > 0) { uri = map.getPrefix() + var.variantSuffix + "/"+ (x >> 5) + "_" + (y >> 5) + "/" + "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz".substring(0, zoom) + "_" + x + "_" + y + "." + map.getImageFormat().getFileExt(); } else { uri = map.getPrefix() + var.variantSuffix + "/"+ (x >> 5) + "_" + (y >> 5) + "/" + x + "_" + y + "." + map.getImageFormat().getFileExt(); } } @Override public boolean exists() { if (mapkey == null) return false; boolean rslt = false; Connection c = null; boolean err = false; try { c = getConnection(); Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT HashCode FROM " + tableTiles + " WHERE MapID=" + mapkey + " AND x=" + x + " AND y=" + y + " AND zoom=" + zoom + ";"); rslt =; rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Tile exists error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } return rslt; } @Override public boolean matchesHashCode(long hash) { if (mapkey == null) return false; boolean rslt = false; Connection c = null; boolean err = false; try { c = getConnection(); Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT HashCode FROM " + tableTiles + " WHERE MapID=" + mapkey + " AND x=" + x + " AND y=" + y + " AND zoom=" + zoom + ";"); if ( { long v = rs.getLong("HashCode"); rslt = (v == hash); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Tile matches hash error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } return rslt; } @Override public TileRead read() { if (mapkey == null) return null; TileRead rslt = null; Connection c = null; boolean err = false; try { c = getConnection(); Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT HashCode,LastUpdate,Format,Image,NewImage FROM " + tableTiles + " WHERE MapID=" + mapkey + " AND x=" + x + " AND y=" + y + " AND zoom=" + zoom + ";"); if ( { rslt = new TileRead(); rslt.hashCode = rs.getLong("HashCode"); rslt.lastModified = rs.getLong("LastUpdate"); rslt.format = MapType.ImageEncoding.fromOrd(rs.getInt("Format")); byte[] img = rs.getBytes("NewImage"); if (img == null) img = rs.getBytes("Image"); if (img == null) { rslt = null; } else { rslt.image = new BufferInputStream(img); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Tile read error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } return rslt; } @Override public boolean write(long hash, BufferOutputStream encImage, long timestamp) { if (mapkey == null) return false; Connection c = null; boolean err = false; boolean exists = exists(); // If delete, and doesn't exist, quit if ((encImage == null) && (!exists)) return false; try { c = getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt; if (encImage == null) { // If delete stmt = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + tableTiles + " WHERE MapID=? AND x=? and y=? AND zoom=?;"); stmt.setInt(1, mapkey); stmt.setInt(2, x); stmt.setInt(3, y); stmt.setInt(4, zoom); } else if (exists) { stmt = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tableTiles + " SET HashCode=?, LastUpdate=?, Format=?, NewImage=?, Image=NULL WHERE MapID=? AND x=? and y=? AND zoom=?;"); stmt.setLong(1, hash); stmt.setLong(2, timestamp); stmt.setInt(3, map.getImageFormat().getEncoding().ordinal()); stmt.setBinaryStream(4, new BufferInputStream(encImage.buf, encImage.len), encImage.len); stmt.setInt(5, mapkey); stmt.setInt(6, x); stmt.setInt(7, y); stmt.setInt(8, zoom); } else { stmt = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + tableTiles + " (MapID,x,y,zoom,HashCode,LastUpdate,Format,NewImage,Image) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NULL);"); stmt.setInt(1, mapkey); stmt.setInt(2, x); stmt.setInt(3, y); stmt.setInt(4, zoom); stmt.setLong(5, hash); stmt.setLong(6, timestamp); stmt.setInt(7, map.getImageFormat().getEncoding().ordinal()); stmt.setBinaryStream(8, new BufferInputStream(encImage.buf, encImage.len), encImage.len); } stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); // Signal update for zoom out if (zoom == 0) { world.enqueueZoomOutUpdate(this); } } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Tile write error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } return !err; } @Override public boolean getWriteLock() { return MySQLMapStorage.this.getWriteLock(uri); } @Override public void releaseWriteLock() { MySQLMapStorage.this.releaseWriteLock(uri); } @Override public boolean getReadLock(long timeout) { return MySQLMapStorage.this.getReadLock(uri, timeout); } @Override public void releaseReadLock() { MySQLMapStorage.this.releaseReadLock(uri); } @Override public void cleanup() { } @Override public String getURI() { return uri; } @Override public void enqueueZoomOutUpdate() { world.enqueueZoomOutUpdate(this); } @Override public MapStorageTile getZoomOutTile() { int xx, yy; int step = 1 << zoom; if(x >= 0) xx = x - (x % (2*step)); else xx = x + (x % (2*step)); yy = -y; if(yy >= 0) yy = yy - (yy % (2*step)); else yy = yy + (yy % (2*step)); yy = -yy; return new StorageTile(world, map, xx, yy, zoom+1, var); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof StorageTile) { StorageTile st = (StorageTile) o; return uri.equals(st.uri); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return uri.hashCode(); } } public MySQLMapStorage() { } // MySQL specific driver check protected boolean checkDriver() { connectionString = "jdbc:mysql://" + hostname + ":" + port + "/" + database + flags;"Opening MySQL database " + hostname + ":" + port + "/" + database + " as map store"); if(!hasClass("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver") && !hasClass("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")){ Log.severe("MySQL-JDBC classes not found - MySQL data source not usable"); return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean init(DynmapCore core) { if (!super.init(core)) { return false; } database = core.configuration.getString("storage/database", "dynmap"); hostname = core.configuration.getString("storage/hostname", "localhost"); port = core.configuration.getInteger("storage/port", 3306); userid = core.configuration.getString("storage/userid", "dynmap"); password = core.configuration.getString("storage/password", "dynmap"); prefix = core.configuration.getString("storage/prefix", ""); flags = core.configuration.getString("storage/flags", "?allowReconnect=true&autoReconnect=true"); tableTiles = prefix + "Tiles"; tableMaps = prefix + "Maps"; tableFaces = prefix + "Faces"; tableMarkerIcons = prefix + "MarkerIcons"; tableMarkerFiles = prefix + "MarkerFiles"; tableStandaloneFiles = prefix + "StandaloneFiles"; tableSchemaVersion = prefix + "SchemaVersion"; if (!checkDriver()) return false; // Initialize/update tables, if needed if(!initializeTables()) { return false; } return writeConfigPHP(core); } private boolean hasClass(String classname){ try{ Class.forName(classname); return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx){ return false; } } private boolean writeConfigPHP(DynmapCore core) { File cfgfile = new File(baseStandaloneDir, "MySQL_config.php"); if (!core.isInternalWebServerDisabled) { // If using internal server cfgfile.delete(); // Zap file (in case we left junk from last time) return true; } // During initial startup, this can happen before baseStandaloneDir is setup if (!baseStandaloneDir.exists()) { baseStandaloneDir.mkdirs(); } FileWriter fw = null; try { fw = new FileWriter(cfgfile); fw.write("\n"); } catch (IOException iox) { Log.severe("Error writing MySQL_config.php", iox); return false; } finally { if (fw != null) { try { fw.close(); } catch (IOException x) {} } } return true; } private int getSchemaVersion() { int ver = 0; boolean err = false; Connection c = null; try { c = getConnection(); // Get connection (create DB if needed) DatabaseMetaData md = c.getMetaData();"Connected to " + md.getDatabaseProductName() + " v" + md.getDatabaseMajorVersion() + "." + md.getDatabaseMinorVersion()); Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT level FROM " + tableSchemaVersion + ";"); if ( { ver = rs.getInt("level"); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { if (c != null) { releaseConnection(c, err); } } return ver; } private void doUpdate(Connection c, String sql) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(sql); stmt.close(); } private HashMap mapKey = new HashMap(); private void doLoadMaps() { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; mapKey.clear(); // Read the maps table - cache results try { c = getConnection(); Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * from " + tableMaps + ";"); while ( { int key = rs.getInt("ID"); String worldID = rs.getString("WorldID"); String mapID = rs.getString("MapID"); String variant = rs.getString("Variant"); long serverid = rs.getLong("ServerID"); if (serverid == serverID) { // One of ours mapKey.put(worldID + ":" + mapID + ":" + variant, key); } } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Error loading map table", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); c = null; } } private Integer getMapKey(DynmapWorld w, MapType mt, ImageVariant var) { String id = w.getName() + ":" + mt.getPrefix() + ":" + var.toString(); synchronized(mapKey) { Integer k = mapKey.get(id); if (k == null) { // No hit: new value so we need to add it to table Connection c = null; boolean err = false; try { c = getConnection(); // Insert row PreparedStatement stmt = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + tableMaps + " (WorldID,MapID,Variant,ServerID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);"); stmt.setString(1, w.getName()); stmt.setString(2, mt.getPrefix()); stmt.setString(3, var.toString()); stmt.setLong(4, serverID); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); // Query key assigned stmt = c.prepareStatement("SELECT ID FROM " + tableMaps + " WHERE WorldID = ? AND MapID = ? AND Variant = ? AND ServerID = ?;"); stmt.setString(1, w.getName()); stmt.setString(2, mt.getPrefix()); stmt.setString(3, var.toString()); stmt.setLong(4, serverID); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { k = rs.getInt("ID"); mapKey.put(id, k); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Error updating Maps table", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } } return k; } } private boolean initializeTables() { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; int version = getSchemaVersion(); // Get the existing schema version for the DB (if any) // If new, add our tables if (version == 0) { try {"Initializing database schema"); c = getConnection(); doUpdate(c, "CREATE TABLE " + tableMaps + " (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, WorldID VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, MapID VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, Variant VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, ServerID BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)"); doUpdate(c, "CREATE TABLE " + tableTiles + " (MapID INT NOT NULL, x INT NOT NULL, y INT NOT NULL, zoom INT NOT NULL, HashCode BIGINT NOT NULL, LastUpdate BIGINT NOT NULL, Format INT NOT NULL, Image MEDIUMBLOB, NewImage MEDIUMBLOB, PRIMARY KEY(MapID, x, y, zoom))"); doUpdate(c, "CREATE TABLE " + tableFaces + " (PlayerName VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, TypeID INT NOT NULL, Image MEDIUMBLOB, PRIMARY KEY(PlayerName, TypeID))"); doUpdate(c, "CREATE TABLE " + tableMarkerIcons + " (IconName VARCHAR(128) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Image MEDIUMBLOB)"); doUpdate(c, "CREATE TABLE " + tableMarkerFiles + " (FileName VARCHAR(128) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Content MEDIUMTEXT)"); doUpdate(c, "CREATE TABLE " + tableStandaloneFiles + " (FileName VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, ServerID BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, Content MEDIUMTEXT, PRIMARY KEY (FileName, ServerID))"); doUpdate(c, "CREATE INDEX " + tableMaps + "_idx ON " + tableMaps + "(WorldID, MapID, Variant, ServerID)"); doUpdate(c, "CREATE TABLE " + tableSchemaVersion + " (level INT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL)"); doUpdate(c, "INSERT INTO " + tableSchemaVersion + " (level) VALUES (6)"); version = 6; // Initial - we have all the following updates already } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Error creating tables", x); err = true; return false; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; return false; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); c = null; } } if (version == 1) { try {"Updating database schema from version = " + version); c = getConnection(); doUpdate(c, "CREATE TABLE " + tableStandaloneFiles + " (FileName VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, ServerID BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, Content MEDIUMTEXT, PRIMARY KEY (FileName, ServerID))"); doUpdate(c, "ALTER TABLE " + tableMaps + " ADD COLUMN ServerID BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER Variant"); doUpdate(c, "UPDATE " + tableSchemaVersion + " SET level=2 WHERE level = 1;"); version = 2; } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Error updating tables to version=2", x); err = true; return false; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; return false; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); c = null; } } if (version == 2) { try {"Updating database schema from version = " + version); c = getConnection(); doUpdate(c, "DELETE FROM " + tableStandaloneFiles + ";"); doUpdate(c, "ALTER TABLE " + tableStandaloneFiles + " DROP COLUMN Content;"); doUpdate(c, "ALTER TABLE " + tableStandaloneFiles + " ADD COLUMN Content MEDIUMTEXT;"); doUpdate(c, "UPDATE " + tableSchemaVersion + " SET level=3 WHERE level = 2;"); version = 3; } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Error updating tables to version=3", x); err = true; return false; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; return false; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); c = null; } } if (version == 3) { try {"Updating database schema from version = " + version); c = getConnection(); //doUpdate(c, "ALTER TABLE " + tableTiles + " CHANGE COLUMN Image Image MEDIUMBLOB;"); doUpdate(c, "ALTER TABLE " + tableFaces + " CHANGE COLUMN Image Image MEDIUMBLOB;"); doUpdate(c, "ALTER TABLE " + tableMarkerIcons + " CHANGE COLUMN Image Image MEDIUMBLOB;"); doUpdate(c, "UPDATE " + tableSchemaVersion + " SET level=4 WHERE level = 3;"); version = 4; } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Error updating tables to version=4", x); err = true; return false; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; return false; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); c = null; } } if (version == 4) { try {"Updating database schema from version = " + version); c = getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData md = c.getMetaData(); // See if we are recovering from bug where version was still set to 4 when NewImage was added initialli PreparedStatement stmt = c.prepareStatement("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " + tableTiles + " WHERE Field = 'NewImage';"); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); boolean inplace = false; if ( { // Got nothing? inplace = true; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if (!inplace) { try { doUpdate(c, "ALTER TABLE " + tableTiles + " ADD COLUMN NewImage MEDIUMBLOB, ALGORITHM=INPLACE, LOCK=NONE"); } catch (SQLException x) {"Updating tiles table using legacy method - this might take a while and may need a lot of database space..."); doUpdate(c, "ALTER TABLE " + tableTiles + " ADD COLUMN NewImage MEDIUMBLOB");"Legacy tile update completed"); } } doUpdate(c, "UPDATE " + tableSchemaVersion + " SET level=5 WHERE level = 4;"); version = 5; } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Error updating tables to version=5", x); err = true; return false; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; return false; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); c = null; } } if (version == 5) { try {"Updating database schema from version = " + version); c = getConnection(); doUpdate(c, "CREATE INDEX " + tableMaps + "_idx ON " + tableMaps + "(WorldID, MapID, Variant, ServerID)"); doUpdate(c, "UPDATE " + tableSchemaVersion + " SET level=6 WHERE level = 5;"); version = 6; } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Error updating tables to version=5", x); err = true; return false; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; return false; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); c = null; } }"Schema version = " + version); // Load maps table - cache results doLoadMaps(); return true; } private Connection getConnection() throws SQLException, StorageShutdownException { Connection c = null; if (isShutdown) { throw new StorageShutdownException(); } synchronized (cpool) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (c == null) { for (int i = 0; i < cpool.length; i++) { // See if available connection if (cpool[i] != null) { // Found one // If in pool too long, close it and move on if ((now - cpoolLastUseTS[i]) > IDLE_TIMEOUT) { try { cpool[i].close(); } catch (SQLException x) {} cpool[i] = null; cpoolCount--; } else { // Else, use the connection c = cpool[i]; cpool[i] = null; cpoolLastUseTS[i] = now; break; } } } if (c == null) { if (cpoolCount < POOLSIZE) { // Still more we can have c = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString, userid, password); configureConnection(c); cpoolCount++; } else { try { cpool.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new SQLException("Interruped"); } } } } } return c; } private static Connection configureConnection(Connection conn) throws SQLException { return conn; } private void releaseConnection(Connection c, boolean err) { if (c == null) return; synchronized (cpool) { if (!err) { // Find slot to keep it in pool for (int i = 0; i < POOLSIZE; i++) { if (cpool[i] == null) { cpool[i] = c; cpoolLastUseTS[i] = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Record last use time c = null; // Mark it recovered (no close needed cpool.notifyAll(); break; } } } if (c != null) { // If broken, just toss it try { c.close(); } catch (SQLException x) {} cpoolCount--; // And reduce count cpool.notifyAll(); } } } @Override public MapStorageTile getTile(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, int x, int y, int zoom, ImageVariant var) { return new StorageTile(world, map, x, y, zoom, var); } @Override public MapStorageTile getTile(DynmapWorld world, String uri) { String[] suri = uri.split("/"); if (suri.length < 2) return null; String mname = suri[0]; // Map URI - might include variant MapType mt = null; ImageVariant imgvar = null; // Find matching map type and image variant for (int mti = 0; (mt == null) && (mti < world.maps.size()); mti++) { MapType type = world.maps.get(mti); ImageVariant[] var = type.getVariants(); for (int ivi = 0; (imgvar == null) && (ivi < var.length); ivi++) { if (mname.equals(type.getPrefix() + var[ivi].variantSuffix)) { mt = type; imgvar = var[ivi]; } } } if (mt == null) { // Not found? return null; } // Now, take the last section and parse out coordinates and zoom String fname = suri[suri.length-1]; String[] coord = fname.split("[_\\.]"); if (coord.length < 3) { // 3 or 4 return null; } int zoom = 0; int x, y; try { if (coord[0].charAt(0) == 'z') { zoom = coord[0].length(); x = Integer.parseInt(coord[1]); y = Integer.parseInt(coord[2]); } else { x = Integer.parseInt(coord[0]); y = Integer.parseInt(coord[1]); } return getTile(world, mt, x, y, zoom, imgvar); } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) { return null; } } @Override public void enumMapTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, MapStorageTileEnumCB cb) { List mtlist; if (map != null) { mtlist = Collections.singletonList(map); } else { // Else, add all directories under world directory (for maps) mtlist = new ArrayList(world.maps); } for (MapType mt : mtlist) { ImageVariant[] vars = mt.getVariants(); for (ImageVariant var : vars) { processEnumMapTiles(world, mt, var, cb, null, null); } } } @Override public void enumMapBaseTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, MapStorageBaseTileEnumCB cbBase, MapStorageTileSearchEndCB cbEnd) { List mtlist; if (map != null) { mtlist = Collections.singletonList(map); } else { // Else, add all directories under world directory (for maps) mtlist = new ArrayList(world.maps); } for (MapType mt : mtlist) { ImageVariant[] vars = mt.getVariants(); for (ImageVariant var : vars) { processEnumMapTiles(world, mt, var, null, cbBase, cbEnd); } } } private void processEnumMapTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, ImageVariant var, MapStorageTileEnumCB cb, MapStorageBaseTileEnumCB cbBase, MapStorageTileSearchEndCB cbEnd) { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; Integer mapkey = getMapKey(world, map, var); if (mapkey == null) { if(cbEnd != null) cbEnd.searchEnded(); return; } try { c = getConnection(); Statement stmt = c.createStatement(java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, //we want to stream our resultset one row at a time, we are not interessted in going back java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); //since we do not handle the entire resultset in memory -> tell the statement that we are going to work read only stmt.setFetchSize(100); //we can change the jdbc "retrieval chunk size". Basicly we limit how much rows are kept in memory. Bigger value = less network calls to DB, but more memory consumption ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(String.format("SELECT x,y,zoom,Format FROM %s WHERE MapID=%d;", tableTiles, mapkey)); //we do the query, but do not set any limit / offset. Since data is not kept in memory, just streamed from DB this should not be a problem, only the rows from setFetchSize are kept in memory. while ( { StorageTile st = new StorageTile(world, map, rs.getInt("x"), rs.getInt("y"), rs.getInt("zoom"), var); final MapType.ImageEncoding encoding = MapType.ImageEncoding.fromOrd(rs.getInt("Format")); if(cb != null) cb.tileFound(st, encoding); if(cbBase != null && st.zoom == 0) cbBase.tileFound(st, encoding); st.cleanup(); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); if(cbEnd != null) cbEnd.searchEnded(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Tile enum error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } } @Override public void purgeMapTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map) { List mtlist; if (map != null) { mtlist = Collections.singletonList(map); } else { // Else, add all directories under world directory (for maps) mtlist = new ArrayList(world.maps); } for (MapType mt : mtlist) { ImageVariant[] vars = mt.getVariants(); for (ImageVariant var : vars) { processPurgeMapTiles(world, mt, var); } } } private void processPurgeMapTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, ImageVariant var) { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; Integer mapkey = getMapKey(world, map, var); if (mapkey == null) return; try { c = getConnection(); // Query tiles for given mapkey Statement stmt = c.createStatement(); // Limit delete to 1000 at a time (avoid locking whole table) while (stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM " + tableTiles + " WHERE MapID=" + mapkey + " LIMIT 1000;") > 0) { } stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Tile purge error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } } @Override public boolean setPlayerFaceImage(String playername, FaceType facetype, BufferOutputStream encImage) { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; boolean exists = hasPlayerFaceImage(playername, facetype); // If delete, and doesn't exist, quit if ((encImage == null) && (!exists)) return false; try { c = getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt; if (encImage == null) { // If delete stmt = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + tableFaces + " WHERE PlayerName=? AND TypeIDx=?;"); stmt.setString(1, playername); stmt.setInt(2, facetype.typeID); } else if (exists) { stmt = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tableFaces + " SET Image=? WHERE PlayerName=? AND TypeID=?;"); stmt.setBinaryStream(1, new BufferInputStream(encImage.buf, encImage.len), encImage.len); stmt.setString(2, playername); stmt.setInt(3, facetype.typeID); } else { stmt = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + tableFaces + " (PlayerName,TypeID,Image) VALUES (?,?,?);"); stmt.setString(1, playername); stmt.setInt(2, facetype.typeID); stmt.setBinaryStream(3, new BufferInputStream(encImage.buf, encImage.len), encImage.len); } stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Face write error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } return !err; } @Override public BufferInputStream getPlayerFaceImage(String playername, FaceType facetype) { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; BufferInputStream image = null; try { c = getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = c.prepareStatement("SELECT Image FROM " + tableFaces + " WHERE PlayerName=? AND TypeID=?;"); stmt.setString(1, playername); stmt.setInt(2, facetype.typeID); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { byte[] img = rs.getBytes("Image"); image = new BufferInputStream(img); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Face reqd error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } return image; } @Override public boolean hasPlayerFaceImage(String playername, FaceType facetype) { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; boolean exists = false; try { c = getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = c.prepareStatement("SELECT TypeID FROM " + tableFaces + " WHERE PlayerName=? AND TypeID=?;"); stmt.setString(1, playername); stmt.setInt(2, facetype.typeID); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { exists = true; } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Face exists error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } return exists; } @Override public boolean setMarkerImage(String markerid, BufferOutputStream encImage) { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { c = getConnection(); boolean exists = false; stmt = c.prepareStatement("SELECT IconName FROM " + tableMarkerIcons + " WHERE IconName=?;"); stmt.setString(1, markerid); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { exists = true; } rs.close(); rs = null; stmt.close(); stmt = null; if (encImage == null) { // If delete // If delete, and doesn't exist, quit if (!exists) return false; stmt = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + tableMarkerIcons + " WHERE IconName=?;"); stmt.setString(1, markerid); stmt.executeUpdate(); } else if (exists) { stmt = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tableMarkerIcons + " SET Image=? WHERE IconName=?;"); stmt.setBinaryStream(1, new BufferInputStream(encImage.buf, encImage.len), encImage.len); stmt.setString(2, markerid); } else { stmt = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + tableMarkerIcons + " (IconName,Image) VALUES (?,?);"); stmt.setString(1, markerid); stmt.setBinaryStream(2, new BufferInputStream(encImage.buf, encImage.len), encImage.len); } stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Marker write error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException sx) {} } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException sx) {} } releaseConnection(c, err); } return !err; } @Override public BufferInputStream getMarkerImage(String markerid) { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; BufferInputStream image = null; try { c = getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = c.prepareStatement("SELECT Image FROM " + tableMarkerIcons + " WHERE IconName=?;"); stmt.setString(1, markerid); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { byte[] img = rs.getBytes("Image"); image = new BufferInputStream(img); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Marker read error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } return image; } @Override public boolean setMarkerFile(String world, String content) { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { c = getConnection(); boolean exists = false; stmt = c.prepareStatement("SELECT FileName FROM " + tableMarkerFiles + " WHERE FileName=?;"); stmt.setString(1, world); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { exists = true; } rs.close(); rs = null; stmt.close(); stmt = null; if (content == null) { // If delete // If delete, and doesn't exist, quit if (!exists) return false; stmt = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + tableMarkerFiles + " WHERE FileName=?;"); stmt.setString(1, world); stmt.executeUpdate(); } else if (exists) { stmt = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tableMarkerFiles + " SET Content=? WHERE FileName=?;"); stmt.setBytes(1, content.getBytes(UTF8)); stmt.setString(2, world); } else { stmt = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + tableMarkerFiles + " (FileName,Content) VALUES (?,?);"); stmt.setString(1, world); stmt.setBytes(2, content.getBytes(UTF8)); } stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Marker file write error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException sx) {} } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException sx) {} } releaseConnection(c, err); } return !err; } @Override public String getMarkerFile(String world) { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; String content = null; try { c = getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = c.prepareStatement("SELECT Content FROM " + tableMarkerFiles + " WHERE FileName=?;"); stmt.setString(1, world); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { byte[] img = rs.getBytes("Content"); content = new String(img, UTF8); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Marker file read error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } return content; } @Override // External web server only public String getMarkersURI(boolean login_enabled) { return "standalone/MySQL_markers.php?marker="; } @Override // External web server only public String getTilesURI(boolean login_enabled) { return "standalone/MySQL_tiles.php?tile="; } @Override // External web server only public String getConfigurationJSONURI(boolean login_enabled) { return "standalone/MySQL_configuration.php"; // ?serverid={serverid}"; } @Override // External web server only public String getUpdateJSONURI(boolean login_enabled) { return "standalone/MySQL_update.php?world={world}&ts={timestamp}"; // &serverid={serverid}"; } @Override // External web server only public String getSendMessageURI() { return "standalone/MySQL_sendmessage.php"; } @Override public BufferInputStream getStandaloneFile(String fileid) { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; BufferInputStream content = null; try { c = getConnection(); PreparedStatement stmt = c.prepareStatement("SELECT Content FROM " + tableStandaloneFiles + " WHERE FileName=? AND ServerID=?;"); stmt.setString(1, fileid); stmt.setLong(2, serverID); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { byte[] img = rs.getBytes("Content"); content = new BufferInputStream(img); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Standalone file read error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { releaseConnection(c, err); } return content; } @Override public boolean setStandaloneFile(String fileid, BufferOutputStream content) { Connection c = null; boolean err = false; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { c = getConnection(); boolean exists = false; stmt = c.prepareStatement("SELECT FileName FROM " + tableStandaloneFiles + " WHERE FileName=? AND ServerID=?;"); stmt.setString(1, fileid); stmt.setLong(2, serverID); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if ( { exists = true; } rs.close(); rs = null; stmt.close(); stmt = null; if (content == null) { // If delete // If delete, and doesn't exist, quit if (!exists) return true; stmt = c.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + tableStandaloneFiles + " WHERE FileName=? AND ServerID=?;"); stmt.setString(1, fileid); stmt.setLong(2, serverID); stmt.executeUpdate(); } else if (exists) { stmt = c.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tableStandaloneFiles + " SET Content=? WHERE FileName=? AND ServerID=?;"); stmt.setBinaryStream(1, new BufferInputStream(content.buf, content.len), content.len); stmt.setString(2, fileid); stmt.setLong(3, serverID); } else { stmt = c.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + tableStandaloneFiles + " (FileName,ServerID,Content) VALUES (?,?,?);"); stmt.setString(1, fileid); stmt.setLong(2, serverID); stmt.setBinaryStream(3, new BufferInputStream(content.buf, content.len), content.len); } stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException x) { logSQLException("Standalone file write error", x); err = true; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { err = true; } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException sx) {} } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException sx) {} } releaseConnection(c, err); } return !err; } @Override public boolean wrapStandaloneJSON(boolean login_enabled) { return false; } @Override public boolean wrapStandalonePHP() { return false; } @Override // External web server only public String getStandaloneLoginURI() { return "standalone/MySQL_login.php"; } @Override // External web server only public String getStandaloneRegisterURI() { return "standalone/MySQL_register.php"; } @Override public void setLoginEnabled(DynmapCore core) { writeConfigPHP(core); } }