var ip; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "//", dataType: "jsonp", success: function(getip) { ip = getip.ip; } }); componentconstructors['chat'] = function(dynmap, configuration) { var me = this; if(dynmap.getBoolParameterByName("hidechat")) return; // Provides 'chat'-events by monitoring the world-updates. $(dynmap).bind('worldupdate', function(event, update) { swtch(update.type, { chat: function() { $(dynmap).trigger('chat', [{source: update.source, name: update.playerName, text: update.message, account: update.account, channel:}]); } }); }); var pname = null; if(configuration.allowurlname) { pname = dynmap.getParameterByName("chatname"); if(pname == "") pname = null; } if (dynmap.options.allowwebchat) { // Accepts 'sendchat'-events to send chat messages to the server. $(dynmap).bind('sendchat', function(event, message) { var data = '{"name":'+JSON.stringify(pname?pname:(ip?ip:""))+',"message":'+JSON.stringify(message)+'}'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", url: config.url.sendmessage, data: data, dataType: 'json', success: function(response) { //handle response if(response) { $(dynmap).trigger('chat', [{source: 'me', name: ip, text: message}]); } }, error: function(xhr) { if (xhr.status === 403) { $(dynmap).trigger('chat', [{source: 'me', name: 'Error', text: dynmap.options.spammessage.replace('%interval%', dynmap.options['webchat-interval'])}]); } } }); }); } };