package org.dynmap.fabric_1_19_1; import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile; import net.fabricmc.loader.api.FabricLoader; import net.fabricmc.loader.api.ModContainer; import net.minecraft.block.AbstractSignBlock; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import; import net.minecraft.server.BannedIpList; import net.minecraft.server.BannedPlayerList; import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer; import net.minecraft.server.PlayerManager; import; import net.minecraft.text.LiteralTextContent; import net.minecraft.text.Text; import net.minecraft.util.UserCache; import net.minecraft.util.Util; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.registry.Registry; import; import; import org.dynmap.DynmapChunk; import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld; import org.dynmap.Log; import org.dynmap.DynmapCommonAPIListener; import org.dynmap.common.BiomeMap; import org.dynmap.common.DynmapListenerManager; import org.dynmap.common.DynmapPlayer; import org.dynmap.common.DynmapServerInterface; import org.dynmap.fabric_1_19_1.event.BlockEvents; import org.dynmap.fabric_1_19_1.event.ServerChatEvents; import org.dynmap.utils.MapChunkCache; import org.dynmap.utils.VisibilityLimit; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import; /** * Server access abstraction class */ public class FabricServer extends DynmapServerInterface { /* Server thread scheduler */ private final Object schedlock = new Object(); private final DynmapPlugin plugin; private final MinecraftServer server; private final Registry biomeRegistry; private long cur_tick; private long next_id; private long cur_tick_starttime; private PriorityQueue runqueue = new PriorityQueue(); public FabricServer(DynmapPlugin plugin, MinecraftServer server) { this.plugin = plugin; this.server = server; this.biomeRegistry = server.getRegistryManager().get(Registry.BIOME_KEY); } private Optional getProfileByName(String player) { UserCache cache = server.getUserCache(); return cache.findByName(player); } public final Registry getBiomeRegistry() { return biomeRegistry; } private Biome[] biomelist = null; public final Biome[] getBiomeList(Registry biomeRegistry) { if (biomelist == null) { biomelist = new Biome[256]; Iterator iter = biomeRegistry.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Biome b =; int bidx = biomeRegistry.getRawId(b); if (bidx >= biomelist.length) { biomelist = Arrays.copyOf(biomelist, bidx + biomelist.length); } biomelist[bidx] = b; } } return biomelist; } @Override public int getBlockIDAt(String wname, int x, int y, int z) { return -1; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") /* Not much I can do... fix this if it breaks. */ @Override public int isSignAt(String wname, int x, int y, int z) { World world = plugin.getWorldByName(wname).getWorld(); BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, y, z); if (!world.isChunkLoaded(pos)) return -1; Block block = world.getBlockState(pos).getBlock(); return (block instanceof AbstractSignBlock ? 1 : 0); } @Override public void scheduleServerTask(Runnable run, long delay) { /* Add task record to queue */ synchronized (schedlock) { TaskRecord tr = new TaskRecord(cur_tick + delay, next_id++, new FutureTask(run, null)); runqueue.add(tr); } } @Override public DynmapPlayer[] getOnlinePlayers() { if (server.getPlayerManager() == null) return new DynmapPlayer[0]; List players = server.getPlayerManager().getPlayerList(); int playerCount = players.size(); DynmapPlayer[] dplay = new DynmapPlayer[players.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++) { ServerPlayerEntity player = players.get(i); dplay[i] = plugin.getOrAddPlayer(player); } return dplay; } @Override public void reload() { plugin.onDisable(); plugin.onEnable(); plugin.onStart(); } @Override public DynmapPlayer getPlayer(String name) { List players = server.getPlayerManager().getPlayerList(); for (ServerPlayerEntity player : players) { if (player.getName().getString().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return plugin.getOrAddPlayer(player); } } return null; } @Override public Set getIPBans() { BannedIpList bl = server.getPlayerManager().getIpBanList(); Set ips = new HashSet(); for (String s : bl.getNames()) { ips.add(s); } return ips; } @Override public Future callSyncMethod(Callable task) { return callSyncMethod(task, 0); } public Future callSyncMethod(Callable task, long delay) { FutureTask ft = new FutureTask(task); /* Add task record to queue */ synchronized (schedlock) { TaskRecord tr = new TaskRecord(cur_tick + delay, next_id++, ft); runqueue.add(tr); } return ft; } void clearTaskQueue() { this.runqueue.clear(); } @Override public String getServerName() { String sn; if (server.isSingleplayer()) sn = "Integrated"; else sn = server.getServerIp(); if (sn == null) sn = "Unknown Server"; return sn; } @Override public boolean isPlayerBanned(String pid) { PlayerManager scm = server.getPlayerManager(); BannedPlayerList bl = scm.getUserBanList(); try { return bl.contains(getProfileByName(pid).get()); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { /* If this profile doesn't exist, default to "banned" for good measure. */ return true; } } @Override public String stripChatColor(String s) { return DynmapPlugin.patternControlCode.matcher(s).replaceAll(""); } private Set registered = new HashSet(); @Override public boolean requestEventNotification(DynmapListenerManager.EventType type) { if (registered.contains(type)) { return true; } switch (type) { case WORLD_LOAD: case WORLD_UNLOAD: /* Already called for normal world activation/deactivation */ break; case WORLD_SPAWN_CHANGE: /*TODO pm.registerEvents(new Listener() { @EventHandler(priority=EventPriority.MONITOR) public void onSpawnChange(SpawnChangeEvent evt) { DynmapWorld w = new BukkitWorld(evt.getWorld()); core.listenerManager.processWorldEvent(EventType.WORLD_SPAWN_CHANGE, w); } }, DynmapPlugin.this); */ break; case PLAYER_JOIN: case PLAYER_QUIT: /* Already handled */ break; case PLAYER_BED_LEAVE: /*TODO pm.registerEvents(new Listener() { @EventHandler(priority=EventPriority.MONITOR) public void onPlayerBedLeave(PlayerBedLeaveEvent evt) { DynmapPlayer p = new BukkitPlayer(evt.getPlayer()); core.listenerManager.processPlayerEvent(EventType.PLAYER_BED_LEAVE, p); } }, DynmapPlugin.this); */ break; case PLAYER_CHAT: if (plugin.chathandler == null) { plugin.setChatHandler(new DynmapPlugin.ChatHandler(plugin)); ServerChatEvents.EVENT.register((player, message) -> plugin.chathandler.handleChat(player, message)); } break; case BLOCK_BREAK: /* Already handled by BlockEvents logic */ break; case SIGN_CHANGE: BlockEvents.SIGN_CHANGE_EVENT.register((world, pos, lines, material, player) -> { plugin.core.processSignChange("fabric", FabricWorld.getWorldName(plugin, world), pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), lines, player.getName().getString()); }); break; default: Log.severe("Unhandled event type: " + type); return false; } registered.add(type); return true; } @Override public boolean sendWebChatEvent(String source, String name, String msg) { return DynmapCommonAPIListener.fireWebChatEvent(source, name, msg); } @Override public void broadcastMessage(String msg) { Text component = Text.literal(msg); server.getPlayerManager().broadcast(component, false);; } @Override public String[] getBiomeIDs() { BiomeMap[] b = BiomeMap.values(); String[] bname = new String[b.length]; for (int i = 0; i < bname.length; i++) { bname[i] = b[i].toString(); } return bname; } @Override public double getCacheHitRate() { if (plugin.sscache != null) return plugin.sscache.getHitRate(); return 0.0; } @Override public void resetCacheStats() { if (plugin.sscache != null) plugin.sscache.resetStats(); } @Override public DynmapWorld getWorldByName(String wname) { return plugin.getWorldByName(wname); } @Override public DynmapPlayer getOfflinePlayer(String name) { /* OfflinePlayer op = getServer().getOfflinePlayer(name); if(op != null) { return new BukkitPlayer(op); } */ return null; } @Override public Set checkPlayerPermissions(String player, Set perms) { if (isPlayerBanned(player)) { return Collections.emptySet(); } Set rslt = plugin.hasOfflinePermissions(player, perms); if (rslt == null) { rslt = new HashSet(); if (plugin.isOp(player)) { rslt.addAll(perms); } } return rslt; } @Override public boolean checkPlayerPermission(String player, String perm) { if (isPlayerBanned(player)) { return false; } return plugin.hasOfflinePermission(player, perm); } /** * Render processor helper - used by code running on render threads to request chunk snapshot cache from server/sync thread */ @Override public MapChunkCache createMapChunkCache(DynmapWorld w, List chunks, boolean blockdata, boolean highesty, boolean biome, boolean rawbiome) { FabricMapChunkCache c = (FabricMapChunkCache) w.getChunkCache(chunks); if (c == null) { return null; } if (w.visibility_limits != null) { for (VisibilityLimit limit : w.visibility_limits) { c.setVisibleRange(limit); } c.setHiddenFillStyle(w.hiddenchunkstyle); } if (w.hidden_limits != null) { for (VisibilityLimit limit : w.hidden_limits) { c.setHiddenRange(limit); } c.setHiddenFillStyle(w.hiddenchunkstyle); } if (!c.setChunkDataTypes(blockdata, biome, highesty, rawbiome)) { Log.severe("CraftBukkit build does not support biome APIs"); } if (chunks.size() == 0) /* No chunks to get? */ { c.loadChunks(0); return c; } //Now handle any chunks in server thread that are already loaded (on server thread) final FabricMapChunkCache cc = c; Future f = this.callSyncMethod(new Callable() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { // Update busy state on world //FabricWorld fw = (FabricWorld) cc.getWorld(); //TODO //setBusy(fw.getWorld()); cc.getLoadedChunks(); return true; } }, 0); try { f.get(); } catch (CancellationException cx) { return null; } catch (InterruptedException cx) { return null; } catch (ExecutionException xx) { Log.severe("Exception while loading chunks", xx.getCause()); return null; } catch (Exception ix) { Log.severe(ix); return null; } if (!w.isLoaded()) { return null; } // Now, do rest of chunk reading from calling thread c.readChunks(chunks.size()); return c; } @Override public int getMaxPlayers() { return server.getMaxPlayerCount(); } @Override public int getCurrentPlayers() { return server.getPlayerManager().getCurrentPlayerCount(); } public void tickEvent(MinecraftServer server) { cur_tick_starttime = System.nanoTime(); long elapsed = cur_tick_starttime - plugin.lasttick; plugin.lasttick = cur_tick_starttime; plugin.avgticklen = ((plugin.avgticklen * 99) / 100) + (elapsed / 100); plugin.tps = (double) 1E9 / (double) plugin.avgticklen; // Tick core if (plugin.core != null) { plugin.core.serverTick(plugin.tps); } boolean done = false; TaskRecord tr = null; while (!plugin.blockupdatequeue.isEmpty()) { DynmapPlugin.BlockUpdateRec r = plugin.blockupdatequeue.remove(); BlockState bs = r.w.getBlockState(new BlockPos(r.x, r.y, r.z)); int idx = Block.STATE_IDS.getRawId(bs); if (!org.dynmap.hdmap.HDBlockModels.isChangeIgnoredBlock(DynmapPlugin.stateByID[idx])) { if (plugin.onblockchange_with_id) plugin.mapManager.touch(r.wid, r.x, r.y, r.z, "blockchange[" + idx + "]"); else plugin.mapManager.touch(r.wid, r.x, r.y, r.z, "blockchange"); } } long now; synchronized (schedlock) { cur_tick++; now = System.nanoTime(); tr = runqueue.peek(); /* Nothing due to run */ if ((tr == null) || (tr.getTickToRun() > cur_tick) || ((now - cur_tick_starttime) > plugin.perTickLimit)) { done = true; } else { tr = runqueue.poll(); } } while (!done) {; synchronized (schedlock) { tr = runqueue.peek(); now = System.nanoTime(); /* Nothing due to run */ if ((tr == null) || (tr.getTickToRun() > cur_tick) || ((now - cur_tick_starttime) > plugin.perTickLimit)) { done = true; } else { tr = runqueue.poll(); } } } while (!plugin.msgqueue.isEmpty()) { DynmapPlugin.ChatMessage cm = plugin.msgqueue.poll(); DynmapPlayer dp = null; if (cm.sender != null) dp = plugin.getOrAddPlayer(cm.sender); else dp = new FabricPlayer(plugin, null); plugin.core.listenerManager.processChatEvent(DynmapListenerManager.EventType.PLAYER_CHAT, dp, cm.message); } // Check for generated chunks if ((cur_tick % 20) == 0) { } } private Optional getModContainerById(String id) { return FabricLoader.getInstance().getModContainer(id); } @Override public boolean isModLoaded(String name) { return FabricLoader.getInstance().getModContainer(name).isPresent(); } @Override public String getModVersion(String name) { Optional mod = getModContainerById(name); // Try case sensitive lookup return -> modContainer.getMetadata().getVersion().getFriendlyString()).orElse(null); } @Override public double getServerTPS() { return plugin.tps; } @Override public String getServerIP() { if (server.isSingleplayer()) return ""; else return server.getServerIp(); } @Override public File getModContainerFile(String name) { Optional container = getModContainerById(name); // Try case sensitive lookup if (container.isPresent()) { Path path = container.get().getRootPath(); if (path.getFileSystem().provider().getScheme().equals("jar")) { path = Paths.get(path.getFileSystem().toString()); } return path.toFile(); } return null; } @Override public List getModList() { return FabricLoader.getInstance() .getAllMods() .stream() .map(container -> container.getMetadata().getId()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } @Override public Map getBlockIDMap() { Map map = new HashMap(); return map; } @Override public InputStream openResource(String modid, String rname) { if (modid == null) modid = "minecraft"; if ("minecraft".equals(modid)) { return MinecraftServer.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(rname); } else { if (rname.startsWith("/") || rname.startsWith("\\")) { rname = rname.substring(1); } final String finalModid = modid; final String finalRname = rname; return getModContainerById(modid).map(container -> { try { return Files.newInputStream(container.getPath(finalRname)); } catch (IOException e) { Log.severe("Failed to load resource of mod :" + finalModid, e); return null; } }).orElse(null); } } /** * Get block unique ID map (module:blockid) */ @Override public Map getBlockUniqueIDMap() { HashMap map = new HashMap(); return map; } /** * Get item unique ID map (module:itemid) */ @Override public Map getItemUniqueIDMap() { HashMap map = new HashMap(); return map; } }