package org.dynmap.forge_1_17_1; /** * Forge specific implementation of DynmapWorld */ import java.util.List; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel; import; import; import; import org.dynmap.DynmapChunk; import org.dynmap.DynmapLocation; import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld; import org.dynmap.utils.MapChunkCache; import org.dynmap.utils.Polygon; public class ForgeWorld extends DynmapWorld { private ServerLevelAccessor world; private final boolean skylight; private final boolean isnether; private final boolean istheend; private final String env; private DynmapLocation spawnloc = new DynmapLocation(); private static int maxWorldHeight = 256; // Maximum allows world height public static int getMaxWorldHeight() { return maxWorldHeight; } public static void setMaxWorldHeight(int h) { maxWorldHeight = h; } public static String getWorldName(ServerLevelAccessor w) { return w.getLevel().serverLevelData.getLevelName(); } public ForgeWorld(ServerLevelAccessor w) { this(getWorldName(w), w.getLevel().getHeight(), w.getLevel().getSeaLevel(), w.getLevel().dimension() == Level.NETHER, w.getLevel().dimension() == Level.END, w.getLevel().serverLevelData.getLevelName()); setWorldLoaded(w); } public ForgeWorld(String name, int height, int sealevel, boolean nether, boolean the_end, String deftitle) { super(name, (height > maxWorldHeight)?maxWorldHeight:height, sealevel); world = null; setTitle(deftitle); isnether = nether; istheend = the_end; skylight = !(isnether || istheend); if (isnether) { env = "nether"; } else if (istheend) { env = "the_end"; } else { env = "normal"; } } /* Test if world is nether */ @Override public boolean isNether() { return isnether; } public boolean isTheEnd() { return istheend; } /* Get world spawn location */ @Override public DynmapLocation getSpawnLocation() { if(world != null) { BlockPos p = world.getLevel().getSharedSpawnPos(); spawnloc.x = p.getX(); spawnloc.y = p.getY(); spawnloc.z = p.getZ(); = this.getName(); } return spawnloc; } /* Get world time */ @Override public long getTime() { if(world != null) return world.getLevel().getDayTime(); else return -1; } /* World is storming */ @Override public boolean hasStorm() { if(world != null) return world.getLevel().isRaining(); else return false; } /* World is thundering */ @Override public boolean isThundering() { if(world != null) return world.getLevel().isThundering(); else return false; } /* World is loaded */ @Override public boolean isLoaded() { return (world != null); } /* Set world to unloaded */ @Override public void setWorldUnloaded() { getSpawnLocation(); world = null; } /* Set world to loaded */ public void setWorldLoaded(ServerLevelAccessor w) { world = w; this.sealevel = w.getLevel().getSeaLevel(); // Read actual current sealevel from world // Update lighting table for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { this.setBrightnessTableEntry(i, w.getLevel().dimensionType().brightness(i)); } } /* Get light level of block */ @Override public int getLightLevel(int x, int y, int z) { if(world != null) return world.getLevel().getLightEngine().getRawBrightness(new BlockPos(x, y, z), 0); else return -1; } /* Get highest Y coord of given location */ @Override public int getHighestBlockYAt(int x, int z) { if(world != null) { return world.getLevel().getChunk(x >> 4, z >> 4).getHeight(Heightmap.Types.MOTION_BLOCKING, x & 15, z & 15); } else return -1; } /* Test if sky light level is requestable */ @Override public boolean canGetSkyLightLevel() { return skylight; } /* Return sky light level */ @Override public int getSkyLightLevel(int x, int y, int z) { if(world != null) { return world.getLevel().getBrightness(LightLayer.SKY, new BlockPos(x, y, z)); } else return -1; } /** * Get world environment ID (lower case - normal, the_end, nether) */ @Override public String getEnvironment() { return env; } /** * Get map chunk cache for world */ @Override public MapChunkCache getChunkCache(List chunks) { if(world != null) { ForgeMapChunkCache c = new ForgeMapChunkCache(); c.setChunks(this, chunks); return c; } return null; } public ServerLevel getWorld() { return world.getLevel(); } @Override public Polygon getWorldBorder() { if (world != null) { WorldBorder wb = world.getWorldBorder(); if ((wb != null) && (wb.getSize() < 5.9E7)) { Polygon p = new Polygon(); p.addVertex(wb.getMinX(), wb.getMinZ()); p.addVertex(wb.getMinX(), wb.getMaxZ()); p.addVertex(wb.getMaxX(), wb.getMaxZ()); p.addVertex(wb.getMaxX(), wb.getMinZ()); return p; } } return null; } }