package; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.dynmap.DynmapCore; import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld; import org.dynmap.Log; import org.dynmap.MapType; import org.dynmap.MapType.ImageEncoding; import org.dynmap.MapType.ImageVariant; import org.dynmap.PlayerFaces.FaceType; import org.dynmap.WebAuthManager; import; import; import; import; import; import org.dynmap.utils.BufferInputStream; import org.dynmap.utils.BufferOutputStream; public class AWSS3MapStorage extends MapStorage { public class StorageTile extends MapStorageTile { private final String baseKey; private final String uri; StorageTile(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, int x, int y, int zoom, ImageVariant var) { super(world, map, x, y, zoom, var); String baseURI; if (zoom > 0) { baseURI = map.getPrefix() + var.variantSuffix + "/"+ (x >> 5) + "_" + (y >> 5) + "/" + "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz".substring(0, zoom) + "_" + x + "_" + y; } else { baseURI = map.getPrefix() + var.variantSuffix + "/"+ (x >> 5) + "_" + (y >> 5) + "/" + x + "_" + y; } uri = baseURI + "." + map.getImageFormat().getFileExt(); baseKey = AWSS3MapStorage.this.prefix + "tiles/" + world.getName() + "/" + uri; } @Override public boolean exists() { boolean exists = false; S3Client s3 = null; try { s3 = getConnection(); ListObjectsV2Request req = ListObjectsV2Request.builder().bucketName(bucketname).prefix(baseKey).maxKeys(1).build(); ListObjectsV2Response rslt = s3.listObjectsV2(req); if ((rslt != null) && (rslt.getKeyCount() > 0)) exists = true; } catch (S3Exception x) { if (!x.getCode().equals("SignatureDoesNotMatch")) { // S3 behavior when no object match.... Log.severe("AWS Exception", x); } } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { } finally { releaseConnection(s3); } return exists; } @Override public boolean matchesHashCode(long hash) { return false; } @Override public TileRead read() { S3Client s3 = null; try { s3 = getConnection(); GetObjectRequest req = GetObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(baseKey).build(); ResponseBytes obj = s3.getObjectAsBytes(req); if (obj != null) { GetObjectResponse rsp = obj.getResponse(); TileRead tr = new TileRead(); byte[] buf = obj.getBytes(); if (buf == null) { return null; } tr.image = new BufferInputStream(buf); tr.format = ImageEncoding.fromContentType(rsp.getContentType()); Map meta = rsp.getMetadata(); String v = meta.get("x-dynmap-hash"); if (v != null) { tr.hashCode = Long.parseLong(v, 16); } v = meta.get("x-dynmap-ts"); if (v != null) { tr.lastModified = Long.parseLong(v); } return tr; } } catch (NoSuchKeyException nskx) { return null; // Nominal case if it doesn't exist } catch (S3Exception x) { Log.severe("AWS Exception", x); } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { } finally { releaseConnection(s3); } return null; } @Override public boolean write(long hash, BufferOutputStream encImage, long timestamp) { boolean done = false; S3Client s3 = null; try { s3 = getConnection(); if (encImage == null) { // Delete? DeleteObjectRequest req = DeleteObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(baseKey).build(); s3.deleteObject(req); } else { PutObjectRequest req = PutObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(baseKey).contentType(map.getImageFormat().getEncoding().getContentType()) .addMetadata("x-dynmap-hash", Long.toHexString(hash)).addMetadata("x-dynmap-ts", Long.toString(timestamp)).build(); s3.putObject(req, RequestBody.fromBytes(encImage.buf, encImage.len)); } done = true; } catch (S3Exception x) { Log.severe("AWS Exception", x); } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { } finally { releaseConnection(s3); } // Signal update for zoom out if (zoom == 0) { world.enqueueZoomOutUpdate(this); } return done; } @Override public boolean getWriteLock() { return true; } @Override public void releaseWriteLock() { } @Override public boolean getReadLock(long timeout) { return true; } @Override public void releaseReadLock() { } @Override public void cleanup() { } @Override public String getURI() { return uri; } @Override public void enqueueZoomOutUpdate() { world.enqueueZoomOutUpdate(this); } @Override public MapStorageTile getZoomOutTile() { int xx, yy; int step = 1 << zoom; if(x >= 0) xx = x - (x % (2*step)); else xx = x + (x % (2*step)); yy = -y; if(yy >= 0) yy = yy - (yy % (2*step)); else yy = yy + (yy % (2*step)); yy = -yy; return new StorageTile(world, map, xx, yy, zoom+1, var); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof StorageTile) { StorageTile st = (StorageTile) o; return baseKey.equals(st.baseKey); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return baseKey.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return baseKey; } } private String bucketname; private String region; private String apiURL; // Custom API URL private String access_key_id; private String secret_access_key; private String prefix; private int POOLSIZE = 4; private int cpoolCount = 0; private S3Client[] cpool = new S3Client[POOLSIZE]; public AWSS3MapStorage() { } @Override public boolean init(DynmapCore core) { if (!super.init(core)) { return false; } if (!core.isInternalWebServerDisabled) { Log.severe("AWS S3 storage is not supported option with internal web server: set disable-webserver: true in configuration.txt"); return false; } if (core.isLoginSupportEnabled()) { Log.severe("AWS S3 storage is not supported option with loegin support enabled: set login-enabled: false in configuration.txt"); return false; } // Get our settings bucketname = core.configuration.getString("storage/bucketname", "dynmap"); region = core.configuration.getString("storage/region", "us-east-1"); apiURL = core.configuration.getString("storage/api_url", null); access_key_id = core.configuration.getString("storage/aws_access_key_id", System.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")); secret_access_key = core.configuration.getString("storage/aws_secret_access_key", System.getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")); prefix = core.configuration.getString("storage/prefix", ""); if ((prefix.length() > 0) && (prefix.charAt(prefix.length()-1) != '/')) { prefix += '/'; } // Now creste the access client for the S3 service if (apiURL != null) { Region r = Region.getCustom(region, apiURL);"region=" + r);"Using S3-compatible storage: web site at S3 bucket " + bucketname + " in region " + region + " via API URL " + apiURL); } else {"Using AWS S3 storage: web site at S3 bucket " + bucketname + " in region " + region); } S3Client s3 = null; try { s3 = getConnection(); if (s3 == null) { Log.severe("Error creating S3 access client"); return false; } // Make sure bucket exists (do list) ListObjectsV2Request listreq = ListObjectsV2Request.builder() .bucketName(bucketname) .maxKeys(1) .prefix(prefix) .build(); ListObjectsV2Response rslt = s3.listObjectsV2(listreq); if (rslt == null) { Log.severe("Error: cannot find or access S3 bucket"); return false; } rslt.getContents(); } catch (S3Exception s3x) { Log.severe("AWS Exception", s3x); return false; } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { return false; } finally { releaseConnection(s3); } return true; } @Override public MapStorageTile getTile(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, int x, int y, int zoom, ImageVariant var) { return new StorageTile(world, map, x, y, zoom, var); } @Override public MapStorageTile getTile(DynmapWorld world, String uri) { String[] suri = uri.split("/"); if (suri.length < 2) return null; String mname = suri[0]; // Map URI - might include variant MapType mt = null; ImageVariant imgvar = null; // Find matching map type and image variant for (int mti = 0; (mt == null) && (mti < world.maps.size()); mti++) { MapType type = world.maps.get(mti); ImageVariant[] var = type.getVariants(); for (int ivi = 0; (imgvar == null) && (ivi < var.length); ivi++) { if (mname.equals(type.getPrefix() + var[ivi].variantSuffix)) { mt = type; imgvar = var[ivi]; } } } if (mt == null) { // Not found? return null; } // Now, take the last section and parse out coordinates and zoom String fname = suri[suri.length-1]; String[] coord = fname.split("[_\\.]"); if (coord.length < 3) { // 3 or 4 return null; } int zoom = 0; int x, y; try { if (coord[0].charAt(0) == 'z') { zoom = coord[0].length(); x = Integer.parseInt(coord[1]); y = Integer.parseInt(coord[2]); } else { x = Integer.parseInt(coord[0]); y = Integer.parseInt(coord[1]); } return getTile(world, mt, x, y, zoom, imgvar); } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) { return null; } } private void processEnumMapTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, ImageVariant var, MapStorageTileEnumCB cb, MapStorageBaseTileEnumCB cbBase, MapStorageTileSearchEndCB cbEnd) { String basekey = prefix + "tiles/" + world.getName() + "/" + map.getPrefix() + var.variantSuffix + "/"; ListObjectsV2Request req = ListObjectsV2Request.builder().bucketName(bucketname).prefix(basekey).maxKeys(1000).build(); boolean done = false; S3Client s3 = null; try { s3 = getConnection(); while (!done) { ListObjectsV2Response result = s3.listObjectsV2(req); List objects = result.getContents(); for (S3Object os : objects) { String key = os.getKey(); key = key.substring(basekey.length()); // Strip off base // Parse the extension String ext = null; int extoff = key.lastIndexOf('.'); if (extoff >= 0) { ext = key.substring(extoff+1); key = key.substring(0, extoff); } // If not valid image extension, ignore ImageEncoding fmt = ImageEncoding.fromExt(ext); if (fmt == null) { continue; } // See if zoom tile: figure out zoom level int zoom = 0; if (key.startsWith("z")) { while (key.startsWith("z")) { key = key.substring(1); zoom++; } if (key.startsWith("_")) { key = key.substring(1); } } // Split remainder to get coords String[] coord = key.split("_"); if (coord.length == 2) { // Must be 2 to be a tile try { int x = Integer.parseInt(coord[0]); int y = Integer.parseInt(coord[1]); // Invoke callback MapStorageTile t = new StorageTile(world, map, x, y, zoom, var); if(cb != null) cb.tileFound(t, fmt); if(cbBase != null && t.zoom == 0) cbBase.tileFound(t, fmt); t.cleanup(); } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) { } } } if (result.isTruncated()) { // If more, build continuiation request req = ListObjectsV2Request.builder().bucketName(bucketname) .prefix(basekey).delimiter("").maxKeys(1000).continuationToken(result.getContinuationToken()).encodingType("url").requestPayer("requester").build(); } else { // Else, we're done done = true; } } } catch (S3Exception x) { if (!x.getCode().equals("SignatureDoesNotMatch")) { // S3 behavior when no object match.... Log.severe("AWS Exception", x); Log.severe("req=" + req); } } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { } finally { releaseConnection(s3); } if(cbEnd != null) { cbEnd.searchEnded(); } } @Override public void enumMapTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, MapStorageTileEnumCB cb) { List mtlist; if (map != null) { mtlist = Collections.singletonList(map); } else { // Else, add all directories under world directory (for maps) mtlist = new ArrayList(world.maps); } for (MapType mt : mtlist) { ImageVariant[] vars = mt.getVariants(); for (ImageVariant var : vars) { processEnumMapTiles(world, mt, var, cb, null, null); } } } @Override public void enumMapBaseTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, MapStorageBaseTileEnumCB cbBase, MapStorageTileSearchEndCB cbEnd) { List mtlist; if (map != null) { mtlist = Collections.singletonList(map); } else { // Else, add all directories under world directory (for maps) mtlist = new ArrayList(world.maps); } for (MapType mt : mtlist) { ImageVariant[] vars = mt.getVariants(); for (ImageVariant var : vars) { processEnumMapTiles(world, mt, var, null, cbBase, cbEnd); } } } private void processPurgeMapTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, ImageVariant var) { String basekey = prefix + "tiles/" + world.getName() + "/" + map.getPrefix() + var.variantSuffix + "/"; ListObjectsV2Request req = ListObjectsV2Request.builder().bucketName(bucketname).prefix(basekey).delimiter("").maxKeys(1000).encodingType("url").requestPayer("requester").build(); S3Client s3 = null; try { s3 = getConnection(); boolean done = false; while (!done) { ListObjectsV2Response result = s3.listObjectsV2(req); List objects = result.getContents(); for (S3Object os : objects) { String key = os.getKey(); DeleteObjectRequest delreq = DeleteObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(key).build(); s3.deleteObject(delreq); } if (result.isTruncated()) { // If more, build continuiation request req = ListObjectsV2Request.builder().bucketName(bucketname) .prefix(basekey).delimiter("").maxKeys(1000).continuationToken(result.getContinuationToken()).encodingType("url").requestPayer("requester").build(); } else { // Else, we're done done = true; } } } catch (S3Exception x) { if (!x.getCode().equals("SignatureDoesNotMatch")) { // S3 behavior when no object match.... Log.severe("AWS Exception", x); Log.severe("req=" + req); } } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { } finally { releaseConnection(s3); } } @Override public void purgeMapTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map) { List mtlist; if (map != null) { mtlist = Collections.singletonList(map); } else { // Else, add all directories under world directory (for maps) mtlist = new ArrayList(world.maps); } for (MapType mt : mtlist) { ImageVariant[] vars = mt.getVariants(); for (ImageVariant var : vars) { processPurgeMapTiles(world, mt, var); } } } @Override public boolean setPlayerFaceImage(String playername, FaceType facetype, BufferOutputStream encImage) { boolean done = false; String baseKey = prefix + "tiles/faces/" + + "/" + playername + ".png"; S3Client s3 = null; try { s3 = getConnection(); if (encImage == null) { // Delete? DeleteObjectRequest delreq = DeleteObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(baseKey).build(); s3.deleteObject(delreq); } else { PutObjectRequest req = PutObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(baseKey).contentType("image/png").build(); s3.putObject(req, RequestBody.fromBytes(encImage.buf, encImage.len)); } done = true; } catch (S3Exception x) { Log.severe("AWS Exception", x); } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { } finally { releaseConnection(s3); } return done; } @Override public BufferInputStream getPlayerFaceImage(String playername, FaceType facetype) { return null; } @Override public boolean hasPlayerFaceImage(String playername, FaceType facetype) { String baseKey = prefix + "tiles/faces/" + + "/" + playername + ".png"; boolean exists = false; S3Client s3 = null; try { s3 = getConnection(); ListObjectsV2Request req = ListObjectsV2Request.builder().bucketName(bucketname).prefix(baseKey).maxKeys(1).build(); ListObjectsV2Response rslt = s3.listObjectsV2(req); if ((rslt != null) && (rslt.getKeyCount() > 0)) exists = true; } catch (S3Exception x) { if (!x.getCode().equals("SignatureDoesNotMatch")) { // S3 behavior when no object match.... Log.severe("AWS Exception", x); } } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { } finally { releaseConnection(s3); } return exists; } @Override public boolean setMarkerImage(String markerid, BufferOutputStream encImage) { boolean done = false; String baseKey = prefix + "tiles/_markers_/" + markerid + ".png"; S3Client s3 = null; try { s3 = getConnection(); if (encImage == null) { // Delete? DeleteObjectRequest delreq = DeleteObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(baseKey).build(); s3.deleteObject(delreq); } else { PutObjectRequest req = PutObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(baseKey).contentType("image/png").build(); s3.putObject(req, RequestBody.fromBytes(encImage.buf, encImage.len)); } done = true; } catch (S3Exception x) { Log.severe("AWS Exception", x); } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { } finally { releaseConnection(s3); } return done; } @Override public BufferInputStream getMarkerImage(String markerid) { return null; } @Override public boolean setMarkerFile(String world, String content) { boolean done = false; String baseKey = prefix + "tiles/_markers_/marker_" + world + ".json"; S3Client s3 = null; try { s3 = getConnection(); if (content == null) { // Delete? DeleteObjectRequest delreq = DeleteObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(baseKey).build(); s3.deleteObject(delreq); } else { PutObjectRequest req = PutObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(baseKey).contentType("application/json").build(); s3.putObject(req, RequestBody.fromBytes(content.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); } done = true; } catch (S3Exception x) { Log.severe("AWS Exception", x); } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { } finally { releaseConnection(s3); } return done; } @Override public String getMarkerFile(String world) { return null; } @Override // For external web server only public String getMarkersURI(boolean login_enabled) { return "tiles/"; } @Override // For external web server only public String getTilesURI(boolean login_enabled) { return "tiles/"; } /** * URI to use for loading configuration JSON files (for external web server only) * @param login_enabled - selects based on login security enabled * @return URI */ public String getConfigurationJSONURI(boolean login_enabled) { return "standalone/dynmap_config.json?_={timestamp}"; } /** * URI to use for loading update JSON files (for external web server only) * @param login_enabled - selects based on login security enabled * @return URI */ public String getUpdateJSONURI(boolean login_enabled) { return "standalone/dynmap_{world}.json?_={timestamp}"; } @Override public void addPaths(StringBuilder sb, DynmapCore core) { String p = core.getTilesFolder().getAbsolutePath(); if(!p.endsWith("/")) p += "/"; sb.append("$tilespath = \'"); sb.append(WebAuthManager.esc(p)); sb.append("\';\n"); sb.append("$markerspath = \'"); sb.append(WebAuthManager.esc(p)); sb.append("\';\n"); // Need to call base to add webpath super.addPaths(sb, core); } @Override public BufferInputStream getStandaloneFile(String fileid) { return null; } // Cache to avoid rewriting same standalong file repeatedly private ConcurrentHashMap standalone_cache = new ConcurrentHashMap(); @Override public boolean setStandaloneFile(String fileid, BufferOutputStream content) { return setStaticWebFile("standalone/" + fileid, content); } // Test if storage needs static web files public boolean needsStaticWebFiles() { return true; } /** * Set static web file content * @param fileid - file path * @param content - content for file * @return true if successful */ public boolean setStaticWebFile(String fileid, BufferOutputStream content) { boolean done = false; String baseKey = prefix + fileid; S3Client s3 = null; try { s3 = getConnection(); byte[] cacheval = standalone_cache.get(fileid); if (content == null) { // Delete? if ((cacheval != null) && (cacheval.length == 0)) { // Delete cached? return true; } DeleteObjectRequest delreq = DeleteObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(baseKey).build(); s3.deleteObject(delreq); standalone_cache.put(fileid, new byte[0]); // Mark in cache } else { byte[] digest = content.buf; try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.update(content.buf); digest = md.digest(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsax) { } // If cached and same, just return if (Arrays.equals(digest, cacheval)) { return true; } String ct = "text/plain"; if (fileid.endsWith(".json")) { ct = "application/json"; } else if (fileid.endsWith(".php")) { ct = "application/x-httpd-php"; } else if (fileid.endsWith(".html")) { ct = "text/html"; } else if (fileid.endsWith(".css")) { ct = "text/css"; } else if (fileid.endsWith(".js")) { ct = "application/x-javascript"; } PutObjectRequest req = PutObjectRequest.builder().bucketName(bucketname).key(baseKey).contentType(ct).build(); s3.putObject(req, RequestBody.fromBytes(content.buf, content.len)); standalone_cache.put(fileid, digest); } done = true; } catch (S3Exception x) { Log.severe("AWS Exception", x); } catch (StorageShutdownException x) { } finally { releaseConnection(s3); } return done; } private S3Client getConnection() throws S3Exception, StorageShutdownException { S3Client c = null; if (isShutdown) throw new StorageShutdownException(); synchronized (cpool) { while (c == null) { for (int i = 0; i < cpool.length; i++) { // See if available connection if (cpool[i] != null) { // Found one c = cpool[i]; cpool[i] = null; break; } } if (c == null) { if (cpoolCount < POOLSIZE) { // Still more we can have c = new DefaultS3ClientBuilder() .credentialsProvider(() -> AwsBasicCredentials.create(access_key_id, secret_access_key)) .region(Region.fromString(region)) .httpClient(URLConnectionSdkHttpClient.create()) .build(); if (c == null) { Log.severe("Error creating S3 access client"); return null; } cpoolCount++; } else { try { cpool.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return null; } } } } } return c; } private void releaseConnection(S3Client c) { if (c == null) return; synchronized (cpool) { for (int i = 0; i < POOLSIZE; i++) { if (cpool[i] == null) { cpool[i] = c; c = null; // Mark it recovered (no close needed cpool.notifyAll(); break; } } if (c != null) { // If broken, just toss it try { c.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } cpoolCount--; // And reduce count cpool.notifyAll(); } } } }