package org.dynmap.modsupport.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.dynmap.modsupport.BigChestTextureFile; import org.dynmap.modsupport.BiomeTextureFile; import org.dynmap.modsupport.BlockTextureRecord; import org.dynmap.modsupport.ChestTextureFile; import org.dynmap.modsupport.CopyBlockTextureRecord; import org.dynmap.modsupport.CustomTextureFile; import org.dynmap.modsupport.GridTextureFile; import org.dynmap.modsupport.ModModelDefinition; import org.dynmap.modsupport.ModTextureDefinition; import org.dynmap.modsupport.SignTextureFile; import org.dynmap.modsupport.ShulkerTextureFile; import org.dynmap.modsupport.SkinTextureFile; /** * Implementation of mod texture definition */ public class ModTextureDefinitionImpl implements ModTextureDefinition { private final String modid; private final String modver; private ModModelDefinitionImpl modDef = null; private String texturePath; private LinkedHashMap txtFileByID = new LinkedHashMap(); private ArrayList blkTextureRec = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList blkCopyTextureRec = new ArrayList(); private boolean published = false; public ModTextureDefinitionImpl(String modid, String modver) { this.modid = modid; this.modver = modver; // Default texture path this.texturePath = "assets/" + modid.toLowerCase() + "/textures/blocks/"; } /** * Get mod ID * @return mod ID */ @Override public String getModID() { return modid; } /** * Get mod version * @return mod version */ @Override public String getModVersion() { return modver; } /** * Get model definition for mod associated with texture definition * Only needed if mod needs to define models for non-simple,solid blocks * @return model definition */ @Override public ModModelDefinition getModelDefinition() { if (modDef == null) { modDef = new ModModelDefinitionImpl(this); } return modDef; } /** * Final call for texture definition: publishes definiiton to Dynmap to be used for the mod * @return true if successful, false if error */ @Override public boolean publishDefinition() { published = true; return true; } /** * Set texture path for texture resources (base path for resource loads from mod - for 1.6.x, default is assets/<modid>/textures/blocks) * @param txtpath - texture resource base path */ @Override public void setTexturePath(String txtpath) { this.texturePath = txtpath; if (this.texturePath.endsWith("/") == false) { this.texturePath += "/"; } if (this.texturePath.startsWith("/")) { this.texturePath = this.texturePath.substring(1); } } /** * Get texture path for texture resources * @return texture resource base path */ @Override public String getTexturePath() { return this.texturePath; } private TextureFileImpl registerTextureFile(TextureFileImpl tfi) { TextureFileImpl orig_tfi = txtFileByID.get(tfi.getTextureID()); if (orig_tfi == null) { // If new, add to table txtFileByID.put(tfi.getTextureID(), tfi); } else if (orig_tfi.equals(tfi)) { // If matches existing, return original tfi = orig_tfi; } else { tfi = null; } return tfi; } private String getDefFilename(String id) { return texturePath + id + ".png"; } /** * Register texture file * This is suitable for typical 1.5+ single texture-per-file textures. File is assumed to be at -texturePath-/-id-.png * @param id - texture ID * @return TextureFile associated with resource */ @Override public GridTextureFile registerTextureFile(String id) { return (GridTextureFile) registerTextureFile(new GridTextureFileImpl(id, getDefFilename(id), 1, 1)); } /** * Register texture file with explicit file path and name (texturePath is not used) * This is suitable for typical 1.5+ single texture-per-file textures * @param id - texture ID * @param filename - texture file name (including .png) * @return TextureFile associated with resource */ @Override public GridTextureFile registerTextureFile(String id, String filename) { return (GridTextureFile) registerTextureFile(new GridTextureFileImpl(id, filename, 1, 1)); } /** * Register texture file with CHEST layout (standard single chest texture) * @param id - texture ID * @param filename - texture file name (including .png) * @return TextureFile associated with resource */ @Override public ChestTextureFile registerChestTextureFile(String id, String filename) { return (ChestTextureFile) registerTextureFile(new ChestTextureFileImpl(id, filename)); } /** * Register texture file with BIGCHEST layout (standard double chest texture) * @param id - texture ID * @param filename - texture file name (including .png) * @return TextureFile associated with resource */ @Override public BigChestTextureFile registerBigChestTextureFile(String id, String filename) { return (BigChestTextureFile) registerTextureFile(new BigChestTextureFileImpl(id, filename)); } /** * Register texture file with SIGN layout (standard signpost texture ) * @param id - texture ID * @param filename - texture file name (including .png) * @return TextureFile associated with resource */ @Override public SignTextureFile registerSignTextureFile(String id, String filename) { return (SignTextureFile) registerTextureFile(new SignTextureFileImpl(id, filename)); } /** * Register texture file with SKIN layout (standard player/humanoid skin texture) * @param id - texture ID * @param filename - texture file name (including .png) * @return TextureFile associated with resource */ @Override public SkinTextureFile registerSkinTextureFile(String id, String filename) { return (SkinTextureFile) registerTextureFile(new SkinTextureFileImpl(id, filename)); } /** * Register texture file with SHULKER layout (standard shulker and shulker box texture) * @param id - texture ID * @param filename - texture file name (including .png) * @return TextureFile associated with resource */ @Override public ShulkerTextureFile registerShulkerTextureFile(String id, String filename) { return (ShulkerTextureFile) registerTextureFile(new ShulkerTextureFileImpl(id, filename)); } /** * Register texture file with GRID layout (array of xcount x ycount square textures) * @param id - texture ID * @param filename - texture file name (including .png) * @param xcount - horizontal patch count in texture file * @param ycount - vertical patch count in texture file * @return TextureFile associated with resource */ @Override public GridTextureFile registerGridTextureFile(String id, String filename, int xcount, int ycount) { return (GridTextureFile) registerTextureFile(new GridTextureFileImpl(id, filename, xcount, ycount)); } /** * Register texture file with CUSTOM layout (custom defined patches within file) * The xcount and ycount attributes indicate the default horizontal and vertical dimensions of the texture file, assuming normal default * scale of 16 x 16 pixels for a texture patch (if the file is bigger, these data allow calculation of the texture scale) * @param id - texture ID * @param filename - texture file name (including .png) * @param xcount - horizontal patch count in texture file * @param ycount - vertical patch count in texture file * @return CustomTextureFile associated with resource: use methods on this to define the custom patches within the file */ @Override public CustomTextureFile registerCustomTextureFile(String id, String filename, int xcount, int ycount) { return (CustomTextureFile) registerTextureFile(new CustomTextureFileImpl(id, filename, xcount, ycount)); } @Override public BiomeTextureFile registerBiomeTextureFile(String id, String filename) { return (BiomeTextureFile) registerTextureFile(new BiomeTextureFileImpl(id, filename)); } /** * Add block texture record : default assumes all metadata values are matching * @param blockID - block ID * @return block texture record: use methods to set texture use on faces/patches */ @Override @Deprecated public BlockTextureRecord addBlockTextureRecord(int blockID) { BlockTextureRecordImpl btr = new BlockTextureRecordImpl(blockID); blkTextureRec.add(btr); return btr; } /** * Add block texture record : default assumes all metadata values are matching * @param blockname - block name * @return block texture record: use methods to set texture use on faces/patches */ @Override public BlockTextureRecord addBlockTextureRecord(String blockname) { BlockTextureRecordImpl btr = new BlockTextureRecordImpl(blockname); blkTextureRec.add(btr); return btr; } @Override @Deprecated public CopyBlockTextureRecord addCopyBlockTextureRecord(int blockID, int srcBlockID, int srcMeta) { CopyBlockTextureRecordImpl btr = new CopyBlockTextureRecordImpl(blockID, srcBlockID, srcMeta); blkCopyTextureRec.add(btr); return btr; } @Override @Deprecated public CopyBlockTextureRecord addCopyBlockTextureRecord(String blockname, String srcBlockName, int srcMeta) { CopyBlockTextureRecordImpl btr = new CopyBlockTextureRecordImpl(blockname, srcBlockName, srcMeta); blkCopyTextureRec.add(btr); return btr; } @Override public CopyBlockTextureRecord addCopyBlockTextureRecord(String blockname, String srcBlockName, Map srcStateMap) { CopyBlockTextureRecordImpl btr = new CopyBlockTextureRecordImpl(blockname, srcBlockName, srcStateMap); blkCopyTextureRec.add(btr); return btr; } public boolean isPublished() { return published; } public void writeToFile(File destdir) throws IOException { File f = new File(destdir, this.modid + "-texture.txt"); Writer fw = null; try { fw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f)); // Write modname line String s = "modname:" + this.modid; fw.write(s + "\n\n"); // Loop through textures for (String tid : txtFileByID.keySet()) { TextureFileImpl tfi = txtFileByID.get(tid); String line = tfi.getLine(); if (line != null) { fw.write(line + "\n"); } } // Loop through block texture records for (BlockTextureRecordImpl btr : blkTextureRec) { String line = btr.getLine(); if (line != null) { fw.write(line + "\n"); } } // Loop through copy block texture records for (CopyBlockTextureRecordImpl btr : blkCopyTextureRec) { String line = btr.getLine(); if (line != null) { fw.write(line + "\n"); } } } finally { if (fw != null) { fw.close(); } } } }