package org.dynmap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import org.dynmap.utils.BufferInputStream; import org.dynmap.utils.BufferOutputStream; import org.dynmap.web.Json; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import static org.dynmap.JSONUtils.*; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; public class JsonFileClientUpdateComponent extends ClientUpdateComponent { protected long jsonInterval; protected long currentTimestamp = 0; protected long lastTimestamp = 0; protected long lastChatTimestamp = 0; protected JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); private boolean hidewebchatip; private boolean useplayerloginip; private boolean requireplayerloginip; private boolean trust_client_name; private boolean checkuserban; private boolean req_login; private boolean chat_perms; private int lengthlimit; private HashMap useralias = new HashMap(); private int aliasindex = 1; private long last_confighash; private MessageDigest md; private MapStorage storage; private File baseStandaloneDir; private static class FileToWrite { String filename; byte[] content; boolean phpwrapper; @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if(o instanceof FileToWrite) { return ((FileToWrite)o).filename.equals(this.filename); } return false; } } private class FileProcessor implements Runnable { public void run() { while(true) { FileToWrite f = null; synchronized(lock) { if(files_to_write.isEmpty() == false) { f = files_to_write.removeFirst(); } else { pending = null; return; } } BufferOutputStream buf = null; if (f.content != null) { buf = new BufferOutputStream(); if(f.phpwrapper) { buf.write("\n".getBytes(cs_utf8)); } } if (!storage.setStandaloneFile(f.filename, buf)) { Log.severe("Exception while writing JSON-file - " + f.filename); } } } } private Object lock = new Object(); private FileProcessor pending; private LinkedList files_to_write = new LinkedList(); private void enqueueFileWrite(String filename, byte[] content, boolean phpwrap) { FileToWrite ftw = new FileToWrite(); ftw.filename = filename; ftw.content = content; ftw.phpwrapper = phpwrap; synchronized(lock) { boolean didadd = false; if(pending == null) { didadd = true; pending = new FileProcessor(); } files_to_write.remove(ftw); files_to_write.add(ftw); if(didadd) { MapManager.scheduleDelayedJob(new FileProcessor(), 0); } } } private static Charset cs_utf8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); public JsonFileClientUpdateComponent(final DynmapCore core, final ConfigurationNode configuration) { super(core, configuration); if (!core.isInternalWebServerDisabled) { Log.severe("Using JsonFileClientUpdateComponent with disable-webserver=false is not supported: there will likely be problems"); } final boolean allowwebchat = configuration.getBoolean("allowwebchat", false); jsonInterval = (long)(configuration.getFloat("writeinterval", 1) * 1000); hidewebchatip = configuration.getBoolean("hidewebchatip", false); useplayerloginip = configuration.getBoolean("use-player-login-ip", true); requireplayerloginip = configuration.getBoolean("require-player-login-ip", false); trust_client_name = configuration.getBoolean("trustclientname", false); checkuserban = configuration.getBoolean("block-banned-player-chat", true); req_login = configuration.getBoolean("webchat-requires-login", false); chat_perms = configuration.getBoolean("webchat-permissions", false); lengthlimit = configuration.getInteger("chatlengthlimit", 256); storage = core.getDefaultMapStorage(); baseStandaloneDir = new File(core.configuration.getString("webpath", "web"), "standalone"); if (!baseStandaloneDir.isAbsolute()) { baseStandaloneDir = new File(core.getDataFolder(), baseStandaloneDir.toString()); } try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsax) { Log.severe("Unable to get message digest SHA-1"); } /* Generate our config.js file */ generateConfigJS(core); core.getServer().scheduleServerTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { currentTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(last_confighash != core.getConfigHashcode()) { writeConfiguration(); } writeUpdates(); if (allowwebchat) { handleWebChat(); } if(core.isLoginSupportEnabled()) handleRegister(); lastTimestamp = currentTimestamp; core.getServer().scheduleServerTask(this, jsonInterval/50); }}, jsonInterval/50);"buildclientconfiguration", new Event.Listener() { @Override public void triggered(JSONObject t) { s(t, "jsonfile", true); s(t, "allowwebchat", allowwebchat); s(t, "webchat-requires-login", req_login); s(t, "loginrequired", core.isLoginRequired()); // For 'sendmessage.php' s(t, "webchat-interval", configuration.getFloat("webchat-interval", 5.0f)); s(t, "chatlengthlimit", lengthlimit); } });"initialized", new Event.Listener() { @Override public void triggered(Object t) { writeConfiguration(); writeUpdates(); /* Make sure we stay in sync */ writeLogins(); writeAccess(); } });"server-started", new Event.Listener() { @Override public void triggered(Object t) { writeConfiguration(); writeUpdates(); /* Make sure we stay in sync */ writeLogins(); writeAccess(); } });"worldactivated", new Event.Listener() { @Override public void triggered(DynmapWorld t) { writeConfiguration(); writeUpdates(); /* Make sure we stay in sync */ writeAccess(); } });"loginupdated", new Event.Listener() { @Override public void triggered(Object t) { writeLogins(); writeAccess(); } });"playersetupdated", new Event.Listener() { @Override public void triggered(Object t) { writeAccess(); } }); } private void generateConfigJS(DynmapCore core) { /* Test if login support is enabled */ boolean login_enabled = core.isLoginSupportEnabled(); // configuration: 'standalone/dynmap_config.json?_={timestamp}', // update: 'standalone/dynmap_{world}.json?_={timestamp}', // sendmessage: 'standalone/sendmessage.php', // login: 'standalone/login.php', // register: 'standalone/register.php', // tiles : 'tiles/', // markers : 'tiles/' // configuration: 'standalone/configuration.php', // update: 'standalone/update.php?world={world}&ts={timestamp}', // sendmessage: 'standalone/sendmessage.php', // login: 'standalone/login.php', // register: 'standalone/register.php', // tiles : 'standalone/tiles.php?tile=', // markers : 'standalone/markers.php?marker=' MapStorage store = core.getDefaultMapStorage(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("var config = {\n"); sb.append(" url : {\n"); /* Get configuration URL */ sb.append(" configuration: '"); sb.append(core.configuration.getString("url/configuration", store.getConfigurationJSONURI(login_enabled))); sb.append("',\n"); /* Get update URL */ sb.append(" update: '"); sb.append(core.configuration.getString("url/update", store.getUpdateJSONURI(login_enabled))); sb.append("',\n"); /* Get sendmessage URL */ sb.append(" sendmessage: '"); sb.append(core.configuration.getString("url/sendmessage", store.getSendMessageURI())); sb.append("',\n"); /* Get login URL */ sb.append(" login: '"); sb.append(core.configuration.getString("url/login", store.getStandaloneLoginURI())); sb.append("',\n"); /* Get register URL */ sb.append(" register: '"); sb.append(core.configuration.getString("url/register", store.getStandaloneRegisterURI())); sb.append("',\n"); /* Get tiles URL */ sb.append(" tiles: '"); sb.append(core.configuration.getString("url/tiles", store.getTilesURI(login_enabled))); sb.append("',\n"); /* Get markers URL */ sb.append(" markers: '"); sb.append(core.configuration.getString("url/markers", store.getMarkersURI(login_enabled))); sb.append("'\n }\n};\n"); byte[] outputBytes = sb.toString().getBytes(cs_utf8); MapManager.scheduleDelayedJob(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (core.getDefaultMapStorage().needsStaticWebFiles()) { BufferOutputStream os = new BufferOutputStream(); os.write(outputBytes); core.getDefaultMapStorage().setStaticWebFile("standalone/config.js", os); } else { File f = new File(baseStandaloneDir, "config.js"); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(f); fos.write(outputBytes); } catch (IOException iox) { Log.severe("Exception while writing " + f.getPath(), iox); } finally { if(fos != null) { try { fos.close(); } catch (IOException x) {} fos = null; } } } } }, 0); } protected void writeConfiguration() { JSONObject clientConfiguration = new JSONObject();"buildclientconfiguration", clientConfiguration); last_confighash = core.getConfigHashcode(); byte[] content = clientConfiguration.toJSONString().getBytes(cs_utf8); String outputFile; boolean dowrap = storage.wrapStandaloneJSON(core.isLoginSupportEnabled()); if(dowrap) { outputFile = "dynmap_config.php"; } else { outputFile = "dynmap_config.json"; } enqueueFileWrite(outputFile, content, dowrap); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void writeUpdates() { if(core.mapManager == null) return; //Handles Updates ArrayList wlist = new ArrayList(core.mapManager.getWorlds()); // Grab copy of world list for (int windx = 0; windx < wlist.size(); windx++) { DynmapWorld dynmapWorld = wlist.get(windx); JSONObject update = new JSONObject(); update.put("timestamp", currentTimestamp); ClientUpdateEvent clientUpdate = new ClientUpdateEvent(currentTimestamp - 30000, dynmapWorld, update); clientUpdate.include_all_users = true;"buildclientupdate", clientUpdate); String outputFile; boolean dowrap = storage.wrapStandaloneJSON(core.isLoginSupportEnabled()); if(dowrap) { outputFile = "updates_" + dynmapWorld.getName() + ".php"; } else { outputFile = "dynmap_" + dynmapWorld.getName() + ".json"; } CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { byte[] content = Json.stringifyJson(update).getBytes(cs_utf8); enqueueFileWrite(outputFile, content, dowrap); }); } } private byte[] loginhash = new byte[16]; protected void writeLogins() { String loginFile = "dynmap_login.php"; if(core.isLoginSupportEnabled()) { String s = core.getLoginPHP(storage.wrapStandalonePHP()); if(s != null) { byte[] bytes = s.getBytes(cs_utf8); md.reset(); byte[] hash = md.digest(bytes); if(Arrays.equals(hash, loginhash)) { return; } enqueueFileWrite(loginFile, bytes, false); loginhash = hash; } } else { enqueueFileWrite(loginFile, null, false); } } private byte[] accesshash = new byte[16]; protected void writeAccess() { String accessFile = "dynmap_access.php"; String s = core.getAccessPHP(storage.wrapStandalonePHP()); if(s != null) { byte[] bytes = s.getBytes(cs_utf8); md.reset(); byte[] hash = md.digest(bytes); if(Arrays.equals(hash, accesshash)) { return; } enqueueFileWrite(accessFile, bytes, false); accesshash = hash; } } private void processWebChat(JSONArray jsonMsgs) { Iterator iter = jsonMsgs.iterator(); boolean init_skip = (lastChatTimestamp == 0); while (iter.hasNext()) { boolean ok = true; JSONObject o = (JSONObject); String ts = String.valueOf(o.get("timestamp")); if(ts.equals("null")) ts = "0"; long cts; try { cts = Long.parseLong(ts); } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) { try { cts = (long) Double.parseDouble(ts); } catch (NumberFormatException nfx2) { cts = 0; } } if (cts > lastChatTimestamp) { String name = String.valueOf(o.get("name")); String ip = String.valueOf(o.get("ip")); String uid = null; Object usr = o.get("userid"); if(usr != null) { uid = String.valueOf(usr); } boolean isip = true; lastChatTimestamp = cts; if(init_skip) continue; if(uid == null) { if((!trust_client_name) || (name == null) || (name.equals(""))) { if(ip != null) name = ip; } if(useplayerloginip) { /* Try to match using IPs of player logins */ List ids = core.getIDsForIP(name); if(ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) { name = ids.get(0); isip = false; if(checkuserban) { if(core.getServer().isPlayerBanned(name)) {"Ignore message from '" + ip + "' - banned player (" + name + ")"); ok = false; } } if(chat_perms && !core.getServer().checkPlayerPermission(name, "webchat")) {"Rejected web chat from " + ip + ": not permitted (" + name + ")"); ok = false; } } else if(requireplayerloginip) {"Ignore message from '" + name + "' - no matching player login recorded"); ok = false; } } if(hidewebchatip && isip) { String n = useralias.get(name); if(n == null) { /* Make ID */ n = String.format("web-%03d", aliasindex); aliasindex++; useralias.put(name, n); } name = n; } } else { if(core.getServer().isPlayerBanned(uid)) {"Ignore message from '" + uid + "' - banned user"); ok = false; } if(chat_perms && !core.getServer().checkPlayerPermission(uid, "webchat")) {"Rejected web chat from " + uid + ": not permitted"); ok = false; } name = uid; } if(ok) { String message = String.valueOf(o.get("message")); if((lengthlimit > 0) && (message.length() > lengthlimit)) message = message.substring(0, lengthlimit); core.webChat(name, message); } } } } protected void handleWebChat() { MapManager.scheduleDelayedJob(new Runnable() { public void run() { BufferInputStream bis = storage.getStandaloneFile("dynmap_webchat.json"); if (bis != null && lastTimestamp != 0) { JSONArray jsonMsgs = null; Reader inputFileReader = null; try { inputFileReader = new InputStreamReader(bis, cs_utf8); jsonMsgs = (JSONArray) parser.parse(inputFileReader); } catch (IOException ex) { Log.severe("Exception while reading JSON-file.", ex); storage.setStandaloneFile("dynmap_webchat.json", null); // Delete it } catch (ParseException ex) { Log.severe("Exception while parsing JSON-file.", ex); storage.setStandaloneFile("dynmap_webchat.json", null); // Delete it } finally { if(inputFileReader != null) { try { inputFileReader.close(); } catch (IOException iox) { } inputFileReader = null; } } if (jsonMsgs != null) { final JSONArray json = jsonMsgs; // Process content on server thread core.getServer().scheduleServerTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { processWebChat(json); } }, 0); } } } }, 0); } protected void handleRegister() { if(core.pendingRegisters() == false) return; BufferInputStream bis = storage.getStandaloneFile("dynmap_reg.php"); if (bis != null) { BufferedReader br = null; ArrayList lines = new ArrayList(); try { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(bis)); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if(line.startsWith("