package org.dynmap.exporter; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.dynmap.DynmapChunk; import org.dynmap.DynmapCore; import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld; import org.dynmap.common.DynmapCommandSender; import org.dynmap.hdmap.CustomBlockModel; import org.dynmap.hdmap.HDBlockModels; import org.dynmap.hdmap.HDBlockStateTextureMap; import org.dynmap.hdmap.HDScaledBlockModels; import org.dynmap.hdmap.HDShader; import org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePack.BlockTransparency; import org.dynmap.renderer.CustomRenderer; import org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState; import org.dynmap.renderer.RenderPatch; import org.dynmap.renderer.RenderPatchFactory.SideVisible; import org.dynmap.utils.BlockStep; import org.dynmap.utils.IndexedVector3D; import org.dynmap.utils.IndexedVector3DList; import org.dynmap.utils.MapChunkCache; import org.dynmap.utils.MapIterator; import org.dynmap.utils.PatchDefinition; import org.dynmap.utils.PatchDefinitionFactory; public class OBJExport { private final File destZipFile; // Destination ZIP file private final HDShader shader; // Shader to be used for textures private final DynmapWorld world; // World to be rendered private final DynmapCore core; private final String basename; private int minX, minY, minZ; // Minimum world coordinates to be rendered private int maxX, maxY, maxZ; // Maximum world coordinates to be rendered private static Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); private ZipOutputStream zos; // Output stream ZIP for result private double originX, originY, originZ; // Origin for exported model private double scale = 1.0; // Scale for exported model private boolean centerOrigin = true; // Center at origin private PatchDefinition[] defaultPathces; // Default patches for solid block, indexed by BlockStep.ordinal() private HashSet matIDs = new HashSet(); // Set of defined material ids for RP private static class Face { String groupLine; String faceLine; } private HashMap> facesByTexture = new HashMap>(); private static final int MODELSCALE = 16; private static final double BLKSIZE = 1.0 / (double) MODELSCALE; // Index of group settings public static final int GROUP_CHUNK = 0; public static final int GROUP_TEXTURE = 1; public static final int GROUP_BLOCKID = 2; public static final int GROUP_BLOCKIDMETA = 3; public static final int GROUP_COUNT = 4; private String[] group = new String[GROUP_COUNT]; private boolean[] enabledGroups = new boolean[GROUP_COUNT]; private String groupline = null; // Vertex set private IndexedVector3DList vertices; // UV set private IndexedVector3DList uvs; // Scaled models private HDScaledBlockModels models; public static final int ROT0 = 0; public static final int ROT90 = 1; public static final int ROT180 = 2; public static final int ROT270 = 3; public static final int HFLIP = 4; private static final double[][] pp = { { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 }, { 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 } }; /** * Constructor for OBJ file export * @param dest - destination file (ZIP) * @param shader - shader to be used for coloring/texturing * @param world - world to be rendered * @param core - core object * @param basename - base file name */ public OBJExport(File dest, HDShader shader, DynmapWorld world, DynmapCore core, String basename) { destZipFile = dest; this.shader = shader; = world; this.core = core; this.basename = basename; this.defaultPathces = new PatchDefinition[6]; PatchDefinitionFactory fact = HDBlockModels.getPatchDefinitionFactory(); for (BlockStep s : BlockStep.values()) { double[] p = pp[s.getFaceEntered()]; int ord = s.ordinal(); defaultPathces[ord] = fact.getPatch(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7], p[8], 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, SideVisible.TOP, ord); } vertices = new IndexedVector3DList(new IndexedVector3DList.ListCallback() { @Override public void elementAdded(IndexedVector3DList list, IndexedVector3D newElement) { try { /* Minecraft XYZ maps to OBJ YZX */ addStringToExportedFile(String.format(Locale.US, "v %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", (newElement.x - originX) * scale, (newElement.y - originY) * scale, (newElement.z - originZ) * scale )); } catch (IOException iox) { } } }); uvs = new IndexedVector3DList(new IndexedVector3DList.ListCallback() { @Override public void elementAdded(IndexedVector3DList list, IndexedVector3D newElement) { try { addStringToExportedFile(String.format(Locale.US, "vt %.4f %.4f\n", newElement.x, newElement.y)); } catch (IOException iox) { } } }); // Get models models = HDBlockModels.getModelsForScale(MODELSCALE); } /** * Set render bounds * * @param minx - minimum X coord * @param miny - minimum Y coord * @param minz - minimum Z coord * @param maxx - maximum X coord * @param maxy - maximum Y coord * @param maxz - maximum Z coord */ public void setRenderBounds(int minx, int miny, int minz, int maxx, int maxy, int maxz) { if (minx < maxx) { minX = minx; maxX = maxx; } else { minX = maxx; maxX = minx; } if (miny < maxy) { minY = miny; maxY = maxy; } else { minY = maxy; maxY = miny; } if (minz < maxz) { minZ = minz; maxZ = maxz; } else { minZ = maxz; maxZ = minz; } if (minY < world.minY) minY = world.minY; if (maxY >= world.worldheight) maxY = world.worldheight - 1; if (centerOrigin) { originX = (maxX + minX) / 2.0; originY = minY; originZ = (maxZ + minZ) / 2.0; } } /** * Set origin for exported model * @param ox - origin x * @param oy - origin y * @param oz - origin z */ public void setOrigin(double ox, double oy, double oz) { originX = ox; originY = oy; originZ = oz; centerOrigin = false; } /** * Set scale for exported model * @param scale = scale */ public void setScale(double scale) { this.scale = scale; } /** * Process export * * @param sender - command sender: use for feedback messages * @return true if successful, false if not */ public boolean processExport(DynmapCommandSender sender) { boolean good = false; try { // Open ZIP file destination zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(destZipFile))); List requiredChunks = new ArrayList(); int mincx = (minX >> 4); int maxcx = (maxX + 15) >> 4; int mincz = (minZ >> 4); int maxcz = (maxZ + 15) >> 4; boolean[] edgebits = new boolean[6]; startExportedFile(basename + ".obj"); // Add material library addStringToExportedFile("mtllib " + basename + ".mtl\n"); // Loop through - do 8x8 chunks at a time (plus 1 border each way) for (int cx = mincx; cx <= maxcx; cx += 4) { for (int cz = mincz; cz <= maxcz; cz += 4) { // Build chunk cache for block of chunks requiredChunks.clear(); for (int i = -1; i < 5; i++) { for (int j = -1; j < 5; j++) { if (((cx+i) <= maxcx) && ((cz+j) <= maxcz) && ((cx+i) >= mincx) && ((cz+j) >= mincz)) { requiredChunks.add(new DynmapChunk(cx + i, cz + j)); } } } // Get the chunk buffer MapChunkCache cache = core.getServer().createMapChunkCache(world, requiredChunks, true, false, true, false); if (cache == null) { throw new IOException("Error loading chunk cache"); } MapIterator iter = cache.getIterator(minX, minY, minZ); for (int x = cx * 16; (x < (cx * 16 + 64)) && (x <= maxX); x++) { if (x < minX) x = minX; edgebits[BlockStep.X_PLUS.ordinal()] = (x == minX); edgebits[BlockStep.X_MINUS.ordinal()] = (x == maxX); for (int z = cz * 16; (z < (cz * 16 + 64)) && (z <= maxZ); z++) { if (z < minZ) z = minZ; edgebits[BlockStep.Z_PLUS.ordinal()] = (z == minZ); edgebits[BlockStep.Z_MINUS.ordinal()] = (z == maxZ); iter.initialize(x, minY, z); updateGroup(GROUP_CHUNK, "chunk" + (x >> 4) + "_" + (z >> 4)); // Do first (bottom) edgebits[BlockStep.Y_MINUS.ordinal()] = true; edgebits[BlockStep.Y_PLUS.ordinal()] = false; DynmapBlockState blk = iter.getBlockType(); if (blk.isNotAir()) { // Not air handleBlock(blk, iter, edgebits); } // Do middle edgebits[BlockStep.Y_MINUS.ordinal()] = false; for (int y = minY + 1; y < maxY; y++) { iter.setY(y); blk = iter.getBlockType(); if (blk.isNotAir()) { // Not air handleBlock(blk, iter, edgebits); } } // Do top edgebits[BlockStep.Y_PLUS.ordinal()] = true; iter.setY(maxY); blk = iter.getBlockType(); if (blk.isNotAir()) { // Not air handleBlock(blk, iter, edgebits); } } } // Output faces by texture String grp = ""; for (String material : facesByTexture.keySet()) { List faces = facesByTexture.get(material); matIDs.add(material); // Record material use addStringToExportedFile(String.format("usemtl %s\n", material)); for (Face face : faces) { if ((face.groupLine != null) && (!face.groupLine.equals(grp))) { grp = face.groupLine; addStringToExportedFile(grp); } addStringToExportedFile(face.faceLine); } } // Clear face table facesByTexture.clear(); // Clean up vertices we've moved past vertices.resetSet(minX, minY, minZ, cx * 16 + 64, maxY, cz * 16 + 64); } } finishExportedFile(); // If shader provided, add shader content to ZIP if (shader != null) { sender.sendMessage("Adding textures from shader " + shader.getName()); shader.exportAsMaterialLibrary(sender, this); sender.sendMessage("Texture export completed"); } // And close the ZIP zos.finish(); zos.close(); zos = null; good = true; sender.sendMessage("Export completed - " + destZipFile.getPath()); } catch (IOException iox) { sender.sendMessage("Export failed: " + iox.getMessage()); } finally { if (zos != null) { try { zos.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} zos = null; destZipFile.delete(); } } return good; } /** * Start adding file to export * @param fname - path/name of file in destination zip * @throws IOException if error starting file */ public void startExportedFile(String fname) throws IOException { ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(fname); zos.putNextEntry(ze); } /** * Add bytes to current exported file * @param buf - buffer with bytes * @param off - offset of start * @param len - length to be added * @throws IOException if error adding to file */ public void addBytesToExportedFile(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException { zos.write(buf, off, len); } /** * Add string to curent exported file (UTF-8) * @param str - string to be written * @throws IOException if error adding to file */ public void addStringToExportedFile(String str) throws IOException { byte[] b = str.getBytes(UTF8); zos.write(b, 0, b.length); } /** * Finish adding file to export * @throws IOException if error completing file */ public void finishExportedFile() throws IOException { zos.closeEntry(); } /** * Handle block at current iterator coord * @param id - block ID * @param iter - iterator * @param edgebits - bit N corresponds to side N being an endge (forge render) */ private void handleBlock(DynmapBlockState blk, MapIterator map, boolean[] edgebits) throws IOException { BlockStep[] steps = BlockStep.values(); int[] txtidx = null; // See if the block has a patch model RenderPatch[] patches = models.getPatchModel(blk); /* If no patches, see if custom model */ if(patches == null) { CustomBlockModel cbm = models.getCustomBlockModel(blk); if (cbm != null) { /* If so, get our meshes */ patches = cbm.getMeshForBlock(map); } } if (patches != null) { steps = new BlockStep[patches.length]; txtidx = new int[patches.length]; for (int i = 0; i < txtidx.length; i++) { txtidx[i] = ((PatchDefinition) patches[i]).getTextureIndex(); steps[i] = ((PatchDefinition) patches[i]).step; } } else { // See if volumetric short[] smod = models.getScaledModel(blk); if (smod != null) { patches = getScaledModelAsPatches(smod); steps = new BlockStep[patches.length]; txtidx = new int[patches.length]; for (int i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) { PatchDefinition pd = (PatchDefinition) patches[i]; steps[i] = pd.step; txtidx[i] = pd.getTextureIndex(); } } } // Set block ID and ID+meta groups updateGroup(GROUP_BLOCKID, "blk" + blk.baseState.globalStateIndex); updateGroup(GROUP_BLOCKIDMETA, "blk" + blk.globalStateIndex); // Get materials for patches String[] mats = shader.getCurrentBlockMaterials(blk, map, txtidx, steps); if (patches != null) { // Patch based model? for (int i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) { addPatch((PatchDefinition) patches[i], map.getX(), map.getY(), map.getZ(), mats[i]); } } else { boolean opaque = HDBlockStateTextureMap.getTransparency(blk) == BlockTransparency.OPAQUE; for (int face = 0; face < 6; face++) { DynmapBlockState blk2 = map.getBlockTypeAt(BlockStep.oppositeValues[face]); // Get block in direction // If we're not solid, or adjacent block is not solid, draw side if ((!opaque) || blk2.isAir() || edgebits[face] || (HDBlockStateTextureMap.getTransparency(blk2) != BlockTransparency.OPAQUE)) { addPatch(defaultPathces[face], map.getX(), map.getY(), map.getZ(), mats[face]); } } } } private int[] getTextureUVs(PatchDefinition pd, int rot) { int[] uv = new int[4]; if (rot == ROT0) { uv[0] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umin, pd.vmin, 0); uv[1] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umax, pd.vmin, 0); uv[2] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umax, pd.vmax, 0); uv[3] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umin, pd.vmax, 0); } else if (rot == ROT90) { // 90 degrees on texture uv[0] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.vmin, pd.umin, 0); uv[1] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.vmin, pd.umax, 0); uv[2] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.vmax, pd.umax, 0); uv[3] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.vmax, pd.umin, 0); } else if (rot == ROT180) { // 180 degrees on texture uv[0] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.umin, 1.0 - pd.vmin, 0); uv[1] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.umax, 1.0 - pd.vmin, 0); uv[2] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.umax, 1.0 - pd.vmax, 0); uv[3] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.umin, 1.0 - pd.vmax, 0); } else if (rot == ROT270) { // 270 degrees on texture uv[0] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.vmin, 1.0 - pd.umin, 0); uv[1] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.vmin, 1.0 - pd.umax, 0); uv[2] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.vmax, 1.0 - pd.umax, 0); uv[3] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.vmax, 1.0 - pd.umin, 0); } else if (rot == HFLIP) { uv[0] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.umin, pd.vmin, 0); uv[1] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.umax, pd.vmin, 0); uv[2] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.umax, pd.vmax, 0); uv[3] = uvs.getVectorIndex(1.0 - pd.umin, pd.vmax, 0); } else { uv[0] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umin, pd.vmin, 0); uv[1] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umax, pd.vmin, 0); uv[2] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umax, pd.vmax, 0); uv[3] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umin, pd.vmax, 0); } return uv; } /** * Add patch as face to output */ private void addPatch(PatchDefinition pd, double x, double y, double z, String material) throws IOException { // No material? No face if (material == null) { return; } int rot = 0; int rotidx = material.indexOf('@'); // Check for rotation modifier if (rotidx >= 0) { rot = material.charAt(rotidx+1) - '0'; // 0-3 material = material.substring(0, rotidx); } int[] v = new int[4]; int[] uv = getTextureUVs(pd, rot); // Get offsets for U and V from origin double ux = pd.xu - pd.x0; double uy = pd.yu - pd.y0; double uz = pd.zu - pd.z0; double vx = pd.xv - pd.x0; double vy = pd.yv - pd.y0; double vz = pd.zv - pd.z0; // Offset to origin corner x = x + pd.x0; y = y + pd.y0; z = z + pd.z0; // Origin corner, offset by umin, vmin v[0] = vertices.getVectorIndex(x + ux*pd.umin + vx*pd.vmin, y + uy*pd.umin + vy*pd.vmin, z + uz*pd.umin + vz*pd.vmin); uv[0] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umin, pd.vmin, 0); // Second is end of U (umax, vmin) v[1] = vertices.getVectorIndex(x + ux*pd.umax + vx*pd.vmin, y + uy*pd.umax + vy*pd.vmin, z + uz*pd.umax + vz*pd.vmin); uv[1] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umax, pd.vmin, 0); // Third is end of U+V (umax, vmax) v[2] = vertices.getVectorIndex(x + ux*pd.umax + vx*pd.vmax, y + uy*pd.umax + vy*pd.vmax, z + uz*pd.umax + vz*pd.vmax); uv[2] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umax, pd.vmax, 0); // Forth is end of V (umin, vmax) v[3] = vertices.getVectorIndex(x + ux*pd.umin + vx*pd.vmax, y + uy*pd.umin + vy*pd.vmax, z + uz*pd.umin + vz*pd.vmax); uv[3] = uvs.getVectorIndex(pd.umin, pd.vmax, 0); // Add patch to file addPatchToFile(v, uv, pd.sidevis, material, rot); } private void addPatchToFile(int[] v, int[] uv, SideVisible sv, String material, int rot) throws IOException { List faces = facesByTexture.get(material); if (faces == null) { faces = new ArrayList(); facesByTexture.put(material, faces); } // If needed, rotate the UV sequence if (rot == HFLIP) { // Flip horizonntal int newuv[] = new int[uv.length]; for (int i = 0; i < uv.length; i++) { newuv[i] = uv[i ^ 1]; } uv = newuv; } else if (rot != ROT0) { int newuv[] = new int[uv.length]; for (int i = 0; i < uv.length; i++) { newuv[i] = uv[(i+4-rot) % uv.length]; } uv = newuv; } Face f = new Face(); f.groupLine = updateGroup(GROUP_TEXTURE, material); switch (sv) { case TOP: f.faceLine = String.format("f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d\n", v[0], uv[0], v[1], uv[1], v[2], uv[2], v[3], uv[3]); break; case TOPFLIP: f.faceLine += String.format("f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d\n", v[3], uv[2], v[2], uv[3], v[1], uv[0], v[0], uv[1]); break; case TOPFLIPV: f.faceLine = String.format("f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d\n", v[0], uv[0], v[1], uv[1], v[2], uv[2], v[3], uv[3]); break; case TOPFLIPHV: f.faceLine = String.format("f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d\n", v[0], uv[0], v[1], uv[1], v[2], uv[2], v[3], uv[3]); break; case BOTTOM: f.faceLine = String.format("f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d\n", v[3], uv[3], v[2], uv[2], v[1], uv[1], v[0], uv[0]); break; case BOTH: f.faceLine = String.format("f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d\n", v[0], uv[0], v[1], uv[1], v[2], uv[2], v[3], uv[3]); f.faceLine += String.format("f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d\n", v[3], uv[3], v[2], uv[2], v[1], uv[1], v[0], uv[0]); break; case FLIP: f.faceLine = String.format("f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d\n", v[0], uv[0], v[1], uv[1], v[2], uv[2], v[3], uv[3]); f.faceLine += String.format("f %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d %d/%d\n", v[3], uv[2], v[2], uv[3], v[1], uv[0], v[0], uv[1]); break; } faces.add(f); } public Set getMaterialIDs() { return matIDs; } private static final boolean getSubblock(short[] mod, int x, int y, int z) { if ((x >= 0) && (x < MODELSCALE) && (y >= 0) && (y < MODELSCALE) && (z >= 0) && (z < MODELSCALE)) { return mod[MODELSCALE*MODELSCALE*y + MODELSCALE*z + x] != 0; } return false; } // Scan along X axis private int scanX(short[] tmod, int x, int y, int z) { int xlen = 0; while (getSubblock(tmod, x+xlen, y, z)) { xlen++; } return xlen; } // Scan along Z axis for rows matching given x length private int scanZ(short[] tmod, int x, int y, int z, int xlen) { int zlen = 0; while (scanX(tmod, x, y, z+zlen) >= xlen) { zlen++; } return zlen; } // Scan along Y axis for layers matching given X and Z lengths private int scanY(short[] tmod, int x, int y, int z, int xlen, int zlen) { int ylen = 0; while (scanZ(tmod, x, y+ylen, z, xlen) >= zlen) { ylen++; } return ylen; } private void addSubblock(short[] tmod, int x, int y, int z, List list) { // Find dimensions of cuboid int xlen = scanX(tmod, x, y, z); int zlen = scanZ(tmod, x, y, z, xlen); int ylen = scanY(tmod, x, y, z, xlen, zlen); // Add equivalent of boxblock CustomRenderer.addBox(HDBlockModels.getPatchDefinitionFactory(), list, BLKSIZE * x, BLKSIZE * (x+xlen), BLKSIZE * y, BLKSIZE * (y+ylen), BLKSIZE * z, BLKSIZE * (z+zlen), HDBlockModels.boxPatchList); // And remove blocks from model (since we have them covered) for (int xx = 0; xx < xlen; xx++) { for (int yy = 0; yy < ylen; yy++) { for (int zz = 0; zz < zlen; zz++) { tmod[MODELSCALE*MODELSCALE*(y+yy) + MODELSCALE*(z+zz) + (x+xx)] = 0; } } } } private PatchDefinition[] getScaledModelAsPatches(short[] mod) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); short[] tmod = Arrays.copyOf(mod, mod.length); // Make copy for (int y = 0; y < MODELSCALE; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < MODELSCALE; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < MODELSCALE; x++) { if (getSubblock(tmod, x, y, z)) { // If occupied, try to add to list addSubblock(tmod, x, y, z, list); } } } } PatchDefinition[] pd = new PatchDefinition[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < pd.length; i++) { pd[i] = (PatchDefinition) list.get(i); } return pd; } private String updateGroup(int grpIndex, String newgroup) { if (enabledGroups[grpIndex]) { if (!newgroup.equals(group[grpIndex])) { group[grpIndex] = newgroup; String newline = "g"; for (int i = 0; i < GROUP_COUNT; i++) { if (enabledGroups[i]) { newline += " " + group[i]; } } newline += "\n"; groupline = newline; } } return groupline; } public boolean getGroupEnabled(int grpIndex) { if (grpIndex < enabledGroups.length) { return enabledGroups[grpIndex]; } else { return false; } } public void setGroupEnabled(int grpIndex, boolean set) { if (grpIndex < enabledGroups.length) { enabledGroups[grpIndex] = set; } } public String getBaseName() { return basename; } }