package org.dynmap.hdmap; import static org.dynmap.JSONUtils.a; import static org.dynmap.JSONUtils.s; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.dynmap.Client; import org.dynmap.ConfigurationNode; import org.dynmap.DynmapChunk; import org.dynmap.DynmapCore; import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld; import org.dynmap.Log; import org.dynmap.MapManager; import org.dynmap.MapTile; import org.dynmap.MapType; import; import; import; import org.dynmap.utils.TileFlags; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; public class HDMap extends MapType { private String name; private String prefix; private HDPerspective perspective; private HDShader shader; private HDLighting lighting; // private ConfigurationNode configuration; private int mapzoomout; private String imgfmtstring; private MapType.ImageFormat imgformat; private int bgcolornight; private int bgcolorday; private int tilescale; private String title; private String icon; private String bg_cfg; private String bg_day_cfg; private String bg_night_cfg; private String append_to_world; private int mapzoomin; private int boostzoom; public DynmapCore core; public static final String IMGFORMAT_PNG = "png"; public static final String IMGFORMAT_JPG = "jpg"; public HDMap(DynmapCore core, ConfigurationNode configuration) { this.core = core; name = configuration.getString("name", null); if(name == null) { Log.severe("HDMap missing required attribute 'name' - disabled"); return; } String perspectiveid = configuration.getString("perspective", "default"); perspective = MapManager.mapman.hdmapman.perspectives.get(perspectiveid); if(perspective == null) { /* Try to use default */ perspective = MapManager.mapman.hdmapman.perspectives.get("default"); if(perspective == null) { Log.severe("HDMap '"+name+"' loaded invalid perspective '" + perspectiveid + "' - map disabled"); name = null; return; } else { Log.severe("HDMap '"+name+"' loaded invalid perspective '" + perspectiveid + "' - using 'default' perspective"); } } String shaderid = configuration.getString("shader", "default"); shader = MapManager.mapman.hdmapman.shaders.get(shaderid); if(shader == null) { shader = MapManager.mapman.hdmapman.shaders.get("default"); if(shader == null) { Log.severe("HDMap '"+name+"' loading invalid shader '" + shaderid + "' - map disabled"); name = null; return; } else { Log.severe("HDMap '"+name+"' loading invalid shader '" + shaderid + "' - using 'default' shader"); } } String lightingid = configuration.getString("lighting", "default"); lighting = MapManager.mapman.hdmapman.lightings.get(lightingid); if(lighting == null) { lighting = MapManager.mapman.hdmapman.lightings.get("default"); if(lighting == null) { Log.severe("HDMap '"+name+"' loading invalid lighting '" + lighting + "' - map disabled"); name = null; return; } else { Log.severe("HDMap '"+name+"' loading invalid lighting '" + lighting + "' - using 'default' lighting"); } } prefix = configuration.getString("prefix", name); /* Compute extra zoom outs needed for this map */ double scale = perspective.getScale(); mapzoomout = 0; while(scale >= 1.0) { mapzoomout++; scale = scale / 2.0; } imgfmtstring = configuration.getString("image-format", "default"); if(imgfmtstring.equals("default")) { imgformat = ImageFormat.fromID(core.getDefImageFormat()); } else { imgformat = ImageFormat.fromID(imgfmtstring); } if(imgformat == null) { Log.severe("HDMap '"+name+"' set invalid image-format: " + imgfmtstring); imgformat = ImageFormat.FORMAT_PNG; } /* Get color info */ String c = configuration.getString("background"); if(c != null) { bgcolorday = bgcolornight = parseColor(c); } c = configuration.getString("backgroundday"); if(c != null) { bgcolorday = parseColor(c); } c = configuration.getString("backgroundnight"); if(c != null) { bgcolornight = parseColor(c); } if(imgformat != ImageFormat.FORMAT_PNG) { /* If JPG, set background color opacity */ bgcolorday |= 0xFF000000; bgcolornight |= 0xFF000000; } this.title = configuration.getString("title", name); this.icon = configuration.getString("icon"); this.bg_cfg = configuration.getString("background"); this.bg_day_cfg = configuration.getString("backgroundday"); this.bg_night_cfg = configuration.getString("backgroundnight"); this.mapzoomin = configuration.getInteger("mapzoomin", 2); this.mapzoomout = configuration.getInteger("mapzoomout", this.mapzoomout); this.boostzoom = configuration.getInteger("boostzoom", 0); this.tilescale = configuration.getInteger("tilescale", core.getMapManager().getDefaultTileScale()); // 0 = 128, 1 = 256, ... if (this.tilescale <= 0) this.tilescale = 0; if (this.tilescale >= 4) this.tilescale = 4; // Limit to 2k x 2k if(this.boostzoom < 0) this.boostzoom = 0; if(this.boostzoom > 3) this.boostzoom = 3; // Map zoom in must be at least as big as boost zoom if (this.boostzoom > this.mapzoomin) { this.mapzoomin = this.boostzoom; } this.append_to_world = configuration.getString("append_to_world", ""); setProtected(configuration.getBoolean("protected", false)); setTileUpdateDelay(configuration.getInteger("tileupdatedelay", -1)); setReadOnly(configuration.getBoolean("readonly", false)); } public ConfigurationNode saveConfiguration() { ConfigurationNode cn = super.saveConfiguration(); cn.put("title", title); if(icon != null) cn.put("icon", icon); cn.put("prefix", prefix); if(perspective != null) cn.put("perspective", perspective.getName()); if(shader != null) cn.put("shader", shader.getName()); if(lighting != null) cn.put("lighting", lighting.getName()); cn.put("image-format", imgfmtstring); cn.put("mapzoomin", mapzoomin); cn.put("mapzoomout", mapzoomout); cn.put("boostzoom", boostzoom); cn.put("tilescale", tilescale); if(bg_cfg != null) cn.put("background", bg_cfg); if(bg_day_cfg != null) cn.put("backgroundday", bg_day_cfg); if(bg_night_cfg != null) cn.put("backgroundnight", bg_night_cfg); cn.put("append_to_world", append_to_world); cn.put("protected", isProtected()); cn.put("readonly", isReadOnly()); if(this.tileupdatedelay > 0) { cn.put("tileupdatedelay", this.tileupdatedelay); } return cn; } public final HDShader getShader() { return shader; } public final HDPerspective getPerspective() { return perspective; } public final HDLighting getLighting() { return lighting; } public final int getBoostZoom() { return boostzoom; } @Override public final int getTileSize() { return 128 << tilescale; } public final int getTileScale() { return tilescale; } @Override public List getTileCoords(DynmapWorld w, int x, int y, int z) { return perspective.getTileCoords(w, x, y, z, tilescale); } @Override public List getTileCoords(DynmapWorld w, int minx, int miny, int minz, int maxx, int maxy, int maxz) { return perspective.getTileCoords(w, minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz, tilescale); } @Override public MapTile[] getAdjecentTiles(MapTile tile) { return perspective.getAdjecentTiles(tile); } @Override public List getRequiredChunks(MapTile tile) { return perspective.getRequiredChunks(tile); } /* Return number of zoom levels needed by this map (before extra levels from extrazoomout) */ public int getMapZoomOutLevels() { return mapzoomout; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } /* Get maps rendered concurrently with this map in this world */ public List getMapsSharingRender(DynmapWorld w) { ArrayList maps = new ArrayList(); for(MapType mt : w.maps) { if(mt instanceof HDMap) { HDMap hdmt = (HDMap)mt; if((hdmt.perspective == this.perspective) && (hdmt.boostzoom == this.boostzoom)) { /* Same perspective */ maps.add(hdmt); } } } return maps; } /* Get names of maps rendered concurrently with this map type in this world */ public List getMapNamesSharingRender(DynmapWorld w) { ArrayList lst = new ArrayList(); for(MapType mt : w.maps) { if(mt instanceof HDMap) { HDMap hdmt = (HDMap)mt; if((hdmt.perspective == this.perspective) && (hdmt.boostzoom == this.boostzoom)) { /* Same perspective */ if( lst.add(hdmt.getName() + "(night/day)"); else lst.add(hdmt.getName()); } } } return lst; } @Override public ImageFormat getImageFormat() { return imgformat; } @Override public void buildClientConfiguration(JSONObject worldObject, DynmapWorld world) { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); s(o, "type", "HDMapType"); s(o, "name", name); s(o, "title", title); s(o, "icon", icon); s(o, "prefix", prefix); s(o, "background", bg_cfg); s(o, "backgroundday", bg_day_cfg); s(o, "backgroundnight", bg_night_cfg); s(o, "bigmap", true); s(o, "mapzoomout", (world.getExtraZoomOutLevels()+mapzoomout)); s(o, "mapzoomin", mapzoomin); s(o, "boostzoom", boostzoom); s(o, "tilescale", tilescale); s(o, "protected", isProtected()); s(o, "image-format", imgformat.getFileExt()); if(append_to_world.length() > 0) s(o, "append_to_world", append_to_world); perspective.addClientConfiguration(o); shader.addClientConfiguration(o); lighting.addClientConfiguration(o); a(worldObject, "maps", o); } private static int parseColor(String c) { int v = 0; if(c.startsWith("#")) { c = c.substring(1); if(c.length() == 3) { /* #rgb */ try { v = Integer.valueOf(c, 16); } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) { return 0; } v = 0xFF000000 | ((v & 0xF00) << 12) | ((v & 0x0F0) << 8) | ((v & 0x00F) << 4); } else if(c.length() == 6) { /* #rrggbb */ try { v = Integer.valueOf(c, 16); } catch (NumberFormatException nfx) { return 0; } v = 0xFF000000 | (v & 0xFFFFFF); } } return v; } public int getBackgroundARGBDay() { return bgcolorday; } public int getBackgroundARGBNight() { return bgcolornight; } public void purgeOldTiles(final DynmapWorld world, final TileFlags rendered) { final MapStorage ms = world.getMapStorage(); ms.enumMapTiles(world, this, new MapStorageTileEnumCB() { @Override public void tileFound(MapStorageTile tile, ImageEncoding fmt) { if (fmt != getImageFormat().getEncoding()) { // Wrong format? toss it /* Otherwise, delete tile */ tile.delete(); } else if (tile.zoom == 1) { // First tier zoom? sensitive to newly rendered tiles // If any were rendered, already triggered (and still needed if (rendered.getFlag(tile.x, tile.y) || rendered.getFlag(tile.x+1, tile.y) || rendered.getFlag(tile.x, tile.y-1) || rendered.getFlag(tile.x+1, tile.y-1)) { return; } tile.enqueueZoomOutUpdate(); } else if (tile.zoom == 0) { if (rendered.getFlag(tile.x, tile.y)) { /* If we rendered this tile, its good */ return; } /* Otherwise, delete tile */ tile.delete(); /* Push updates, clear hash code, and signal zoom tile update */ MapManager.mapman.pushUpdate(world, new Client.Tile(tile.getURI())); tile.enqueueZoomOutUpdate(); } } }); } public String getTitle() { return title; } public int getMapZoomIn() { return mapzoomin; } public String getIcon() { return (icon == null)?"":icon; } public boolean setPrefix(String s) { if(!s.equals(prefix)) { prefix = s; return true; } return false; } public boolean setTitle(String s) { if(!s.equals(title)) { title = s; return true; } return false; } public boolean setAppendToWorld(String s) { if(!s.equals(append_to_world)) { append_to_world = s; return true; } return false; } public String getAppendToWorld() { return append_to_world; } public boolean setMapZoomIn(int mzi) { if(mzi != mapzoomin) { mapzoomin = mzi; return true; } return false; } public boolean setMapZoomOut(int mzi) { if(mzi != mapzoomout) { mapzoomout = mzi; return true; } return false; } public boolean setBoostZoom(int mzi) { if(mzi != this.boostzoom) { this.boostzoom = mzi; return true; } return false; } public boolean setTileScale(int mzi) { if(mzi != this.tilescale) { this.tilescale = mzi; return true; } return false; } public boolean setPerspective(HDPerspective p) { if(perspective != p) { perspective = p; return true; } return false; } public boolean setShader(HDShader p) { if(shader != p) { shader = p; return true; } return false; } public boolean setLighting(HDLighting p) { if(lighting != p) { lighting = p; return true; } return false; } public boolean setImageFormatSetting(String f) { if(imgfmtstring.equals(f) == false) { MapType.ImageFormat newfmt; if(f.equals("default")) newfmt = MapType.ImageFormat.fromID(core.getDefImageFormat()); else newfmt = MapType.ImageFormat.fromID(f); if(newfmt != null) { imgformat = newfmt; imgfmtstring = f; return true; } } return false; } public String getImageFormatSetting() { return imgfmtstring; } public boolean setIcon(String v) { if("".equals(v)) v = null; icon = v; return true; } @Override public void addMapTiles(List list, DynmapWorld w, int tx, int ty) { list.add(new HDMapTile(w, this.perspective, tx, ty, boostzoom, tilescale)); } private static final ImageVariant[] dayVariant = { ImageVariant.STANDARD, ImageVariant.DAY }; @Override public ImageVariant[] getVariants() { if (lighting.isNightAndDayEnabled()) return dayVariant; return super.getVariants(); } }