2020-04-23 06:39:54 +05:00

383 lines
18 KiB

name: dynmap
main: org.dynmap.bukkit.DynmapPlugin
version: "${version}-${buildnumber}"
authors: [mikeprimm]
website: "https://www.reddit.com/r/Dynmap/"
softdepend: [ Permissions, PermissionEx, bPermissions, PermissionsBukkit, GroupManager, LuckPerms, Vault, SkinsRestorer ]
description: Controls Dynmap.
usage: |
/<command> hide - hides the player from the map.
/<command> hide TheDude - hides the player 'TheDude' on the map.
/<command> show - shows the player on the map.
/<command> show TheDude - shows the player 'TheDude' on the map.
/<command> render - Renders the tile at your location.
/<command> fullrender - Render all maps for entire world from your location.
/<command> fullrender world - Render all maps for entire world 'world'.
/<command> fullrender world:mapname - Render map 'mapname' of world 'world'.
/<command> radiusrender ## - Render at least ## block radius from your location on all maps.
/<command> radiusrender ## mapname - Render at least ## block radius from your location on map 'mapname'
/<command> radiusrender worldname x z ## - Render at least ## block radius from location x,z on world 'worldname'
/<command> radiusrender worldname x z ## mapname - Render at least ## block radius from location x,z on world 'worldname' on map 'mapname'
/<command> updaterender - Render updates starting at your location on all maps.
/<command> updaterender mapname - Render updates starting at your location on give map
/<command> updaterender worldname x z mapname - Render updates starting at location x,z on world 'worldname' for given map
/<command> cancelrender - Cancels any active renders on current world
/<command> cancelrender world - Cancels any active renders of world 'world'
/<command> stats - Show render statistics.
/<command> triggerstats - Show render trigger statistics
/<command> resetstats - Reset render statistics.
/<command> sendtoweb msg - Send message to web users
/<command> purgequeue - Set tile update queue to empty
/<command> purgequeue worldname - Set tile update queue to empty for world 'worldname'
/<command> purgemap worldname mapname - Delete all the tiles for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname'
/<command> purgeworld worldname - Delete all the files for world 'worldname'
/<command> pause - Show render pause state
/<command> pause <all|none|full|update> - Set render pause state
/<command> quiet - Stop progress messages from active jobs
/<command> ids-for-ip <ipaddress> - Show player IDs that have logged in from given IP address
/<command> ips-for-id <playerid> - Show IP addresses that have been used for the given player ID
/<command> add-id-for-ip <playerid> <ipaddress> - Add player ID to given IP address
/<command> del-id-for-ip <playerid> <ipaddress> - Delete player ID from given IP address
/<command> webregister - Start registration process for creating web login account
description: Manipulate map markers
usage: |
/<command> add <label> - add new marker with given label at current location (use double-quotes if spaces needed)
/<command> add id:<id> <label> - add new marker with given ID at current location (use double-quotes if spaces needed)
/<command> movehere <label> - move marker with given label to current location
/<command> movehere id:<id> - move marker with given ID to current location
/<command> update <label> icon:<icon> newlabel:<newlabel>- update marker with given ID with new label and/or icon
/<command> delete <label> - delete marker with given label
/<command> delete id:<id> - delete marker with given ID
/<command> list - list details of all markers
/<command> icons - list details of all icons
/<command> addset <label> - add marker set with given label (ID=label)
/<command> addset id:<id> <label> - add marker set with given ID and label
/<command> updateset id:<id> newlabel:<label> - update marker set with given ID
/<command> updateset <label> newlabel:<label> - update marker set with given label
/<command> deleteset <label> - delete marker set with given label
/<command> deleteset id:<id> - delete marker set with given ID
/<command> listsets - list all marker sets
/<command> addicon id:<id> <label> file:"filename" - install new icon
/<command> updateicon id:<id> newlabel:<label> file:"filename" - update existing icon
/<command> updateicon <label> newlabel:<label> file:"filename" - update existing icon
/<command> deleteicon id:<id> - remove icon
/<command> deleteicon <label> - remove icon
/<command> addcorner - add corner to corner list using current location
/<command> addcorner <x> <y> <z> <world> - add corner with given x, y and z coordinate on given world to corner list
/<command> clearcorners - clear corner list
/<command> addarea <label> - add new area with given label using corner list
/<command> addarea id:<id> <label> - add new area with given ID using corner list
/<command> deletearea <label> - delete area with given label
/<command> deletearea id:<id> <label> - delete area with given ID
/<command> listareas - list details of all areas
/<command> updatearea <label> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of area with given label
/<command> updatearea id:<id> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of area with given ID
/<command> addline <label> - add new poly-line with given label using corner list
/<command> addline id:<id> <label> - add new poly-line with given ID using corner list
/<command> deleteline <label> - delete poly-line with given label
/<command> deleteline id:<id> <label> - delete poly-line with given ID
/<command> listlines - list details of all poly-lines
/<command> updateline <label> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of poly-line with given label
/<command> updateline id:<id> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of poly-line with given ID
/<command> addcircle <label> radius:<rad> - add new circle centered at current location with given radius and label
/<command> addcircle id:<id> <label> radius:<rad> - add new circle centered at current location with given radius and ID
/<command> addcircle <label> radius:<rad> x:<x> y:<y> z:<z> world:<world> - add new circle centered at given coordinates with given radius and label
/<command> deletecircle <label> - delete circle with given label
/<command> deletecircle id:<id> <label> - delete circle with given ID
/<command> listcircles - list details of all circles
/<command> updatecircle <label> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of circle with given label
/<command> updatecircle id:<id> <arg>:<value> ... - update attributes of circle with given ID
/<command> getdesc id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> - get description for marker with given ID
/<command> getdesc <label> type:<icon|area|circle|line> - get description for marker with given label
/<command> resetdesc id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> - clear description for marker with given ID
/<command> resetdesc <label> type:<icon|area|circle|line> - clear description for marker with given label
/<command> appenddesc id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> desc:"text" - append text line to description for marker with given ID
/<command> appenddesc <label> type:<icon|area|circle|line> desc:"text" - append text line to description for marker with given label
/<command> importdesc id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> file:<filename> - import description from given file for marker with given ID
/<command> importdesc <label> type:<icon|area|circle|line> file:<filename> - import description from given file for marker with given label
/<command> importlabel id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> file:<filename> - import label with markup from given file for marker with given ID
/<command> importlabel <label> type:<icon|area|circle|line> file:<filename> - import label with markup from given file for marker with given label
/<command> getlabel id:<id> type:<icon|area|circle|line> - get label for marker with given ID
description: List and modify dynmap configuration
usage: |
/<command> worldlist - list all worlds configured (enabled or disabled)
/<command> worldset worldname enabled:<true|false> - enable or disable a world
/<command> worldset worldname center:<x/y/z|here|default> - set map center for given world
/<command> worldset worldname extrazoomout:<N> - set extra zoom out levels for given world
/<command> maplist worldname - list all maps for given world
/<command> mapdelete worldname:mapname - delete given map of given world
/<command> mapadd worldname:mapname attrib:value attrib:value - create map on given world with given attributes
/<command> mapset worldname:mapname attrib:value attrib:value - update given map on given world with given attributes
/<command> worldreset worldname - reset given world to default template for world type
/<command> worldreset worldname templatename - reset given world to given template
description: Map export commands
usage: |
/<command> shader <shadername> - Export material library for shader <shadername>
description: Gives access to all dynmap functions
dynmap.render: true
dynmap.show.self: true
dynmap.show.others: true
dynmap.hide.self: true
dynmap.hide.others: true
dynmap.fullrender: true
dynmap.radiusrender: true
dynmap.updaterender: true
dynmap.cancelrender: true
dynmap.reload: true
dynmap.stats: true
dynmap.resetstats: true
dynmap.sendtoweb: true
dynmap.purgequeue: true
dynmap.purgemap: true
dynmap.purgeworld: true
dynmap.quiet: true
dynmap.ids-for-ip: true
dynmap.ips-for-id: true
dynmap.webregister: true
dynmap.webregister.other: true
dynmap.pause: true
dynmap.marker.add: true
dynmap.marker.update: true
dynmap.marker.movehere: true
dynmap.marker.delete: true
dynmap.marker.list: true
dynmap.marker.icons: true
dynmap.marker.sign: true
dynmap.marker.addset: true
dynmap.marker.updateset: true
dynmap.marker.deleteset: true
dynmap.marker.listsets: true
dynmap.marker.addicon: true
dynmap.marker.updateicon: true
dynmap.marker.deleteicon: true
dynmap.marker.addarea: true
dynmap.marker.updatearea: true
dynmap.marker.listareas: true
dynmap.marker.deletearea: true
dynmap.marker.addcircle: true
dynmap.marker.updatecircle: true
dynmap.marker.listcircles: true
dynmap.marker.deletecircle: true
dynmap.marker.getdesc: true
dynmap.marker.resetdesc: true
dynmap.marker.appenddesc: true
dynmap.marker.importdesc: true
dynmap.marker.getlabel: true
dynmap.marker.importlabel: true
dynmap.dmap.worldlist: true
dynmap.dmap.worldset: true
dynmap.dmap.worldreset: true
dynmap.dmap.mapdelete: true
dynmap.dmap.mapset: true
dynmap.dmap.mapadd: true
dynmap.dmap.perspectivelist: true
dynmap.dmap.shaderlist: true
dynmap.dmap.lightinglist: true
dynmap.playermarkers.seeall: true
description: Allows /dynmap render command
default: true
description: Allows /dynmap show (on self)
default: true
description: Allows /dynmap show <player>
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap hide (on self)
default: true
description: Allows /dynmap hide <player>
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap fullrender or /dynmap fullrender <world>
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap radiusrender
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap updaterender
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap cancelrender <world>
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap reload
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap stats, /dynmap stats <world>, or /dynmap triggerstats
default: true
description: Allows /dynmap resetstats or /dynmap resetstats <world>
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap sendtoweb
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap purgequeue
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap purgemap
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap purgeworld
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap pause
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap quiet
default: true
description: Allows /dynmap ids-for-ip
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap ips-for-id
default: op
description: Allows /dynmap webregister
default: true
description: Allows /dynmap webregister userid
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker add
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker update
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker movehere
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker delete
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker list
default: true
description: Allows /dmarker icons
default: true
description: Allows creation of markers using signs
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker addset
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker updateset
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker deleteset
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker listsets
default: true
description: Allows /dmarker addicon
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker updateicon
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker deleteicon
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker addarea, /dmarker addcorner, /dmarker clearcorners
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker updatearea
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker listareas
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker deletearea
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker addline
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker updateline
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker listlines
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker deleteline
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker addcircle
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker updatecircle
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker listcircles
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker deletecircle
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker getdesc
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker resetdesc
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker appenddesc
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker importdesc
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker getlabel
default: op
description: Allows /dmarker importlabel
default: op
description: Allows /dmap worldlist
default: op
description: Allows /dmap worldset
default: op
description: Allows /dmap worldreset
default: op
description: Allows /dmap mapdelete
default: op
description: Allows /dmap mapset
default: op
description: Allows /dmap mapadd
default: op
description: Allows /dmap perspectivelist
default: op
description: Allows /dmap shaderlist
default: op
description: Allows /dmap lightinglist
default: op
description: Allows web chat (if login required for webchat)
default: true
description: Allow all players to be seen by user on web UI
default: op