
245 lines
7.2 KiB

package org.dynmap.common;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import org.dynmap.DynmapChunk;
import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld;
import org.dynmap.common.DynmapListenerManager.EventType;
import org.dynmap.utils.MapChunkCache;
* This interface defines a server-neutral interface for the DynmapCore and other neutral components to use to access server provided
* services. Platform-specific plugin must supply DynmapCore with an instance of an object implementing this interface.
public abstract class DynmapServerInterface {
* Schedule task to run on server-safe thread (one suitable for other server API calls)
* @param run - runnable method
* @param delay - delay in server ticks (50msec)
public abstract void scheduleServerTask(Runnable run, long delay);
* Call method on server-safe thread
* @param task - Callable method
* @param <T> - return value type for method called
* @return future for completion of call
public abstract <T> Future<T> callSyncMethod(Callable<T> task);
* Get list of online players
* @return list of online players
public abstract DynmapPlayer[] getOnlinePlayers();
* Request reload of plugin
public abstract void reload();
* Get active player
* @param name - player name
* @return player
public abstract DynmapPlayer getPlayer(String name);
* Get offline player
* @param name - player name
* @return player (offline or not)
public abstract DynmapPlayer getOfflinePlayer(String name);
* Get banned IPs
* @return set of banned IPs
public abstract Set<String> getIPBans();
* Get server name
* @return server name
public abstract String getServerName();
* Test if player ID is banned
* @param pid - player ID
* @return true if banned
public abstract boolean isPlayerBanned(String pid);
* Strip out chat color
* @param s - string to strip
* @return string stripped of color codes
public abstract String stripChatColor(String s);
* Request notificiation for given events (used by DynmapListenerManager)
* @param type - event type
* @return true if successful
public abstract boolean requestEventNotification(EventType type);
* Send notification of web chat message
* @param source - source
* @param name - name
* @param msg - message text
* @return true if not cancelled
public abstract boolean sendWebChatEvent(String source, String name, String msg);
* Broadcast message to players
* @param msg - message
public abstract void broadcastMessage(String msg);
* Get Biome ID lis
* @return list of biome IDs
public abstract String[] getBiomeIDs();
* Get snapshot cache hit rate
* @return hit rate
public abstract double getCacheHitRate();
* Reset cache stats
public abstract void resetCacheStats();
* Get world by name
* @param wname - world name
* @return world object, or null if not found
public abstract DynmapWorld getWorldByName(String wname);
* Test which of given set of permisssions a possibly offline user has
* @param player - player
* @param perms - set of permission IDs
* @return set of permission IDs allowed to player
public abstract Set<String> checkPlayerPermissions(String player, Set<String> perms);
* Test single permission attribute
* @param player - player
* @param perm - permission ID
* @return true if permitted
public abstract boolean checkPlayerPermission(String player, String perm);
* Render processor helper - used by code running on render threads to request chunk snapshot cache
* @param w - world
* @param chunks - list of chunks
* @param blockdata - include block data, if true
* @param highesty - include highest Y, if true
* @param biome - include biome data, if true
* @param rawbiome - include raw biome data, if true
* @return chunk map
public abstract MapChunkCache createMapChunkCache(DynmapWorld w, List<DynmapChunk> chunks,
boolean blockdata, boolean highesty, boolean biome, boolean rawbiome);
* Get maximum player count
* @return maximum online players
public abstract int getMaxPlayers();
* Get current player count
* @return number of online players
public abstract int getCurrentPlayers();
* Test if given mod is loaded (Forge)
* @param name - mod name
* @return true if mod loaded
public boolean isModLoaded(String name) {
return false;
* Get version of mod with given name
* @param name - name of mod
* @return version, or null of not found
public String getModVersion(String name) {
return null;
* Get block ID at given coordinate in given world (if chunk is loaded)
* @param wname - world name
* @param x - X coordinate
* @param y - Y coordinate
* @param z - Z coordinate
* @return block ID, or -1 if chunk at given coordinate isn't loaded
public abstract int getBlockIDAt(String wname, int x, int y, int z);
* Get current TPS for server (20.0 is nominal)
* @return ticks per second
public abstract double getServerTPS();
* Get address configured for server
* @return "" or null if none configured
public abstract String getServerIP();
* Get file/directory for given mod (for loading mod resources)
* @param mod - mod name
* @return file or directory, or null if not loaded
public File getModContainerFile(String mod) {
return null;
* Get mod list
* @return list of mods
public List<String> getModList() {
return Collections.emptyList();
* Get block ID map (modID:blockname, keyed by block ID)
* @return block ID map
public Map<Integer, String> getBlockIDMap() {
return Collections.emptyMap();
* Open resource (check all mods)
* @param modid - mod id
* @param rname - resource namep
* @return stream, or null
public InputStream openResource(String modid, String rname) {
return null;
* Get block unique ID map (module:blockid)
* @return block unique ID map
public Map<String, Integer> getBlockUniqueIDMap() {
return Collections.emptyMap();
* Get item unique ID map (module:itemid)
* @return item unique ID map
public Map<String, Integer> getItemUniqueIDMap() {
return Collections.emptyMap();
* Test if current thread is server thread
* @return true if server thread
public boolean isServerThread() {
return false;