
579 lines
23 KiB

package org.dynmap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.dynmap.MapType.ImageEncoding;
import org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePack;
import org.dynmap.storage.MapStorage;
import org.dynmap.storage.MapStorageTile;
import org.dynmap.utils.DynmapBufferedImage;
import org.dynmap.utils.ImageIOManager;
import org.dynmap.utils.MapChunkCache;
import org.dynmap.utils.RectangleVisibilityLimit;
import org.dynmap.utils.RoundVisibilityLimit;
import org.dynmap.utils.TileFlags;
import org.dynmap.utils.VisibilityLimit;
import org.dynmap.utils.Polygon;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.IOException;
public abstract class DynmapWorld {
public List<MapType> maps = new ArrayList<MapType>();
public List<MapTypeState> mapstate = new ArrayList<MapTypeState>();
public UpdateQueue updates = new UpdateQueue();
public DynmapLocation center;
public List<DynmapLocation> seedloc; /* All seed location - both direct and based on visibility limits */
private List<DynmapLocation> seedloccfg; /* Configured full render seeds only */
public List<VisibilityLimit> visibility_limits;
public List<VisibilityLimit> hidden_limits;
public MapChunkCache.HiddenChunkStyle hiddenchunkstyle;
public int servertime;
public boolean sendposition;
public boolean sendhealth;
public boolean showborder;
private int extrazoomoutlevels; /* Number of additional zoom out levels to generate */
private boolean cancelled;
private final String wname;
private final int hashcode;
private final String raw_wname;
private String title;
public int tileupdatedelay;
private boolean is_enabled;
boolean is_protected; /* If true, user needs 'dynmap.world.<worldid>' privilege to see world */
protected int[] brightnessTable = new int[16]; // 0-256 scaled brightness table
private MapStorage storage; // Storage handler for this world's maps
/* World height data */
public final int worldheight;
public final int heightshift;
public final int heightmask;
public int sealevel;
protected DynmapWorld(String wname, int worldheight, int sealevel) {
this.raw_wname = wname;
this.wname = normalizeWorldName(wname);
this.hashcode = this.wname.hashCode();
this.title = wname;
this.worldheight = worldheight;
this.sealevel = sealevel;
int shift;
for(shift = 0; ((1 << shift) < worldheight); shift++) {}
heightshift = shift;
heightmask = (1 << shift) - 1;
/* Generate default brightness table for surface world */
for (int i = 0; i <= 15; ++i) {
float f1 = 1.0F - (float)i / 15.0F;
setBrightnessTableEntry(i, ((1.0F - f1) / (f1 * 3.0F + 1.0F)));
protected void setBrightnessTableEntry(int level, float value) {
if ((level < 0) || (level > 15)) return;
this.brightnessTable[level] = (int)(256.0 * value);
if (this.brightnessTable[level] > 256) this.brightnessTable[level] = 256;
if (this.brightnessTable[level] < 0) this.brightnessTable[level] = 0;
* Get world's brightness table
* @return table
public int[] getBrightnessTable() {
return brightnessTable;
public void setExtraZoomOutLevels(int lvl) {
extrazoomoutlevels = lvl;
public int getExtraZoomOutLevels() { return extrazoomoutlevels; }
public void enqueueZoomOutUpdate(MapStorageTile tile) {
MapTypeState mts = getMapState(tile.map);
if (mts != null) {
mts.setZoomOutInv(tile.x, tile.y, tile.zoom);
public void freshenZoomOutFiles() {
MapTypeState.ZoomOutCoord c = new MapTypeState.ZoomOutCoord();
for (MapTypeState mts : mapstate) {
if (cancelled) return;
MapType mt = mts.type;
MapType.ImageVariant var[] = mt.getVariants();
mts.startZoomOutIter(); // Start iterator
while (mts.nextZoomOutInv(c)) {
if(cancelled) return;
for (int varIdx = 0; varIdx < var.length; varIdx++) {
MapStorageTile tile = storage.getTile(this, mt, c.x, c.y, c.zoomlevel, var[varIdx]);
processZoomFile(mts, tile, varIdx == 0);
public void cancelZoomOutFreshen() {
cancelled = true;
public void activateZoomOutFreshen() {
cancelled = false;
private static final int[] stepseq = { 3, 1, 2, 0 };
private void processZoomFile(MapTypeState mts, MapStorageTile tile, boolean firstVariant) {
int step = 1 << tile.zoom;
MapStorageTile ztile = tile.getZoomOutTile();
int width = 128, height = 128;
BufferedImage zIm = null;
DynmapBufferedImage kzIm = null;
boolean blank = true;
int[] argb = new int[width*height];
int tx = ztile.x;
int ty = ztile.y;
ty = ty - step; /* Adjust for negative step */
/* create image buffer */
kzIm = DynmapBufferedImage.allocateBufferedImage(width, height);
zIm = kzIm.buf_img;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
boolean doblit = true;
int tx1 = tx + step * (1 & stepseq[i]);
int ty1 = ty + step * (stepseq[i] >> 1);
MapStorageTile tile1 = storage.getTile(this, tile.map, tx1, ty1, tile.zoom, tile.var);
if (tile1 == null) continue;
if (firstVariant) { // We're handling this one - but only clear on first variant (so that we don't miss updates later)
mts.clearZoomOutInv(tile1.x, tile1.y, tile1.zoom);
try {
MapStorageTile.TileRead tr = tile1.read();
if (tr != null) {
BufferedImage im = null;
try {
im = ImageIOManager.imageIODecode(tr.image);
} catch (IOException iox) {
// Broken file - zap it
if((im != null) && (im.getWidth() >= width) && (im.getHeight() >= height)) {
int iwidth = im.getWidth();
int iheight = im.getHeight();
if(iwidth > iheight) iwidth = iheight;
if ((iwidth == width) && (iheight == height)) {
im.getRGB(0, 0, width, height, argb, 0, width); /* Read data */
/* Do binlinear scale to 64x64 */
int off = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < height; y += 2) {
off = y*width;
for(int x = 0; x < width; x += 2, off += 2) {
int p0 = argb[off];
int p1 = argb[off+1];
int p2 = argb[off+width];
int p3 = argb[off+width+1];
int alpha = ((p0 >> 24) & 0xFF) + ((p1 >> 24) & 0xFF) + ((p2 >> 24) & 0xFF) + ((p3 >> 24) & 0xFF);
int red = ((p0 >> 16) & 0xFF) + ((p1 >> 16) & 0xFF) + ((p2 >> 16) & 0xFF) + ((p3 >> 16) & 0xFF);
int green = ((p0 >> 8) & 0xFF) + ((p1 >> 8) & 0xFF) + ((p2 >> 8) & 0xFF) + ((p3 >> 8) & 0xFF);
int blue = (p0 & 0xFF) + (p1 & 0xFF) + (p2 & 0xFF) + (p3 & 0xFF);
argb[off>>1] = (((alpha>>2)&0xFF)<<24) | (((red>>2)&0xFF)<<16) | (((green>>2)&0xFF)<<8) | ((blue>>2)&0xFF);
else {
int[] buf = new int[iwidth * iwidth];
im.getRGB(0, 0, iwidth, iwidth, buf, 0, iwidth);
TexturePack.scaleTerrainPNGSubImage(iwidth, width/2, buf, argb);
/* blit scaled rendered tile onto zoom-out tile */
zIm.setRGB(((i>>1) != 0)?0:width/2, (i & 1) * height/2, width/2, height/2, argb, 0, width/2);
doblit = false;
blank = false;
else {
if (tile1.map.getImageFormat().getEncoding() == ImageEncoding.JPG) {
Arrays.fill(argb, tile1.map.getBackgroundARGB(tile1.var));
else {
Arrays.fill(argb, 0);
tile1.delete(); // Delete unusable tile
else {
if (tile1.map.getImageFormat().getEncoding() == ImageEncoding.JPG) {
Arrays.fill(argb, tile1.map.getBackgroundARGB(tile1.var));
else {
Arrays.fill(argb, 0);
} finally {
/* blit scaled rendered tile onto zoom-out tile */
if(doblit) {
zIm.setRGB(((i>>1) != 0)?0:width/2, (i & 1) * height/2, width/2, height/2, argb, 0, width);
try {
MapManager mm = MapManager.mapman;
if(mm == null)
long crc = MapStorage.calculateImageHashCode(kzIm.argb_buf, 0, kzIm.argb_buf.length); /* Get hash of tile */
if(blank) {
if (ztile.exists()) {
MapManager.mapman.pushUpdate(this, new Client.Tile(ztile.getURI()));
else /* if (!ztile.matchesHashCode(crc)) */ {
ztile.write(crc, zIm);
MapManager.mapman.pushUpdate(this, new Client.Tile(ztile.getURI()));
} finally {
/* Get world name */
public String getName() {
return wname;
/* Test if world is nether */
public abstract boolean isNether();
/* Get world spawn location */
public abstract DynmapLocation getSpawnLocation();
public int hashCode() {
return this.hashcode;
/* Get world time */
public abstract long getTime();
/* World is storming */
public abstract boolean hasStorm();
/* World is thundering */
public abstract boolean isThundering();
/* World is loaded */
public abstract boolean isLoaded();
/* Set world unloaded */
public abstract void setWorldUnloaded();
/* Get light level of block */
public abstract int getLightLevel(int x, int y, int z);
/* Get highest Y coord of given location */
public abstract int getHighestBlockYAt(int x, int z);
/* Test if sky light level is requestable */
public abstract boolean canGetSkyLightLevel();
/* Return sky light level */
public abstract int getSkyLightLevel(int x, int y, int z);
* Get world environment ID (lower case - normal, the_end, nether)
* @return environment ID
public abstract String getEnvironment();
* Get map chunk cache for world
* @param chunks - list of chunks to load
* @return cache
public abstract MapChunkCache getChunkCache(List<DynmapChunk> chunks);
* Get title for world
* @return title
public String getTitle() {
return title;
* Get center location
* @return center
public DynmapLocation getCenterLocation() {
if(center != null)
return center;
return getSpawnLocation();
/* Load world configuration from configuration node */
public boolean loadConfiguration(DynmapCore core, ConfigurationNode worldconfig) {
is_enabled = worldconfig.getBoolean("enabled", false);
if (!is_enabled) {
return false;
title = worldconfig.getString("title", title);
ConfigurationNode ctr = worldconfig.getNode("center");
int mid_y = worldheight/2;
if(ctr != null)
center = new DynmapLocation(wname, ctr.getDouble("x", 0.0), ctr.getDouble("y", mid_y), ctr.getDouble("z", 0));
center = null;
List<ConfigurationNode> loclist = worldconfig.getNodes("fullrenderlocations");
seedloc = new ArrayList<DynmapLocation>();
seedloccfg = new ArrayList<DynmapLocation>();
servertime = (int)(getTime() % 24000);
sendposition = worldconfig.getBoolean("sendposition", true);
sendhealth = worldconfig.getBoolean("sendhealth", true);
showborder = worldconfig.getBoolean("showborder", true);
is_protected = worldconfig.getBoolean("protected", false);
setExtraZoomOutLevels(worldconfig.getInteger("extrazoomout", 0));
setTileUpdateDelay(worldconfig.getInteger("tileupdatedelay", -1));
storage = core.getDefaultMapStorage();
if(loclist != null) {
for(ConfigurationNode loc : loclist) {
DynmapLocation lx = new DynmapLocation(wname, loc.getDouble("x", 0), loc.getDouble("y", mid_y), loc.getDouble("z", 0));
seedloc.add(lx); /* Add to both combined and configured seed list */
/* Build maps */
Log.verboseinfo("Loading maps of world '" + wname + "'...");
for(MapType map : worldconfig.<MapType>createInstances("maps", new Class<?>[] { DynmapCore.class }, new Object[] { core })) {
if(map.getName() != null) {
/* Rebuild map state list - match on indexes */
for(MapType map : maps) {
MapTypeState ms = new MapTypeState(this, map);
Log.info("Loaded " + maps.size() + " maps of world '" + wname + "'.");
/* Load visibility limits, if any are defined */
List<ConfigurationNode> vislimits = worldconfig.getNodes("visibilitylimits");
if(vislimits != null) {
visibility_limits = new ArrayList<VisibilityLimit>();
for(ConfigurationNode vis : vislimits) {
VisibilityLimit lim;
if (vis.containsKey("r")) { /* It is round visibility limit */
int x_center = vis.getInteger("x", 0);
int z_center = vis.getInteger("z", 0);
int radius = vis.getInteger("r", 0);
lim = new RoundVisibilityLimit(x_center, z_center, radius);
else { /* Rectangle visibility limit */
int x0 = vis.getInteger("x0", 0);
int x1 = vis.getInteger("x1", 0);
int z0 = vis.getInteger("z0", 0);
int z1 = vis.getInteger("z1", 0);
lim = new RectangleVisibilityLimit(x0, z0, x1, z1);
/* Also, add a seed location for the middle of each visible area */
seedloc.add(new DynmapLocation(wname, lim.xCenter(), 64, lim.zCenter()));
/* Load hidden limits, if any are defined */
List<ConfigurationNode> hidelimits = worldconfig.getNodes("hiddenlimits");
if(hidelimits != null) {
hidden_limits = new ArrayList<VisibilityLimit>();
for(ConfigurationNode vis : hidelimits) {
VisibilityLimit lim;
if (vis.containsKey("r")) { /* It is round visibility limit */
int x_center = vis.getInteger("x", 0);
int z_center = vis.getInteger("z", 0);
int radius = vis.getInteger("r", 0);
lim = new RoundVisibilityLimit(x_center, z_center, radius);
else { /* Rectangle visibility limit */
int x0 = vis.getInteger("x0", 0);
int x1 = vis.getInteger("x1", 0);
int z0 = vis.getInteger("z0", 0);
int z1 = vis.getInteger("z1", 0);
lim = new RectangleVisibilityLimit(x0, z0, x1, z1);
String hiddenchunkstyle = worldconfig.getString("hidestyle", "stone");
this.hiddenchunkstyle = MapChunkCache.HiddenChunkStyle.FILL_AIR;
else if(hiddenchunkstyle.equals("ocean"))
this.hiddenchunkstyle = MapChunkCache.HiddenChunkStyle.FILL_OCEAN;
this.hiddenchunkstyle = MapChunkCache.HiddenChunkStyle.FILL_STONE_PLAIN;
return true;
* Make configuration node for saving world
public ConfigurationNode saveConfiguration() {
ConfigurationNode node = new ConfigurationNode();
/* Add name and title */
node.put("name", wname);
node.put("title", getTitle());
node.put("enabled", is_enabled);
node.put("protected", is_protected);
node.put("showborder", showborder);
if(tileupdatedelay > 0) {
node.put("tileupdatedelay", tileupdatedelay);
/* Add center */
if(center != null) {
ConfigurationNode c = new ConfigurationNode();
c.put("x", center.x);
c.put("y", center.y);
c.put("z", center.z);
node.put("center", c.entries);
/* Add seed locations, if any */
if(seedloccfg.size() > 0) {
ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> locs = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
for(int i = 0; i < seedloccfg.size(); i++) {
DynmapLocation dl = seedloccfg.get(i);
ConfigurationNode ll = new ConfigurationNode();
ll.put("x", dl.x);
ll.put("y", dl.y);
ll.put("z", dl.z);
node.put("fullrenderlocations", locs);
/* Add flags */
node.put("sendposition", sendposition);
node.put("sendhealth", sendhealth);
node.put("extrazoomout", extrazoomoutlevels);
/* Save visibility limits, if defined */
if(visibility_limits != null) {
ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> lims = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
for(int i = 0; i < visibility_limits.size(); i++) {
VisibilityLimit lim = visibility_limits.get(i);
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> lv = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
if (lim instanceof RectangleVisibilityLimit) {
RectangleVisibilityLimit rect_lim = (RectangleVisibilityLimit) lim;
lv.put("x0", rect_lim.x_min);
lv.put("z0", rect_lim.z_min);
lv.put("x1", rect_lim.x_max);
lv.put("z1", rect_lim.z_max);
else {
RoundVisibilityLimit round_lim = (RoundVisibilityLimit) lim;
lv.put("x", round_lim.x_center);
lv.put("z", round_lim.z_center);
lv.put("r", round_lim.radius);
node.put("visibilitylimits", lims);
/* Save hidden limits, if defined */
if(hidden_limits != null) {
ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> lims = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
for(int i = 0; i < hidden_limits.size(); i++) {
VisibilityLimit lim = visibility_limits.get(i);
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> lv = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
if (lim instanceof RectangleVisibilityLimit) {
RectangleVisibilityLimit rect_lim = (RectangleVisibilityLimit) lim;
lv.put("x0", rect_lim.x_min);
lv.put("z0", rect_lim.z_min);
lv.put("x1", rect_lim.x_max);
lv.put("z1", rect_lim.z_max);
else {
RoundVisibilityLimit round_lim = (RoundVisibilityLimit) lim;
lv.put("x", round_lim.x_center);
lv.put("z", round_lim.z_center);
lv.put("r", round_lim.radius);
node.put("hiddenlimits", lims);
/* Handle hide style */
String hide = "stone";
switch(hiddenchunkstyle) {
case FILL_AIR:
hide = "air";
hide = "ocean";
node.put("hidestyle", hide);
/* Handle map settings */
ArrayList<Map<String,Object>> mapinfo = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
for(MapType mt : maps) {
ConfigurationNode mnode = mt.saveConfiguration();
node.put("maps", mapinfo);
return node;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return is_enabled;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
public static String normalizeWorldName(String n) {
return (n != null)?n.replace('/', '-').replace('[', '_').replace(']', '_'):null;
public String getRawName() {
return raw_wname;
public boolean isProtected() {
return is_protected;
public int getTileUpdateDelay() {
if(tileupdatedelay > 0)
return tileupdatedelay;
return MapManager.mapman.getDefTileUpdateDelay();
public void setTileUpdateDelay(int time_sec) {
tileupdatedelay = time_sec;
public static void doInitialScan(boolean doscan) {
// Return number of chunks found (-1 if not implemented)
public int getChunkMap(TileFlags map) {
return -1;
// Get map state for given map
public MapTypeState getMapState(MapType m) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.maps.size(); i++) {
MapType mt = this.maps.get(i);
if (mt == m) {
return this.mapstate.get(i);
return null;
public void purgeTree() {
storage.purgeMapTiles(this, null);
public void purgeMap(MapType mt) {
storage.purgeMapTiles(this, mt);
public MapStorage getMapStorage() {
return storage;
public Polygon getWorldBorder() {
return null;