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package org.dynmap.modsupport;
// Model for more direct translation of MC models
// All coordinates are 0-16 range per block, and 0-16 range for UV
public interface ModelBlockModel extends BlockModel {
public enum SideRotation {
DEG0, // zero degrees (default)
DEG90, // 90 degrees
DEG180, // 180 degrees
DEG270 // 270 degrees
public interface ModelBlock {
* Factory method for adding a side to a model block started using addModelBlock.
* @param face - which face (determines use of xyz-min vs xyz-max
* @param uv - bounds on UV (umin, vmin, umax, vmax): if null, default based on face range
* @param rot - rotation of the block side (default id DEG0)
* @param textureid - texture ID
* @param tintidx - tintindex (-1 if none)
public void addBlockSide(BlockSide side, double[] uv, SideRotation rot, int textureid, int tintidx);
public void addBlockSide(BlockSide side, double[] uv, SideRotation rot, int textureid);
* Factory method to build a block of patches relative to a typical element in a MC model file.
* Specifically, all coordinates are relative to 0-16 range for
* side of a cube, and relative to 0-16 range for U,V within a texture:
* from, to in model drive 'from', 'to' inputs
* face, uv of face, and texture in model drives face, uv, textureid (added using addBlockSide)
* @param from - vector of lower left corner of box (0-16 range for coordinates - min x, y, z)
* @param to - vector of upper right corner of box (0-16 range for coordinates max x, y, z)
* @param xrot - degrees of rotation of block around X
* @param yrot - degrees of rotation of block around Y
* @param zrot - degrees of rotation of block around Z
* @param shade - shade setting for model
* @param rotorigin = rotation origin [x, y, z] (if null, [ 8,8,8 ] is assumed
* @return model block to add faces to
public ModelBlock addModelBlock(double[] from, double[] to, double xrot, double yrot, double zrot, boolean shade, double[] rotorigin);
default public ModelBlock addModelBlock(double[] from, double[] to, double xrot, double yrot, double zrot, boolean shade) {
return addModelBlock(from, to, xrot, yrot, zrot, shade, null);
default public ModelBlock addModelBlock(double[] from, double[] to, double xrot, double yrot, double zrot) {
return addModelBlock(from, to, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, null);