
195 lines
8.2 KiB

package org.dynmap.hdmap;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.List;
import org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePack;
import org.dynmap.Log;
import org.dynmap.hdmap.HDBlockModels;
import org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePack.BlockTransparency;
import org.dynmap.hdmap.TexturePack.ColorizingData;
import org.dynmap.renderer.CustomColorMultiplier;
import org.dynmap.renderer.DynmapBlockState;
public class HDBlockStateTextureMap {
private static HDBlockStateTextureMap[] texmaps = new HDBlockStateTextureMap[DynmapBlockState.getGlobalIndexMax()]; // List of texture maps, indexed by global state index
int faces[]; /* texture index of image for each face (indexed by BlockStep.ordinal() OR patch index) */
final byte[] layers; /* If layered, each index corresponds to faces index, and value is index of next layer */
final private String blockset;
final int colorMult;
final CustomColorMultiplier custColorMult;
final boolean stdrotate; // Marked for corrected to proper : stdrot=true
final private Integer colorMapping; // If non-null, color mapping texture
final BlockTransparency trans;
public static final HDBlockStateTextureMap BLANK = new HDBlockStateTextureMap();
// Default to a blank mapping
HDBlockStateTextureMap() {
blockset = null;
colorMult = 0;
custColorMult = null;
faces = new int[] { TexturePack.TILEINDEX_BLANK, TexturePack.TILEINDEX_BLANK, TexturePack.TILEINDEX_BLANK, TexturePack.TILEINDEX_BLANK, TexturePack.TILEINDEX_BLANK, TexturePack.TILEINDEX_BLANK };
layers = null;
stdrotate = true;
colorMapping = null;
trans = BlockTransparency.TRANSPARENT;
// Create block state map with given attributes
public HDBlockStateTextureMap(int[] faces, byte[] layers, int colorMult, CustomColorMultiplier custColorMult, String blockset, boolean stdrot, Integer colorIndex, BlockTransparency trans) {
this.faces = faces;
this.layers = layers;
this.colorMult = colorMult;
this.custColorMult = custColorMult;
this.blockset = blockset;
this.stdrotate = stdrot;
this.colorMapping = colorIndex;
this.trans = trans;
// Shallow copy state from another state map
public HDBlockStateTextureMap(HDBlockStateTextureMap map) {
this.faces = map.faces;
this.layers = map.layers;
this.blockset = map.blockset;
this.colorMult = map.colorMult;
this.custColorMult = map.custColorMult;
this.stdrotate = map.stdrotate;
this.colorMapping = map.colorMapping;
this.trans = map.trans;
// Get texture index for given face
public int getIndexForFace(int face) {
if ((faces != null) && (faces.length > face))
return faces[face];
return TexturePack.TILEINDEX_BLANK;
public void resizeFaces(int cnt) {
int[] newfaces = new int[cnt];
System.arraycopy(faces, 0, newfaces, 0, faces.length);
for(int i = faces.length; i < cnt; i++) {
newfaces[i] = TexturePack.TILEINDEX_BLANK;
faces = newfaces;
// Add block state to table, with given block IDs and state indexes
public void addToTable(List<String> blocknames, BitSet stateidx) {
/* Add entries to lookup table */
for (String blkname : blocknames) {
DynmapBlockState baseblk = DynmapBlockState.getBaseStateByName(blkname);
if (baseblk.isNotAir()) {
if (stateidx != null) {
for (int stateid = stateidx.nextSetBit(0); stateid >= 0; stateid = stateidx.nextSetBit(stateid+1)) {
DynmapBlockState bs = baseblk.getState(stateid);
if (bs.isAir()) {
Log.warning("Invalid texture block state: " + blkname + ":" + stateid);
if ((this.blockset != null) && (this.blockset.equals("core") == false)) {
HDBlockModels.resetIfNotBlockSet(bs, this.blockset);
copyToStateIndex(bs, this);
else { // Else, loop over all state IDs for given block
for (int stateid = 0; stateid < baseblk.getStateCount(); stateid++) {
DynmapBlockState bs = baseblk.getState(stateid);
if (bs.isAir()) {
Log.warning("Invalid texture block state: " + blkname + ":" + stateid);
if ((this.blockset != null) && (this.blockset.equals("core") == false)) {
HDBlockModels.resetIfNotBlockSet(bs, this.blockset);
copyToStateIndex(bs, this);
else {
Log.warning("Invalid texture block name: " + blkname);
private static final void resize(int newend) {
if (newend < texmaps.length) return;
HDBlockStateTextureMap[] newm = new HDBlockStateTextureMap[newend+1];
System.arraycopy(texmaps, 0, newm, 0, texmaps.length);
Arrays.fill(newm, texmaps.length, newm.length, HDBlockStateTextureMap.BLANK);
texmaps = newm;
// Initialize/reset block texture table
public static void initializeTable() {
Arrays.fill(texmaps, HDBlockStateTextureMap.BLANK);
// Lookup records by block state
public static final HDBlockStateTextureMap getByBlockState(DynmapBlockState blk) {
HDBlockStateTextureMap m = HDBlockStateTextureMap.BLANK;
try {
m = texmaps[blk.globalStateIndex];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException x) {
return m;
// Copy given block state to given state index
public static void copyToStateIndex(DynmapBlockState blk, HDBlockStateTextureMap map) {
texmaps[blk.globalStateIndex] = new HDBlockStateTextureMap(map);
// Copy textures from source block ID to destination
public static void remapTexture(String dest, String src) {
DynmapBlockState dblk = DynmapBlockState.getBaseStateByName(dest);
DynmapBlockState sblk = DynmapBlockState.getBaseStateByName(src);
int mincnt = Math.min(dblk.getStateCount(), sblk.getStateCount());
for (int i = 0; i < mincnt; i++) {
int didx = dblk.getState(i).globalStateIndex;
int sidx = sblk.getState(i).globalStateIndex;
texmaps[didx] = new HDBlockStateTextureMap(texmaps[sidx]);
// Get by global state index
public static HDBlockStateTextureMap getByGlobalIndex(int gidx) {
HDBlockStateTextureMap m = HDBlockStateTextureMap.BLANK;
try {
m = texmaps[gidx];
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException x) {
return m;
// Get state by index
public final HDBlockStateTextureMap getStateMap(DynmapBlockState blk, int stateid) {
return getByGlobalIndex(blk.getState(stateid).globalStateIndex);
// Get transparency for given block ID
public static BlockTransparency getTransparency(DynmapBlockState blk) {
BlockTransparency trans = BlockTransparency.OPAQUE;
try {
trans = texmaps[blk.globalStateIndex].trans;
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException x) {
return trans;
// Build copy of block colorization data
public static ColorizingData getColorizingData() {
ColorizingData map = new ColorizingData();
for (int j = 0; j < texmaps.length; j++) {
if (texmaps[j].colorMapping != null) {
map.setBlkStateValue(DynmapBlockState.getStateByGlobalIndex(j), texmaps[j].colorMapping);
return map;