
157 lines
5.8 KiB

package org.dynmap.modsupport.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.dynmap.modsupport.BlockSide;
import org.dynmap.modsupport.ModelBlockModel;
public class ModelBlockModelImpl extends BlockModelImpl implements ModelBlockModel {
private static class ModelSide {
private double[] uv;
private SideRotation rot;
int textureid;
private static class ModelBlockImpl implements ModelBlock {
private HashMap<BlockSide, ModelSide> sides = new HashMap<BlockSide, ModelSide>();
private double[] from = { 0, 0, 0 };
private double[] to = { 16, 16, 16 };
private double xrot = 0, yrot = 0, zrot = 0;
private boolean shade;
public void addBlockSide(BlockSide side, double[] uv, SideRotation rot, int textureid) {
ModelSide ms = new ModelSide();
ms.textureid = textureid;
if (uv != null) {
ms.uv = Arrays.copyOf(uv, uv.length);
if (rot != null) {
ms.rot = rot;
if (side == BlockSide.FACE_0 || side == BlockSide.Y_MINUS) side = BlockSide.BOTTOM;
if (side == BlockSide.FACE_1 || side == BlockSide.Y_PLUS) side = BlockSide.TOP;
if (side == BlockSide.FACE_2 || side == BlockSide.Z_MINUS) side = BlockSide.NORTH;
if (side == BlockSide.FACE_3 || side == BlockSide.Z_PLUS) side = BlockSide.SOUTH;
if (side == BlockSide.FACE_4 || side == BlockSide.X_MINUS) side = BlockSide.WEST;
if (side == BlockSide.FACE_5 || side == BlockSide.X_PLUS) side = BlockSide.EAST;
sides.put(side, ms);
private ArrayList<ModelBlockImpl> boxes = new ArrayList<ModelBlockImpl>();
private String rotsourceblockname;
private int rotsourcemetaindex;
private int xrot, yrot, zrot;
public ModelBlockModelImpl(String blkname, ModModelDefinitionImpl mdf) {
super(blkname, mdf);
public ModelBlockModelImpl(String blkname, ModModelDefinitionImpl mdf, ModelBlockModel mod, int xrot, int yrot, int zrot) {
super(blkname, mdf);
this.rotsourceblockname = mod.getBlockNames()[0];
this.rotsourcemetaindex = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(mod.getMetaValueMask());
this.xrot = xrot; this.yrot = yrot; this.zrot = zrot;
private static HashMap<BlockSide, String> fromBlockSide = new HashMap<BlockSide, String>();
static {
fromBlockSide.put(BlockSide.TOP, "u");
fromBlockSide.put(BlockSide.BOTTOM, "d");
fromBlockSide.put(BlockSide.NORTH, "n");
fromBlockSide.put(BlockSide.SOUTH, "s");
fromBlockSide.put(BlockSide.WEST, "e");
fromBlockSide.put(BlockSide.EAST, "w");
public String getLine() {
String ids = this.getIDsAndMeta();
if (ids == null) return null;
String line = String.format("patchblock:%s", ids);
// If rotating another model
if (rotsourceblockname != null) {
line += "\npatchrotate:id=" + rotsourceblockname + ",data=" + rotsourcemetaindex;
if (xrot != 0) {
line += ",rotx=" + xrot;
if (yrot != 0) {
line += ",roty=" + yrot;
if (zrot != 0) {
line += ",rotz=" + yrot;
else {
for (ModelBlockImpl mb: boxes) {
line += String.format(",box=%f/%f/%f", mb.from[0], mb.from[1], mb.from[2]);
if (!mb.shade) { // if shade=false
line += "/false";
line += String.format(":%f/%f/%f", mb.to[0], mb.to[1], mb.to[2]);
if ((mb.xrot != 0) || (mb.yrot != 0) || (mb.zrot != 0)) { // If needed, add rotation
line += String.format("/%f/%f/%f", mb.xrot, mb.yrot, mb.zrot);
for (BlockSide bs : fromBlockSide.keySet()) {
String side = fromBlockSide.get(bs);
ModelSide mside = mb.sides.get(bs);
if (mside != null) {
String rval = side;
switch (mside.rot) {
case DEG0:
case DEG90:
rval += "90";
case DEG180:
rval += "180";
case DEG270:
rval += "270";
if (mside.uv != null) {
line += String.format(":%s/%d/%f/%f/%f/%f", rval, mside.textureid, mside.uv[0], mside.uv[1], mside.uv[2], mside.uv[3]);
else {
line += String.format(":%s/%d", rval, mside.textureid);
return line;
* Factory method to build a block of patches relative to a typical element in a MC model file.
* Specifically, all coordinates are relative to 0-16 range for
* side of a cube, and relative to 0-16 range for U,V within a texture:
* from, to in model drive 'from', 'to' inputs
* face, uv of face, and texture in model drives face, uv, textureid (added using addBlockSide)
* @param from - vector of lower left corner of box (0-16 range for coordinates - min x, y, z)
* @param to - vector of upper right corner of box (0-16 range for coordinates max x, y, z)
* @param xrot - degrees of rotation of block around X
* @param yrot - degrees of rotation of block around Y
* @param zrot - degrees of rotation of block around Z
* @param shade - shade setting for model
* @return model block to add faces to
public ModelBlock addModelBlock(double[] from, double[] to, double xrot, double yrot, double zrot,
boolean shade) {
ModelBlockImpl mbi = new ModelBlockImpl();
if (from != null) { mbi.from[0] = from[0]; mbi.from[1] = from[1]; mbi.from[2] = from[2]; }
if (to != null) { mbi.to[0] = to[0]; mbi.to[1] = to[1]; mbi.to[2] = to[2]; }
mbi.xrot = xrot; mbi.yrot = yrot; mbi.zrot = zrot;
mbi.shade = shade;
return mbi;