
502 lines
17 KiB

package org.dynmap.storage;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import org.dynmap.DynmapCore;
import org.dynmap.DynmapWorld;
import org.dynmap.Log;
import org.dynmap.MapType;
import org.dynmap.PlayerFaces;
import org.dynmap.WebAuthManager;
import org.dynmap.utils.BufferInputStream;
import org.dynmap.utils.BufferOutputStream;
* Generic interface for map data storage (image tiles, and associated hash codes)
public abstract class MapStorage {
protected String connectionString;
private static Object lock = new Object();
private static HashMap<String, Integer> filelocks = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
private static final Integer WRITELOCK = (-1);
protected File baseStandaloneDir;
protected boolean isShutdown;
protected long serverID;
protected MapStorage() {
this.serverID = 0;
this.isShutdown = false;
public void shutdownStorage() {
this.isShutdown = true;
// Proper modulo - versus the bogus Java behavior of negative modulo for negative numerators
protected static final int modulo(int x, int y) {
return ((x % y) + y) % y;
* Initialize with core
* @param core - core instance
* @return true if success
public boolean init(DynmapCore core) {
baseStandaloneDir = new File(core.configuration.getString("webpath", "web"), "standalone");
if (!baseStandaloneDir.isAbsolute()) {
baseStandaloneDir = new File(core.getDataFolder(), baseStandaloneDir.toString());
return true;
* Set server ID for map storage instance
* @param serverID - server ID (default is zero)
public void setServerID(long serverID) {
this.serverID = serverID;
* Get tile reference for given tile
* @param world - world
* @param map - map
* @param x - tile X coordinate
* @param y - tile Y coordinate
* @param zoom - tile zoom level (0=base rendered tiles)
* @param var - tile variant (standard, day, etc)
* @return MapStorageTile for given coordinate (whether or not tile exists)
public abstract MapStorageTile getTile(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, int x, int y, int zoom, MapType.ImageVariant var);
* Get tile reference for given tile, by world and URI
* @param world - world
* @param uri - tile URI
* @return MapStorageTile for given coordinate (whether or not tile exists)
public abstract MapStorageTile getTile(DynmapWorld world, String uri);
* Enumerate existing map tiles, matching given constraints
* @param world - specific world
* @param map - specific map (if non-null)
* @param cb - callback to receive matching tiles
public abstract void enumMapTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, MapStorageTileEnumCB cb);
* Enumerate existing map tiles, matching given constraints, with zoom at 0
* @param world - specific world
* @param map - specific map (if non-null)
* @param cbBase - callback to receive matching tiles
* @param cbEnd - callback to receive end-of-search event
public abstract void enumMapBaseTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map, MapStorageBaseTileEnumCB cbBase, MapStorageTileSearchEndCB cbEnd);
* Purge existing map tiles, matching given constraints
* @param world - specific world
* @param map - specific map (if non-null)
public abstract void purgeMapTiles(DynmapWorld world, MapType map);
* Set player face image
* @param playername - player name
* @param facetype - face type
* @param encImage - encoded image (PNG)
* @return true if successful
public abstract boolean setPlayerFaceImage(String playername, PlayerFaces.FaceType facetype, BufferOutputStream encImage);
* Get player face image
* @param playername - player name
* @param facetype - face type
* @return encoded image (PNG)
public abstract BufferInputStream getPlayerFaceImage(String playername, PlayerFaces.FaceType facetype);
* Test if player face image available
* @param playername - player name
* @param facetype - face type
* @return true if found, false if not
public abstract boolean hasPlayerFaceImage(String playername, PlayerFaces.FaceType facetype);
* Set marker image
* @param markerid - marker ID
* @param encImage - encoded image (PNG)
* @return true if successful
public abstract boolean setMarkerImage(String markerid, BufferOutputStream encImage);
* Get marker image
* @param markerid - marker ID
* @return encoded image (PNG)
public abstract BufferInputStream getMarkerImage(String markerid);
* Set marker file for world
* @param world - world ID
* @param content - JSON content for marker file
* @return true if successful
public abstract boolean setMarkerFile(String world, String content);
* Get marker file for world
* @param world - world ID
* @return JSON content for marker file
public abstract String getMarkerFile(String world);
* Calculate hashcode for raw image buffer
* @param buf - ARGB array
* @param off - offset of start in array
* @param len - length of image data
* @return hashcode (greater than or equals to 0)
public static long calculateImageHashCode(int[] buf, int off, int len) {
CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
final int perCall = 256;
int accum = 0;
byte[] crcworkbuf = new byte[4 * perCall];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int v = buf[i + off];
crcworkbuf[accum++] = (byte)v;
crcworkbuf[accum++] = (byte)(v>>8);
crcworkbuf[accum++] = (byte)(v>>16);
crcworkbuf[accum++] = (byte)(v>>24);
if (accum == crcworkbuf.length) {
crc32.update(crcworkbuf, 0, accum);
accum = 0;
if (accum > 0) { // Remainder?
crc32.update(crcworkbuf, 0, accum);
accum = 0;
return crc32.getValue();
* URI to use for loading marker data (for external web server)
* @param login_enabled - selects based on login security enabled
* @return URI
public abstract String getMarkersURI(boolean login_enabled);
* URI to use for loading tiles (for external web server only)
* @param login_enabled - selects based on login security enabled
* @return URI
public abstract String getTilesURI(boolean login_enabled);
* Test if standalone JSON files should be PHP wrapped
* @param login_enabled - selects based on login security enabled
* @return whether to wrap JSON
public boolean wrapStandaloneJSON(boolean login_enabled) {
return login_enabled;
* Get sendmessage URI (for external web server only)
* @return URI
public String getSendMessageURI() {
return "standalone/sendmessage.php";
* URI to use for loading configuration JSON files (for external web server only)
* @param login_enabled - selects based on login security enabled
* @return URI
public String getConfigurationJSONURI(boolean login_enabled) {
return login_enabled?"standalone/configuration.php":"standalone/dynmap_config.json?_={timestamp}";
* URI to use for loading update JSON files (for external web server only)
* @param login_enabled - selects based on login security enabled
* @return URI
public String getUpdateJSONURI(boolean login_enabled) {
return login_enabled?"standalone/update.php?world={world}&ts={timestamp}":"standalone/dynmap_{world}.json?_={timestamp}";
* Add settings to dynmap_access.php needed for external server scripts
* @param sb - string builder for PHP file
* @param core - core object
public void addPaths(StringBuilder sb, DynmapCore core) {
File wpath = core.getFile(core.getWebPath());
String p = wpath.getAbsolutePath();
p += "/";
sb.append("$webpath = \'");
private static final int RETRY_LIMIT = 4;
* Set standalone file content
* @param fileid - standalone file ID
* @param content - content for file
* @return true if successful
public boolean setStandaloneFile(String fileid, BufferOutputStream content) {
RandomAccessFile fos = null;
boolean good = false;
boolean done = false;
File f = new File(baseStandaloneDir, fileid);
File fnew = new File(baseStandaloneDir, fileid + ".new");
File fold = new File(baseStandaloneDir, fileid + ".old");
int retrycnt = 0;
while (!done) {
try {
if (fnew.exists()) {
if (content != null) {
fos = new RandomAccessFile(fnew, "rw");
fos.write(content.buf, 0, content.len);
good = true;
done = true;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if(retrycnt < RETRY_LIMIT) {
try { Thread.sleep(20 * (1 << retrycnt)); } catch (InterruptedException ix) {}
else {
Log.severe("Exception while writing JSON-file - " + fnew.getPath(), ioe);
done = true;
} finally {
if(fos != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException iox) {
fos = null;
if(good) {
if (content != null) {
return good;
* Get standalone file content
* @param fileid - standalone file ID
* @return content for file
public BufferInputStream getStandaloneFile(String fileid) {
RandomAccessFile fos = null;
BufferInputStream bis = null;
boolean done = false;
File f = new File(baseStandaloneDir, fileid);
if (getReadLock(fileid, 5000)) {
int retrycnt = 0;
if (f.exists() == false)
done = true;
while (!done) {
byte[] b = new byte[(int) f.length()];
try {
fos = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r");
fos.read(b, 0, b.length);
done = true;
bis = new BufferInputStream(b);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if(retrycnt < RETRY_LIMIT) {
try { Thread.sleep(20 * (1 << retrycnt)); } catch (InterruptedException ix) {}
else {
Log.severe("Exception while reading standalone - " + f.getPath(), ioe);
done = true;
} finally {
if(fos != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException iox) {
fos = null;
return bis;
protected void releaseWriteLock(String baseFilename) {
synchronized(lock) {
Integer lockcnt = filelocks.get(baseFilename); /* Get lock count */
if(lockcnt == null)
Log.severe("releaseWriteLock(" + baseFilename + ") on unlocked file");
else if(lockcnt.equals(WRITELOCK)) {
filelocks.remove(baseFilename); /* Remove lock */
lock.notifyAll(); /* Wake up folks waiting for locks */
Log.severe("releaseWriteLock(" + baseFilename + ") on read-locked file");
protected boolean getWriteLock(String baseFilename) {
synchronized(lock) {
boolean got_lock = false;
while(!got_lock) {
Integer lockcnt = filelocks.get(baseFilename); /* Get lock count */
if(lockcnt != null) { /* If any locks, can't get write lock */
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ix) {
Log.severe("getWriteLock(" + baseFilename + ") interrupted");
return false;
else {
filelocks.put(baseFilename, WRITELOCK);
got_lock = true;
return true;
protected boolean getReadLock(String baseFilename, long timeout) {
synchronized(lock) {
boolean got_lock = false;
long starttime = 0;
if(timeout > 0)
starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
while(!got_lock) {
Integer lockcnt = filelocks.get(baseFilename); /* Get lock count */
if(lockcnt == null) {
filelocks.put(baseFilename, Integer.valueOf(1)); /* First lock */
got_lock = true;
else if(!lockcnt.equals(WRITELOCK)) { /* Other read locks */
filelocks.put(baseFilename, Integer.valueOf(lockcnt+1));
got_lock = true;
else { /* Write lock in place */
try {
if(timeout < 0) {
else {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long elapsed = now-starttime;
if(elapsed > timeout) { /* Give up on timeout */
return false;
} catch (InterruptedException ix) {
Log.severe("getReadLock(" + baseFilename + ") interrupted");
return false;
return true;
protected void releaseReadLock(String baseFilename) {
synchronized(lock) {
Integer lockcnt = filelocks.get(baseFilename); /* Get lock count */
if(lockcnt == null)
Log.severe("releaseReadLock(" + baseFilename + ") on unlocked file");
else if(lockcnt.equals(WRITELOCK))
Log.severe("releaseReadLock(" + baseFilename + ") on write-locked file");
else if(lockcnt > 1) {
filelocks.put(baseFilename, Integer.valueOf(lockcnt-1));
else {
filelocks.remove(baseFilename); /* Remove lock */
lock.notifyAll(); /* Wake up folks waiting for locks */
public boolean wrapStandalonePHP() {
return true;
// For external web server only
public String getStandaloneLoginURI() {
return "standalone/login.php";
// For external web server only
public String getStandaloneRegisterURI() {
return "standalone/register.php";
public void setLoginEnabled(DynmapCore core) {
// Test if storage needs static web files
public boolean needsStaticWebFiles() {
return false;
* Set static web file content
* @param fileid - file path
* @param buffer - content for file
* @return true if successful
public boolean setStaticWebFile(String fileid, BufferOutputStream buffer) {
return false;
public void logSQLException(String opmsg, SQLException x) {
if (isShutdown) return;
Log.severe("SQLException: " + opmsg);
Log.severe(" ErrorCode: " + x.getErrorCode() + ", SQLState=" + x.getSQLState());
Log.severe(" Message: " + x.getMessage());
if (connectionString != null) Log.severe(" ConnectionString: " + connectionString);
Throwable cause = x.getCause();
while (cause != null) {
Log.severe(" CausedBy: " + cause.getMessage());
cause = cause.getCause();
public static class StorageShutdownException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8961471920726795043L;
public StorageShutdownException() {}