Updated Support for Tekkit (markdown)

mikeprimm 2013-01-30 12:33:17 -08:00
parent c897d797f5
commit 11b15e1169
1 changed files with 1 additions and 37 deletions

@ -1,37 +1 @@
The [Tekkit](http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/) distribution, which consists of a large collection of Minecraft mods merged with a Bukkit based server, is supported by Dynmap. The stock configuration of mods, and their associated block IDs, can be enabled and configured by adding the appropriate block of settings to configuration.txt. For [Tekkit](http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/) v3.0.4, v3.1.1 and v3.1.2, the following set of settings will allow Dynmap to work:
buildcraft-support: true
ic2-support: true
ic2-chargingbench-support: true
ic2-powerconverters-support: true
ic2-compactsolars-support: true
ic2-nuclearcontrol-support: true
netherores-support: true
railcraft-support: true
redpower2-support: true
computercraft-support: true
ironchest-support: true
tubestuff-support: true
enderstorage-support: true
ee2-support: true
bc-autoWorkbench: 169
bc-drill: 171
bc-filler: 155
bc-miningWell: 174
ic2-blockDynamiteRemote: 238
netherores-NetherOreBlock: 135
ic2-blockPowerConverter: 190
railcraft-detectorBlock: 211
railcraft-utilityBlock: 213
railcraft-railAdvBlock: 206
railcraft-elevatorBlock: 212
railcraft-structureBlock: 209
railcraft-cubeBlock: 214
ic2-compactSolars: 183
ic2-blockChargingBench: 187
computercraft-turtleBlockID: 216
If your server has modified any block IDs from the default values shipped with [Tekkit](http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/), you will need to make the corresponding changes to Dynmap. To do this, check in the appropriate renderdata/*-texture.txt file (for the mod providing the block), and locate the 'var:' value that represents the block ID. If the value doesn't match, add the corresponding line to configuration.txt with the correct value (do NOT edit the renderdata files directly - they are overwritten each time Dynmap is upgraded).
[Tekkit](http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/) support is simply a specific configuration of the support for various non-Bukkit mods. Folks using a customized or modified [Tekkit](http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/), including ones with additional mods, should check [[Support For Non-Bukkit Mods]].
The [Tekkit](http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/) distribution, which consists of a large collection of Minecraft mods merged with a Bukkit based server, is supported by Dynmap. Current Dynmap version will automatically detect the associated mods, and their block IDs, and render the supported blocks. Tekkit v3.1.3 is currently supported.