Created Lighttpd and SQLite on a Raspberry Pi 4 with DietPi (markdown)

JappeHallunken 2022-02-16 02:33:19 +01:00
parent e8d86bd958
commit 28abd93439
1 changed files with 70 additions and 0 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
I assume that you have Lighttpd and PHP already installed and configured.
I use Paper MC, so the user which runs the MC server is also papermc.
I choosed SQLite, because it saves the tiles in one big file, which is better for backups as an folder with over 200.000 files :)
The config for MySQL/MariaDB is almost the same, only the `url:` part in `configuration.txt` is different. You can find info about that in the wiki too.
Do Step 1 and 2 mentioned here: [](
Then we have to make some additional changes in `configuration.txt`:
Search for and change to:
#type: filetree
# SQLite db for map storage (uses dbfile as storage location)
type: sqlite
dbfile: dynmap.db
# MySQL DB for map storage (at 'hostname':'port' with flags "flags" in database 'database' using user 'userid' password 'password' and table prefix 'prefix')
# type: mysql
# hostname: localhost
# port: 3306
# database: MyDynmapDatabase
# userid: dynmapwebserver
# password: oldschool
# prefix: "dyn_"
# flags: "?allowReconnect=true"
# configuration URL
configuration: "standalone/dynmap_config.json?={timestamp}"
# update URL
update: "standalone/dynmap_{world}.json?={timestamp}"
# sendmessage URL
sendmessage: "standalone/sendmessage.php"
# login URL
login: "standalone/login.php"
# register URL
register: "standalone/register.php"
# tiles base URL
tiles: "standalone/SQLite_tiles.php?tile="
# markers base URL
markers: "standalone/SQLite_markers.php?marker="
Start your MC server and look for errors in Minecrafts latest.log. If there are no errors, you can copy the content of `web/` into a folder of Lighttpd web server, e.g. `/var/www/dynmap` (if your web root is www/, but sometimes it is `/var/www/html` so check your config at `/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf`
Make sure the files have the owner **papermc:papermc** and the folder **standalone/** has right permissions:
`sudo chown -R papermc:papermc /var/www/dynmap`
`sudo chmod -R 770 /var/www/dynmap/standalone`
add the user papermc to the group www-data
`sudo usermod -a -G www-data papermc`
Now browse to YOURWEBSERVER/dynmap like []( and everythink should work.