Add message about JNDI/Haxr

FedUpWith-Tech 2021-12-31 15:52:49 -05:00
parent 7d232b6e00
commit 35a0faaec3
1 changed files with 61 additions and 2 deletions


@ -27,9 +27,68 @@ progressloginterval: 100
I recommend setting this to 1,000 for mid-size server maps and 10,000 or greater for large server maps. You will need to restart your server for this to take affect.
### Q: What does 'Invalid plugin.yml' mean
### 7) What does 'Invalid plugin.yml' mean
A: Joined with 'Could not load x plugin' and 'ZipException' - this usually means that the file was downloaded badly or corrupted in some way.
**A)** Joined with 'Could not load x plugin' and 'ZipException' - this usually means that the file was downloaded badly or corrupted in some way.
Re-download a fresh version and confirm it looks complete. This is a good time to check what the latest version is too
### 8) What are these weird `{jdni}` / `IaM5uchA1337Haxr-Ban Me!` messages I am getting from Dynmap?
**A)** Some hacker online realized Dynmap webchat can be used to send messages to a Minecraft server log. These messages exploit a vulnerability called Log4J or Log4Shell. For sake a brevity these are exploits which allow hackers to run code on your server without your permission. If you haven't heard of these attacks recently here is [more reading]( If you are running the most up to date version of your server you are safe. I want to be very clear that Dynmap will not make you more vulnerable or protect you from this vulnerability. **The only way to protect yourself it to patch your minecraft server.**
If you want to make these messages go away you can disable the webchat by editing configuration.txt and commenting out all of the chat plugins
<details><summary>Original (Click to expand)</summary>
- class: org.dynmap.InternalClientUpdateComponent
allowwebchat: true
- class: org.dynmap.SimpleWebChatComponent
allowchat: true
# If true, web UI users can supply name for chat using 'playername' URL parameter. 'trustclientname' must also be set true.
allowurlname: false
- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
type: chat
allowurlname: false
- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
type: chatballoon
focuschatballoons: false
- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
type: chatbox
showplayerfaces: true
messagettl: 5
# Optional: set number of lines in scrollable message history: if set, messagettl is not used to age out messages
#scrollback: 100
# Optional: set maximum number of lines visible for chatbox
#visiblelines: 10
# Optional: send push button
# sendbutton: false
<details><summary>With all Chat Disabled (Click to Expand)</summary>
- class: org.dynmap.InternalClientUpdateComponent
# allowwebchat: true
# - class: org.dynmap.SimpleWebChatComponent
# allowchat: true
# # If true, web UI users can supply name for chat using 'playername' URL parameter. 'trustclientname' must also be set true.
# allowurlname: false
# - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
# type: chat
# allowurlname: false
# - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
# type: chatballoon
# focuschatballoons: false
# - class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
# type: chatbox
# showplayerfaces: true
# messagettl: 5
# # Optional: set number of lines in scrollable message history: if set, messagettl is not used to age out messages
# #scrollback: 100
# # Optional: set maximum number of lines visible for chatbox
# #visiblelines: 10
# # Optional: send push button
# # sendbutton: false