Updated Commands (markdown)

mikeprimm 2012-02-08 19:52:06 -08:00
parent 094a33fdfa
commit 430948a8ab

@ -71,8 +71,33 @@ Various other commands.
* `/dynmap sendtoweb message ...` : Send a message to the web UIs only * `/dynmap sendtoweb message ...` : Send a message to the web UIs only
* `/dynmap ids-for-ip ip-address` : List player IDs that have logged in from given IP address (most recent to least) * `/dynmap ids-for-ip ip-address` : List player IDs that have logged in from given IP address (most recent to least)
* `/dynmap ips-for-id player-id` : List IP addresses that have been used to connect to server by given player ID * `/dynmap ips-for-id player-id` : List IP addresses that have been used to connect to server by given player ID
* `/dynmap add-id-for-ip player-id ip-address : Add given player ID to front of list of known IDs for given IP address * `/dynmap add-id-for-ip player-id ip-address` : Add given player ID to front of list of known IDs for given IP address
* `/dynmap del-id-for-ip player-id ip-address : Remove given player ID from list of known IDs for given IP address. * `/dynmap del-id-for-ip player-id ip-address` : Remove given player ID from list of known IDs for given IP address.
# Map/World Configuration Commands #
* `/dmap worldlist` : list all worlds configured (enabled or disabled)
* `/dmap worldset worldname enabled:<true|false>` : Set world 'worldname' enabled or disabled
* `/dmap worldset worldname center:<x/y/z|here|default>` : Set map center position for world 'worldname'
* `/dmap worldset worldname extrazoomout:<N>` : set extra zoom out levels for world 'worldname'
* `/dmap worldset worldname title:<label>` : set title for world 'worldname'
* `/dmap worldset worldname sendposition:<true|false> sendhealth:<true|false>` : set send-position and/or send-health flags for world 'worldname'
* `/dmap worldset worldname order:<N>` : set position of world 'worldname' to Nth position in world list
* `/dmap worldreset worldname` : Reset world 'worldname' to its default template configuration
* `/dmap worldreset worldname templatename` : Reset world 'worldname' to template 'templatename' configuration
* `/dmap maplist worldname` : List details of all maps for world 'worldname'
* `/dmap mapdelete worldname:mapname` : Delete map 'mapname' of world 'worldname'
* `/dmap mapadd worldname:mapname attrib:val attrib:val` : Create new map 'mapname' on world 'worldname', with given attributes (all 'mapset' parameters are usable)
* `/dmap mapset worldname:mapname order:<N>` : Set position of map 'mapname' to Nth in the list of maps for world 'worldname'
* `/dmap mapset worldname:mapname prefix:<prefix>` : Set filename prefix for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname'
* `/dmap mapset worldname:mapname title:<label>` : Set title for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname'
* `/dmap mapset worldname:mapname icon:<icon-file>` : Set icon filename for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname' (relative to 'webpath' directory)
* `/dmap mapset worldname:mapname mapzoomin:<N>` : Set the map zoom in level for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname'
* `/dmap mapset worldname:mapname perspective:<perspective> shader:<shader> lighting:<lighting>` : Set perspective, shader and/or lighting for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname'
* `/dmap mapset worldname:mapname img-format:<format>` : Set the image format for map 'mapname' of world 'worldname' (png, jpg, jpg-q90, jpq-q95, etc).
* `/dmap perspectivelist` : List all defined perspectives
* `/dmap shaderlist` : List all defined shaders
* `/dmap lightinglist` : List all defined lightings
# Permissions # # Permissions #
@ -109,3 +134,12 @@ Permissions-based access control is currently supported, and the following nodes
* `dynmap.marker.addicon` - allows /dmarker addicon * `dynmap.marker.addicon` - allows /dmarker addicon
* `dynmap.marker.updateicon` - allows /dmarker updateicon * `dynmap.marker.updateicon` - allows /dmarker updateicon
* `dynmap.marker.deleteicon` - allows /dmarker deleteicon * `dynmap.marker.deleteicon` - allows /dmarker deleteicon
* `dynmap.dmap.worldlist` - allows /dmap worldlist
* `dynmap.dmap.worldset` - allows /dmap worldset
* `dynmap.dmap.worldreset` - allows /dmap worldreset
* `dynmap.dmap.mapdelete` - allows /dmap mapdelete
* `dynmap.dmap.mapset` - allows /dmap mapset
* `dynmap.dmap.mapadd` - allows /dmap mapadd
* `dynmap.dmap.perspectivelist` - allows /dmap perspectivelist
* `dynmap.dmap.shaderlist` - allows /dmap shaderlist
* `dynmap.dmap.lightinglist` - allows /dmap lightinglist