mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 14:01:48 +01:00
Finished Mostly, will polish any mistakes later
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
# This page is currently a draft, not all is formatted correctly and will be finished soon™️
# This page covers everything inside Configuration.txt
### This is a very long and very in-depth page, it covers more options and content than most will need. For basic setup see [[Installation]]
@ -689,50 +687,144 @@ The default is:
### http-response-headers
This is a setting for advanced users and will not normally need to be set. `id: value` pairs can be set here to add custom HTTP response headers. The response headers set here only apply to the internal web server.
The default is:
# Customized HTTP response headers - add 'id: value' pairs to all HTTP response headers (internal web server only)
# Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "my-domain.com"
# X-Custom-Header-Of-Mine: "MyHeaderValue"
# Trusted proxies for web server - which proxy addresses are trusted to supply valid X-Forwarded-For fields
### trusted-proxies
This is a setting for advanced users and will not normally need to be set. Setting trusted proxies will tell Dynmap's internal web server to accept X-Forwarded-For headers. The only normal use case for this is when Dynmap is behind a reverse proxy to allow IP based username recognition.
The default is:
- ""
- "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1"
# Join/quit message format for web chat: set to "" to disable notice on web UI
### joinmessage / quitmessage
These control the formatting of the player join/quit messages sent to the web. It accepts `%playername%` as a macro for the player's name. If these are set to `""` the join/quit messages will not be sent to the web.
The default is:
joinmessage: "%playername% joined"
quitmessage: "%playername% quit"
### spammessage
This setting controls the message web users see when they try to chat too quickly. `%interval%` is a placeholder for the amount of seconds users must wait to send messages, it is set in the [messagettl](https://github.com/webbukkit/dynmap/wiki/Component-Configuration#chat-box-client-component) field of the Chatbox Client component. Setting this to `""` will disable users being notified they are spam blocked.
The default is:
spammessage: "You may only chat once every %interval% seconds."
# format for messages from web: %playername% substitutes sender ID (typically IP), %message% includes text
### webmsgformat
This setting controls how messages sent from the web appear in-game. `%playername%` and `%message%` are macros as placeholders for what their name implies. Standard minecraft color codes are supported here but must be altered to show up properly: In game, if you would use `&4` for red you would use `&color;4` here. If a player is not logged in to the web map or the playername is not specified in the URL `%playername%` will just be the sender's IP.
The default is:
webmsgformat: "&color;2[WEB] %playername%: &color;f%message%"
# Control whether layer control is presented on the UI (default is true)
### showlayercontrol
This setting controls if the layer control menu is visible on the web map. This allows players to toggle options such as player markers, sign markers, faction borders (if the add-on supports it) or otherwise.
The default is:
showlayercontrol: true
# Enable checking for banned IPs via banned-ips.txt (internal web server only)
### check-banned-ips
This setting controls if Dynmap should check the `banned-ips.txt` to block users from viewing or chatting on the web map. This setting only applies to the internal web server.
The default is:
check-banned-ips: true
# Default selection when map page is loaded
### defaultzoom
This, and the next two settings control which world and map is loaded when a user first visits the web map. Default zoom controls the zoom level on first join.
The default is:
defaultzoom: 0
### defaultworld
Default world controls which world is viewed on first join. (For example: world, world_nether, world_the_end)
The default is:
defaultworld: world
### defaultmap
Default map controls which map of the selected world is viewed on first join. (For example: flat, surface, cave)
The default is:
defaultmap: flat
# (optional) Zoom level and map to switch to when following a player, if possible
### followzoom
Zoom level of the map when following a player (if enabled).
The default is:
#followzoom: 3
### followmap
Which map will the web map switch when following a player (if enabled).
The default is:
#followmap: surface
# If true, make persistent record of IP addresses used by player logins, to support web IP to player matching
### persist-ids-by-ip
This setting links user's IP in-game to their IP on the web map for automatic username transfer. This requires advanced configuration for a reverse proxy to work. Additionally, if multiple players join from the same IP, Dynmap will use the most recently joined user to match the name.
The default is:
persist-ids-by-ip: true
# If true, map text to cyrillic
### cyrillic-support
This setting allows support for the cyrillic alphabet.
The default is:
cyrillic-support: false
# If true, coordinates will be rounded
### round-coordinates
This setting rounds coordinates to the nearest whole-number value.
The default is:
round-coordinates: true
# Messages to customize
### msg
These settings control pre-canned messages that users may see. They are all fairly self-explanatory.
The default is:
maptypes: "Map Types"
players: "Players"
@ -740,66 +832,129 @@ msg:
chatnotallowed: "You are not permitted to send chat messages"
hiddennamejoin: "Player joined"
hiddennamequit: "Player quit"
# URL for client configuration (only need to be tailored for proxies or other non-standard configurations)
### url
These settings are for advanced use-cases only and do not need to be adjusted for the average setup, for information on configuring these please visit the [[External Webserver Advanced]] page.
The default is:
# configuration URL
#configuration: "up/configuration"
# update URL
#update: "up/world/{world}/{timestamp}"
# sendmessage URL
#sendmessage: "up/sendmessage"
# login URL
#login: "up/login"
# register URL
#register: "up/register"
# tiles base URL
#tiles: "tiles/"
# markers base URL
#markers: "tiles/"
# Customization commands - allows scripts to be run before/after certain events
### custom-commands
These allow custom commands to be run before or after events. The two documented commands are `preupdatecommand` and `postupdatecommand`. **NOTE:** These can definitely cause performance issues as they run every time a tile is saved which can be thousands of times during large fullrenders.
The default is:
# Command run just before any image file is written or updated: run with single parameter with fully qualified file name
preupdatecommand: ""
# Command run just after any image file is written or updated: run with single parameter with fully qualified file name
postupdatecommand: ""
# Snapshot cache size, in chunks
### snapshotcachesize
Not sure what this does, "Snapshot cache size, in chunks" according to the Dev.
The default is:
snapshotcachesize: 500
# Snapshot cache uses soft references (true), else weak references (false)
### soft-ref-cache
Not sure what this does, "Snapshot cache uses soft references (true), else weak references (false)" according to the Dev.
The default is:
soft-ref-cache: true
# Player enter/exit title messages for map markers
# Processing period - how often to check player positions vs markers - default is 1000ms (1 second)
### enterexitperiod
How often to check a player's position to update the player marker on the map. Measured in milliseconds.
The default is:
#enterexitperiod: 1000
# Title message fade in time, in ticks (0.05 second intervals) - default is 10 (1/2 second)
### titleFadeIn
How long it takes for the map title to fade in. Measured in ticks (50 milliseconds).
The default is:
#titleFadeIn: 10
# Title message stay time, in ticks (0.05 second intervals) - default is 70 (3.5 seconds)
### titleStay
How long the title should stay. Measured in ticks (50 milliseconds).
The default is:
#titleStay: 70
# Title message fade out time, in ticks (0.05 seocnd intervals) - default is 20 (1 second)
### titleFadeOut
How long it takes for the title to fade out. Measured in ticks (50 milliseconds).
The default is:
#titleFadeOut: 20
# Enter/exit messages use on screen titles (true - default), if false chat messages are sent instead
### enterexitUseTitle
Not 100% sure what this does, from the dev: "Enter/exit messages use on screen titles (true - default), if false chat messages are sent instead."
The default is:
#enterexitUseTitle: true
# Set true if new enter messages should supercede pending exit messages (vs being queued in order), default false
### enterReplaceExits
Not 100% sure what this does, from the dev: "Set true if new enter messages should supercede pending exit messages (vs being queued in order), default false."
The default is:
#enterReplacesExits: true
# Set to true to enable verbose startup messages - can help with debugging map configuration problems
# Set to false for a much quieter startup log
### verbose
This enabled verbose startup message, this can be useful for debugging maps or worlds not loading or web server startup issues. Support may ask for this to be enabled, otherwise this should stay false for less startup log spam.
The default is:
verbose: false
# Enables debugging.
### debuggers
These log specific information about each Dynmap function. Support may ask for these to be enabled for bug reports, otherwise these should not be enabled to prevent massive log spam.
The default is:
# - class: org.dynmap.debug.LogDebugger
# Debug: dump blocks missing render data
dump-missing-blocks: false
# Have dynmap migrate old chunks to the new format for the current MC version (specifically, for migrating pre-1.13 chunks to 1.13 or 1.14). This is needed
# in order to render chunks on an upgraded server (due to various bugs/limitations in CB/spigot 1.13+). This setting is NOT suggested to be enabled full time,
# but only long enough to do a fullrender of a migrated world - it should be turned back off once worlds are migrated). It is EXPERIMENTAL, so be sure to backup
# your worlds before running with this setting enabled (set to true)
### dump-missing-blocks
This setting tells Dynmap to ignore blocks that are missing render data. This can be useful for corrupt blocks or modded blocks that you want to simply ignore. This can cause unexpected behavior, enabled at your own risk.
The default is:
dump-missing-blocks: false
### migrate-chunks
This setting is specifically for the 1.13 to 1.14 update of Minecraft. This allows for some migrating of old chunks to the new style to allow dynmap to see chunks form pre-1.14 on 1.14 servers. This should only be enabled once and only on servers that have existed pre-1.14. This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature and is the only time Dynmap will ever directly modify the world files, we strongly suggest making a world backup before enabling this.
The default is:
#migrate-chunks: true
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