Updated Component Configuration (markdown)

mikeprimm 2011-12-28 23:01:22 -08:00
parent eeedc17e23
commit a200b164d1
1 changed files with 0 additions and 203 deletions

@ -273,206 +273,3 @@ The settings for the component are as follows:
* _text_ : the label shown for the logo
* _linkurl_ : the URL associated with the link tied to the displayed label
# Region Display Components (DEPRECATED AS OF 0.25, WILL BE REMOVED in 0.26)
These components support the display of overlays on the present maps, corresponding to regions within the world in question. Regions defined by several different plugins are supported, and most of the settings for the components for these plugins are common, while some are quite specific to each component.
## WorldGuard Region Component (DEPRECATED - USE SWITCH TO Dynmap-WorldGuard PLUGIN)
This component supports the display of regions defined in the WorldGuard plugin, including both rectangular and polygonal regions (found in WorldGuard 5). The WorldGuard component is defined via the following lines in the _components_ section:
- class: org.dynmap.regions.RegionsComponent
type: regions
name: WorldGuard
useworldpath: true
filename: regions.yml
basenode: regions
use3dregions: true
infowindow: '<div class="infowindow"><span style="font-size:120%;">%regionname%</span><br /> Owner <span style="font-weight:bold;">%playerowners%</span><br />Flags<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">%flags%</span></div>'
strokeColor: "#FF0000"
strokeOpacity: 0.8
strokeWeight: 3
fillColor: "#FF0000"
fillOpacity: 0.35
- homebase
- miningsite
- hiddenplace
- secretsite
strokeColor: "#00FF00"
hidebydefault: false
layerprio: 0
The settings for this component include the following:
* _name_ : For WorldGuard, this must be set to _WorldGuard_.
* _useworldpath_ : For WorldGuard, this must be set to _true_
* _filename_ : For WorldGuard, this must be set to _regions.yml_
* _basenode_ : For WorldGuard, this must be set to _regions_
* _use3dregions_ : If set to _true_, the regions will be presented with their vertical limits shown (as a cubiod or other volume). If set to _false_, the region is shown 2D at a position corresponding to average ground level (Y=64).
* _infowindow_ : this setting controls the generation of the HTML within the popup window displayed with the region is clicked. Several substitution macros are supported, which will be resolved into appropriate data specific to the region being displayed:
+ %regionname% - the name of the region
+ %playerowners% - the names of the players that own the region
+ %groupowners% - the names of the groups that own the region
+ %playermanagers% - the names of the managers or associated for the region
+ %playermembers% - the names of the players that are members of the region
+ %groupmembers% - the names of the groups that are members of the region
+ %parent% - the name of the parent of the region
+ %priority% - the region's priority
+ %nation% - the nation or group that the region is a member of
+ $flags% - the various attribute flags for the region
* _regionstyle_ : this is a map of attributes used for describing the coloring of the outline and fill for the regions being presented. The attributes include:
+ _strokeColor_ : this specified the color of the outline of the regions
+ _strokeOpacity_ : this specifies how opaque the outline is (0.0 = transparent, 1.0 = solid)
+ _strokeWeight_ : this specifies the thickness of the outline
+ _fillColor_ : this specifies the color used to fill the interior of the region
+ _fillOpacity_ : this specifies how opaque the fill color is (0.0 = transparent, 1.0 = solid)
* _visibleregions_ : this optional parameter, if defined, is used to provide a list of region names to be shown (any not on the list will not be shown). If the _visibleregions_ attribute is not defined (the default), all regions will be shown.
* _hiddenregions_ : this optional parameter, if defined, is used to provide a list of region names to NOT be shown.
* _customstyle_ : this optional parameter, if defined, allows the _regionstyle_ attributes used for specific regions to be overridden. The sections under the _customstyle_ correspond to the name of the region to be customized, and the attributes within that section are the style settings (_strokeColor_, _strokeOpacity_, _strokeWeight_, _fillColor_, _fillOpacity_) that will be used in place of the defaults from the _regionstyle_ setting.
* _hidebydefault_ : this optional parameter, if defined and set to true, changes the default visibility state for the map layer with the region information to be hidden. The layer can still be made visible with the layer control on the web client UI.
* _layerprio_ : this optional parameter provides an ordering weight for the layer in the layer selection control, which orders from lowest to highest _layerprio_ (and then alphabetically for equal priority layers). Default is 0.
## Residence Regions Component (DEPRECATED - SWITCH TO Dynmap-Residence PLUGIN)
The Residence Regions Component functions in a very similar fashion to the WorldGuard component, and shares many of the same settings. The component supports the display of Residences and the first level of subareas within those residences. The Residence component is defined by the following lines in the _components_ section:
- class: org.dynmap.regions.RegionsComponent
type: regions
name: Residence
useworldpath: false
filename: res.yml
basenode: Residences
use3dregions: false
infowindow: '<div class="infowindow"><span style="font-size:120%;">%regionname%</span><br /> Owner <span style="font-weight:bold;">%playerowners%</span><br />Flags<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">%flags%</span></div>'
strokeColor: "#FF0000"
strokeOpacity: 0.8
strokeWeight: 3
fillColor: "#FF0000"
fillOpacity: 0.35
- homebase
- miningsite
- hiddenplace
- secretsite
strokeColor: "#00FF00"
strokeColor: "#007F00"
hidebydefault: false
layerprio: 0
The parameters for this component are the same as those of the WorldGuard Regions Component, with the following differences and additions:
* _name_ : For Residence, this must be _Residence_
* _useworldpath_ : For Residence, this must be _false_
* _filename_ : For Residence, this must be _res.yml_
* _basenode_ : For Residence, this must be _Residences_
* _customstyle_ : This works as in WorldGuard. To tailor a subarea of a Residence, add a section named _residencename_._areaname_ (e.g. myresidence.lot123).
* _groupstyle_ : This works like the _customstyle_ attribute, but applies to the group of subareas under the residence with the given name. That is, to tailor the display style for the subareas of residence XYZ, add a section named _XYZ_ under _groupstyle_ and set its attributes to the appropriate colors. Put another way, _customstyle_ tailors the attributes of a specific region, while _groupstyle_ tailors the attributes of the children of that region.
## Towny Region Component (DEPRECATED - SWITCH TO Dynmap-Towny PLUGIN)
The Towny Region Component is also very similar in function to the WorldGuard Region Component. As with Residence, most of the settings are common. With the Towny Component, all regions refer to towns, while region groups refer to nations. The component is defined by the following set of lines in the _components_ section:
- class: org.dynmap.regions.RegionsComponent
type: regions
name: Towny
use3dregions: false
infowindow: '<div class="infowindow"><span style="font-size:120%;">%regionname% (%nation%)</span><br /> Mayor <span style="font-weight:bold;">%playerowners%</span><br /> Associates <span style="font-weight:bold;">%playermanagers%</span><br/>Flags<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">%flags%</span></div>'
strokeColor: "#FF0000"
strokeOpacity: 0.8
strokeWeight: 3
fillColor: "#FF0000"
fillOpacity: 0.35
- homebase
- miningsite
- hiddenplace
- secretsite
strokeColor: "#00FF00"
strokeColor: "#007F00"
hidebydefault: false
layerprio: 0
The settings for this component are common with the WorldGuard Region Component, with the following exceptions and additions:
* _name_ : this must be _Towny_
* _groupstyle_ : This works like the _customstyle_ attribute, but applies to all the towns that are members of the nation with the given name. That is, to tailor the display style for all the towns of nation XYZ, add a section named _XYZ_ under _groupstyle_ and set its attributes to the appropriate colors. Put another way, _customstyle_ tailors the attributes of a specific town, while _groupstyle_ tailors the attributes of all the towns of a given nation. If both apply to a given town, _customstyle_ has priority over _groupstyle_.
## Factions Region Component (DEPRECATED - SWITCH TO Dynmap-Factions PLUGIN)
The Factions Region Component is also very similar in function to the WorldGuard Region Component. As with Towny, most of the settings are common. With the Factions Component, all regions refer to factions, including 'War Zone' and 'Safe Zone'. The component is defined by the following set of lines in the _components_ section:
- class: org.dynmap.regions.RegionsComponent
type: regions
name: Factions
use3dregions: false
infowindow: '<div class="infowindow"><span style="font-size:120%;">%regionname%</span><br />Flags<br /><span style="font-weight:bold;">%flags%</span></div>'
strokeColor: "#FF0000"
strokeOpacity: 0.8
strokeWeight: 3
fillColor: "#FF0000"
fillOpacity: 0.35
- faction1
- faction2
- hiddenfaction
strokeColor: "#00FF00"
hidebydefault: false
layerprio: 0
The settings for this component are common with the WorldGuard Region Component, with the following exceptions and additions:
* _name_ : this must be _Factions_