Initial FAQ

FedUpWith-Tech 2020-10-06 18:55:09 -04:00
parent dfcb353a91
commit bb34c8d72d
1 changed files with 28 additions and 1 deletions


@ -1 +1,28 @@
# This page is currently a placeholder for future content as a part of the great wiki revamp of August 2020, please stand by or contact @FedUpWithTech on the [Dynmap Discord]( to find out how to help out
### 1) I did a `/dynmap fullrender` but the map is pretty much empty?
**A)** Dynmap only renders the map based on generated chunks, what this means is as you explore Dynmap will render the areas you explore or have already explored. If you want the full map shown, you can either walk/fly around to generate new chunks or use a plugin that pre-generates chunks, like FastChunkPregenerator, or ChunkyBorder. Dynmap does not modify world data so we have no plans to implement a chunk-generation feature at this time.
**WARNING** Some hosting services don't allow chunk pre-generating plugins. Please read the ToS of your hosting service to make sure you don't unknowingly violate any rules.
### 2) How do I delete a map, like "cave"?
**A)** Run `/dmap mapdelete worldname:mapname` To find a map name run `/dmap maplist worldname`, finally, run `/dmap purgemap worldname:mapname` to completely delete the old map files.
### 3) My Dynmap is of a completely different server or map?
**A)** You are likely on a hosting service that uses shared IPs. The port for your map is likely in use by another server and you are likely seeing their map as they were there first- Change the port Dynmap uses in the config and enter that port in the web address instead.
### 4) The website isn't working but the server log says the web server started?
**A)** This usually happens when the port in the Dynmap config is not open. Go to []( and enter your server IP and port. If it says open contact the Dynmap team and we will assist you. If it says the port is closed you either need to forward a port in your router's firewall or add a port to your server panel. For more information check the host-specific guides on the [Installation Page](
### 5) My Dynmap doesn't show modded blocks?
**A)** Modded blocks aren't supported out of the box, here are two tools that can help!
* [Dynmap-BlockScan]( This mod scans the block textures and model files for "most" mods and allows Dynmap to render them. The most common use case is to render the definitions once, then place the files generated at `dynmap/renderdata/modsupport` into the `dynmap/renderdata` folder directly then remove the Dynmap-BlockScan plugin. This speeds up server start times and should only need to be run once per server.
* [Dynmap-BlockScanData Repo]( We created a github repo for data generated by the Dynmap-BlockScan mod. This repo gives instruction where to place the data and puts the definition files in a easy-to-find location and can be less work than running blockscan yourself. This repo is entirely community driven and needs your help to generate mod definition files for those that we don't have already. Most* definition files are version agnostic (1.12.2 files will work on 1.16 and vice versa) but you obviously won't get new textures added in later versions.
### 6) How can I stop the fullrender status messages from spamming the chat?
**A)** There are two ways to do this- 1. You can disable the messages for the duration of the render using `/dynmap quiet` **WARNING** You can't turn the messages back on once you run that command. 2. In the configuration.txt edit this line
# Progress report interval for fullrender/radiusrender, in tiles. Must be 100 or greater
progressloginterval: 100
I recommend setting this to 1,000 for mid-size server maps and 10,000 or greater for large server maps. You will need to restart your server for this to take affect.