Updated Base Plugin Settings (markdown)

mikeprimm 2012-01-02 23:28:26 -08:00
parent 10052c5b08
commit d4d2b6208d
1 changed files with 4 additions and 0 deletions

@ -106,6 +106,10 @@ The core settings defined include the following:
* _defaultmap_ : this setting, a string, specifies the name of the default map for the web client when it is first loaded by a user.
* _followzoom_ : this optional setting, an integer, specifies the default zoom level for the web client when a player is selected to be followed.
* _followmap_ : this ootional setting, a stirng, specifies the name of the default map for the web client to switch to, if needed, when a player is selected to be followed
* _verbose_ : this setting, a boolean, controls how verbose the messages are for the Dynmap plugin during startup. Setting to _false_ will significantly reduce reported messages and details.
* _swampshaded_ : this setting, a boolean, controls the default for the _swampshaded_ attribute for all shaders (if true, the 1.9+ darkening of swamp biomes is applied; if false, no darkening is done). Default is true for 1.9.x and later, false for 1.8.x.