2023-06-15 02:34:42 +02:00
Template Alarm Control Panel
.. seo ::
:description: Instructions for setting up template Alarm Control Panels in ESPHome.
:image: description.svg
The `` template `` alarm control panel platform allows you to turn your binary sensors into a state machine
managed alarm control panel.
.. code-block :: yaml
# Example configuration entry
- platform: template
name: Alarm Panel
- "1234"
- input: zone_1
- input: zone_2
bypass_armed_home: true
Configuration variables:
- **codes** (*Optional* , list of string): A list of codes for disarming the alarm, if *requires_code_to_arm* set to true then for arming the alarm too.
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- **requires_code_to_arm** (*Optional* , boolean): Code required for arming the alarm, *codes* must be provided.
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- **arming_away_time** (*Optional* , :ref: `config-time` ): The exit delay before the alarm is armed to away mode. Defaults to `` 0s `` .
- **arming_home_time** (*Optional* , :ref: `config-time` ): The exit delay before the alarm is armed to home mode.
- **pending_time** (*Optional* , :ref: `config-time` ): The entry delay before the alarm is triggered. Defaults to `` 0s `` .
- **trigger_time** (*Optional* , :ref: `config-time` ): The time after a triggered alarm before resetting to previous state if the sensors are cleared/off. Defaults to `` 0s `` .
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- **binary_sensors** (*Optional* , *list* ): A list of binary sensors the panel should use. Each consists of:
- **input** (**Required** , string): The id of the binary sensor component
- **bypass_armed_home** (*Optional* , boolean): This binary sensor will not trigger the alarm when in `` armed_home `` state.
- **restore_mode** (*Optional* , enum):
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- `` ALWAYS_DISARMED `` (Default): Always start in `` disarmed `` state.
- `` RESTORE_DEFAULT_DISARMED `` : Restore state or default to `` disarmed `` state if no saved state was found.
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- All other options from :ref: `Alarm Control Panel <config-alarm_control_panel>`
.. note ::
If `` binary_sensors `` is ommited then you're expected to trigger the alarm using
:ref: `alarm_control_panel_pending_action` or :ref: `alarm_control_panel_triggered_action` .
.. _template_alarm_control_panel-state_flow:
State Flow:
1. The alarm starts in `` DISARMED `` state
2. When the `` arm_... `` method is invoked
a. `` arming_time `` greater than 0 the state is `` ARMING ``
b. `` arming_time `` is 0 or after the `` arming_time `` delay the state is `` ARM_AWAY `` or `` ARM_HOME ``
3. When the alarm is tripped by a sensor state changing to `` on ``
a. `` pending_time `` greater than 0 the state is `` PENDING ``
b. `` pending_time `` is 0 or after the `` pending_time `` delay the state is `` TRIGGERED ``
4. If `` trigger_time `` greater than 0 and no sensors are `` on `` after `` trigger_time `` delay
the state returns to `` ARM_AWAY `` or `` ARM_HOME ``
.. code-block :: yaml
platform: template
name: Alarm Panel
- "1234"
requires_code_to_arm: true
arming_time: 10s
pending_time: 15s
trigger_time: 5min
- input: zone_1
- input: zone_2
bypass_armed_home: true
- input: ha_test
- lambda: !lambda |-
ESP_LOGD("TEST", "State change %s", alarm_control_panel_state_to_string(id(acp1)->get_state()));
- switch.turn_on: siren
- switch.turn_off: siren
- platform: gpio
id: zone_1
name: Zone 1
device_class: door
number: D1
inverted: True
- platform: gpio
id: zone_2
name: Zone 2
device_class: motion
number: D2
inverted: True
- platform: homeassistant
id: ha_test
name: Zone 3
entity_id: input_boolean.test_switch
- platform: gpio
id: siren
name: Siren
icon: mdi:alarm-bell
pin: D7
See Also
- :doc: `index`
- :doc: `/components/binary_sensor/index`
- :apiref: `template/alarm_control_panel/template_alarm_control_panel.h`
- :ghedit: `Edit`