2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
HTTP Request
.. seo ::
:description: Instructions for setting up HTTP Requests in ESPHome
2021-11-16 03:19:33 +01:00
:image: connection.svg
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
:keywords: http, request
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
The `` http_request `` component lets you make HTTP/HTTPS requests. To do so, you need to add it to your device's configuration:
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
.. code-block :: yaml
# Example configuration entry
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
.. _http_request-configuration_variables:
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
Configuration variables:
- **id** (*Optional* , :ref: `config-id` ): Manually specify the ID used for code generation.
2022-01-25 09:53:56 +01:00
- **follow_redirects** (*Optional* , boolean): Enable following HTTP redirects. Defaults to `` true `` .
- **redirect_limit** (*Optional* , integer): Maximum amount of redirects to follow when enabled. Defaults to `` 3 `` .
2024-07-23 03:51:37 +02:00
- **timeout** (*Optional* , :ref: `config-time` ): Timeout for request. Defaults to `` 4.5s `` .
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
- **useragent** (*Optional* , string): User-Agent header for requests. Defaults to
`` ESPHome/<version> (https://esphome.io) `` where `` <version> `` is the version of ESPHome the device is running.
For example: `` ESPHome/2024.6.0 (https://esphome.io) ``
- **verify_ssl** (*Optional* , boolean): When set to `` true `` (default), SSL/TLS certificates will be validated upon
connection; if invalid, the connection will be aborted. To accomplish this, ESP-IDF's default ESP x509 certificate
bundle is included in the build. This certificate bundle includes the complete list of root certificates from
Mozilla's NSS root certificate store. **May only be set to true when using the ESP-IDF framework; must be explicitly
set to false when using the Arduino framework.**
- **watchdog_timeout** (*Optional* , :ref: `config-time` ): Change the watchdog timeout during connection/data transfer.
May be useful on slow connections or connections with high latency. **Do not change this value unless you are
experiencing device reboots due to watchdog timeouts;** doing so may prevent the device from rebooting due to a
legitimate problem. **Only available on ESP32 and RP2040** .
2024-07-24 05:51:01 +02:00
**For the ESP32 when using ESP-IDF:**
- **buffer_size_rx** (*Optional* , integer): Change HTTP receive buffer size. Defaults to `` 512 `` .
- **buffer_size_tx** (*Optional* , integer): Change HTTP transmit buffer size. Defaults to `` 512 `` .
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
**For the ESP8266:**
- **esp8266_disable_ssl_support** (*Optional* , boolean): Determines whether to include HTTPS/SSL support in the
firmware binary. Excluding the SSL libraries from your build will result in a smaller binary, which may be
necessary for memory-constrained devices (512 kB or 1 MB). If you see
`` Error: ESP does not have enough space to store OTA file `` in your device's logs, you may need to enable this
option. Defaults to `` false `` . By setting this option to `` true `` :
- HTTPS connections will not be possible
- `` verify_ssl: false `` is implied
.. warning ::
Setting `` verify_ssl `` to `` false `` **reduces security** when using HTTPS connections!
Without the root certificate bundle, certificates used by the remote HTTPS server cannot be verified, opening the
HTTPS connection up to person-in-the-middle attacks.
2024-06-13 06:06:06 +02:00
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
To maximize security, do not set `` verify_ssl `` to `` false `` *unless:*
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2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
- a custom CA/self-signed certificate is used,
- the Arduino framework is used, or
- the device does not have sufficient memory to store the certificate bundle
**We strongly recommend using hardware which properly supports TLS/SSL.**
2021-09-19 19:44:54 +02:00
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
HTTP Request Actions
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
The `` http_request `` component supports a number of :ref: `actions <config-action>` that can be used to send requests.
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
.. _http_request-get_action:
`` http_request.get `` Action
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This :ref: `action <config-action>` sends a GET request.
.. code-block :: yaml
- http_request.get:
url: https://esphome.io
Content-Type: application/json
2021-03-22 04:26:19 +01:00
- logger.log:
2023-01-10 05:40:48 +01:00
format: 'Response status: %d, Duration: %u ms'
2021-03-22 04:26:19 +01:00
2024-07-14 22:52:49 +02:00
- response->status_code
- response->duration_ms
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
# Short form
- http_request.get: https://esphome.io
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
**Configuration variables:**
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
- **url** (**Required** , string, :ref: `templatable <config-templatable>` ): URL to which to send the request.
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
- **headers** (*Optional* , mapping): Map of HTTP headers. Values are :ref: `templatable <config-templatable>` .
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
- **capture_response** (*Optional* , boolean): when set to `` true `` , the response data will be captured and placed into
the `` body `` variable as a `` std::string `` for use in :ref: `lambdas <config-lambda>` . Defaults to `` false `` .
- **max_response_buffer_size** (*Optional* , integer): The maximum buffer size to be used to store the response.
Defaults to `` 1 kB `` .
- **on_response** (*Optional* , :ref: `Automation <automation>` ): An automation to perform after the request is received.
2024-10-30 02:11:01 +01:00
- **on_error** (*Optional* , :ref: `Automation <automation>` ): An automation to perform if the request cannot be completed.
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
.. _http_request-post_action:
`` http_request.post `` Action
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This :ref: `action <config-action>` sends a POST request.
.. code-block :: yaml
- http_request.post:
url: https://esphome.io
Content-Type: application/json
key: value
# Short form
- http_request.post: https://esphome.io
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
**Configuration variables:**
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
- **body** (*Optional* , string, :ref: `templatable <config-templatable>` ): A HTTP body string to send with request.
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
- **json** (*Optional* , mapping): A HTTP body in JSON format. Values are :ref: `templatable <config-templatable>` .
See :ref: `http_request-examples` .
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
- All other options from :ref: `http_request-get_action` .
.. _http_request-send_action:
`` http_request.send `` Action
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This :ref: `action <config-action>` sends a request.
.. code-block :: yaml
- http_request.send:
method: PUT
url: https://esphome.io
Content-Type: application/json
body: "Some data"
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
**Configuration variables:**
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
- **method** (**Required** , string): HTTP method to use (`` GET `` , `` POST `` , `` PUT `` , `` DELETE `` , `` PATCH `` ).
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
- All other options from :ref: `http_request-post_action` and :ref: `http_request-get_action` .
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
2021-03-22 04:26:19 +01:00
.. _http_request-on_response:
`` on_response `` Trigger
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
This automation will be triggered when the HTTP request is complete.
The following variables are available for use in :ref: `lambdas <config-lambda>` :
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- `` response `` as a pointer to `` HttpContainer `` object which contains `` content_length `` , `` status_code `` and `` duration_ms `` .
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- `` body `` as `` std::string `` which contains the response body when `` capture_response ``
(see :ref: `http_request-get_action` ) is set to `` true `` .
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2024-10-29 01:23:38 +01:00
.. note ::
The `` status_code `` should be checked before using the `` body `` variable. A successful response will usually have
a status code of `` 200 `` . Server errors such as "not found" (404) or "internal server error" (500) will have an appropriate status code, and may contain an error message in the `` body `` variable.
2021-03-22 04:26:19 +01:00
.. code-block :: yaml
- http_request.get:
url: https://esphome.io
- logger.log:
2023-01-10 05:40:48 +01:00
format: "Response status: %d, Duration: %u ms"
2021-03-22 04:26:19 +01:00
2024-07-14 22:52:49 +02:00
- response->status_code
- response->duration_ms
2024-07-17 12:35:29 +02:00
- lambda: |-
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Response status: %d, Duration: %u ms", response->status_code, response->duration_ms);
2024-10-30 02:11:01 +01:00
- logger.log: "Request failed!"
.. _http_request-on_error:
`` on_error `` Trigger
This automation will be triggered when the HTTP request fails to complete. This may be e.g. when the network is not available,
or the server is not reachable. This will *not* be triggered if the request
completes, even if the response code is not 200. No information on the type of error is available and no variables
are available for use in :ref: `lambdas <config-lambda>` . See example usage above.
2021-03-22 04:26:19 +01:00
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
.. _http_request-examples:
Templatable values
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.. code-block :: yaml
- http_request.post:
url: !lambda |-
return ((std::string) "https://esphome.io?state=" + id(my_sensor).state).c_str();
X-Custom-Header: !lambda |-
return ((std::string) "Value-" + id(my_sensor).state).c_str();
body: !lambda |-
return id(my_sensor).state;
2022-03-12 19:27:48 +01:00
POST Body in JSON format (syntax 1)
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2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
**Note:** all values of the map must be strings. It is not possible to send JSON `` boolean `` or `` numbers `` with this
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
.. code-block :: yaml
- http_request.post:
url: https://esphome.io
key: !lambda |-
return id(my_sensor).state;
greeting: "Hello World"
# Will send:
# {"key": "42.0", "greeting": "Hello World"}
2022-03-12 19:27:48 +01:00
POST Body in JSON format (syntax 2)
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2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
**Note:** use this syntax to send `` boolean `` or `` numbers `` in JSON.
The JSON message will be constructed using the `ArduinoJson <https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson> `__ library.
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In the `` json `` option you have access to a `` root `` object which represents the base object of the JSON message. You
can assign values to keys by using the `` root["KEY_NAME"] = VALUE; `` syntax as shown below.
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
.. code-block :: yaml
- http_request.post:
url: https://esphome.io
json: |-
root["key"] = id(my_sensor).state;
root["greeting"] = "Hello World";
# Will send:
# {"key": 42.0, "greeting": "Hello World"}
2022-03-12 19:27:48 +01:00
GET values from a JSON body response
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2024-11-08 05:02:07 +01:00
If you want to retrieve the value for the vol key and assign it to a template sensor or number component whose id is
2024-11-07 00:40:12 +01:00
set to player_volume you can do this, but note that checking for the presence of the key will prevent difficult-to-read
error messages:
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2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
This example assumes that the server returns a response as a JSON object similar to this:
2022-03-12 19:27:48 +01:00
`` {"status":"play","vol":"42","mute":"0"} ``
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
If you want to retrieve the value for the `` vol `` key and assign it to a template `` sensor `` or `` number `` component
whose `` id `` is set to `` player_volume `` :
2022-03-12 19:27:48 +01:00
.. code-block :: yaml
- http_request.get:
url: https://esphome.io
2024-06-10 02:36:21 +02:00
capture_response: true
2022-03-12 19:27:48 +01:00
2024-10-29 01:23:38 +01:00
- if:
lambda: return response->status_code == 200;
- lambda: |-
json::parse_json(body, [](JsonObject root) -> bool {
2024-11-08 05:02:07 +01:00
if (root["vol"]) {
} else {
ESP_LOGD(TAG,"No 'vol' key in this json!");
2024-11-11 02:22:47 +01:00
2024-10-29 01:23:38 +01:00
- logger.log:
format: "Error: Response status: %d, message %s"
args: [response->status_code, body.c_str()];
2022-03-12 19:27:48 +01:00
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
See Also
- :doc: `index`
- :apiref: `http_request/http_request.h`
2024-11-07 00:40:12 +01:00
- :doc: `/components/json`
2019-11-09 18:39:13 +01:00
- :ghedit: `Edit`