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2018-06-05 21:17:49 +02:00
Version 1.7.0
2018-06-13 22:38:49 +02:00
================================================== ================================================== ==================================================
|ESP32 BLE Beacon|_ |Status LED|_ |WiFi Signal Strength|_
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
`ESP32 BLE Beacon`_ `Status LED`_ `WiFi Signal Strength`_
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
|Duty Cycle Sensor|_ |Pulse Counter for ESP8266|_ |Remote Transmitter|_
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
`Duty Cycle Sensor`_ `Pulse Counter for ESP8266`_ `Remote Transmitter`_
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
|Remote Receiver|_
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
`Remote Receiver`_
================================================== ================================================== ==================================================
.. |ESP32 BLE Beacon| image:: /esphomeyaml/images/bluetooth.svg
:class: component-image
.. _ESP32 BLE Beacon: /esphomeyaml/components/esp32_ble_beacon.html
.. |Status LED| image:: /esphomeyaml/images/led-on.svg
:class: component-image
.. _Status LED: /esphomeyaml/components/status_led.html
.. |WiFi Signal Strength| image:: /esphomeyaml/images/network-wifi.svg
:class: component-image
.. _WiFi Signal Strength: /esphomeyaml/components/sensor/wifi_signal.html
.. |Duty Cycle Sensor| image:: /esphomeyaml/images/percent.svg
:class: component-image
.. _Duty Cycle Sensor: /esphomeyaml/components/sensor/duty_cycle.html
.. |Pulse Counter for ESP8266| image:: /esphomeyaml/images/pulse.svg
:class: component-image
.. _Pulse Counter for ESP8266: /esphomeyaml/components/sensor/pulse_counter.html
.. |Remote Transmitter| image:: /esphomeyaml/images/remote.svg
:class: component-image
.. _Remote Transmitter: /esphomeyaml/components/switch/remote_transmitter.html
.. |Remote Receiver| image:: /esphomeyaml/images/remote.svg
:class: component-image
.. _Remote Receiver: /esphomeyaml/components/binary_sensor/remote_receiver.html
New Components
- New :doc:`WiFi signal strength sensor </esphomeyaml/components/sensor/wifi_signal>` by
`@brandond <>`__. So now you can monitor how strong the WiFi signal is for your node 📶
- You can now create a BLE iBeacon with your ESP32s using the new
:doc:`BLE Beacon component </esphomeyaml/components/esp32_ble_beacon>`.
- esphomelib has finally gained support for a :doc:`status LED </esphomeyaml/components/status_led>`. Now
you can quickly identify if everything is OK with your ESP with a quick look at this LED. Happy |blinking|!
.. |blinking| raw:: html
<span class="blink-tag">blinking</span>
- The :doc:`pulse counter sensor </esphomeyaml/components/sensor/pulse_counter>` has been backported to the
ESP8266, so now you can observe the number of pulses and frequency on any pin 🔢
- A new :doc:`duty cycle sensor </esphomeyaml/components/sensor/duty_cycle>` has been added, allowing you to
measure how much of the time a specific pin is HIGH or LOW. Can for example be used to detect if a status LED
on an external device is blinking or permanently on.
- The new :doc:`remote receiver </esphomeyaml/components/remote_transmitter>` and
:doc:`remote transmitter </esphomeyaml/components/remote_receiver>` components now allows you to use any 433MHz
receivers and senders with esphomelib. Currently, you will need to use the ``raw`` data as described in
:ref:`this guide <finding_remote_codes>`, but in the future more protocols will be supported out of the box.
New Features
- The HassIO add-on now has a new ``password`` option with which you can secure your installation. See
:doc:`/esphomeyaml/guides/getting_started_hassio`. 🔒
- Binary Sensors now have filters too. They can now be used to debounce any binary sensor and do some more
complicated actions using lambdas. See :ref:`binary_sensor-filters`. ⛹️‍
- All components can now be flagged ``internal``. Doing so will prevent them from being represented in the front-end
(like MQTT). Useful for :ref:`on-device automations <automation>`. See 😎
2018-06-05 21:17:49 +02:00
- The :doc:`/esphomeyaml/components/deep_sleep` now has a ``wakeup_pin_mode`` option for the ESP32. This option
can be used to tell esphomelib what to do if the wakeup pin is already in the wakeup level when attempting
2018-06-13 22:38:49 +02:00
to enter deep sleep. 🛌
2018-06-07 17:08:25 +02:00
- There are two new triggers available now: :ref:`esphomeyaml.on_boot <esphomeyaml-on_boot>` and
:ref:`esphomeyaml.on_shutdown <esphomeyaml-on_shutdown>` with which you can do some advanced cleanup/setup
on boot and shutdown of the node.
2018-06-05 21:17:49 +02:00
2018-06-13 22:38:49 +02:00
- All HassIO add-on builds have now been more or less completely automated using a private Gitlab server. You
can find all the new docker files `here <>`__.
- Added a new ``build_path`` option in the ``esphomeyaml`` section with which you can customize where
esphomeyaml stores the platformio project files. See :doc:`/esphomeyaml/components/esphomeyaml`.
2018-06-05 21:17:49 +02:00
Breaking Changes
2018-06-13 22:38:49 +02:00
- Fixed the :doc:`SHT3x-D </esphomeyaml/components/sensor/sht3xd>` component and removed the ``accuracy``
2018-06-07 14:26:06 +02:00
parameter. The accuracy now defaults to ``HIGH``.
2018-06-13 22:38:49 +02:00
- The ``inverted`` option of binary sensors has been moved into the ``filters:`` section. So instead of
.. code:: yaml
- platform: ...
# ...
inverted: True
you would now write:
.. code:: yaml
- platform: ...
# ...
- invert:
- The ``esp32_ble`` component and platform have been renamed to :doc:`esp32_ble_tracker
</esphomeyaml/components/esp32_ble_tracker>` in order to make the naming clearer with the new :doc:`esp32_ble_beacon
</esphomeyaml/components/esp32_ble_beacon>` component.
- The ``receive_timeout`` option has been removed from the :doc:`i2c component </esphomeyaml/components/i2c>` as it
turns out it didn't actually do anything.
- The ``ir_transmitter`` component has been renamed to :doc:`remote_transmitter </esphomeyaml/components/remote_transmitter>`
as it now works with all kinds of protocols, not just infrared-based ones.
- The ``pull_mode`` option of the :doc:`Pulse Counter </esphomeyaml/components/sensor/pulse_counter>` has been removed, please
use the :ref:`Pin Schema <config-pin_schema>` now instead. Additionally, the ``internal_filter`` option now only accepts
:ref:`time <config-time>` units.
Other Contributions
(Not in any order and probably missed some, still figuring this changelog stuff out...)
- Make sure logs after upload works when using explicit OTA. (`esphomeyaml/#42`_) by `@aequitas`_
- Fix deprecation of board_flash_mode parameter (`esphomeyaml/#41`_) by `@aequitas`_
- Support specifying hostname/ip as --upload-port (`esphomeyaml/#36`_) by `@aequitas`_
- DHT11 sensor doesn't work with esphomelib (`esphomelib/#88`_) by `@ayavilevich`_
- tsl2561: wrong i2c function for channel 1 (`esphomelib/#81`_) by `@schumar`_
- No need to wait after Wire.requestFrom(). (`esphomelib/#80`_) by `@Koepel`_
- I2CComponent::write_byte_16 writes 0 words (`esphomelib/#78`_) by `@schumar`_
- Minor update to the feature section (`esphomelib/#71`_) by `@fabaff`_
- Fix pin number (`esphomelib/#70`_) by `@fabaff`_
- Fix #55 - Action._next not initialized to nullptr (`esphomelib/#57`_) by `@brandond`_
- Add workaround for out of space esp8266 ota update. (`esphomedocs/#12`_) by `@aequitas`_
- Add cookbook for dual relay cover (`esphomedocs/#10`_) by `@r-jordan`_
- Correct output pin declaration in S20 device guide example. (`esphomedocs/#9`_) by `@r-jordan`_
- Remove BMP280 (doesn't work) (`esphomedocs/#8`_) by `@fabaff`_
- Passing inverted to output should be valid, but does not work, use … (`esphomedocs/#7`_) by `@aequitas`_
- Make the example configuration entry copy&paste-friendly (`esphomedocs/#6`_) by `@fabaff`_
- Minor formatting tweaks. (`esphomedocs/#4`_) by `@Landradsh`_
- Details about Sonoff basic (`esphomedocs/#3`_) by `@fabaff`_
- Add missing module (`esphomedocs/#2`_) by `@fabaff`_
- Fix unit name (`esphomedocs/#1`_) by `@fabaff`_
.. _esphomeyaml/#36:
.. _esphomeyaml/#42:
.. _esphomeyaml/#41:
.. _esphomelib/#88:
.. _esphomelib/#81:
.. _esphomelib/#80:
.. _esphomelib/#78:
.. _esphomelib/#71:
.. _esphomelib/#70:
.. _esphomelib/#57:
.. _esphomedocs/#12:
.. _esphomedocs/#10:
.. _esphomedocs/#9:
.. _esphomedocs/#8:
.. _esphomedocs/#7:
.. _esphomedocs/#6:
.. _esphomedocs/#4:
.. _esphomedocs/#3:
.. _esphomedocs/#2:
.. _esphomedocs/#1:
2018-06-05 21:17:49 +02:00
2018-06-13 22:38:49 +02:00
.. _@aequitas:
.. _@ayavilevich:
.. _@schumar:
.. _@Koepel:
.. _@fabaff:
.. _@brandond:
.. _@r-jordan:
.. _@Landradsh: