-``coil``: Coils are 1-bit registers (on/off values) that are used to control discrete outputs. They may be read and/or written. Modbus *Function Code 1 (Read Coil Status)* will be used.
-``discrete_input``: discrete input register (read only coil) are similar to coils but can only be read. Modbus *Function Code 2 (Read Input Status)* will be used.
-``holding``: Holding Registers - Holding registers are the most universal 16-bit register. They may be read and/or written. Modbus *Function Code 3 (Read Holding Registers)* will be used.
-``read``: Read Input Registers - registers are 16-bit registers used for input, and may only be read. Modbus *Function Code 4 (Read Input Registers)* will be used.
-**skip_updates** (*Optional*, int): By default all sensors of a modbus_controller are updated together. For data points that don't change very frequently updates can be skipped. A value of 5 would only update this sensor range in every 5th update cycle
-**register_count** (*Optional*, int): The number of consecutive registers this read request should span or skip in a single command. Default is 1. See :ref:`modbus_register_count` for more details.
-**response_size** (**Required**): Number of bytes of the response.
-**raw_encode** (*Optional*, enum): If the response is binary it can't be published directly. Since a text sensor only publishes strings the binary data can be encoded:
-**force_new_range** (*Optional*, boolean): If possible sensors with sequential addresses are grouped together and requested in one range. Setting ``force_new_range: true`` enforces the start of a new range at that address.
-**custom_command** (*Optional*, list of bytes): raw bytes for modbus command. This allows using non-standard commands. If ``custom_command`` is used ``address`` and ``register_type`` can't be used.
custom command must contain all required bytes including the modbus device address. The crc is automatically calculated and appended to the command.
See :ref:`modbus_custom_command` how to use ``custom_command``
-**x** (std:string): The parsed value of the modbus data according to **raw_encode**
-**data** (std::vector<uint8_t): vector containing the complete raw modbus response bytes for this sensor
*note:* because the response contains data for all registers in the same range you have to use ``data[item->offset]`` to get the first response byte for your sensor.
-**item** (const pointer to a SensorItem derived object): The sensor object itself.
-**offset** (*Optional*, int): Offset from start address in bytes (only required for uncommon response encodings). If more than one register is written in a command this value is used to find the start of this datapoint relative to start address. The component calculates the size of the range based on offset and size of the value type. The value for offset depends on the register type.