At the next level of the LVGL object hierarchy are the widgets, which support styling directly. They can have sub-parts, which may be styled separately. Usually styles are inherited, but this depends on widget specifics or functionality. The widget and its parts have states, and different styling can be set for different states.
Widgets can have children, which can be any other widgets. Think of this as a nested structure. The child widgets move with the parent and, if the parent is hidden, its children will also be hidden.
By default, LVGL draws new widgets on top of old widgets, including their children. When widgets have children, property inheritance takes place. Some properties (typically those related to text and opacity) can be inherited from the parent widgets's styles. When the property is inheritable, the parent will be searched for an object which specifies a value for the property. The parents will use their own :ref:`state <lvgl-widgetproperty-state>` to determine the value. For example, if a button is pressed and the text color is defined by the "pressed" state, this "pressed" text color will be used.
Common properties
The properties below are common to all widgets.
**Configuration variables:**
-**id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation.
-**x** (*Optional*, int16 or percentage): Horizontal position of the widget.
-**y** (*Optional*, int16 or percentage): Vertical position of the widget.
By default, the ``x`` and ``y`` coordinates are measured from the *top left corner* of the parent's content area. :ref:`Important <lvgl-styling>`: content area starts *after the padding* thus if the parent has a non-zero padding value, position will be shifted with that. Percentage values are calculated from the parent's content area size.
If specifying ``align``, ``x`` and ``y`` can be used as an offset to the calculated position (can also be negative). They are ignored if :ref:`lvgl-layouts` are used on the parent.
-**height** (*Optional*): Height of the widget in pixels or a percentage, or ``SIZE_CONTENT``.
-**width** (*Optional*): Width of the widget in pixels or a percentage, or ``SIZE_CONTENT``.
The size settings support a special value: ``SIZE_CONTENT``. It means the widget's size in the respective direction will be set to the size of its children. Note that only children on the right and bottom sides will be considered and children on the top and left remain cropped. This limitation makes the behavior more predictable. Widgets with ``hidden`` or ``floating`` flags will be ignored by the ``SIZE_CONTENT`` calculation.
Similarly to CSS, LVGL also supports ``min_width``, ``max_width``, ``min_height`` and ``max_height``. These are limits preventing a widget's size from becoming smaller/larger than these values. They are especially useful if the size is set by percentage or ``SIZE_CONTENT``.
-**min_width**, **max_width**, **min_height**, **max_height** (*Optional*, int16 or percentage): Sets a minimal/maximal width or a minimal/maximal height. Pixel and percentage values can be used. Percentage values are relative to the dimensions of the parent's content area. Defaults to ``0%``.
-**scrollbar_mode** (*Optional*, string): If a child widget is outside its parent content area (the size without padding), the parent can become scrollable (see the ``scrollable``:ref:`flag <lvgl-widget-flags>`). The widget can either be scrolled horizontally or vertically in one stroke. Scroll bars can appear depending on the setting:
-``"OFF"``: Never show the scroll bars (use the double quotes!).
-``"ON"``: Always show the scroll bars (use the double quotes!).
-``"ACTIVE"``: Show scroll bars while a widget is being scrolled.
-``"AUTO"``: Show scroll bars when the content is large enough to be scrolled (default).
-**align** (*Optional*, enum): Alignment of the of the widget relative to the parent. A child widget is clipped to its parent boundaries. One of the values *not* starting with ``OUT_`` (see picture below).
-**align_to** (*Optional*, list): Alignment of the of the widget relative to another widget on the same level:
-**id** (**Required**): The ID of a widget *to* which you want to align.
-**align** (**Required**, string): Desired alignment (one of the values starting with ``OUT_``).
-**x** (*Optional*, int16 or percentage): Horizontal offset position. Default ``0``.
-**y** (*Optional*, int16 or percentage): Vertical offset position. Default ``0``.
..figure:: /components/lvgl/images/lvgl_align.png
-**group** (*Optional*, string): The name of the group of widgets which will interact with a :doc:`/components/sensor/rotary_encoder`. In every group there is always one focused widget which receives the encoder actions. You need to associate an input device with a group. An input device can send key events to only one group but a group can receive data from more than one input device. If no group is specified for a widget or an encoder, an unnamed default group will be assigned, so in most cases where only one encoder is used it will not be necessary to explicitly specify a group.
-**layout** (*Optional*): See :ref:`lvgl-layouts` for details. Defaults to ``NONE``.
-**styles** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): The ID of a *style definition* from the main component configuration to override the theme styles.
-**theme** (*Optional*, list): A list of styles to apply to the widget and children. Same configuration option as at the main component.
-**widgets** (*Optional*, list): A list of LVGL widgets to be drawn as children of this widget. Same configuration option as at the main component.
-**state** (*Optional*, dict): Widgets or their (sub)parts can have have states, which support separate styling. These state styles inherit from the theme, but can be locally set or overridden within style definitions. Can be one of:
-**checked** (*Optional*, boolean): Toggled or checked state.
-**default** (*Optional*, boolean): Normal, released state.
-**disabled** (*Optional*, boolean): Disabled state (also usable with :ref:`shorthand <lvgl-automation-shorthands>` actions ``lvgl.widget.enable`` and ``lvgl.widget.disable``).
-**edited** (*Optional*, boolean): Edit by an encoder.
-**focus_key** (*Optional*, boolean): Focused via keypad or encoder but *not* via touch screen.
-**focused** (*Optional*, boolean): Focused via keypad or encoder or clicked via touch screen.
-**pressed** (*Optional*, boolean): Being pressed.
-**scrolled** (*Optional*, boolean): Being scrolled.
-**user_1**, **user_2**, **user_3**, **user_4** (*Optional*, boolean): Custom states.
By default, states are all ``false``, and they are templatable.
To apply styles to the states, you need to specify them one level above, for example:
..code-block:: yaml
- button:
checkable: true
checked: true # here you activate the state to be used at boot
bg_color: 0x00FF00 # here you apply styles to be used when in the respective state
The state itself can be can be changed by interacting with the widget, or through :ref:`actions <lvgl-automation-actions>` with ``lvgl.widget.update``.
See :ref:`lvgl-cookbook-cover` for a cookbook example which demonstrates how to use styling and properties to show different states of a Home Assistant entity.
In addition to visual styling, each widget supports some boolean **flags** to influence the behavior:
-**adv_hittest** (*Optional*, boolean): allow performing more accurate hit (click) test. For example, may help by accounting for rounded corners.
-**checkable** (*Optional*, boolean): toggle checked state when the widget is clicked.
-**click_focusable** (*Optional*, boolean): add focused state to the widget when clicked.
-**clickable** (*Optional*, boolean): make the widget clickable by input devices. Defaults to ``true``. If ``false``, it will pass the click to the widgets behind it (clicking through).
-**event_bubble** (*Optional*, boolean): propagate the events to the parent.
-**floating** (*Optional*, boolean): do not scroll the widget when the parent scrolls and ignore layout.
-**gesture_bubble** (*Optional*, boolean): propagate the gestures to the parent.
-**hidden** (*Optional*, boolean): make the widget hidden (like it wasn't there at all), also usable with :ref:`shorthand <lvgl-automation-shorthands>` actions ```` and ``lvgl.widget.hide``. Hidden objects are ignored in layout calculations. Defaults to ``false``.
-**ignore_layout** (*Optional*, boolean): the widget is simply ignored by the layouts. Its coordinates can be set as usual.
-**layout_1**, **layout_2** (*Optional*, boolean): custom flags, free to use by layouts.
-**overflow_visible** (*Optional*, boolean): do not clip the children's content to the parent's boundary.
-**press_lock** (*Optional*, boolean): keep the widget pressed even if the press slid from the widget.
-**scroll_chain simple** (*Optional*, boolean): packaging for (``scroll_chain_hor | scroll_chain_ver``).
-**scroll_chain_hor** (*Optional*, boolean): allow propagating the horizontal scroll to a parent.
-**scroll_chain_ver** (*Optional*, boolean): allow propagating the vertical scroll to a parent.
-**scroll_elastic** (*Optional*, boolean): allow scrolling inside but with slower speed.
-**scroll_momentum** (*Optional*, boolean): make the widget scroll further when "thrown".
-**scroll_on_focus** (*Optional*, boolean): automatically scroll widget to make it visible when focused.
-**scroll_one** (*Optional*, boolean): allow scrolling only on ``snappable`` children.
-**scroll_with_arrow** (*Optional*, boolean): allow scrolling the focused widget with arrow keys.
-**scrollable** (*Optional*, boolean): the widget can become scrollable. Defaults to ``true`` (also see the ``scrollbar_mode`` property).
-**snappable** (*Optional*, boolean): if scroll snap is enabled on the parent it can snap to this widget.
-**user_1**, **user_2**, **user_3**, **user_4** (*Optional*, boolean): custom flags, free to use by user.
-**widget_1**, **widget_2** (*Optional*, boolean): custom flags, free to use by widget.
LVGL only supports **integers** for numeric ``value``. Visualizer widgets can't display floats directly, but they allow scaling by 10s. Some examples in the :doc:`Cookbook </cookbook/lvgl>` cover how to do that.
Widgets can have multiple parts, each of which can be styled independently. For example, a checkbox has a *main* part that styles the background and text label, and an *indicator* part that styles the tick box. All widgets have a *main* part, the available parts for other widgets are specified in the widget description.
The possible parts are:
-**main** (*Optional*, dict): The main part of the widget, i.e. the background. Any style properties applied at the top level of the widget are assumed to apply to this part, but may also be specified under the *main* config key.
-**scrollbar** (*Optional*, dict): The scrollbar styles.
-**indicator** (*Optional*, dict): The indicator part of the widget. The indicator part may be used to show tick boxes or other visual indicators in slider, bar or arc.
-**knob** (*Optional*, dict): The knob part of the widget e.g. a draggable item in slider, bar or arc.
-**selected** (*Optional*, dict): The currently selected part of the widget, e.g. text or the selected item in a roller.
-**items** (*Optional*, dict): The items part of the widget, e.g. the items in a roller.
-**ticks** (*Optional*, dict): Ticks on scales for a meter.
-**cursor** (*Optional*, dict): The cursor part of the widget, e.g. the cursor in a spinbox.
..code-block:: yaml
# Example slider with knob and indicator styling
- slider:
# main (background) styles
bg_opa: cover
bg_grad: color_bar
radius: 0
bg_opa: transp # Makes the indicator part invisible
The animation image is similar to the normal ``image`` widget. The main difference is that instead of one source image, you set a list of multiple source images. You can also specify a duration and a repeat count.
-**src** (**Required**, list of :ref:`images <display-image>`): A list of IDs of existing image configurations to be loaded as frames of the animation.
-**auto_start** (*Optional*, boolean): Start the animation playback automatically at boot and when updating the widget. Defaults to ``true``.
-**duration** (**Required**, :ref:`Time <config-time>`): Total duration of a playback cycle (each frame is displayed for an equal amount of time).
-**repeat_count** (*Optional*, int16 or *forever*): The number of times playback should be repeated. Defaults to ``forever``.
- Some style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling` for the background rectangle that uses the typical background style properties and the image itself using the image style properties.
-``lvgl.animimg.start``:ref:`action <actions-action>` starts the animation playback if it was displayed with ``auto_start`` false or after ``repeat_count`` expired.
-**id** (**Required**): The ID or a list of IDs of animimg widgets which you want start.
-``lvgl.animimg.stop``:ref:`action <actions-action>` stops the animation playback.
-**id** (**Required**): The ID or a list of IDs of animimg widgets which you want stop.
-``lvgl.animimg.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` can be used to change ``repeat_count`` and ``duration``, just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags. ``src`` and ``auto_start`` cannot be updated at runtime.
The arc consists of a background and a foreground arc. The indicator foreground can be touch-adjusted with a knob.
..figure:: /components/lvgl/images/lvgl_arc.png
**Configuration variables:**
-**adjustable** (*Optional*, boolean): Add a knob that the user can move to change the value. Defaults to ``false``.
-**arc_color** (*Optional*, :ref:`color <lvgl-color>`): Color used to draw the arc.
-**arc_opa** (*Optional*, :ref:`opacity <lvgl-opacity>`): Opacity of the arc.
-**arc_rounded** (*Optional*, boolean): Make the end points of the arcs rounded. ``true`` rounded, ``false`` perpendicular line ending.
-**arc_width** (*Optional*, int16): Set the width of the arcs in pixels.
-**change_rate** (*Optional*, int8): If the arc is pressed the current value will set with a limited speed according to the set change rate. The change rate is defined in degree/second. Defaults to ``720``.
-**end_angle** (*Optional*, 0-360): end angle of the arc background (see note). Defaults to ``45``.
-**indicator** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the indicator *part* to show the value. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` and state-based styles to customize. Draws *another arc using the arc style* properties. Its padding values are interpreted relative to the background arc.
-**knob** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the knob *part* to control the value. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` and state-based styles to customize. Draws a handle on the end of the indicator using all background properties and padding values. With zero padding the knob size is the same as the indicator's width. Larger padding makes it larger, smaller padding makes it smaller.
-**max_value** (*Optional*, int8): Maximum value of the indicator. Defaults to ``100``.
-**min_value** (*Optional*, int8): Minimum value of the indicator. Defaults to ``0``.
-**mode** (*Optional*, string): ``NORMAL``: the indicator is drawn from the minimum value to the current. ``REVERSE``: the indicator is drawn counter-clockwise from the maximum value to the current. ``SYMMETRICAL``: the indicator is drawn from the middle point to the current value. Defaults to ``NORMAL``.
-**rotation** (*Optional*, 0-360): Offset to the 0 degree position. Defaults to ``0.0``.
-**start_angle** (*Optional*, 0-360): start angle of the arc background (see note). Defaults to ``135``.
-**value** (**Required**, int8): Actual value of the indicator at start, in ``0``-``100`` range. Defaults to ``0``.
- Any :ref:`Styling <lvgl-styling>` and state-based option to override styles inherited from parent. The arc's size and position will respect the padding style properties.
If the ``adv_hittest``:ref:`flag <lvgl-widget-flags>` is enabled the arc can be clicked through in the middle. Clicks are recognized only on the ring of the background arc.
The zero degree position is at the middle right (3 o'clock) of the widget and the degrees increase in a clockwise direction from there. Angles are specified in the ``0``-``360`` range.
-``lvgl.arc.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget styles and properties from the specific options above, just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags.
-``on_value``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated when the knob changes the value of the arc. The new value is returned in the variable ``x``.
-:ref:`interaction <lvgl-automation-triggers>` LVGL event triggers which also return the value in ``x``.
..code-block:: yaml
# Example widget:
- arc:
x: 10
y: 10
id: arc_id
value: 75
min_value: 0
max_value: 100
adjustable: true
# Example action:
- lvgl.arc.update:
id: arc_id
bg_color: 0x00FF00
value: 55
# Example trigger:
- arc:
- logger.log:
format: "Arc value is: %.0f"
args: [ 'x' ]
The ``on_value`` trigger is sent as the arc knob is dragged or changed with keys. The event is sent *continuously* while the arc knob is being dragged; this generally has a negative effect on performance. To mitigate this, consider using a :ref:`universal interaction trigger <lvgl-automation-triggers>` like ``on_release``, to get the ``x`` variable once after the interaction has completed.
The ``arc`` can be also integrated as a :doc:`Number </components/number/lvgl>` or :doc:`Sensor </components/sensor/lvgl>` component.
See :ref:`lvgl-cookbook-bright` and :ref:`lvgl-cookbook-volume` for examples which demonstrate how to use a slider (or an arc) to control entities in Home Assistant.
The bar widget has a background and an indicator foreground on it. The size of the indicator is set according to the current ``value`` of the bar.
..figure:: /components/lvgl/images/lvgl_bar.png
Vertical bars can be created if the width is smaller than the height.
Not only the end, but also the start value of the bar can be set, which changes the start position of the indicator.
**Configuration variables:**
-**anim_time** (*Optional*, :ref:`Time <config-time>`): Sets the animation time if the value is set with ``animated: true``.
-**animated** (*Optional*, boolean): Animate the indicator when the bar changes value. Defaults to ``true``.
-**indicator** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the indicator *part* to show the value. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` and state-based styles to customize, all the typical background properties.
-**max_value** (*Optional*, int8): Maximum value of the indicator. Defaults to ``100``.
-**min_value** (*Optional*, int8): Minimum value of the indicator. Defaults to ``0``.
-**mode** (*Optional*, string): ``NORMAL``: the indicator is drawn from the minimum value to the current. ``REVERSE``: the indicator is drawn counter-clockwise from the maximum value to the current. ``SYMMETRICAL``: the indicator is drawn from the middle point to the current value. Defaults to ``NORMAL``.
-**value** (**Required**, int8): Actual value of the indicator at start, in ``0``-``100`` range. Defaults to ``0``.
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling`. The background of the bar and it uses the typical background style properties. Adding padding will make the indicator smaller or larger.
-````:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget styles and properties from the specific options above, just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags.
-**checkable** (*Optional*, boolean): A significant :ref:`flag <lvgl-widget-flags>` to make a toggle button (which remains pressed in ``checked`` state). Defaults to ``false``.
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling` for the background of the button. Uses the typical background style properties.
A notable state is ``checked`` (boolean) which can have different styles applied.
-``on_value``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated after clicking. If ``checkable`` is ``true``, the boolean variable ``x``, representing the checked state, may be used by lambdas within this trigger.
To have a button with a text label on it, add a child :ref:`lvgl-widget-label` widget to it:
..code-block:: yaml
# Example toggle button with text:
- button:
x: 10
y: 10
width: 70
height: 30
id: btn_id
checkable: true
- label:
align: center
text: "Light"
# Example trigger:
- button:
- logger.log:
format: "Button checked state: %d"
args: [ x ]
The ``button`` can be also integrated as a :doc:`Binary Sensor </components/binary_sensor/lvgl>` or as a :doc:`Switch </components/switch/lvgl>` component.
The button matrix widget is a lightweight way to display multiple buttons in rows and columns. It's lightweight because the buttons are not actually created but instead simply drawn on the fly. This reduces the memory footprint of each button from approximately 200 bytes (for both the button and its label widget) down to only eight bytes.
-**width** (*Optional*): Width relative to the other buttons in the same row. Must be a value between ``1`` and ``15``; the default is ``1`` (for example, given a line with two buttons, one with ``width: 1`` and another one with ``width: 2``, the first will be ``33%`` wide while the second will be ``66%`` wide).
-**control** (*Optional*): Binary flags to control behavior of the buttons (all ``false`` by default):
-**checkable** (*Optional*, boolean): Enable toggling of a button, ``checked`` state will be added/removed as the button is clicked.
-**checked** (*Optional*, boolean): Make the button checked. Apply ``checked`` styles to the button.
-**click_trig** (*Optional*, boolean): Control how to :ref:`trigger <lvgl-automation-triggers>```on_value`` : if ``true`` on *click*, if ``false`` on *press*.
-**custom_1** and **custom_2** (*Optional*, boolean): Custom, free to use flags.
-**disabled** (*Optional*, boolean): Apply ``disabled`` styles to the button.
-**hidden** (*Optional*, boolean): Make a button hidden (hidden buttons still take up space in the layout, they are just not visible or clickable).
-**no_repeat** (*Optional*, boolean): Disable repeating when the button is long pressed.
-**popover** (*Optional*, boolean): Show the button label in a popover when pressing this button.
-**recolor** (*Optional*, boolean): Enable recoloring of button text with ``#``. For example: ``It's #FF0000 red#``
-**items** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the items *part*, the buttons all use the text and typical background style properties except translations and transformations.
-**one_checked** (*Optional*, boolean): Allow only one button to be checked at a time (aka. radio buttons). Defaults to ``false``.
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling` for the background of the button matrix, uses the typical background style properties. ``pad_row`` and ``pad_column`` set the space between the buttons.
-``lvgl.buttonmatrix.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the item styles and properties specified in the specific ``state``, ``items`` options.
-``lvgl.matrix.button.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the button styles and properties specified in the specific ``control``, ``width`` and ``selected`` options.
-``on_value`` and :ref:`interaction <lvgl-automation-triggers>` triggers can be configured for each button, is activated after clicking. If ``checkable`` is ``true``, the boolean variable ``x``, representing the checked state, may be used by lambdas within this trigger.
- The :ref:`interaction <lvgl-automation-triggers>` LVGL event triggers can be configured for the main widget, they pass the ID of the pressed button (or null if nothing pressed) as variable ``x`` (a pointer to a ``uint16_t`` which holds the index number of the button).
..code-block:: yaml
# Example widget:
- buttonmatrix:
x: 10
y: 40
width: 220
bg_color: 0xFFFF00
id: matrix_id
- buttons:
- id: button_1
text: "\uF04B"
checkable: true
- id: button_2
text: "\uF04C"
checkable: true
- buttons:
- id: button_3
text: "A"
popover: true
- id: button_4
text: "B"
disabled: true
- buttons:
- id: button_5
text: "It's #ff0000 red#"
width: 2
recolor: true
# Example action:
- lvgl.matrix.button.update:
id: button_1
width: 1
selected: true
checkable: false
- lvgl.buttonmatrix.update:
id: matrix_id
disabled: true
bg_color: 0xf0f0f0
# Example trigger:
- buttonmatrix:
- buttons:
- id: button_2
checkable: true
on_value: # Trigger for the individual button, returning the checked state
- logger.log:
format: "Button 2 checked: %d"
args: [ x ]
on_press: # Triggers for the matrix, to determine which button was pressed.
format: "Matrix button pressed: %d"
args: ["x"] # If x is 65535, it was the container, (or through a disabled button).
format: "Matrix button clicked: %d, is button_2 = %u"
The Button Matrix widget supports the :ref:`key_collector` to collect the button presses as key press sequences for further automations. Check out :ref:`lvgl-cookbook-keypad` for an example.
-**indicator** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the indicator *part* to show the value. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` and state-based styles to customize. The "tick box" is a square that uses all the typical background style properties. By default, its size is equal to the height of the main part's font. Padding properties make the tick box larger in the respective directions.
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling` for the background of the widget and it uses the text and all the typical background style properties. ``pad_column`` adjusts the spacing between the tick box and the label.
-``lvgl.checkbox.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget styles and properties from the specific options above, just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags.
``on_value``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated when toggling the checkbox. The boolean variable ``x``, representing the checkbox's state, may be used by lambdas within this trigger.
-:ref:`interaction <lvgl-automation-triggers>` LVGL event triggers which also return the value in ``x``.
In case you configure ``default_font`` in the main section to a custom font, the checkmark will not be shown correctly when the checkbox is in the checked state. See :ref:`lvgl-cookbook-ckboxmark` for how to easily resolve this.
The ``checkbox`` can be also integrated as a :doc:`Switch </components/switch/lvgl>` component.
The dropdown widget allows the user to select one value from a list.
The dropdown list is closed by default and displays a single value. When activated (by clicking on the drop-down list), a list is drawn from which the user may select one option. When the user selects a new value, the list is deleted from the screen.
-**dir** (*Optional*, str): Where the list part of the dropdown gets created relative to the button part. ``LEFT``, ``RIGHT``, ``BOTTOM``, ``TOP``, defaults to ``BOTTOM``.
-**dropdown_list** (*Optional*, dict): Settings for the the list with items. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` to customize. Notable are ``text_line_space`` and ``pad_all`` for spacing of list items, and ``text_font`` to separately change the font in the list. The parts ``main``, ``scrollbar`` and ``selected`` may be customised. Note that changing styles on the selected item should be done in the ``selected`` part with ``checked`` state. ``max_height`` can be used to limit the height of the list.
-**indicator** (*Optional*, dict): Styles for the dropdown symbol.
-**symbol** (*Optional*, dict): A symbol (typically an chevron) is shown in dropdown list. If ``dir`` of the drop-down list is ``LEFT`` the symbol will be shown on the left, otherwise on the right. Choose a different :ref:`symbol <lvgl-fonts>` from those built-in or from your own customized font.
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling` for the background of the button. Uses the typical background properties and :ref:`lvgl-widget-label` text properties for the text on it. ``text_font`` can be used to set the font of the button part, including the symbol.
-``lvgl.dropdown.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget styles and properties from the specific options above, just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags.
-``on_value``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated only when you select an item from the list. The new selected index is returned in the variable ``x``. The :ref:`interaction <lvgl-automation-triggers>` LVGL event triggers also apply, and they also return the selected index in ``x``.
-``on_cancel``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is also activated when you close the dropdown without selecting an item from the list. The currently selected index is returned in the variable ``x``.
-:ref:`interaction <lvgl-automation-triggers>` LVGL event triggers which also return the value in ``x``.
The ``dropdown`` can be also integrated as :doc:`Select </components/select/lvgl>` component.
Images are the basic widgets used to display images.
..figure:: /components/lvgl/images/lvgl_image.png
**Configuration variables:**
-**angle** (*Optional*, 0-360): Rotation of the image. Defaults to ``0.0``. Needs ``pivot_x`` and ``pivot_y`` to be specified.
-**antialias** (*Optional*): The quality of the angle or scale transformation. When anti-aliasing is enabled, the transformations are higher quality but slower. Defaults to ``false``.
-**mode** (*Optional*): Either ``REAL`` or ``VIRTUAL``. With ``VIRTUAL``, when the image is scaled or rotated, the real coordinates of the image object are not changed. The larger content simply overflows the object's boundaries. It also means the layouts are not affected the by the transformations. With ``REAL``, if the width/height of the object is set to ``SIZE_CONTENT``, the object's size will be set to the scaled and rotated size. If an explicit size is set, the overflowing content will be cropped. Defaults to ``VIRTUAL``.
-**offset_x** (*Optional*): Add a horrizontal offset to the image position.
-**offset_y** (*Optional*): Add a vertical offset to the image position.
-**pivot_x** (*Optional*): Horizontal position of the pivot point of rotation, in pixels, relative to the top left corner of the image.
-**pivot_y** (*Optional*): Vertical position of the pivot point of rotation, in pixels, relative to the top left corner of the image.
-**src** (**Required**, :ref:`image <display-image>`): The ID of an existing image configuration.
- Some style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling` for the background rectangle that uses the typical background style properties and the image itself using the image style properties.
-``lvgl.image.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget styles and properties from the specific options above, just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags. Updating the ``src`` option changes the image at runtime.
Currently ``RGB565`` type images are supported, with transparency using the optional parameter ``use_transparency`` set to ``true``. See :ref:`display-image` for how to load an image for rendering in ESPHome.
``offset_x`` and ``offset_y`` can be useful when the widget size is set to be smaller than the image source size. A "running image" effect can be created by animating these values.
The keyboard widget is a special Button matrix with predefined keymaps and other features to show an on-screen keyboard usable to type text into a :ref:`lvgl-widget-textarea`.
-**textarea** (*Optional*): The ID of a ``textarea`` to associate with the keyboard. If provided, all key entries are recorded in the ``textarea``.
-**mode** (*Optional*, enum): Keyboard layout to use. Each ``TEXT_`` layout contains a button to allow the user to iterate through the ``TEXT_`` layouts.
-``lvgl.keyboard.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the properties from the specific options above, plus any from :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>`.
-**id** (**Required**): The ID or a list of IDs of keyboard widgets which you want to update.
-``on_ready``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated when the checkmark key is pressed.
-``on_cancel``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated when the key containing the keyboard icon is pressed.
..code-block:: yaml
# Example widget:
- keyboard:
id: keyboard_id
textarea: textarea_1
# Example actions:
- lvgl.keyboard.update:
id: keyboard_id
mode: number
textarea: textarea_2
# Example trigger:
- keyboard:
- logger.log: Keyboard is ready
- logger.log: Keyboard cancelled
The Keyboard widget supports the :ref:`key_collector` to collect the button presses as key press sequences for further automations.
The Keyboard widget in ESPHome doesn't support popovers or custom layouts.
A label is the basic widget type that is used to display text.
..figure:: /components/lvgl/images/lvgl_label.png
**Configuration variables:**
-**long_mode** (*Optional*, list): By default, the width and height of the label is set to ``SIZE_CONTENT``. Therefore, the size of the label is automatically expanded to the text size. Otherwise, if the ``width`` or ``height`` are explicitly set (or set by :ref:`lvgl-layouts`), the lines wider than the label's width can be manipulated according to the long mode policies below. These policies can be applied if the height of the text is greater than the height of the label.
-``WRAP``: Wrap lines which are too long. If the height is ``SIZE_CONTENT``, the label's height will be expanded, otherwise the text will be clipped (default).
-``DOT``: Replaces the last 3 characters from bottom right corner of the label with dots.
-``SCROLL``: If the text is wider than the label, scroll the text horizontally back and forth. If it's higher, scroll vertically. Text will scroll in only one direction; horizontal scrolling has higher precedence.
-``SCROLL_CIRCULAR``: If the text is wider than the label, continuously scroll the text horizontally. If it's higher, scroll vertically. Text will scroll in only one direction; horizontal scrolling has higher precedence.
-``CLIP``: Simply clip the parts of the text outside the label.
-**recolor** (*Optional*, boolean): Enable recoloring of button text with ``#``. This makes it possible to set the color of characters in the text individually by prefixing the text to be re-colored with a ``#RRGGBB`` hexadecimal color code followed by a *space*, and finally closed with a single hash ``#`` tag. For example: ``Write a #FF0000 red# word``.
-**scrollbar** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the indicator *part* to show the value. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` and state-based styles to customize. The scroll bar that is shown when the text is larger than the widget's size.
-**selected** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the the style of the selected text. Only ``text_color`` and ``bg_color`` style properties can be used.
-**text_align** (*Optional*, enum): Alignment of the text in the widget - it doesn't align the object itself, only the lines inside the object. One of ``LEFT``, ``CENTER``, ``RIGHT``, ``AUTO``. Inherited from parent. Defaults to ``AUTO``, which detects the text base direction and uses left or right alignment accordingly.
-**text_color** (*Optional*, :ref:`color <lvgl-color>`): Color to render the text in. Inherited from parent. Defaults to ``0`` (black).
-**text_decor** (*Optional*, list): Choose decorations for the text: ``NONE``, ``UNDERLINE``, ``STRIKETHROUGH`` (multiple can be specified as YAML list). Inherited from parent. Defaults to ``NONE``.
-**text_font**: (*Optional*, :ref:`font <lvgl-fonts>`): The ID of the font used to render the text or symbol. Inherited from parent.
-**text_letter_space** (*Optional*, int16): Extra character spacing of the text. Inherited from parent. Defaults to ``0``.
-**text_line_space** (*Optional*, int16): Line spacing of the text. Inherited from parent. Defaults to ``0``.
-**text_opa** (*Optional*, :ref:`opacity <lvgl-opacity>`): Opacity of the text. Inherited from parent. Defaults to ``COVER``.
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling`. Uses all the typical background properties and the text properties. The padding values can be used to add space between the text and the background.
Newline escape sequences are handled automatically by the label widget. You can use ``\n`` to make a line break. For example: ``"line1\nline2\n\nline4"``. For escape sequences like newline to be translated, *enclose the string in double quotes*.
-``lvgl.label.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget styles and properties from the specific options above, just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags.
# Example action (update label with a value from a sensor):
- lvgl.label.update:
id: lbl_id
format: "%.0fdBm"
args: [ 'id(wifi_signal_db).get_state()' ]
The ``label`` can be also integrated as :doc:`Text </components/text/lvgl>` or :doc:`Text Sensor </components/text_sensor/lvgl>` component.
The LED widgets are either circular or rectangular widgets whose brightness can be adjusted. As their brightness decreases, the colors become darker.
..figure:: /components/lvgl/images/lvgl_led.png
**Configuration variables:**
-**brightness** (*Optional*, percentage): The brightness of the LED color, where ``0%`` corresponds to black, and ``100%`` corresponds to the full brightness of the color specified above.
-**color** (*Optional*, :ref:`color <lvgl-color>`): Color for the background, border, and shadow of the widget.
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling`, using all the typical background style properties.
-``lvgl.led.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget styles and properties from the specific options above, just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags.
Check out :ref:`lvgl-cookbook-keypad` in the Cookbook for an example which demonstrates how to change the ``led`` styling properties from an automation.
The line widget is capable of drawing straight lines between a set of points.
..figure:: /components/lvgl/images/lvgl_line.png
**Configuration variables:**
-**line_color** (*Optional*, :ref:`color <lvgl-color>`): Color for the line.
-**line_dash_gap** (*Optional*, int16): Set the width of the gap between the dashes in the line (in pixels).
-**line_dash_width** (*Optional*, int16): Set the width of the dashes in the line (in pixels).
-**line_rounded** (*Optional*, boolean): Make the end points of the line rounded. ``true`` rounded, ``false`` perpendicular line ending.
-**line_width** (*Optional*, int16): Set the width of the line in pixels.
-**points** (**Required**, list): A list of ``x, y`` integer pairs for point coordinates (origin from top left of parent)
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling`, all the typical background properties and line style properties.
By default, the Line widget width and height dimensions are set to ``SIZE_CONTENT``. This means it will automatically set its size to fit all the points. If the size is set explicitly, parts of the line may not be visible.
..code-block:: yaml
# Example widget:
- line:
- 5, 5
- 70, 70
- 120, 10
- 180, 60
- 230, 15
line_width: 8
line_color: 0x0000FF
line_rounded: true
The meter widget can visualize data in very flexible ways. It can use arcs, needles, ticks, lines and/or labels.
..figure:: /components/lvgl/images/lvgl_meter.png
**Configuration variables:**
-**scales** (**Required**, list): A list with (any number of) scales to be added to the meter.
-**angle_range** (**Required**): The angle between start and end of the tick scale. Defaults to ``270``.
-**indicators** (**Required**, list): A list with indicators to be added to the scale. Multiple of each can be added. Their values are interpreted in the range of the scale:
-**arc** (*Optional*): Add a background arc the scale:
-**color**: :ref:`Color <lvgl-color>` to draw the arc. Defaults to ``0`` (black).
-**end_value**: The value in the scale range to end drawing the arc to.
-**r_mod**: Adjust the position of the arc from the scale radius with this amount (can be negative). Defaults to ``0``.
-**start_value**: The value in the scale range to start drawing the arc from.
-**width**: Arc width in pixels. Defaults to ``4``.
-**color_end**: :ref:`Color <lvgl-color>` for the gradient end of the ticks.
-**color_start**: :ref:`Color <lvgl-color>` for the gradient start of the ticks.
-**end_value**: The value in the scale range to modify the ticks to.
-**local**: If ``true`` the ticks' color will be faded from ``color_start`` to ``color_end`` in the start and end values specified above. If ``false``, ``color_start`` and ``color_end`` will be mapped to the entire scale range (and only a *slice* of that color gradient will be visible in the indicator's start and end value range). Defaults to ``false``.
-**start_value**: The value in the scale range to modify the ticks from.
-**width**: Modifies the ``width`` of the tick lines.
-**range_from** (**Required**): The minimum value of the tick scale. Defaults to ``0``.
-**range_to** (**Required**): The maximum value of the tick scale. Defaults to ``100``.
-**rotation** (*Optional*): The rotation angle offset of the tick scale.
-**ticks** (**Required**, list): A scale can have minor and major ticks and labels on the major ticks. To add the minor ticks:
-**color** (*Optional*, :ref:`color <lvgl-color>`): Color to draw the ticks. Required if ``count`` is greater than ``0``. Defaults to ``0x808080``.
-**count** (**Required**): How many ticks to be on the scale. Defaults to ``12``.
-**length** (*Optional*): Tick line length in pixels. Required if ``count`` is greater than ``0``. Defaults to ``10``.
-**width** (*Optional*): Tick line width in pixels. Required if ``count`` is greater than ``0``. Defaults to ``2``.
-**major** (*Optional*, list): If you want major ticks and value labels displayed:
-**color**: :ref:`Color <lvgl-color>` to draw the major ticks. Defaults to ``0`` (black).
-**label_gap**: Label distance from the ticks with text proportional to the values of the tick line. Defaults to ``4``.
-**length**: Tick line length in pixels or percentage. Defaults to ``15%``.
-**stride**: How many minor ticks to skip when adding major ticks. Defaults to ``3``.
-**width**: Tick line width in pixels. Defaults to ``5``.
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling` for the tick *lines* and *labels* using the :ref:`lvgl-widget-line` and :ref:`lvgl-widget-label` text style properties.
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling` for the background of the meter, using the typical background properties.
-**ticks** (*Optional*, dict): Styling options for the ticks *part*, which will be applied to the tick lines and labels using standard *line* and *label* styles.
-**indicator** (*Optional*, dict): Styling options for the indicator *part*, which will be applied to the needle line or image using standard *line* and *image* styles.
-**items** (*Optional*, dict): Settings for the items *part*, which will be applied to arcs.
The zero degree position is at the middle right (3 o'clock) of the widget and the degrees increase in a clockwise direction from there. Angles are specified in the ``0``-``360`` range.
-``lvgl.indicator.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates indicator options as below. :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action can be used for the common styles, states or flags of the meter widget.
-**id** (**Required**): The ID or a list of IDs of indicators to update.
-**end_value** (*Optional*): The value in the scale range to end drawing the arc to.
-**start_value** (*Optional*): The value in the scale range to start drawing the arc from.
See :ref:`lvgl-cookbook-gauge`, :ref:`lvgl-cookbook-thermometer` and :ref:`lvgl-cookbook-clock` in the Cookbook for examples which demonstrate how to effectively use this widget.
The text will be broken into multiple lines automatically and the height will be set automatically to include the text and the buttons. The message box is modal (blocks clicks on the rest of the screen until closed).
-**msgboxes** (*Optional*, list): A list of message boxes to use. This option is available only at the top level of the LVGL component configuration. Each list entry may have the following options:
-**button_style** (*Optional*, dict): A style to apply to the buttons. Uses all the typical style properties. Buttons cannot be individually styled since they are part of a ``buttonmatrix``.
-**close_button** (*Optional*, boolean): Controls the presence of the close button to the top right of the message box. Defaults to true
The configured message boxes are hidden by default. They can be shown and hidden using ```` and ``lvgl.widget.hide`` respectively :ref:`actions <lvgl-automation-shorthands>`.
You can create your own more complex dialogs with a full-screen sized, half-opaque ``obj`` with any child widgets on it, and the ``hidden`` flag set to ``true`` by default. For non-modal dialogs, simply set the ``clickable`` flag to ``false`` on it.
The base object is just a simple, empty widget. By default, it's nothing more than a rounded rectangle:
-**anim_time** (*Optional*, :ref:`Time <config-time>`): When the Roller is scrolled and doesn't stop exactly on an option it will scroll to the nearest valid option automatically in this amount of time.
-**selected** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the selected *part* to show the value. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` and state-based styles to customize. The selected option in the middle. Besides the typical background properties it uses the :ref:`lvgl-widget-label` text style properties to change the appearance of the text in the selected area.
-**visible_row_count** (*Optional*, int8): The number of visible rows.
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling`. The background of the roller uses all the typical background properties and :ref:`lvgl-widget-label` style properties. ``text_line_space`` adjusts the space between the options.
-``lvgl.roller.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget styles and properties from the specific options above, just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags.
-``on_value``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated when you select an item from the list. The new selected index is returned in the variable ``x``, and the text of the selected item is returned in the variable ``text``.
The ``roller`` can be also integrated as :doc:`Select </components/select/lvgl>` component.
The slider widget looks like a bar supplemented with a knob. The user can drag the knob to set a value. Just like bar, slider can be vertical or horizontal. The size of the indicator foreground and the knob position is set according to the current ``value`` of the slider.
-**anim_time** (*Optional*, :ref:`Time <config-time>`): Sets the animation time if the value is set with ``animated: true``.
-**animated** (*Optional*, boolean): Animate the indicator when the bar changes value. Defaults to ``true``.
-**indicator** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the indicator *part* to show the value. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` and state-based styles to customize. The indicator shows the current state of the slider. Also uses all the typical background style properties.
-**knob** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the knob *part* to control the value. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` and state-based styles to customize. A rectangle (or circle) is drawn at the current value. Also uses all the typical background properties to describe the knob. By default, the knob is square (with an optional corner radius) with side length equal to the smaller side of the slider. The knob can be made larger with the padding values. Padding values can be asymmetric.
-**max_value** (*Optional*, int8): Maximum value of the indicator. Defaults to ``100``.
-**min_value** (*Optional*, int8): Minimum value of the indicator. Defaults to ``0``.
-**value** (**Required**, int8): Actual value of the indicator at start, in ``0``-``100`` range. Defaults to ``0``.
- Any :ref:`Styling <lvgl-styling>` and state-based option for the background of the slider. Uses all the typical background style properties. Padding makes the indicator smaller in the respective direction.
Normally, the slider can be adjusted either by dragging the knob, or by clicking on the slider bar. In the latter case the knob moves to the point clicked and slider value changes accordingly. In some cases it is desirable to set the slider to react on dragging the knob only. This feature is enabled by enabling the ``adv_hittest`` flag.
-``lvgl.slider.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget styles and properties from the specific options above, just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags.
-``on_value``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated when the knob changes the value of the slider. The new value is returned in the variable ``x``.
-:ref:`interaction <lvgl-automation-triggers>` LVGL event triggers which also return the value in ``x``.
..code-block:: yaml
# Example widget:
- slider:
x: 10
y: 10
width: 220
id: slider_id
value: 75
min_value: 0
max_value: 100
# Example action:
- lvgl.slider.update:
id: slider_id
bg_color: 0x00FF00
value: 55
# Example trigger:
- slider:
- logger.log:
format: "Slider value is: %.0f"
args: [ 'x' ]
The ``on_value`` trigger is sent as the slider is dragged or changed with keys. The event is sent *continuously* while the slider is being dragged; this generally has a negative effect on performance. To mitigate this, consider using a :ref:`universal interaction trigger <lvgl-automation-triggers>` like ``on_release``, to get the ``x`` variable once after the interaction has completed.
The ``slider`` can be also integrated as :doc:`Number </components/number/lvgl>` or :doc:`Sensor </components/sensor/lvgl>` component.
See :ref:`lvgl-cookbook-bright` and :ref:`lvgl-cookbook-volume` for examples which demonstrate how to use a slider to control entities in Home Assistant.
The spinbox contains a numeric value (as text) which can be increased or decreased through actions. You can, for example, use buttons labeled with plus and minus to call actions which increase or decrease the value as required.
-**anim_time** (*Optional*, :ref:`Time <config-time>`): Sets the cursor's blink time.
-**decimal_places** (*Optional*, 0..6): The number of digits after the decimal point. If ``0``, no decimal point is displayed. Defaults to ``0``.
-**digits** (*Optional*, 1..10): The number of digits (excluding the decimal separator and the sign characters). Defaults to ``4``.
-**range_from** (*Optional*, float): The minimum value allowed to set the spinbox to. Defaults to ``0``.
-**range_to** (*Optional*, float): The maximum value allowed to set the spinbox to. Defaults to ``100``.
-**rollover** (*Optional*, boolean): While increasing or decreasing the value, if either the minimum or maximum value is reached with this option enabled, the value will change to the other limit. If disabled, the value will remain at the minimum or maximum value. Defaults to ``false``.
-**step** (*Optional*, float): The granularity with which the value can be set. Defaults to ``1.0``.
-**value** (**Required**, float): Actual value to be shown by the spinbox at start.
The sign character will only be shown if the set range contains negatives.
-``lvgl.spinbox.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget styles and properties from the specific options above, just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags.
-``lvgl.spinbox.increment``:ref:`action <actions-action>` increases the value by one ``step`` configured above.
-**id** (**Required**): The ID of the spinbox widget which you want to increment.
-``lvgl.spinbox.decrement``:ref:`action <actions-action>` decreases the value by one ``step`` configured above.
-**id** (**Required**): The ID of the spinbox widget which you want to decrement.
-``on_value``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated when the knob changes the value of the arc. The new value is returned in the variable ``x``.
-:ref:`interaction <lvgl-automation-triggers>` LVGL event triggers which also return the value in ``x``.
-**arc_color** (*Optional*, :ref:`color <lvgl-color>`): Color to draw the arcs.
-**arc_length** (**Required**, 0-360): Length of the spinning arc in degrees.
-**arc_opa** (*Optional*, :ref:`opacity <lvgl-opacity>`): Opacity of the arc.
-**arc_rounded** (*Optional*, boolean): Make the end points of the arcs rounded. ``true`` rounded, ``false`` perpendicular line ending.
-**arc_width** (*Optional*, int16): Set the width of the arcs in pixels.
-**indicator** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the indicator *part* to show the value. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` and state-based styles to customize. Draws *another arc using the arc style* properties. Its padding values are interpreted relative to the background arc.
-**spin_time** (**Required**, :ref:`Time <config-time>`): Duration of one cycle of the spin.
-``lvgl.spinner.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget styles and properties for the *indicator* part (anything other than the properties that apply commonly to all widgets), just like the :ref:`lvgl.widget.update <lvgl-automation-actions>` action is used for the common styles, states or flags.
-**indicator** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the indicator *part*, the foreground area underneath the knob shown when the switch is in ``checked`` state. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` and state-based styles to customize.
-**knob** (*Optional*, list): Settings for the knob *part* to control the value. Supports a list of :ref:`styles <lvgl-styling>` and state-based styles to customize.
- Style options from :ref:`lvgl-styling`.
-``on_value``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated when toggling the switch. The boolean variable ``x``, representing the switch's state, may be used by lambdas within this trigger.
-:ref:`interaction <lvgl-automation-triggers>` LVGL event triggers which also return the value in ``x``.
..code-block:: yaml
# Example widget:
- switch:
x: 10
y: 10
id: switch_id
# Example trigger:
- switch:
- logger.log:
format: "Switch state: %d"
args: [ x ]
The ``switch`` can be also integrated as a :doc:`Switch </components/switch/lvgl>` component.
The tabs are indexed (zero-based) in the order they appear in the configuration file. A new tab can be selected either by clicking on a tab button, by sliding horizontally on the content or via the ````:ref:`action <actions-action>`, specifying the tab's index.
-**size** (*Optional*, percentage): The height (in case of ``TOP``, ``BOTTOM``) or width (in case of ``LEFT``, ``RIGHT``) tab buttons. Defaults to ``10%``.
-**tabs** (**Required**, list): A list with (any number of) tabs to be added to tabview.
-**name** (**Required**): The text to be shown on the button corresponding to the tab.
-**id** (*Optional*): An ID for the tab itself.
-**widgets** (**Required**, list): A list of :doc:`/components/lvgl/widgets` to be drawn on the tab, as children.
-**tab_style** (*Optional*): Style settings for the tabs.
-**items** (*Optional*, dict): Settings for the items *part*, the buttons all use the text and typical background style properties except translations and transformations.
-````:ref:`action <actions-action>` jumps the view to the desired tab:
-**id** (**Required**): The ID of the tabview which receives this action.
-**index** (**Required**): The (zero-based) index of the tab to which to jump.
-**animated** (*Optional*, boolean): To animate the movement. Defaults to ``false``.
-``on_value``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated when displayed tab changes. The new value is returned in the variable ``tab`` as the ID of the now-visible tab.
The textarea is an extended label widget which displays a cursor and allows the user to input text. Long lines are wrapped and when the text becomes long enough the text area can be scrolled. It supports one line mode and password mode, where typed characters are replaced visually with bullets or asterisks.
-**accepted_chars** (*Optional*, string): You can set a list of accepted characters, so other characters will be ignored.
-**max_length** (*Optional*, int): Limit the maximum number of characters to this value.
-**one_line** (*Optional*, boolean): The text area can be limited to only allow a single line of text. In this case the height will set automatically to fit only one line, line break characters will be ignored, and word wrap will be disabled.
-**password_mode** (*Optional*, boolean): The text area supports password mode. By default, if the ``•`` (bullet, ``0x2022``) glyph exists in the font, the entered characters are converted to it after some time or when a new character is entered. If ``•`` is missing from the font, ``*`` (asterisk) will be used.
- any :ref:`Styling <lvgl-styling>` and state-based option for the background of the textarea. Uses all the typical background style properties and the text/label related style properties for the text.
-``lvgl.textarea.update``:ref:`action <actions-action>` updates the widget's ``text`` property, to replace the entire text content.
-``on_value``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated on every keystroke.
-``on_ready``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated when ``one_line`` is configured as ``true`` and the newline character is received (Enter/Ready key on the keyboard).
For both triggers above, when triggered, the variable ``text`` (``std::string`` type) is available for use in lambdas within these triggers and it will contain the entire contents of the textarea.
..code-block:: yaml
# Example widget:
- textarea:
id: textarea_id
one_line: true
placeholder_text: "Enter text here"
# Example action:
- lvgl.textarea.update:
id: textarea_id
text: "Hello World!"
# Example trigger:
- textarea:
- logger.log:
format: "Textarea changed to: %s"
args: [ text.c_str() ]
- logger.log:
format: "Textarea ready: %s"
args: [ text.c_str() ]
The ``textarea`` can be also integrated as :doc:`Text </components/text/lvgl>` or :doc:`Text Sensor </components/text_sensor/lvgl>` component.
The tileview is a container object whose elements, called tiles, can be arranged in grid form. A user can navigate between the tiles by dragging or swiping. Any direction can be disabled on the tiles individually to not allow moving from one tile to another.
If the tileview is screen sized, the user interface resembles what you may have seen on smartwatches. The tileview has parts ``main`` and ``scrollbar``.
-**tiles** (**Required**, list): A list with (any number of) tiles to be added to tileview.
-**column** (**Required**): Vertical position of the tile in the tileview grid.
-**row** (**Required**): Horizontal position of the tile in the tileview grid.
-**dir** (*Optional*): Enable moving to adjacent tiles in the given direction by swiping/dragging. One (or multiple as YAML list) of ``LEFT``, ``RIGHT``, ``TOP``, ``BOTTOM``, ``HOR``, ``VER``, ``ALL``. Defaults to ``ALL``.
-**id** (*Optional*): A tile ID to be used with the ```` action.
-**widgets** (*Optional*, list): A list of :doc:`/components/lvgl/widgets` to be drawn on the tile, as children.
-````:ref:`action <actions-action>` jumps the ``tileview`` to the desired tile:
-**animated** (*Optional*, boolean): To animate the movement. Defaults to ``false``.
-**column** (*Optional*): Vertical position of the tile to which to jump. Required if not specifying ``tile_id``.
-**row** (*Optional*): Horizontal position of the tile to which to jump. Required if not specifying ``tile_id``.
-**id** (**Required**): The ID of the tileview which receives this action.
-**tile_id** (*Optional*): The ID of the tile (from within the tileview) to which to jump. Required if not specifying ``row`` and ``column``.
-``on_value``:ref:`trigger <actions-trigger>` is activated when displayed tile changes. The new value is returned in the variable ``tile`` as the ID of the now-visible tile.
As outlined in the sections above, each widget type supports several of its own, unique actions.
Several universal actions are also available for all widgets, these are outlined below.
This powerful :ref:`action <actions-action>` allows changing/updating any widget's common :ref:`style property <lvgl-styling>`, state (templatable) or :ref:`flag <lvgl-widget-flags>` on the fly.
These :ref:`actions <actions-action>` are shorthands for toggling the ``hidden``:ref:`flag <lvgl-widget-flags>` of any widget.
-**id** (**Required**): The ID or a list of IDs of widgets configured in LVGL which you want to hide or show.
..code-block:: yaml
- lvgl.widget.hide: my_label_id # a single widget
- [my_button_1, my_button_2] # a list of widgets
- delay: 0.5s
-id: my_label_id
- lvgl.widget.hide:
- id: [my_button_1, my_button_2]
``lvgl.widget.disable``, ``lvgl.widget.enable``
These :ref:`actions <actions-action>` are shorthands for toggling the ``disabled`` state of any widget (which controls the appearance of the corresponding *disabled* style set of the theme):
-**id** (**Required**): The ID or a list of IDs of widgets configured in LVGL which you want to disable or enable.
..code-block:: yaml
- on_...:
- lvgl.widget.disable:
- my_button_1
- my_button_2
- on_...:
- lvgl.widget.enable:
- id: my_button_1
- id: my_button_2
Specific triggers like ``on_value`` are available for certain widgets; they are described above in their respective section.
Some universal triggers are also available for all of the widgets:
ESPHome implements as universal triggers the following interaction events generated by LVGL:
-``on_press``: The widget has been pressed.
-``on_long_press``: The widget has been pressed for at least the ``long_press_time`` specified in the input device configuration. Not called if scrolled.
-``on_long_press_repeat``: Called after ``long_press_time`` in every ``long_press_repeat_time`` ms. Not called if scrolled.
-``on_short_click``: The widget was pressed for a short period of time, then released. Not called if scrolled or long pressed.
-``on_click``: Called on release if a widget did not scroll (regardless of long press).
-``on_release``: Called in every case when a widget has been released.
-``on_scroll_begin``: Scrolling of the widget begins.
These triggers can be applied directly to any widget in the LVGL configuration, *given that the widget itself supports generating such events*. For the widgets having a value, the triggers return the current value in variable ``x``; this variable may be used in lambdas defined within those triggers.
Each trigger also deliver an ``event`` parameter, which is a pointer to the LVGL C type ``lv_event_t``. This may be used in lambdas defined within those triggers. Refer to the `LVGL documentation <>`_ for more information.
There are additional triggers for pages - each page may have an ``on_load`` and ``on_unload`` trigger. These will be called
when the page becomes active or inactive respectively.